• Published 30th Mar 2019
  • 1,210 Views, 116 Comments

Dissonance: A Hidden World - Braininthejar

"That which can be destroyed by the truth, deserves to be." But does it always? And just what is the truth about the Elements of Harmony?

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Chapter 38: The Hate

“Is serving Equestria your only ambition?” she asked him.

Captain North Star shook his head to wake himself up. It had been long hours since he awoke, the written orders already left next to his bed, along with the package he expected. But even now, a part of his mind kept returning to the dream, replaying it over and over.

“Is serving Equestria your only ambition?”

He looked around the council room. The crystal floor had been swept clean of the blood already, but the signs of the recent battle were still there; missing chunks of crystal in the walls marked the points of impact of particularly powerful spells and explosions.

The six officers gathered around the table looked at North Star expectedly. “Orders, sir?”

He looked in their eyes, and saw doubt. They must have heard rumors. I did make a mess out of myself. They don’t trust my command, do they? Let’s put an end to this…

The captain cleared his throat. “The orders are simple. Maintain order. Keep the city contained. Search the tower for any tomes or artifacts of dark magic. I can see you’ve made a fine job of the first task. I will handle the second. As for the third, I’ve been told you haven’t started yet?”

“No, sir” replied the white pegasus to the left. “We’ve secured, and closed off the main library, but we haven’t yet commenced the search.”

“I think it is time,” said North Star. “Have your wizards examine anything that looks suspicious. And don’t limit yourself to the library either. Our reports from… previous developments indicate the presence of magically concealed passages within the tower. I will be looking for those myself, but anything you can bring to my notice will be useful. Just make sure to observe the safety rules. We are dealing with the darkest of magic here; corrupted tomes of knowledge, perhaps cursed artifacts, things that could change a faithful soldier of Equestria into a tragic pawn of darkness. There could also be magical traps protecting the tower’s secrets. Don’t let anypony act alone until we are sure we have full control. A lonely guard in an ideal target. Understood?”

There were nods all over the table. North Star gave his officers a stern look. “Yes, sir!” they responded loudly.

Satisfied, North Star continued talking.

“And one more thing. The Heart. The enemy managed to hide it, but we know it must still be within the city. Find it, and bring it to me. Are there any questions?”

The six ponies looked at each other, but didn’t say anything. North Star nodded his head in approval.

“You have your orders then. Dismissed.”

Saluting, the soldiers left. Captain North Star was left alone in the council room.

He picked the package off the table, and walked towards the balcony door. Outside the city was basked in the light of the setting sun. Normally it would be a beautiful sight, but North Star’s practiced eye picked out the signs of battle still marring the crystal streets and buildings.

“Slaves to darkness, one and all,” he muttered under his breath. “I will keep you contained.”

He pulled the package in front of himself, and unwrapped it. Inside there was an ebony box, marked with Luna’s cutie mark. Memories of North Star’s dream returned to him.

“This is something you will need for your task,” she said. ”An item our servants confiscated from a shady vendor, who didn’t quite comprehend what he was trading in. It is ancient and dangerous magic, that only one of unshakable conviction can safely wield. We would not entrust it to anypony but you.”

He opened the lid slowly. The huge ruby inside seemed to shine with a light of its own, matching the setting sun reflected in the captain’s eyes.

“Once you put it on, it will grant you great power, enough to accomplish the task we have set ahead of you. But such power will come at a terrible price. The amulet will assault your mind with dark whispers, trying to turn you from your path towards fulfilling your own ambitions, until nothing else matters. That is why we must know. Is serving Equestria your only ambition?”

North Star set the box on the ground, and pulled out the heavy, black iron necklace. He turned it around, examining it in the light of the setting sun. It almost looked like a sinister sibling to the Elements of Harmony. How ironic.

Yes. I am strong enough, thought North Star. I am pure enough. For Equestria, I will handle this.

He put the necklace on. The magical clasp locked at the back of his neck. Instantly he felt a surge of power. His eyes shone with renewed purpose, no longer merely reflecting the rays of the sun.

