• Published 28th Apr 2019
  • 8,577 Views, 282 Comments

Equestria BatGirls - Wildcard25

The Rainbooms and their Ninja Allies from New York are thrown into another dimension with their enemies the Kraang and must join forces with the Dark Knight to stop them and return home.

  • ...

Battle At Arkham Part 1

Once the heroes had learned of the situation as well as where the Kraang had been hiding, they were ready to stop them once and for all. But Batman had other ideas...

"You're benching us again?!" Rainbow Dash exclaimed.

"Yes!" Batman answered.

"After everything we've been through?" Mikey asked.

"Exactly!" Batman said.

"But this is our last chance at getting home." Leo stated

"I know, but first the Kraang must be stopped before they invade Gotham," Batman stated, "But I'm not taking any chances after that stunt you pulled with Joker."

"Okay, we get it," Sunset said, "We messed up, but-"

"But nothing!" Batman cut her off, "I gave you specific orders not to fight Joker and you almost got yourselves killed!"

"Well, it would've been useful to know more about Joker before we fought him." April pointed out

"Can't argue with that point." Batgirl agreed.

"That doesn't change the fact that you all acted like amateurs!" Batman said.

"Amateurs!?" The Turtles and Rainbooms gasped.

"You impulsively run into battle without thinking it through, you act like any fight you get in you will walk away unscathed, and some of you either goof around or act cocky and arrogant in situations where you shouldn't! And your gullible and naive to fairly obvious traps!" The ninjas frowned at that last statement, "I was willing to let your other slip ups go, since you come from a different dimension and have different methods, but not this time! The stakes are far too high to allow any severe mistakes."

"But making mistakes is how we learn." Pinkie said sadly.

"Now see here, Batman," Rarity objected, "We-"

"Guys!" Nightwing broke in, "As much as I hate to admit it, Batman's right. The stake are too high."

"And no offense, but admittingly you guys have made plenty of mistakes." Robin added.

"As much as you guys have been helpful, I have to agree with Batman on this one." Black Canary said.

"I agree too," Huntress said, "You all were sloppy and the only reason you survived against any of the villains was by sheer luck!"

"You too, Batgirl?" April asked.

Batgirl was silent for a moment, "April. I've got nothing against you or your team, but..." she said, regrettably, "I think it's best that you all sit this one out."

"But-" the Turtles and Rainbooms said.

"You're all staying here! End of discussion!" Batman stated, then spoke to his team, "Now, we've already wasted enough time. Let's go!"

Then the Bat Family turned, with everyone one but Batman looking back in remorse as they got into their respective vehicles and drove off, leaving the Ninjas standing alone in shock, and silence.

After long moment, Keno spoke up, "Well, ain't he a ray of sunshine."

"Why that... that... JERKFACE!" Mikey glared, "I can't believe he just benched like this!"

"The nerve of him!" Rarity huffed, "Labeling us incompetent in such a manner!"

"I'll admit, we've made mistakes, sure," Donnie stated, "But that doesn't mean we're not capable!"

"How could he?!" Fluttershy said, with a frown, "That... Meanie!"

"The Kraang are ours!" Rainbow Dash said, "What right does he have to leave us like that?"

"I'm so not throwing him a 'Thank You For Getting Us Home' party!" Pinkie Pie pouted.

"Amateurs? Us?!" Casey exclaimed.

"How are we supposed to learn from our mistakes if he just forces us to stay?!" April asked aloud.

"I guess Raph and Applejack had the right idea about him!" Twilight Sparkle frowned.

Sunset Shimmer sadly looked down at a ledge, "Why doesn’t he understand?" She said aloud, "I thought we could trust him," Then her sadness turned to anger, "But I was wrong! He’ll never trust us! You were right all along, Raph! This was a waste!"

Raph looked away for a moment, "Actually, Sunset..." he said, "I was wrong."

"What?" Sunset was surprised. As was everyone else.

"Did I hear that right?" Pinkie Pie began.

"Or did you just say you were wrong about Batman?" Mikey finished.

"Yeah, he did," Applejack said equally ashamed of herself, "And I was wrong too."

"That's kind of weird coming from guys." Casey commented.

"Especially since you two have been nothing but resentful to Batman." Rarity reminded them.

"Yeah yeah, we know," Applejack frowned in annoyance, "We were still mad at him for pulling that gambit on us, that nearly got us all killed by those villains."

"We thought he only cared about getting the job done, no matter who got hurt," Raph added, "Until he showed us the real him."

"What do you mean?" Casey asked.

Applejack looked away in remorse, "We know now what Sunset saw in his memory.

"Oh." Sunset looked down, she knew the others weren't gonna take it well.

"He took us to a place called Crime Alley," Raph explained. "It was where he lost his parents..."

Everyone gasped.

"Batman lost his parents?!" Leo exclaimed.

"For real?!" Rainbow Dash asked in shock.

"Oh, no!" Fluttershy covered her mouth.

"Ouch!" Keno said.

"That's deep!" Casey added.

"It explains so much about him!" Mikey gasped.

Rarity turned to Sunset, "Why didn’t you tell us, darling?"

"One, I didn’t think Batman would let me," Sunset explained, "And two, that!" She pointed to Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy, as the two girls were crying their eyes out, while Mikey comforted them, but he was looking choked up as well.

"Oh." Rarity understood.

