• Published 18th Aug 2012
  • 829 Views, 1 Comments

Rescuing Twilight - Simon Joe

Twilight was captured. Now her friends must save her, but the task is harder then it sounds.

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Escaping Stargazer


The six of us woke up in a cold, empty room. I could not remember much of what happened. Only that the aliens were attacking me for freeing Twilight. I remember seeing Luna take her and jump through the portal as it closed not two seconds after. The electricity must have made us pass out.

Anyways, I woke everypony else up and began to search for a way out. The only exit was a locked door. There was window, but going through there would be the stupidest think a pony could do. The only thing that Stargazer did not count on, apparently, was locking me up, one of the most powerful unicorns alive.

I used my magic and grabbed hold of the door. It took a lot of effort, but soon enough the door broke off the wall and came right out. What came right after that was what must have been the most annoying noise I have ever heard in my one and a half thousand years being alive. It was coming from a speaker on the wall, so I figured it must have been some kind of alarm. As soon as it went off, though, I immediately ripped it out. I didn’t think it stopped anypony from hearing, however. At this I was right, because the next thing we heard was Stargazer’s voice coming from... somewhere. We ripped the speaker out, so I know it was not from there. But that’s not important.

“I see you have woken up,” he said. “I was not expecting that door to hold you. By the way, I don’t bother talking back to me, because I cannot hear you.”

“Hmph, figures,” I heard Applejack whisper under her breath.

“Now, there should be guards waiting for you somewhere out there. Do not try to run, because they have you surrounded. I will be waiting for you.”

I had to wonder if we really were surrounded, or if he was just saying that so we wouldn’t move.

“Princess,” Scootaloo called for me. “Do we stay?”

“No,” I took a moment to look over my shoulder. For whatever reason, the aliens left us with our guns and swords. “If we really are surrounded, then we can easily break out. Either way, we have to find our way to Stargazer.”

“How do we do that? These ships are HUGE.” Pinkie asked.

“I don’t know yet.”

I slowly poked my head out the door. I did not see anypony. I thought that Stargazer must have been lying. That was all confirmed when a strange green gas started to leak through vents in the wall. I instantly pulled everypony around me and put up a force field to protect us from it. We dashed out of the room to make our escape, but to our surprise, there actually were ponies coming to get us. They sure were surprised to see us as they argued with each other about the gas being released.

One of them finally stomped his hoof to get the others’ attention, and then they all started firing at us. Of course, however, they were all being deflected by the shield. There were at least ten of them on each side of us, so I grabbed all of them and threw them behind. We got a running start, but they were gaining on us.

Pinkie was right. The ship was really big. I didn’t know where to go. There were so many rights and lefts. There must have been a map or… something somewhere, right? There at least was on the Celestial Space Station, but of course, they were two different things from two different planets.

Keeping them all close to me, I led everypony to an elevator where we could escape them. I pressed the only button available, the door opened, and we all piled in. There was another series of buttons inside the elevator. None of them made sense to me. They all consisted of strange symbols and markings that I could not understand. I was forced to guess, and pressed one that looked like a “v” turned to its side. The doors slid shut, and the elevator began its journey upward.

“Okay, so now that we escaped them, how do we get to Stargazer?” Applejack brought up the question again.

“If we are lucky, he will come to us,” I answered.

“But, what if he doesn’t?” Rarity had to ask.

“Then we find our way.”

The elevator soon came to a halt, and the doors opened. No longer in the force field, we all exited and took a look around. Everything was the same; long hallways with multiple rooms on each side. Only, unlike before, all of these doors were closed. It looked as if you needed a higher authority to access them.

Without hesitation, walked up to one of the doors. I could not help but wonder what was behind them. What if they were planning some kind of attack on Equestria? Some kind of master plan that was being mixed up for all of these years?

I grabbed the door with my magic and began to pull out. I heard the metal snap, and I was then able to break the door off completely. I threw it back into the room at two aliens who were working at some kind of control panel. There were two more of them that were watching through the window at a meeting. The room looked like the room that Twilight was in, except there was no portal and no machines draining magic. I took those aliens and threw them through the window. With glass everywhere, I looked down at the room below us and fired a light pink beam from my right hoof at them. I had to make sure they would stay down.

A map that was in the middle of the table they were around floated up to us at my command. I looked at it, and the image was quite disturbing. It was indeed Equestria. Drawn around it were several of the ships with arrows pointing to various spots on the map.