I will set things right. I will avenge you, Shining. I will find whatever dark power turned you into a monster, turned me into a … traitor. I will find it, and destroy it.

He lifted his horn into the air and focused, new power flowing through him freely. The spell shot into the sky, a blinding pillar of blood red light, then spread out, falling over the Crystal Empire in a giant, red dome. The last rays of the sun dimmed.

And until I do, none of you crystal monsters is getting out of here.


Pinkie was playing pattycake with changelings.

Twilight Sparkle stood, taking in the scene. She had just finished a training session with Rarity and Obsidian. Her friends were in the stands, as they had for the last couple of days - the hive lacked other forms of entertainment. Chrysalis claimed that the arena also acted as a theatre, but at this moment all the best actors of the swarm were in the field, ‘employing their craft properly.’ As usual, the off-duty changelings would hang around in the chamber’s upper entrances, watching the fights unfold.

The only changelings down in the stands were the ones assigned as assistants to the Elements, Aurora, Scootaloo and Obsidian - Twilight had since learned their names; Morph, Shell, Glint, Mirror, Figment, Chitine, Image, Lustro and Jake - but to her they all still looked identical.

And right now they were sitting in pairs, playing pattycake, with Pinkie Pie in the center, paired with the odd one, and giving them all the rhythm. Twilight could see the smiles on the bugs’ faces, even as their limbs repeated the motions with mechanical precision.

“What are you doing, Pinkie?” asked Twilight with a smile.

Pinkie turned towards her, breaking the rhyme she was reciting, but not the motions of her hooves. “I’m teaching the changelings how to have fun.”

“How to have fun?” Twilight cocked her head in surprise.

The motions fell out of synch and stopped, the changelings looking somewhat embarrassed. “It is a useful skill for infiltration,” said one of the changelings sheepishly. Twilight was pretty sure it was Morph.

“I guess so,” she replied. “But how can anypony not know how to have fun?”

“We haven’t been trained yet,” replied another changeling.

At that Twilight was even more confused. “You need to be trained for that?”

“We’re trained to fight,” said one of the changelings. “Then speak. Then we learn how to act, and how to infiltrate, everything we need.”

“It’s lucky changelings are super fast learners,” piped in Pinkie Pie. “You couldn’t tell these here are only a year old!”

Twilight’s eyes grew as big as saucers. “What!?”

She was suddenly reminded of the day they met Chrysalis, and heard the story of how she came to power, her retinue sitting around her in reverent silence, catching every word like… children listening to a bedtime story?

“It is true, Twilight Sparkle,” said Chrysalis landing in the stands. “The changelings have been created for war. Their development is accelerated. Most of these here have been spawned to replenish the losses we suffered during the wedding fiasco.”

Twilight looked around wide eyed. “They’re all children?”

“Don’t put your own measure to everypony, Twilight,” said Chrysalis. “They’re already competent at the tasks I give them.”

“Your soldiers?” asked Twilight, her jaw clenching.

“Among other things, yes,” replied Chrysalis. “But I’m not here to discuss biology. Or ethics. I have an urgent report I think you’ll find interesting.”

This got everypony’s attention. In a moment Chrysalis was surrounded by a half-circle of ponies, the changelings getting out of the way.

“I’ve just been informed that Princess Luna received an urgent report from the magical recon division. It’s a group of unicorns working in Canterlot next to the headquarters. They specialize in detection magic. It seems they managed to locate somepony the Princess had been looking for.”

“So, they know we’re here?” asked Aurora. Everypony was visibly unnerved by the information.

“No,” said Chrysalis. “The point they indicated was far to the south, in the badlands. While they are obviously looking for you too, between our magic and Obsidian’s, you’re well hidden. From what my agent was able to learn, the pony they managed to locate is a missing filly.”

“Apple Bloom!” “Sweetie Belle!” shouted Applejack and Rarity simultaneously.

“One of them, probably, yes,” said Chrysalis. “So, it looks like you have something to act on. Provided you hurry. There is no way to tell who will be sent to capture the filly, and how soon they can get there.”