"He was eight years old when some mugger shot them, demanding money and his mom’s necklace," Raph went on, "And ever since, he's worked hard to make sure it would never happen to another family again."

"We’re sorry we snapped at y’all earlier," Applejack said, "It’s just that, we thought you’d be more serious about stopping the Kraang."

"We were just trying to do things that would calm us down," Sunset explained, "Guess we over did it."

"No wonder he’s so mean!" Pinkie Pie exclaimed, through sobs, "If I lost my parents, I’d be a meanie, too!"

"I......know what it’s like to lose both parents." April said, sadly, remembering when she lost mother and when her father got kidnapped and mutated twice.

"We all do." Donnie chimed in, recalling how the Turtles had lost Splinter to Super Shredder.

"It doesn't matter now," Leo spoke up, "Because Batman was right about us!"

"What?" The others exclaimed.

"Dude, what do mean Batman was right?" Casey asked.

"Leo?" Twilight was shocked.

"We've been acting like things are the same in this world like in ours, but it's not!" Leo said, with a downcast look, "This world is full of powerful super villains that are way more dangerous than any mutant we ever faced! We're out of our league here!"

"You can't be serious, Leo!" April said.

"Look, just cause we were wrong about Batman, doesn't mean he was right about us!" Raph said.

"Oh, really?!" Leo countered, "The last few times we tried to prove ourselves, three of us got severely injured by Bane! We nearly went mad with fear by The Scarecrow's toxin! And worst of all, we completely underestimated the Joker and almost lost our lives! And does anyone think that the only reason we held our own against Batman, when we first fought, was because he was holding back?"

"That's debatable." Rainbow Dash said.

"My point is, this world and especially these villains are bigger than us, completely! Even more so, now that they're mutated!" Leo finished, "We don't stand a chance here!"

"How can you say that, Leo?!" Twilight asked in shock.

"We did the best we could, Leo," Donnie added, "And handled those villains just fine!"

"Barely!" Leo noted, "And only because we got lucky! And we certainly didn't stand a chance against the Joker!"

"Look, Leo, what happened with Joker... that was mine and Applejack's fault." Raph reluctantly admitted.

"You and Sunset tried to stop us, but we ignored you and rushed right into Joker's trap without thinking." Applejack added.

"And... so did me and Casey." Rainbow Dash added, sheepishly, recalling that they rushed in without thinking too.

"Yeah." Casey admitted.

"And me too." Twilight blushed in embarrassment, remembering that she still underestimated Joker then too.

"If we didn't, then we wouldn't have almost died! And maybe Batman wouldn't have benched us right now," Raph said, "But just because we made one big mess up, doesn't mean we're out of our league!"

"And even if we are, that's never stopped us before!" Applejack put in, "And I’m telling you here and now we ain’t starting to quit tonight!"

"They're right, Leo," Twilight chimed in, "And although we made some mistakes, we also did some good here."

"Yeah?" Leo said, doubtfully, "Name one thing we did right on our own?"

April spoke first, "I got over my jealousy with Batgirl and now we’re friends. And because of that, I was able to beat the Riddler's game."

"And we saved the city council as well." Donnie added.

"We helped the Titans with Red X and discovered it was Jason Todd." Mikey spoke next.

"We saved Montoya from The Mad Hatter. Even though we got beat up doing it." Casey said, while feeling the bruises he still had from the beating he took from the cop and Sportsmaster.

Ace walked up and barked at Leo.

"Ace is grateful that I helped him and his friends." Fluttershy translated, as she petted the dog.

"And I got to understand Huntress more," Pinkie Pie added, "And I saved her from the mind controlled Black Canary and that cat-mask lady who sounds like Karai!"

"I helped Black Canary and Catwoman defeat Mr. Freeze." Rarity said, although still miffed at the thief for stealing her bracelet.

"We saved Batman and his team and helped them stop Bane, Poison Ivy, and Clayface." Twilight stated.

"Not to mention," Rainbow Dash continued, "We also defeated Killer Croc and that Puppet gangster and his goons."

"If I may intrude on your conversation?" Alfred chimed in, "But your brothers and friends are right, Master Leonardo."

"What?" Leo asked.

"Wait, we are?" Mikey inquired.

"Yes," Alfred went on, "Though you made mistakes and underestimated enemies that you shouldn't have, you've also done plenty of good for Batman and this city."

"Maybe, but-" Leo started but Alfred cut him off.

"In fact, I can remember a time when Master Bruce found himself in a similar situation like all of you."

"What do you mean?" Sunset Shimmer asked.

"Gotham wasn’t like the way it was today," Alfred began, "Back when Master Bruce was just beginning, he was battling against common thugs and crime bosses. Then the criminals started becoming more powerful and dangerous! And while Master Bruce was able to face them, Gotham was still just a tiny part of the world. And then, everything changed..."

"How so?" Donnie asked.

"Beings started to appear, alien refugees, warrior princesses, men that could run faster than sound, kings from the bottom of the sea!" Alfred listed off, "And with them came bigger and more powerful threats! Threats that were certainly out of Batman's experience, or as you would put it," he added knowingly, "Out of his league!"

"Kind of like us." Twilight Sparkle said, understanding.

"Exactly!" Leo reminded them, "We don't understand this world."