“This is it,” I put my hoof down. “We have to find Stargazer and stop all of this, now!”

“But we have no idea where he is, or even how to get to him,” Scootaloo reminded.
I thought for a second, but quickly came up with a solution for that. I lifted up the door that I had thrown in and freed one of the aliens. He was still awake, as he moaned and grunted.

“You are to take me to Stargazer, do you hear me?” I commanded.

“W… Why should I?” he argued.

“How about I say bring me to Stargazer or you die?” I did not want to make a threat like that, but I had to. I needed to find Stargazer so I could stop all of this and save Equestria.

He simply laughed while he struggled to get himself up off of the ground. “ I would rather die!” he slowly brought his gun up and pressed it against the side of his head. Before I could do anything, he fired and fell down in a puddle of blood. I had never seen anything like it before. I simply stood there wide-eyed. It was clear that these aliens were not going to lead me to him. We would have to find our own way.

As everypony else was in a circle staring at him, I exited the room. I had seen enough. They all soon followed me as I resumed walking down the hall. There was a door at the end of the hall to the left of the elevator. There was a door at the end of it that I targeted. I ripped it off like I did with the first two, and inside was what looked like might have been the boiler room, or something to that affect. There were several tanks next to each other, each marked with a different word in their language.

“Nothing,” I said.

“Where do we go now?” Rarity asked.

“I don’t know,” at this point I did not know what to do. Then the thought came to me; why didn’t I just let the guards escort us to him? That sure would have made our jobs a lot easier.

I turned around and walked the other way. When we got about half way down the hall, the elevator door opened and about twenty guards stopped us.

“Don’t move or I’ll kill you all!” One of them said. Of course, that threat didn’t scare me. I knew if I had to I could easily take them all out.

“Come with us,” said another one.

Without saying anything else, I silently agreed to go with them. “Princess, what are you doing?” Scootaloo whispered to me as we were walking.

“We want to go to Stargazer, right? Well, they are going to take us to him. Really, we were foolish not to go with them in the first place,” I explained.

The first thing we did was go through the elevator again. After that, we just went through more hallways. It was really quite boring, actually. The only thing I could think of was how hot and stuffy it was inside that suit. It was really uncomfortable. I wanted to at least take my helmet off, but I figured it might be better to keep it on.

We finally turned left to a long, dark hallway. At the end, the door looked different from all the other ones. It looked as if it was more secure and harder to open. As we got closer to it, there were words written on it in golden letters. Of course, I could not read them. They were in the alien language. We stopped as one of the guards went to type a code in.

The door slid to the right, and on the other side was what looked like the control room. The first thing that caught my eye was the huge windshield that took up the whole wall. Apart from that, there were several rows of desks that contained buttons, levers, and switches. Waiting by one of them was Stargazer. He was the only one inside, for some reason. The guards shoved us in and closed the door behind us.

He walked up to us. Like the guards, he still had his suit on, so we could not see his face. “Ah, you have arrived,” he observed.

“Yes. What do you want from us?” I responded.

“I want to see you guy dead. I cannot have you getting in the way of my plan, you see.”

“Your plan? You mean the one to destroy Equestria?”

“And how do you know about that?”

“I have seen your plans. Plus, you have been up here for eight years. What else would you be doing?”

“Well, we do not exactly know the way back home. We have been up here for so long. We were lucky, really, to find this planet.”

There was a moment of silence. I had run out of things to say to Stargazer. I was waiting to see what he was going to say or even do next.

“Hey, what’s up with the wings?” Scootaloo saw the metallic wings attached to Stargazer’s back.

“What’s up? What is that supposed to mean?” Stargazer sounded confused. They obviously were not masters at speaking English.

“What are they for?”

“Well, why didn’t you say that? You see, naturally I am an earth pony. However, my scientists were able to come up with these. Now, earth ponies and unicorns can fly if they choose. They just cannot walk on clouds.” He pressed a button on his chest and fire spat out of the bottom of the wings, lifting him up into the air. “Now, any other questions before I put bullets in your heads?”

I knew that I had to something. I looked around, but saw nothing that could help us. Then I saw out the windshield was another ship. I thought that maybe if I took control of this one, I could crash it into the other one. It would involve the deaths of several ponies, and for that matter wasn’t something that I wanted to do, but I had to save Equestria. This would at least slow them down.