“Then we better start moving,” said Obsidian. “I don’t think your cave could hide the signal if we used the Elements to teleport from here. We’ll need to get far enough outside to do it safely.”

“Wait,” said Rarity. “How exactly did you get this information? I don’t think you’d manage to plant a changeling so close to Celestia. Was it another… hostage situation?” she spat out the last two words with audible disgust.

Chrysalis gave her a toothy grin. “No. This one is a real traitor, a disgruntled clerk who sold his country out for gold. The only thing he doesn’t know is who the gold really belongs to. We let him deceive himself. He deserves no better, and regular pay keeps him in line.”

There was an awkward silence as the meaning of the words sank in.

Aurora was the first to break the silence. “So, where are we going exactly?”


“So, we don’t know what it is yet?” asked Dr Stone. She turned away from a tank where an injured unicorn female was floating, strange devices surrounding her broken horn.

Spitfire shook her head. “The seer tower only got a vague vision. We know where she is, but no details.”

“So, it could be a slip up on the part of whoever took her away, or it could be a trap,” said Pierce.

Dr Stone looked at him. “Agent Pierce…”

“No, it’s okay,” said Spitfire. “I value my subordinates’ tactical insight. But I’ve already considered this angle. This is why I’ve sent Lightbringer to examine the situation.”

“Lightbringer,” said Pierce. “I haven’t worked with him yet, but from what I have gathered, he can be quite volatile.”

“He is,” admitted Spitfire. “It is a calculated risk. The location we pinpointed is far enough outside Equestrian territory, that even condition black is… acceptable. And either way, he’s the best we have for a reconnaissance by fire. If the enemy has slipped up, he can exploit it and hit them hard. If it’s a trap, he can just die and report back. Out of the three of us who could go, his body is the only one disposable.”

“Let’s just hope he isn’t too stubborn to retreat if the situation is beyond him,” said Pierce.

Spitfire gave a half smile. “Do not worry. He’s got his orders. Lightbringer might hate retreating, but he hates failure even more.”

“What about Dr Bluebonnet?” interrupted Dr Stone. “You were supposed to be with her.”

“She’s currently asleep,” replied Pierce. “That’s what I’ve come here to report.”

“At this hour?” asked Spitfire.

Pierce nodded. “Her day night cycle is even more out of synch than usual. Do not worry; the wards on her room are all in place and active. She’s perfectly safe.”

“Well, in that case,” replied Dr Stone. “I’ll have some of my constructs take over. Go and get some sleep yourself. We need you to be awake when she is.”


“How much longer?” asked Scootaloo.

“You needn’t have gone with us,” replied Obsidian.

They were walking through a narrow tunnel, so old that it almost looked like a natural cave, any marks of tools long since gone. The sound of hooves and clinking of armor mixed with that of dripping water. Only the light of the Elements dispelled the oppressive darkness; there were no crystals or glowing fungi down there, just the cold, stone walls, slick with moisture. Though there were no other sounds, the tunnel had an ominous aura, as if there was something lurking there, just out of reach of the light.

“I thought we were finished arguing about that,” said Rarity.

“It’s still wrong to take her along,” said Obsidian, “it’s just that it’s pointless to keep talking. If Honesty couldn’t persuade her to stay, what chance do I have?”

“I’m worried too,” said Twilight. “But we couldn’t just force her to stay with the changelings.”

“Yes, you could,” said Obsidian, “She could put us all in danger.”

“We’re not taking her to battle with us,” said Applejack. “She can stay put, and watch our bags while we go fight.”

“If you think you can keep her safe-” started Obsidian. He then turned his staff, and shot a blue blast of force into a tunnel mouth they were passing by. Something thrashed there furiously, quickly crawling away.

“Thank you,” called a changeling voice from the darkness in front of them. “I missed that one.”

Obsidian sighed. “Don’t thank me, just focus on your job.”

Scootaloo shuddered, shifting closer to Rainbow Dash.

They walked for another minute, before Twilight decided to break the silence again.

“Aurora… I’ve been meaning to ask it for a while now, but…”

“The moment was never right?” asked Aurora.