"I once said something quite similar to Master Bruce," Alfred noted, "But he told me he didn't need to recognize it... he just had to save it," Then he placed a hand on the Turtle's shoulder, "And that, Master Leonardo, is exactly what you and your team must do, despite the odds."

"See, Leo," Mikey said, "Even the butler thinks we're good enough for this world!"

"And Applejack was right before, Leo," Donnie noted, "We've been out of league in our world before, too. Like all the times we got our butts kicked by Shredder, his mutants, Lord Dregg, and Tatsu. When we first failed to de-mutate Karai, or stop the Triceratons from destroying the Earth the first time. But even when we got outmatched and defeated, we never let that stop us from saving our city, our friends & family, or the world!"

"And we didn't just survive because we got lucky," April put in, "We survived because we were resourceful, worked together, and most of all, because of your leadership!"

Raph then laid a hand on Leo's shoulder, "So like I said to you, when you were freaking out during that Panic in the Sewers incident: Get it together, captain! You're our leader, act like one!"

Leo thought about all that for a moment, when suddenly an alarm on the Bat Computer went off.

"We didn't touch anything!" Mikey and Pinkie Pie said.

Alfred hurried over and spoke through the comlink, "Master Bruce! This is Penny one, do you copy?!" But there was no response.

"What's going on, yo?" Casey asked.

Alfred turned to the Ninjas with a serious expression, "Batman and his team have been captured!"

The Ninjas gasped!

"Oh, no!" Twilight cried.

"We gotta help them!" Sunset exclaimed.

"But Joker's at Arkham!" Fluttershy worried, "And he almost killed us!"

Leo looked around in thought, when he glanced at something, and smiled, "Say, Raph?" He asked his brother.

"What?" Raph replied.

"Remember what I said, when Sunset brought us here? You know, about how much more efficient we'd be if we had Batman's kind of resources..." he stepped to the side and motioned with his thumb at all the display cases with the gadgets and costumes.

Everyone looked at each other and smiled.

"You know what, Leo," Raph grinned, "I actually like that idea!"

Rarity squealed with joy, "I hoped this moment would come!"

Meanwhile, the Bat Family arrived at Arkham and they made their way inside.

"No matter how many times I come here, this place always creeps me out." Batgirl said, warily.

"Tell me about it." Nightwing agreed.

"I seriously hope the plan works." Huntress said.

"Second it." Black Canary added.

"I bet we're going to have to make it up as we go at some point." Robin stated.

"Everyone?" Batman spoke up.

"What?" They all asked.


Huntress frowned, "If that was his best shot at humor it was terrible."

"It's not always bad." Robin noted.

"Batman, are you sure leaving the Turtles and Rainbooms back at the cave was good idea?" Batgirl asked.

"It was for the best." Batman replied.

"He's right, kid," Huntress agreed, "Those teenagers would've done something to mess everything up!"

"Maybe," Batgirl admitted, "But they're not incompetent."

"I'll admit, their valiant ninjas in their own right," Batman said, "But as I said before, I’m not taking anymore chances after their impulsive behavior lead to their near death by the Joker!"

"True, but they were right about one thing," Batgirl said, "What happened with the Joker was our fault too," Everyone looked at her after she said that. She went on, "We never told them why Joker was so dangerous! Instead, we just kept them in the dark."

"That's true," Nightwing admitted, "But they wouldn't have believed us even if we had."

"Yeah," Robin added, "They just laughed after we told them he was most dangerous man in all of Gotham, remember?"

"Yes. But even so," Batgirl retorted, "We could have told them all the things that Joker had done. Like crippling me, almost driving my father insane, and most of all, killing Jason! We can't deny that the Turtles and Rainbooms wouldn't have been in that passion with Joker if we had fully explained why he was a threat!"

"I... guess you have a point." Robin reluctantly admitted.

"And we've all had our fair share of impulsive mistakes," Batgirl went on, "I made plenty of them when I was starting out, because I was determined to prove myself. Or like how Huntress was blinded by revenge and almost orphaned a child! How Nightwing's Red X plan backfired and he lost the trust of his team," She looked directly at Batman, "Even you made some bad slip ups in the past. Like when your secret plans to take down the Justice League were stolen by Savage and used against them, and they temporarily voted you off the team because of that? Or when my father had to stop you from strangling the Joker during that Hush incident?"

Batman just stared back at Batgirl for a moment, before he finally said, "I see your point," Then he said, "All the more reason we need to stick to the plan. It's the only way to stop the Kraang, and more importantly, get the Turtles and Rainbooms home."

"I just hope we're doing the right thing." Batgirl said.

"I know we are." Batman said.

Soon they entered a large room and saw a figure sitting in a swivel chair. Although it had it's back turned against them, they could see the figure was wearing a distinctive top hat.

"Good evening, Batman!" It said.

Batman instantly recognized the voice, "Penguin!"

"Penguin?" Robin asked, "What are you doing here?"

"Although Batman told me to stay out of this," Penguin began, "The Kraang, unfortunately... had other ideas!" He turned around in his chair and revealed, to their surprise, that he had been mutated into a penguin!

Huntress however wasn't surprised, "Figures." she rolled her eyes.

"Penguin, what did they do to you?" Nightwing asked.

"Let me tell you something that I found out the hard way!" Peguin said, with a frown, "The Kraang like to keep tabs on their business partners! Subprime found out about my little meeting with the bat here, and he wasn't too pleased about about it! So they abducted me and I'm fairly certain you can figure out the rest!"