I used my magic to grab hold of the door we came in through. With all my strength, I attempted to open it. It was a lot harder then all of the other doors. Stargazer must have seen me trying to open it, because he started to shoot at me. I joined him up in the air. He still attempted to shoot me, but I kept dodging his bullets. I tried to fly around to his back, but he was too fast for me.

“I could use some help!” I shouted. Immediately, Applebloom shot a beam at Stargazer. It didn’t hit him, but it sure did distract him which was all that I needed. I took the opportunity to get around to his back. I pulled out my sword and hit him in the head with it. As he lost consciousness, he lost all control and started flying everywhere until he was stopped by a wall. Landing on the ground must have pressed the button on his chest again because the flames cut off.

I returned to the ground and looked around. There was still no one else in the room. “Applebloom, Scootaloo, you two guard the door. Do not let anypony through,” I ordered. “Pinkie, Applejack, and Rarity, help me figure out how to control this thing.”

“Okay!” Pinkie pranced over to one of the control desks.

“What do you want to do?” Applejack asked.

“That ship over there,” I pointed my hoof towards the ship out the windshield. “We’re going to crash into it. I have to save Equestria, and if it involves killing everypony on board these ships, then that is what has to be done.”

I pulled down a lever, and nothing happened, or at least, nothing that I could see from there. I looked over at Pinkie who was pulling every lever, turning every knob, and flicking every switch. I thought to myself, maybe I would have better luck just doing that. It would be faster than going through all of these one by one, anyways.

I looked over at all of the other control desks. One of them had a glowing blue button on it. It looked promising, so I went over and pressed it. As soon as I did, the whole ship started shaking. I looked over at a lever that was beside it. It was resting in the middle, so I pushed it forward. After a few seconds, I began to notice the ship was accelerating.

At this time, Stargazer was regaining consciousness. He saw that the ship was moving closer to the other one, and sprung to his feet. “What are you doing?”

“Saving Equestria!” I spat at him. To make sure he could not stop me, I broke the lever off. By then, the ship was beginning to pick up more speed.

“Zvilk ochrk, pivnd wskild doshtin!” a stallion spoke from a radio somewhere on the ship.

“Vilk volgagi! Gol frgia!” Stargazer spoke to the radio, then directed his attention towards us. “You fools! You are just going to wind up killing yourselves too!”

“I will make sure that does not happen.” Without giving warning, I turned around and shot a beam through the windshield. As it shattered, Stargazer put his grip on one of the desks to avoid being sucked out. The rest of us were thrown out like rag dolls next to an explosion. As soon as we were outside, I grabbed Applejack and Pinkie Pie. Rarity I grabbed with my magic as I flapped my wings to get us away from the two ships. Scootaloo grabbed Applebloom and did the same. The next thing I saw was the ship that we were just in collide into the side of the other one, followed by several explosions. Soon, they were completely swallowed up in flames as pieces of burnt metal flew everywhere.
The last thing I was thinking of was how I could not hear the explosions. Not even a little bit. It was as if I suddenly became def. That thought quickly left my head as we were blown back and slammed into another ship. I knew immediately that we had to board it. Luna told me that the suits had only a limited air supply, and I did not know how long we had been using it.
I looked around for an entrance, and then over at the others who were simply floating around beside me.
“Can everypony hear me?” I asked.
“I can hear you,” Rarity responded.
Everypony else confirmed that they could also hear me shortly after.
“Very well, then. That’s working. Listen, we have to find a way inside this ship. I don’t know how much air these suits have left.”
“Right!” Applejack said.
We all searched around for a while, but found nothing. I started to think that the only way we were going to get in was through a window, which was something that I really did not want to do. I realized that my sword was still in my hoof. I waited for a moment, looking one last time to see if there was another way. From what I could see, there was not. First, I pulled myself over to a nearby window. Then, I took my sword and gave a good swing at the window. Like the windshield did previously, the window shattered. The force of the air being sucked out threw me back a ways. I quickly recovered, though, and kept a safe distance away. From what I could see, there were no aliens inside the room, but a lot of papers and strange looking utensils flew out.

I looked at the room, wondering when all of the air would be out. At that moment I noticed that the whole room was being ripped apart. There was nothing I could do, though. I could only stay there and watch. Everypony else came to where I was.
“Is this our way in?” Pinkie asked.
“Hopefully. If the room is still intact by the time the air is out, this will be our way.”

Author's Note:

Chapter 6 is finished, I just have to edit it. Be aware that this may take some time, so just keep a grasp on thy patients and it shall be out soon.