“Yes,” said Twilight. “There was so much happening, and then I was focused on myself… but we never got to learn how your story ended.”

“How do you think it ended?” asked Aurora.

“Well, obviously, it was a trap,” said Twilight. “I think they took you and Aquila, made those alicorns, and then pretended to be you, and told everypony that the Shattered were defeated. I’m not sure what they did with the cities. Perhaps… they destroyed everything to make sure they were forgotten. They could tell some clever lie to all the ponies, something like ‘You must never mention the Shattered, because remembering them will give them the power to come back’, or something.” She looked towards Aurora. “Am I right so far?”

“I think so,” said Aurora. “I don’t remember what happened after I was defeated. It took me decades to start getting glimpses,” said Aurora. “But I’m sure things didn’t go according to plan. They didn’t mean to lose control of the changelings. Or lose Vengeance.”

“Lose?” asked Obsidian.

“Yes,” said Aurora. “We… managed to seal her. We had her in a stone when the trap was sprung. I don’t know why she let us do it. Perhaps she meant to fool the resistance into thinking they succeeded. But then, something went wrong. That’s why it was Arrogance and Envy becoming alicorns. I’m sure it was supposed to be Vengeance and Arrogance.”

“What was the trap?” asked Applejack.

Aurora went silent. For a moment the only sound in the tunnel was the echoing clip-clop of hooves.

“It was Whisper,” said Aurora finally. “I don’t know if Deception replaced him, or put something inside of him… It didn’t occur to me until later, that he never really used his power since he told us about Crystal. When the fight started, he got buried under rubble. Vengeance killed Jingles, and poisoned Sauti. By the time we won, there were just the three of us left, and it was obvious Sauti was dying. Then Whisper emerged from the rubble, miraculously alive… he rushed to give me a hug… and then he stabbed me. There was something inside his hoof. He got Aquila too… I don’t know what happened with the crystal Vengeance was in.”


“How much longer?” asked Pinkie Pie.

“You’re almost there,” replied their changeling guide. “We just need to descend down this tunnel.”

“It is true,” said Obsidian. “I can feel the power flowing through the rocks.” He quickened his pace, trotting, then running, pushing ahead of the group, seemingly unimpeded by darkness. Soon the others were forced to quicken their pace to keep up, trying not to lose balance on the slippery stone as they struggled to keep up.

Suddenly the tunnel opened into a large cave. There was light there - clumps of blue glowing crystals covered the ceiling, water dripping from them into a murky pool in the middle of the cavern. The magic of the place was obvious even to those with no formal training.

Obsidian slowed down, looked around, and picked a flat part of the floor. “This will do,” he said to the changeling. “The magic of this leyline is strong enough to let us teleport without attracting attention to this area. Miss Fluttershy, could you persuade the thing in the pool to stay put while I draw? There is no telling how the magic of this place has changed it, and we really don’t need any last moment distractions.”

Everypony turned towards the pool. Fluttershy swallowed loudly. Slowly, visibly struggling with herself, she inched closer and closer to the water. “Um… Mr. monster?” she whispered softly, the light of Kindness reflecting in her eyes. “We’re very sorry to intrude, and… I can feel how… hungry you are,” she continued with surprise in her voice. “But my friends aren’t very tasty… lots of sharp bits. So, um, it would be much better for… all of us… if you just wait for somepony else to eat, please?”

Behind her blue sparks flew as Obsidian scribed the circle. “I’m almost done,” he said, “get ready.”

“You’re doing it quicker and quicker,” said Twilight, standing cautiously next to him.

“The better you six get with channeling magic, the more corners I can cut,” replied Obsidian. “Fluttershy?”

“Um… I don’t think many creatures come into this cave,” said Fluttershy, “It’s very, very hungry…”

Dash looked at the surface of the pool, keeping Scootaloo behind a half-open wing. “I don’t see anything…” she said.

“That means it’s working,” said Obsidian. “A moment more… done. Everypony, into the circle.”

The Elements reacted with practiced coordination, taking their places around Obsidian, with Aurora landing inside the circle next to him. Fluttershy backpedalled from her position towards her place in the circle. “Thank… thank you for your patience…” she whispered. “We won’t be bothering you anymore.”