"Speaking of which, where are the Kraang, Cobblepot?!" Batman demanded.

"As much as I would love to divulge you of their location, Batman," Penguin said, nonchalantly. Then he added, ominously, "I'm afraid they're not your main concern right now! They are..."

Right after he said that, and before anyone could react, the Birds Of Prey were suddenly snared up by vines. Then two giant clay hands emerged from a wall and grabbed Nightwing and Robin. Then before Batman could do anything, he was suddenly punched by a big fist, sending him tumbling backward across the floor. Then just as he was getting up, he was hit with an ice beam and encased up to his neck in ice.

Poison Ivy lowered herself down on vines. The wall revealed itself to be none other than Clayface. And Bane and Mr Freeze emerged from the shadows.

"How nice of you and your team to join us, Batman," Poison Ivy said, "But it would appear that we're a few Turtles and Rainbooms short?

"Where are your new buds?" Clayface asked.

"I ordered them to sit this one out, after their fight with Joker." Batman answered.

"Pity," Mr Freeze said, "Because we all have vendettas against them for stopping us before!"

"It matters not!" Bane stated. "When we are finished with you, we will hunt them down and break them like before! Especially the strong senorita!" He pounded his fists, remembering his fight with Applejack.

"All in due time, Bane," Penguin said, then looked back at Batman, "I must say, that was a rather poor choice you made, Batman. Cause with them sitting this out, and your teammates subdued, there's no one to save you! Whaaa-wha-wha-wha-wha-wha!" He laughed.

"Silence!" Roared a dark voice.

Penguin stopped laughing and he and the other villains looked back, as Cyber Shredder came storming out from a doorway and walked right up to Batman.

"You and your lackeys should never have come here, Batman!" Cyber Shredder said, "I warned you what would happen if you interfered with our work! Now you and your team will pay!" He attracted one of his blades, "With your lives!"

"You can drop the act, Kraang Subprime!" Batman glared.

Cyber Shredder's cockpit opened up, and the Kraang popped out, "Oh, finally!" He said with relief, "Pretending to be Shredder was exhausting! So, you're the Big Bad Batman?! A pleasure it is to finally meet you face to face! And it'll be the last time we ever meet"

"Wow!" Robin said, in amusement, "Pinkie Pie was right about you having a funny voice!"

"It's no wonder you had to disguise it!" Huntress added, with a grin.

"You both shut your traps!" Subprime growled, and attracted the blade, "Or these go through your chests!" Then he looked back down at the Caped Crusader, "Anyway, as I'm sure you've noticed, we Kraang have been busy. Very busy!"

His Shredder droid raised it's arms out as lights turned on to reveal all the mutated Gotham Villains they faced and ones they hadn't, like Killer Croc and Scarface & the Ventriloquist. While the dummy remained unchanged, the Ventriloquist was now a mutant parrot.

But Batman wasn't phased, "Yes," he confirmed, "I also know that you partnered with Joker! Where is he?!"

"Closssssser then you think, Batman!" Joker's voice hissed, as something slithered around in the shadows.

Harley Quinn spoke up in announcement, "Introducing, the new and improved, Mr. J!"

Joker slithered out into the open, revealing that he had been mutated into a large, green, king cobra snake! "Thank you, thank you, you're too kind!" He waved to everyone, "So, what do you think of the new look, Batsy?!"

"Oh, my... !" Batgirl's eyes went wide.

"I always knew he was a snake," Robin said, in equal shock, "But that’s just ridiculous."

"So the Kraang finally mutated you too, Joker?" Huntress guessed.

"On the contrary, my dear Huntress," Joker retorted, "I mutated myself."

"You mutated yourself?" Black Canary asked in disbelief.

"No kidding," Subprime confirmed. "This maniac actually dumped the mutagen all over himself! Even us Kraang were shocked! I mean, what kind of moron would be crazy enough as to mutate himself?!" Back in Donnie's lab, if Mutagen Man wasn't still frozen he would've sneezed.

"Joker, that's who." Nightwing stated.

"And this is only the beginning to what the Kraang have in store for Gotham!" Joker went on, "Why, I bet even you can't guess what it is, Batsy!"

"You’re planning to mutate the citizens and cause chaos through out the city." Batman stated.

The sound of crickets chirping echoed as the Kraang and the mutant snake just stared at the Dark Knight.

"How?!" Subprime exclaimed.

"Take out all the fun, why dontcha?" Joker frowned.

"Yeah, party pooper!" Harley Quinn blew a raspberry.

"ENOUGH!" Subprime cut her off, "Ok, yes! You're right! You and your team have proven to be just as annoying as those blasted Turtles and Rainbooms! So for your meddling interference, Kraang is going to invade and mutate all of Gotham! Starting right now!"

The droids and mutants stood aside to reveal the large portal gateway.

"The portal's unstable, Subprime!" Batman warned, "If you open it again, it'll tear apart the Multiverse!"

"Hmm? Does that concern me?" Subprime thought aloud in sarcasm, "NO IT DOESN'T! I've waited long enough for this, so I'll take my chances!" Then he laughed, "I gotta say, the way Joker talked about you, I was thinking you would come here with a giant army of those super freaks! And boy am I glad he was wrong," He turned to Joker in a mocking tone, "Be wary Subprime. Beware the Batman. Fear the Dark Knight. Ha! He's just some loser in a bat costume!"

