• Published 31st May 2019
  • 7,717 Views, 41 Comments

Equestria Ninja Girls of Moo Mesa - Wildcard25

The Ninjas and the Rainbooms are off on another adventure into the old west populated by anthropomorphic cows who're Cowboys.

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Cowtown Guests

The Mutants, Mona, the Rainbooms, and Spike had no idea their little excursion to alternate realities would lead them into getting involved in an old western showdown with a couple of outlaws, only to be assisted by three law abiding 'Cow' Boys.

“Welcome to Cowtown, folks. I'm Marshal Moo Montana. And these here be my pals the Cowlorado kid.” Moo introduced.

“Howdy.” Cowlorado greeted.

“And the Dakota Dude.”

“Hey.” Dakota greeted.

“Nice to meet you. I'm Leonardo, and these are my brothers, Raphael, Donatello, and Michelangelo.”

“What up?” Mikey greeted.

Slash spoke up, “Name's Slash, and this here's my posse. Leatherhead, Rockwell, Pete, Mondo, Mona, and Bandit.”

“Don't stereotype my name.” Bandit warned them.

Sunset spoke up, “My name is Sunset Shimmer. And these girls are my crew. There's Twilight Sparkle.”




“Pinkie Pie.”

“Nice to meetcha!”

“Rainbow Dash.”




“And Fluttershy.”


“And I'm Spike.” the dog greeted.

Cowlorado whispered to Dakota, "Do some of those gals have wings on their backs and horns on their foreheads?"

Daokta noticed, "Yup."

"Good, then it ain't just me."

“Nice to meetcha,” Moo continued, “You did some fine work there handling these outlaws.”

“It's kinda what we do.” Rainbow boasted.

“You were definitely awesome there yourself.” Spike commended the Marshal, who got down to Spike's level and spoke.

“Well, thanks, kid,” he playfully pulled Spike's cowboy hat down so it was around his whole head, “I appreciate the appreciation. But like it says in the Code of the West “If ya get a big head helping people. Your hat won't fit.” I like that.”

Spike pulled his hat up and straightened it out, “You should tell that to Rainbow.”

“So true.” Rarity agreed.

“Hey.” Rainbow scowled.

“You folks just passin' through?” Cowlorado asked.

“Sort of, we've done a lot of traveling and stopped in for a spell.” Leo explained.

“Well, you folks are welcomed to stay as long as you need.” Moo offered.

“Indeed,” came a new voice. Everyone looked over and saw a purple cow dressed all fancy, “We in Cowtown pride ourselves in watching heroes at work.”

“Who're you?” Slash asked.

“Mayor Oscar Bulloney, at your service.” he tipped his hat.

“Whoa, the mayor.” Mikey gasped.

“We were just doing what anybody would do when it comes to making folks feel safe, sir.” Twilight explained.

“Of course. Well, I best be moseying along. Enjoy your stay.” the mayor said while taking his leave.

“So what do we do now?” Pete asked.

“How about we show you folks around?” Moo offered.

“Sounds good to us.” Donnie agreed.

The mayor had walked into the sheriff’s office and called out, “Terror Bull!” a big red bull wearing a badge who was napping fell off his chair and onto he floor.

“Yeah, boss?” he groaned, while getting up.

“I'm afraid we have some trouble in our midst.”

“What do you mean?'

“Look outside.”

The sheriff looked out the window seeing the group following the Cow Boys, “Huh, never seen them folks around here.”

“I know,” the mayor confirmed, “They fight just as good as the Marshal. And I have a feeling they could spell trouble for us.”

“So what should we do about it?” Terror Bull asked.

“I think the Masked Bull should give our guests a little 'hospitality' so to speak.” the mayor chuckled.

Meanwhile by the ranch, the cowboys were watching as several of the Rainbooms and even the turtles were trying to ride horses.

Mikey was trying to hold onto his horse who was galloping too fast for him, “Aaah! Clothes line! Clothes line!” he got knocked off by running into the clothes line.

Pinkie was trying to hold on, before she was sent flying off, “Wheeeeewhaaaaa!”

Rainbow herself was holding on, only to get knocked off, “Stupid horse!”

Donnie was riding his with no problem, “Hi ho, Silver! Whoa!” he ended up slipping off, “Oh horse!” he groaned.

Sunset was holding onto hers, “Whoa. Whoa! Whoa!” her horse flung her off and she crashed onto the ground, “Oh!” she looked to the fourth wall, “Am I getting danger pay for this?”

Raph was struggling to hold onto his horse, “Whoa!” he ended up falling off and landed in a water trough. He got up and chased after the horse, “Hey, horsey!”

As Sunset got up while still in pain, Twilight and Cowlorado came over to her, “Somebody dial 911, if that's possible.” the girl groaned.

"Thirsty?” Cowlorado offered her a cup of water.

“Oh no. My hip.” she answered.

“You guys never rode on a horse before?” the kid asked.

“Not that rough. That's for sure.” Twilight groaned, while recalling she barely lasted a minute on one of the horses.

Suddenly they saw Leo and Applejack riding by on their horses like pros, “Yee ha!” Applejack called.

“Adios amigos!” Leo called, as the two rode around the ranch.

“Looks like Applejack and Leonardo got it down.” Moo smirked.

Sunset grumbled before speaking to Twilight, “No offense, Twilight, but Leo can be a big showoff sometimes.” Twilight chuckled nervously.

Mona was struggling to hold onto a horse, “How can one expect to ride these things?” she fell off.

“WHOA!” Mondo cried, as he held on for his life, only to get flung off and landed on the ground, “Oh, wipe out!”

Fluttershy giggled, as she was feeding one of the horses, “There you go. Enjoy.”

“That's some fine work there, miss,” Came a woman's voice. Coming over was a female cow dressed as a cowgirl, “It can be a gosh darn chore to get some of these fellas to stay still, even for meals.”

“I'm just good with critters,” Fluttershy admitted, “And who're you?”

“Name's Cowlamity Kate Cudster. I own this here ranch.”

“Oh, it's nice to meet you. My name's-”

“Nah don'tcha worry, none. Dakota there's told me all about you and your friends.”

“That's awful nice of him.” Fluttershy said.

“Yeah. He may look big and tough but deep down he's a softy.” the two chuckled.

Moo spoke up, “Say why don't we all go to the Tumbleweed for a round of sarsaparillas.”

“What they don't have soda here?” Mikey asked the others.

“Actually, sarsaparilla is an early Root Beer.” Donnie explained.

“Huh, could be tasty.” Mikey admitted.

"It is." Pinkie confirmed.

“I'm eager to get my drink on.” Bandit agreed.

“We shall take you up on that offer, Marshal.” Rockwell said.

“Then follow us.” Moo said, as the group escorted their guests off.

As the group left, the sheriff under the alias of the Masked Bull along with his cowardly cronies Boot Hill Buzzard and Saddle Sore Scorpion were watching them from behind a boulder.

“There they go,” Masked Bull began, before turning to his flunkies, “You remember the plan, right?”

“Yeah, but it ain't gonna be easy taking all them folks out.” Saddle Sore noted.

“Especially that big turtle and that gator. He looks mean.” Boot Hill said nervously.

“Don't be getting cold feet now. We have our orders. And we're gonna stick to 'em. Got it?” Masked Bull ordered, as the two nodded nervously, “Then let's move.” the three tailed the heroes.

Author's Note:

Scene of the group trying to ride horses was recommended by TMNTony who was inspired by the scene from the Third Movie