As soon as she stepped back, ripples started appearing on the surface of the water.

Obsidian hit the floor with the tip of his staff, and the circle came to life in a swirl of blue magic.

The changeling walked towards the exit. He looked at Scootaloo. “Are you sure you won’t be safer in the hive?” she asked.

Scootaloo looked at her, considering the proposition. “No!” she finally shouted, bolting between the adults in the circle to stand beside Aurora in the center. The circle flashed and the ponies disappeared.

The changeling shrugged, and turned away, leaving the room just as the first black tentacle broke the surface of the water.


They appeared in the savannah, at the break of dawn. The sun was rising, painting the horizon red, a breathtaking view if anypony had the time to appreciate it.

Immediately Obsidian started drawing a new circle. The Elements dropped their bags, leaving only the armor. Twilight dug into hers, retrieving a small pouch - three sealing gemstones she had received from queen Chrysalis. She attached the pouch to a small hook under the shoulder plate of her armor.

Aurora looked at Applejack. “Are you sure you don’t want to wear a helmet?” she asked.

Applejack shook her head. As her magic activated, power flowed into her hat, illuminating it with a soft orange glow as the fabric was reinforced. “Nope,” she said. “It’s much better this way.”

“So, what do we do now?” asked Rainbow Dash.

Aurora was already in the air, flying up for a bird’s eye view of the situation.

“I’m setting a waypoint here,” said Obsidian, "in case we need to retreat in a hurry.”

The new circle flashed, and then the ground underneath it gave way, creating a round hole some three feet deep. Obsidian used his staff to put the girls’ bags inside it. “You get down there, and stay put.” he said to Scootaloo. “I’ve already shielded you from detection spells, don’t waste it by being seen.”

The filly looked at him with a pout, but then jumped into the hole without saying anything.

“Now,” said Obsidian, “we’ve jumped as close to Chrysalis’ coordinates as I considered safe. We will now use our magic to pinpoint the location of-”

“There’s smoke to the south-east!” called Aurora from above.

Everypony looked. It was far away, easy to miss from the ground, but now that they could see it, the plume was ominously black.
Obsidian’s runes glowed underneath his fur as he prepared for a fight. “Or we could go check that out.”


The village was burning. No, it wasn’t quite precise. The only real source of fire was the shaman’s hut, engulfed in flames after the strange glass installation inside was shattered and exploded. But to the panicked mind of Apple Bloom it might as well be the whole village.
The huts had been smashed, and there were striped bodies everywhere, black, white and red, limbs bent at odd angles… Apple Bloom tried not to look.

And in the middle of it all, over the shattered body of Uchongo, there stood a huge pegasus, clad in absurdly heavy plate armor. His wings, the only visible part, were russet, matching the deep red plates covering the rest of his body. The red paint couldn’t quite hide the fresh splatters covering the front of his armor.

“Stop hiding, you two,” he said. The voice echoed weirdly from inside the helmet, a sound that would be funny in any other circumstances. “There’s nopony else left here.”

Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle huddled closer together, hugging each other so tightly it was painful. Apple Bloom turned her face away from the hole in the wall through which she had been peering.

“You wouldn’t believe how many times I’ve seen this,” said Hate. He dug his hoof into the ground, pulling out a stone, then flicked his pastern, sending the projectile at the wall. Bits of dust and clay flew. The fillies shrieked, as the last remains of the hut collapsed around them. The stone missed them by inches as it destroyed everything else, just enough to expose them while leaving them unscathed.

“Now, come here,” said Hate.

Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle let go of their hug. They looked at each other, and then they started running. Hate gave an exasperated sigh under his helmet.


Apple Bloom stopped. Though she couldn’t turn her head to look, she knew that so did Sweetie Belle. She wasn’t really paralysed. It was more like her body was suddenly too heavy to move, though she didn’t feel the weight crushing her, merely holding her in place. It was like a nightmare where one tries to run, only to find her hooves stuck to the floor.