Then he walked off, still laughing, while Joker slithered up to the Dark Knight, wrapping himself around the ice, "And so, we come to the happy end to our favorite Bat!" He announced. But then he leaned in and whispered, "What's you play here Bats? I've known you long enough to know you wouldn't pull a stunt like this unless you had a plan."

"Maybe I'm trying something new." Batman answered, without looking at him.

"Oh... ?" Joker said, instantly getting the hint, "Clever Batsy! Subprime's in for a big surprise!" He chuckled as he slithered away, "I think I'll hang back and wait for my director's cue!"

While that was happening, Subprime barked orders to his droids, "Alright, Kraang, open the portal to New York! We're finally getting out of this dump of a world! But once we've mutated New York, we'll come back and mutate all of Gotham!"

"Affirmative!" A droid said, "Kraang will open, that which is known as, the portal!" And it went to start the portal.

Subprime turned back to Batman, "Oh, and speaking of mutation... I think I'll start on Gotham a little early, by mutating you annoying Bats!" His Shredder droid whipped out a canister of mutagen, "Starting with you, Batman!" Then he asked as he was ready to start pouring the substance out over the Caped Crusader, "Any last words?"

Batman answered, "One: Booyakasha!"

"Huh?" Subprime was confused.

Suddenly, small beeping devices were thrown onto Subprime's droid and blew up, making him fall back and toss the mutagen to crash and spill onto the floor. Then other devices stuck on to Batman and released a heat wave that melted the ice enough for the Dark Knight to break out. The shurikens flew out and sliced Poison Ivy's vines, freeing the Birds Of Prey. And some exploding hockey pucks landed on Clayface's arms and blew them up, freeing Nightwing and Robin.

Subprime got up as in a rage, "Who dares?"

As if answering his question, six figures dropped down from the shadows. It was the Turtles, April, and Casey.

"We dare, Subprime!" Leo declared.

"Batman said my catchphrase!" Mikey exclaimed, "He said it!"

Subprime and even the Bat Family stared at them. While April and Casey just wore masks and utility belts. The Turtles were dressed in costumes from the Bat Cave. Leo was dressed like Nightwing, Raph was dressed like Red Hood, and Donnie and Mikey were both dressed like Robin. After a split second, Subprime burst out laughing.

"Oh, look! If it isn't the Bat Turtles!" He laughed hysterically.

"They’re not the only ones!" Came Rainbow Dash's voice, as Rainbooms jumped down next to them. They too, were dressed in costumes from the Bat Cave.

Sunset Shimmer was dressed like Batwoman, Twilight Sparkle like Batgirl, Fluttershy as Orphan, Pinkie Pie was in a costume similar to Harley Quinn, Applejack as Gotham Girl, Rarity in an outfit like Catwoman, And Rainbow Dash was dressed like Bluebird.

Subprime just laughed again, "Oh, this is too much!"

Harley Quinn laughed. "Oh look, if it ain’t the Rain-BOMBS!"

"Back for another helping of Joker gas?" Bud asked, mockingly.

"Was the first dose not enough?" Lou added.

"Don't forget me!" Nightwatcher dropped down next to the group.

"You!" Subprime glared at the vigilante.

"Nice to see you too." Keno said with a grin.

Batman stood up and glared at the ninjas and girls, "I told you to stay at the cave!"

"And we ignored it!" Leo spoke back, definitely, "Cause you need our help, Batman, whether you think we're capable or not!"

"Ah, the Prodigal Sons and Daughters return." Riddler said.

"That's right!" Rainbow Dash stated, "And this time we're taking you villains down!"

"Ain't that cute," Clayface said, "The little kids came all dressed up in their little cosplay costumes."

"I'll have you know that these outfits make us look fabulous!" Rarity retorted.

"And awesome!" Rainbow added.

"Your little change of fashion won't change what you are!" Poison Ivy dismissed.

"I can still smell the fear in you." Scarecrow sneered.

"You have heart, but your skills are inadequate," Bane stated, "Your efforts are in vain!"

"You losers barely held your own against one of us," Harley Quinn noted, "What makes you think you can take on all of us at once?"

"Face it, chumps!" Lou began.

"You lost!" Bud finished.

"This isn't the first time we've been pushed far like this," Leo noted, "And it won't be the last.

"We still got our friendship," Sunset Shimmer added, "And it's a lot stronger than any of you can imagine!"

"That's a nice little pep talk," Riddler said, "But what makes you think that friendship alone is going to do you any good?"

"Who said anything about being alone?" Batman asked, as the rest of the Bat Family got back up, ready to fight.

"You know what?" Subprime growled, "I've just about had it with all of you and your constant meddling and interfering!" Then he shouted at the villains, "Destroy these annoying Ninjas and Bats!"

"With pleasure!" Clayface pounded his fists.

Poison Ivy chuckled. "Oh this will be fun."

"I will enjoy prying you out of your shells, Tortugas!" Bane said.

"Never gonna happen, Bane!" Applejack rebuffed.

"Ninjas, Rainbooms, and Bats!" Leo started.

"Take them down!" Batman finished.

And the Turtles, Rainbooms, and the Bat Family rushed at the mutated villains and the fight began!

Applejack battled with Bane, dodging his slamming fists.

