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Chapter 4

"Nice place." I say as we followed Mantis through the palace hallways. We were on our way to the conference room to discuss what my place will be in the hive.

"It was a gift from Mother." Mantis said "She gave me and my sisters a hive when we rose to maturity." Nice lady I thought as we continued on our way to the conference room, it wasn't long before we arrived at our destination. The changeling in armor opened the door as we made our way inside the room. Inside there wasn't much, only a round table and a few chairs in the entire room. They apparently use the 'function over fancy' saying a lot over here I thought as I sat and only heard a groan from the straining chair for my troubles. When we all got settled Mantis looked into my eyes, I would bet that those piercing blue eyes could see through anything.

"First off I believe a thank you is in order, nobody had given this much love out of their own volition for many generations." I gave a polite nod. "Now I believe you have heard this question many times in the past so one more time shouldn't hurt. What manner of creature are you? I don't believe there are any other creatures that can transform like...that on this world."

"Sigh. Here we go again. My name is James Wilson, I am a bounty hunter and author on my free time. I was a human but now I am a sentient virus that can basically do anything." The changelings in front of me each gave a confused look. "It's a long story."

"Ok...Now then, why did you help us? Not that I'm not grateful, it's just. Why?"

"I saw a problem that needed to be fixed and fixed it." I said simply, there's no need to lie to a future assistant. She then turned to my chitinous companion (Pun intended) with an analysing stare.

"So. Are you the one who brought James here?" She asked, Chitin looked like he was going to shit himself at the attention she was giving him.

"I...I ... yes your majesty." He said shakely.

"And what is your name, grub?" My face morphed into a scowl at the name, when I questioned it, Mantis told me that baby changelings are called grubs.

"Chitin, your majesty." He said calmly. Mantis hummed at the mention of his name.

"I remember you." she said. "You were the digger that mined into that Mole Rat nest three months back aren't you." He nodded." We thought you died when we didn't see a body. How did you escape?" Chitin shivered at the memory. He never told me how he escaped. I'm going to have to ask him about that later.

"I...I'd rather not talk about it." He said hesitantly, Mantis nodded her head then turned the attention back to me.

"I believe you would like a room to produce a more effective means of producing love other than your... Love Bombs I think you called them." I dismissed her with a wave.

"Don't worry I already have the original right here." Selecting a seed from my inventory, it appeared in my hand and I could see Mantis and her guard tense. "You Just add magic and," My hand glowed a crimson red as the seed absorbed the magic from my body and started to bloom. "It produces more love than any other creature in the world." A pink mist started to leak out of the flower and onto the table, towards Mantis and her guard. I could see that they were weary at the prospect of a solution from a stranger, yet they were willing to give it a shot.

"This is amazing." She stated simply, taking the flower from my hand. I guess she didnt partake in the love feast outside because when she tasted the flowers love she didn't stop. Until it ran out of magic, she had the face of a kicked puppy. "I will give you anything you want." She stated simply, the changeling in armor was shocked and looked at his queen.

"Are you sure about this my queen? You do not know what he will ask of you."

"I'm willing to do and give whatever to ensure the safety of this and every other hive."

"Yes, my queen." I chuckled

"Don't worry, I'm not going to ask for anything too drastic. I just need a few things from you." She nodded. "I need a large, open room to plant the seeds and a large gem."

"How large of a gem?"

"About the size of a basketball." She looked at me quizzically. I sighed, opened my inventory and pulled out a 'basketball' from the inventory. In actuality it was a bunch of elastic biomass in the shape of a ball. "This." I handed the 'Basketball' to the changeling queen who magicked it to the guard. "The last thing I need is a favor. I don't know when I'll use it, just be ready for a call in the future."

"You will have will have your space and gem in a few weeks time and we will be ready when ever you need us. While that is happening you and your friend can stay in the palace and roam about the hive as you please, just don't destroy anything." When we left the room, a familiar stench of chicken and wet dog filled my senses.

"Do you have any diamond dogs or griffins in your hive?" I asked.

"Other than the ones in pods where we extract love, no. Why?"

"Because we're about to have company."


"Finally! The badass action scene is in motion!" Cried God as he stood up from his futon in glee. Every Friday through Sunday he and lucifer would sit on a futon, eat the newest kind of junk food from around the universe and watch James on his path to world domination. Even though it took 3 years to get this far.

"Yea, yea." Said lucifer "Sit your eternal ass back down so we can continue." Grumbling, God plopped back onto his spot and started to eat his literal rock candy.

"You think we should invite Luck for this?" He asked as he threw candy pebbles in his mouth.

"Why should we do that?" He asked, his father shrugged.

"Might be fun. We could even invite Fate too so it would be more epic."

"Maybe." Lucifer shrugged "You're not wrong about them making fights more interesting."

"So, is that a yes?" After a minute of silence, Lucifer sighed and gave God the OK. "Yes!" He jumped from his seat and ran out of his office turned man cave room. A few minutes passed as Lucifer watched James and the changeling queen asses the danger that has befallen the hive.

"Hey Lucie!" Cried a voice behind Lucifer, causing him to jump and spill his jelly beans onto the floor. "Whacha dooin?" Lucifer looked towards the voice to see a familiar face.

"Fate." Lucifer answered. "What are you doing here?" Fate giggled at Lucifer.

"I was invited here, duh." Lucifer sighed.

"Of course you were." Fate jumped the futon and landed with a plop. She had her hair in her usual messy bun, her green dress covered her toned, slim body that fit her like a glove, her usual blindfold hung from her neck in a loose fashion. She reached over the futon and placed her favorite short-sword on the side of it. "Why did I ever agree to this?" He muttered to himself. Fate shrugged.

"Something about making a battle more interesting of that kind." Lucifer groaned and sagged onto the futon.

"Oh, that." Fate placed an arm around the distraught demon lord.

"Don't worry Lucie, you have me to give you company till the others get here. Anyway, which battle are Luck and I supposed to make better."

"Dad and I will tell you when Luck gets here." Moments passed in silence as Lucifer and Fate watched the preparation of the battle.

"Are you saying that this is the first real battle in over three years on this world."

"Yep, It's not all bad though, it's enough to keep you going." Then the door opened revealing a very attractive woman with a blue dress that carries boobs as big as cantalope, thin waistline, shoulder length hair and a green shamrock pin on her chest. Lucifer and Fate looked in awe. "That's a good look for you, Luck. You should keep it this time instead of changing it
every century."

"Maybe." Replied Luck as she walked over to the two, from behind her God stepped in and closed the door. He clapped his hands and the futon gained two extra seats.

"Come, sit." He said waving to the futon. "We have a lot to talk about."


"So, you and Lucie made a deal and you want us to help decide this battle that could drastically change the future of the universe." Said Luck as she popped a Popper in her mouth.

"Basically." Said God.

"I'm in." Said Fate. "I call the enemy side!"

"I guess I'm with mister hero man." said Luck.

"Wait, how are they gonna control their people?" asked Lucifer.

"They are not, only passive control is allowed. We don't need any cheating." said God as he sat on the futon and watched as the battle began to take form.

Author's Note:

I still need changeling queen names.
Any and all are appreciated.