“Don’t make it more of a hassle than it needs to be,” said Hate walking towards her. She could hear every step of his heavy hooves as he slowly approached.

In a flash of light, eight ponies appeared in the ruined village. They spread out in a semicircle, with the three pegasi hovering above their friends. Shock washed over their faces as they took in the image of what had happened.

Hate turned to look at the newcomers. “Oh, the heroes have arrived!” he called loudly. “Too bad, you’re too late to help. What kept you so long? The monster has already killed everypony. I even stepped on a little colt’s head over there,” he said, pointing with a hoof.

The Elements froze in horror. Obsidian and Aurora did not. The earth pony took a battle stance, charging up with the staff rising at his side, ready to strike. The pegasus prepared to take flight, but rather than focusing on Hate, she scanned her surroundings, looking for the safest route for getting away.

“So, how does it feel to be useless?” asked Hate.

“Apple Bloom!” shouted Applejack, finally noticing her sister.

“Sweetie Belle!” shouted Rarity in turn.

Hate looked towards the two fillies, as if he had just noticed them. “Oh, right, the bait is still alive. But since you’re here, I don’t need them anymore, do I?”

“Twilight! Stone!” shouted Obsidian.

The words managed to shake Twilight into action. “Yes, on it,” she said, withdrawing a pointed blue gem from the pouch. The Elements formed up around her, charging up for a sealing spell.

Hate’s mask hid his expression, but there was clear amusement in his voice when he spoke.


Apple Bloom felt herself moving backwards against her will. She tried to brace herself, but only ended up flailing helplessly when the force binding her limbs suddenly disappeared. “Sis!” she yelled in panic. Hate reared, preparing to strike as she flew towards him.

The spell didn’t fire, the power unravelling as Applejack ran forward. Clearing the distance in a heartbeat, she reached Hate a split second before her sister. The two ponies collided with a mighty crash.

“Applejack!” shouted Twilight as her friend flew past her, pieces of broken armor left in her wake. Dash and Aurora flew in - Dash striking Hate’s shoulder as she flew past, Aurora grabbing Apple Bloom, no longer held in place as Hate’s power was directed elsewhere. Rarity teleported, grabbing Sweetie Belle, and then porting her behind the Elements.

“Argh!” screamed Obsidian in frustration. “Not like this!” He fired a shot.

Hate kicked the ground, causing the earth in front of him to break and burst up, the rubble absorbing the spell. He turned to face Dash, who was coming in for another fly-by, then spread his wings and kicked off, launching himself straight at her.

Dash flipped sideways, barely avoiding a head-on collision, though one of Hate’s front hooves, grazed her, denting her armor. In return she sliced at him with her wing, but the magic pinion-blades shattered against the heavy steel.

“Get away!” shouted Twilight. “Give me a clear shot!”

Unlike her, Obsidian didn’t hesitate. He shot past Dash, hitting Hate just as he started redirecting his momentum, slowing in the air as if stretching a giant rubber band. The shot burned a line in the armor but did not penetrate, the Shattered’s pattern aura dulling the sting of the spell.

Hate bounced back, straight at Obsidian. The earth pony managed to create a rampart of earth to protect himself, but all it did was redirect the impact down, causing Hate to plow into the ground and launch Obsidian backwards into the air.

Twilight didn’t wait to see him land safely. She scanned the battlefield, trying to locate the other Elements. “Girls! We need to hit him together! Pinkie?”

Pinkie looked at her with scared eyes. “Twilight! Applejack is hurt, badly!”

Twilight only had a moment to look before Hate burst from the ground, sending dirt and dust flying everywhere. But what she managed to see horrified her. Applejack was gasping for air, eyes unfocused. Her chest plate had been hit so hard it deformed and fell off. Underneath, her padded jacket was torn and stained with blood. Her right front leg was bent awkwardly and shifted backwards, as if the shoulder joint got pushed out of position.

“Get her out of here!” shouted Twilight. She fired a spell at Hate, a simple, unfocused shot from her horn. It bounced harmlessly off the behemoth, who immediately rushed towards her.