"I still owe you for robbing me of my victory, senorita!" He sneered, as he threw a punch but the cowgirl caught it.

"And I owe you for hurting mah friends!" Applejack retorted, and she threw him over her shoulder with all her strength.

April and Batgirl tag teamed against Poison Ivy and her vines. But as they fought, Batgirl had something to say to the kunouchi.

"April, about what happened in the Bat Cave..." She began.

"Forgiven and forgotten," Apirl cut her, knowing she was trying to apologize. Then the two flipped to avoid more vines, "We still friends?" She asked.

"To the end!" Batgirl smiled, as they held hands.

"How sweet!" Ivy said, "Those who fight together perish together!"

Then she sent more vines at them, but Batgirl chopped them with a battarang.

"The only reason you beat us last time, Ivy, was because we didn’t work together!" Batgirl started

"This time we are!" April finished, slashing more vines with her tessen.

"We'll see about that!" Poison Ivy snarled.

Scarecrow charged at Raph, Sunset, and Leo, swinging his scythe. Leo blocked and deflected the swings with his katanas and jumped away when the mutant crow swung the weapon down. Raph then charged in and clashed his sai against Scarecrow's scythe and pushed him back.

Then Sunset grabbed him and swung kicked him into Batman who caught him and slammed him into a wall. Scarecrow spread his wings and took to the air, then dive bombed the four, swinging his weapon while the four jumped and dodged his aerial attacks. Then he flew at Batman.

The Dark Knight back-flipped to avoid another swing and threw some battarangs. Scarecrow knocked them away and brought the scythe down, but Batman caught the blade and the two struggled. Seeing that, Sunset jump at Scarecrow and nailed him with a flying side kick, sending them both tumbling. But just as she stood up, Scarecrow gassed her!

"NO!" Sunset flailed and coughed. When she looked up, she saw Scarecrow as her bad self and she started to stumble.

"Oh! Having trouble?" Bad Sunset asked, smugly. Then she smacked Sunset down and transformed into She Demon, "This time you won’t stop me!"

"No..." Sunset backed up.

"Oh, don't deny it!" She Demon scoffed, "I'm still a part of you! And now I’m taking over!"

"Not on my watch!" Raph knocked Scarecrow off with another side kick. But when he rushed in for a punch, Scarecrow blasted him with the gas. Then he screamed as he once again saw him as a cockroach.

"What's the matter?" Cockroach Scarecrow asked, "Afraid of a little bug?!"

"I'm not!" Leo kicked him away and clashed his katanas against Scarecrow's scythe. Until the crow managed to gas him too. Leo coughed before he looked and saw the dead bodies of his brothers and friends all strewed around him.

Scarecrow laughed, "No, but you are afraid of losing your loved ones! Call yourself a leader? How many times have you lead your team to defeat and near death?" Outside of their fear hallucinations, Scarecrow stood before the three, "I am the Master Of Fear! I know what you all fear the most!" He turned to Sunset, "Fear of your Dark Past: Afraid of becoming the power hungry, manipulating, bully you used to be!" He looked at Leo, "Fear of Failure: that one day you'll make a mistake like the one that cost you your sensei!" Then he spoke to Raph, "And your Fear of the Creepy Crawlies! You three can't defeat me, because like everyone else, you let fear hold you back!"

"No! You're not! Getting me again!" Leo began to preform the Healing Hands as the dead bodies in his vision crawl onto him, "Rin! Pyo! Toh!"

Raph started to freak out, seeing Spider Bytez, Cockroach Terminator, Lord Dregg, the Vreen and Scorpinoid, Scumbug, Antrax, and even Stockman Fly. But then, he dropped to one knee and began the chant that Splinter taught him, "Kore wa nanimo imi shinai!"

Sunset cowered on the floor, covering her head as all the memories of her bullying past came flooding into her mind. But then, she picked herself up to her knees and slowly began to sing...

Like the Phoenix burning bright in the sky.....

"What's this?" Scarecrow asked in confusion.

I'll show there's another side of me you can’t deny.

"Rin! Pyo! Zen!" Leo continued to chant, then he used the healing hands causing the dead bodies to disintegrate.

"What was that?" Scarecrow/She-Demon asked Sunset, "I’m afraid I couldn’t hear you over your screams and whimpering." Then suddenly, Sunset grabbed She-Demon by the neck.

I may not know what the future holds but hear me
When I say

That my past does not define me

Cause my past is not TODAY!

Sunset uppercut She Demon as she turned back into Scarecrow. Then he landed near Raph, who was still chanting.

"Kore wa nanimo imi shinai! Kore wa nanimo imi shinai!" Raph slowly stood up, as all the bugs began to vanish, "Kore wa nanimo imi shinai! This. Means. NOTHING!"

Scarecrow stood and glared at Sunset, "Do you think singing can stop the Master of Fear?!" He aimed both his wings to gas Sunset again, but Raph grabbed them and pushed them into his face, causing him to gas himself again. Scarecrow coughed and backed up, "NO! What have you done?"

He looked up to see Raph and Leo as monsters then they kicked him off to the side. Then he got up just in time to see a monsterized Batman leap at him and knock him unconscious.

Batman then looked over to see Leo use the healing hands on Raph and Sunset to cure them from the gas.

"Well, that was....." Sunset panted.

"Rough?" Raph asked.


Leo noticed Batman watching, "Don't worry. I just cured them with the-"

"Healing Hands technique." Batman finished.