Obsidian’s staff flew from the smoke, flying at him from the side. Hate noticed it coming, and the weapon visibly slowed down as it got closer, though it still made a loud clang as it collided with his shoulder. Then the magic inside the staff discharged in a powerful explosion. A heavy shoulder pad fell off. Hate rolled with the impact, and came back to his hooves.

“Hah!” he shouted, “You’re the only one here worth fighting! Heard that, weaklings!? You’re as soft as that princess of yours I squished!”

Dash flew in to strike at him again, and this time not alone - a snaking line of purple magic connected to her as she attacked, increasing her power. Hate waited until he was about to be slashed, and then jumped up almost vertically, Dash crashing into him as if he were a brick wall. Hate was thrown to the ground, but simply rolled again, ignoring the damage - Dash meanwhile flew off out of control, and rolled on the ground, stunned.

“Princess…?” Twilight was initially confused by the statement. When the meaning finally hit her, she was stunned. “No... NO!” She shot a blast after blast at Hate, strategy momentarily forgotten. He took three shots, distracting him just before he could use the opening to strike Rainbow Dash a mortal blow. He turned towards her, as the shots pounded into his armor, until a missed shot grazed his side, taking off a piece of his wing. Then he laughed.

“That’s the spirit… let’s tear each other to shreds…”

He stomped and launched himself forwards, slamming into a barrier that Twilight conjured at the last moment. I should’ve teleported, flashed through her head as she was sent hurtling through the air, crashing painfully through the remains of a smashed hut; the shield absorbed some of the impact, but the rest was enough to nearly knock her out. She got up, face to face with a death grimace of some unlucky zebra who used to inhabit the hut. Before she could get back to the fight, it was once again obscured by a cloud of dust - Obsidian and Hate clashed, the former bearer of Honesty using his magic to briefly match the Shattered in close combat.

“The monster…” she said under her breath, trying not to swallow dust. She teleported closer, trying to get a clear shot. She did when Obsidian turned into a cloud of blue smoke, getting out of the way of a kick that would have put a hole through his barrel. Charging her tiara instead of her horn, she fired a wide shot that engulfed Hate, searing his flesh, and burning the paint off his armor.

The giant Shattered only laughed at the pain. He launched himself sideways, away from the beam, then kicked off the ground, changing direction by an acute angle, flying at Twilight from the side. She teleported a split second too late, and when she emerged, she was rolling, her barrel exploding with pain as she hit the ground. She took a painful breath, and tried to reorient herself. She saw Hate exchange blows with Obsidian and Dash, and then when she tried to get up, he suddenly rushed towards her.


The voice sounded with the force that blew away the dust. Fluttershy fell from the sky, hitting the ground right in front of Hate. Strangely, rather than ram into her, the Shattered stopped. Fluttershy’s power surrounded her with a nimbus of pink magic, swirling like a flame. Tears were streaming down her face.

“Stop it! Enough of the pain! Enough of hurting each other!”

Behind Hate, Obsidian finished re-forming himself. He was visibly damaged, but his body was already beginning to fix itself. The staff flew to his side, but he did not swing it.

“And you too!” continued Fluttershy, “Applejack needs help! Now! Can’t you see!?”

As the dust settled, more details showed. The battle had destroyed most of what had been left of the village. There were eight ponies left in the fight - Aurora was a speck in the distance, having apparently decided to get Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle away from the battle, rather than risk direct clash with Hate at her current power. Pinkie Pie was sitting over Applejack, trying to create some sort of small miracle to heal her, but with little effect. The rest were standing around, covered with dust, using Fluttershy’s interruption to recover. Twilight tried to catch her breath too, and her side protested with pain that was surely a broken rib or two.

Hate moved slowly forward. “You can’t stop me,” he said. “You’re too weak.”

Fluttershy stared into the slits of his helmet. “I’m not. This has gone far enough. Why do you even do that? Do you… enjoy… THIS? ‘Let’s tear each other to shreds?’ Do you really WANT to be a monster!?”

Hate stepped forward, stomping the ground so hard everything shook. “Do you think I ever had a CHOICE!? You little…”

His other hoof rose, but did not fall. He seemed to lose his momentum. “Gentle Touch?” he asked.