"Is there anything you don't know?" Raph asked.

"One thing I know," Batman started, "Applejack needs help with Bane!"

Nightwing, Casey, Robin, Rainbow Dash, and Nightwatcher were battling Clayface. As they fought, Robin had a question for Nightwatcher.

"Seriously, Keno, did you actually fight your way out of here against these guys?"

"Sure did." Keno answered.

"No way." Casey said in surprise.

"Yes way!" Keno retorted, dodging a swing from Clayface.

"Well, you're wrong," Nightwing said, "You didn't go through them, they let you."

"What do you mean?" Keno asked.

"They wanted you to get out with Dr Khan, knowing you would come to us and they would spring up a trap once we got to Arkham."

"Come on," Keno brushed off. "I'm probably just that good."

Nightwing just looked at him unamused, until he and Casey scattered to avoid Clayface's fist. Unfortunately, Keno was caught off guard and he got pounded into a wall.

"Okay, you're right!" Keno groaned, before Clayface grabbed in his giant fist. "They let me out of here!"

"Nighty night, Nightwatcher!" Clayface said, as he was ready to crush Keno, until Rainbow Dash zipped in and sliced off his fist, freeing the pizza boy.

"I don't think so... Mudman!" She quipped.

Clayface growled and tried to slam Rainbow Dash, but the girl used her speed to dodge every slam, before Casey launched his exploding hockey pucks.

Nightwing helped Keno up, "Do you believe me now?" He asked.

"Okay lesson learned." Keno said.

"Oh, I haven’t begun the lesson!" Clayface growled.

"Then allow us to teach you, mudman!" Rainbow Dash said, dodging another swing.

"IT'S CLAYFACE!" The blob roared. Then suddenly, he was sprayed with water by Robin using a fire hose.

"Nightwing! Casey! Now!" He called.

"Goongala!" Casey exclaimed, as he and Nightwing used their tasers to conduct the water and shock Clayface again. Turning him into a pile of goo.

"Ah yeah!" Rainbow Dash pumped her fist.

"How do you like us now, Clay dude?!" Casey asked the blob.

"And I thought Hun was tough!" Keno said, while rubbing the bruises.

Applejack and Bane were slugging it out, throwing, deflecting, and blocking each other's strikes until they each threw a hit that pushed each other back. Then they charged and locked fists, once again struggling to overpower the other.

"You are a worthy challenge, chica," Bane admitted, "Not many have faced Bane without injury the first time! Not even the Bat himself!"

"Well, I've had practice fighting guys as big 'n strong as you!" Applejack noted.

"Most likely," Bane said, "However, I possess something that I doubt they have."

"And what in tarnation might that be?" Applejack asked.

"A third hand!"


Before she could understand what he meant, Bane grabbed the cowgirl in his trunk and body slammed her twice before throwing her into a wall. Then pounding his fists, he stomped over, ready to finish her when...

"Hey, Bane!" Bane turned, just as Raph landed a kick in his face, making him stumble a bit, "Remember me?"

"Ah yes. The arrogant tortuga," Bane replied, "I assume you recall what happened to you after our last encounter?"

"Yeah," Raph remembered the injury he got from Bane, "But I won't make the same mistake this time."

"We shall see." Bane trumped his trunk and charged at Raph who slid under him. Bane kept trying to hit Raph while the turtle kept dodging him, causing him to get more angry.

"C'mon you call that an attack?" Raph mocked, "And you were a challenge last time!"

Bane grabbed Raph in his trunk, "I WILL BREAK YOU!" Then he slammed Raph on the ground and threw him into a pillar, before pounding him with his fist. Then he threw him on the ground, struck him down with both his fists locked together, and kicked him, sending rolling across the floor.

Raph slowly got back up in pain, as the mutant elephant approached.

"You know, I am known as "The Man Who Broke The Bat!" And I can assure you, I did not earn that title for nothing!" Bane said.

"I can believe that," Raph muttered, "But like I said, I'm not making the same mistake again."

"I have yet to see proof of that, little turtle boy!" With that, Bane hooted loud and charged at him.

"You will..." Raph grinned, rising one finger. Then as Bane swung his fist, Raph ducked at the last second and, just as he had once done to Slash, hit a nerve in his arm making the villain roar in pain, then he double spin kicked Bane across the face and knocked him back with an upper kick, "Oh, by the way, me and Applejack aren't the only ones who want a rematch!"

Right after he said that, Batman, Leo, Donnie, Twilight, and Sunset attacked Bane, striking him all over. When Bane tried to hit Batman he threw a smoke bomb in his face and hit him in pressure points. Then Donnie and Twilight charged in and Donnie, like he and his past self had done to Mozar, hit the elephant in the gut with his staff and Twilight whacked him across the face with the poll end of her spear.

Bane recovered and tried to slam Batman and the Ninjas, but they dodged every strike, making him angry. As Bane throws punches at the dodging Bat and Ninjas, Applejack picked herself up.

"Yknow, Bane," Raph said, while dodging, "My father kept telling me about anger. Let it consume you! And soon enough-"

Bane threw a punch and saw Raph had vanished. He looked around unaware that Applejack was behind him.

"Ya lose sight of everything." she said.

Bane turned just as Applejack uppercut him in the face, breaking his tusks in the progress as he fell with a crash.

"That, felt good." she said.

"Yeah it did." Raph agreed.

Just then, they heard clapping and turned to see the Penguin.

"Well, I must say, that was quite the performance," he said.

"Penguin!" Batman frowned.

"That's the Penguin?" Sunset asked.

"Indeed I am, my dear." Penguin confirmed.

"So you're the one who sold the Kraang that resident engine!" Donnie said in accusation.

"Well, in fairness, I refused to give it to them, once I realized they didn't have the money!" Penguin explained, "But Subprime made it... difficult for me to say no. As a businessman, I'm obligated to make such decisions."

"And look where that led you!" Twilight noted his mutation.

"Yes, well, I guess I should've seen this coming. As you're all about to see this coming!" Aiming his umbrella, Penguin fired a missile as everyone dodged, but it circle back at them.

"What the-?" Leo dodged it.

"That must be a heat seeking missile!" Donnie realized.

"On the contrary," Penguin corrected, "It's a bat seeking missile, set to destroy anyone wearing like anything from Batman!"

"You’ve got to be kidding!" Sunset exclaimed, then she screamed as she barely avoided the missile.

"Scatter!" Batman shouted and he and the ninjas ran in different directions.

The missile flew around and went after Raph, until Batman ran past and it went after him. Catching on, Leo ran in between and the missile went after him next. The others soon caught on and began intercepting the missile one by one, until Donnie was the last one it went after, and the smart turtle ran straight at Penguin as the missile was closing in. But at the last minute, Donnie back flipped over the missile and Penguin dove out of the way as it hit the ground and blew up.

"So they learn fast." Penguin noted.

Leo landed near him, aiming his katana, "It’s over, Penguin!"

"Not quite, you reptilian abomination!" Penguin retorted, then a gun popped out of the umbrella and started firing bullets at the group who scatter again.

"His umbrella's a gun?!" Twilight exclaimed.

"Indeed it is!" Penguin laughed, as he kept shooting at the ninjas and Batman, until Sunset threw her kunai into his gun, blowing it up. "You little- these things aren't cheap you know!" Right before he was tackled and pinned against a wall by Raph.

"Got any other tricks in that umbrella?" He asked.

"Funny you should say that..." Penguin grinned, before an electric whip shot out shocked the hot headed turtle.

"Not again!" Raph groaned, as he collapsed.

"Anyone else?" Penguin lashed the whip at the others, who each dodged. But he did get Donnie in the back. Until Batman threw a batarang, slicing the whip right off. Penguin grunted before Sunset aimed her kunai at him.

"Any other weapons in that umbrella we should know about?" She inquired.

"I'm glad you asked that question, my dear," Penguin said, "Cause as a matter of fact..."

Before Sunset could process that, she yelped and jerked back as a sword popped up from the umbrella. Then Penguin began clashing his sword against her kunai.

"How many weapons does that guy have in that thing?!" Raph said, getting up.

As Sunset clashed with Penguin, she flipped away and Donnie took over and fought with his staff. Then as he dodged a swing, Twilight jumped in and fought Penguin until finally Leo clashed against the mutant with his katanas then as the two reached a grapple, Batman threw another batarang, knocking the umbrella out of Penguin's hand.

Then the crime boss found himself surrounded by the Ninjas, aiming their weapons at him.

"Well, I do believe it’s time to make my leave!" Penguin tried run away only to get knocked out by Raph.

"Now that’s a real icebreaker!" Raph then realized what he had just said. "Oh, great. I must be losing it, I'm starting to sound like Mikey."

April and Batgirl were fighting against Poison Ivy and dodging her vines while trying to land a hit on her, but to no avail. When some of the mantis' vines tried to attack the two girls. April shielded them with a psychic dome.

"I'm really starting to lose my patience here." Batgirl grumbled.

"Tell me about it," April agreed. She then at Batgirl, "Batgirl! Earlier at the cave, are we still-" she didn't have time to finish. When she took her focus off the shield, Ivy's vines broke through and nearly hit her, until Batgirl pulled her out of the way, "You know what, it can wait."

"Good call." Batgirl said.

"Aww, look at you two," Poison Ivy cooed in faux sweetness, "You patched things up and are now friends. It's a pity it last for long." And she shot a barrage of vines at the duo.

Batgirl and April stood up and nodded at each other, before they charged at Poison Ivy, slicing away her vines as they did so. Then Batgirl flipped forward and knocked the mutated lady back with a kick and April blasted her with a psychic wave, sending the mantis crashing into a wall, knocking herself out.

After that, April finished her sentence, "So, Batgirl... are we...?"

"Yeah, we're good," Batgirl replied, and the two hugged, "You know, I'm sure Kara would like to meet you."

"Who's Kara?" April asked.

"I'll explain later." Batgirl replied.

Author's Note:


  • The Turtles and Rainbooms showing up dressed in costumes from the Bat Cave is based off the Scooby Doo Gang doing the same in Scooby Doo & Batman the Brave and the Bold.
  • The Turtles are dressing up as Nightwing, Red Hood, and Robin are from Batman/TMNT III.
  • Raph lectures Bane about angry like how Leo did in the 2007 TMNT movie.
  • When Batgirl talks about the Bat Family's mistakes, she mentions the events from JLA episode "Double Date". Teen Titans episode "Masks". And the comic "Batman Hush" and the movie "Justice League Doomed".