“What?” asked Fluttershy. Her aura did not diminish, but she was clearly surprised by how the question sounded - For a moment, Hate spoke like an ordinary pony, his villainous theatrics momentarily forgotten.

Something flew between the ponies, aiming at Hate. The Shattered was too preoccupied to react in time - though he managed to slow it, it struck past the ruined wing and into his shoulder, where Obsidian’s staff had blown away the shoulder pad - a black spear covered with carvings and adorned with feathers. The carved lines flashed with a sickly green light.

“What? asked Obsidian, turning towards the source of the attack. Uchongo was there, broken on the ground, his good eye boring into Hate.

“Be cursed,” he hissed, and then became still.

There was a small explosion, the spear falling off, its tip burned. Hate screamed with pain, a horrible noise, barely pony-like, green and yellow glow spreading from the wound through his body and underneath the armor. The scream turned into a deafening roar. Fluttershy’s aura faded, as she recoiled in shock.

“Seal him, NOW!” shouted Obsidian, but the Elements would not form a spell - Twilight, and Rainbow Dash tried to cast, after a short delay, but Fluttershy failed to join them, and Rarity and Pinkie were focused on saving Applejack instead.

“Oh, for crying out loud!” growled Obsidian. A spear tip of blue light formed at the end of his staff, and he sent the weapon flying at Hate, aiming for the same unarmored spot.

Just before it could hit, the wounded shoulder exploded with a burst of darkness, grabbing the incoming weapon, and nearly engulfing it; Obsidian pulled, and the staff returned to him, smoke trailing from its charred tip. The darkness kept spreading, thick and swirling, like a black flame, flailing around Hate, snuffing out the yellow light of the shaman’s spell. Smoke seeped through the joints of Hate’s armor, and his eye slits glowed angry red.

“No! It’s too late! We need to get out of here!” shouted Obsidian. He dodged as a tentacle of swirling blackness lashed out in his general direction. The air turned unbelievably hot, the dirt touched by Hate’s power melting into slag.

“Get Applejack out of here!” shouted Fluttershy. She then braced herself and spread her wings, her pink aura flaring up.

“Fluttershy! Get away from him!” shouted Dash. She was already at Applejack’s side, along with the others. The darkness rose up, ready to lash towards them.

“No,” said Fluttershy. “Nopony else dies today. Calm down,” she said towards Hate. “You’re in pain, and your anger hurts everypony.” She was no longer shouting, just talking sternly, like a disappointed mother. The mass of darkness swirled, but did not strike.

“Give me a second,” said Obsidian, preparing a spell. “RIght, about… NOW!” His staff flashed blue, sparks flying out of it where the wood had been burned. Twilight extended her magic towards Fluttershy.

Hate’s armor turned red hot, and bulged, like a boiler ready to explode.

Fluttershy’s magic disappeared as Twilight’s spell yanked her away. The teleportation spell activated, and everypony disappeared in a flash. Hate’s armor gave way and disintegrated, a roaring black flame engulfing the ruined village in a wave, incinerating everything it touched.


They appeared inside the round hole in the ground, startling Scootaloo as they fell to the ground behind her.

“What’s going on!?" asked Scootaloo. "Where’s Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle?” She she looked at how everypony looked, there was fear in her eyes. “Where… is Aurora?”

“They’re okay,” said Twilight, wincing in pain and her side protested the sudden breath. “She’s on her way here.” She looked out of the hole, in the direction Scootaloo had been looking before they returned - where there used to be a plume of smoke, there was now a conflagration of boiling darkness. “Are we far enough? We need to help Applejack before we move her again.”

“Hopefully,” said Obsidian. “He’ll attack anything in this state. He shouldn’t focus on us specifically unless he sees us. Now…” he turned towards the inside of the circle. “What’s her status?”

“I… think we’ve managed to stop the bleeding,” said Rarity. “and ease her pain a little. But it still looks horrible.”

“So I see.” replied Obsidian. “Fluttershy, you’re a vet. You have some idea what to do. I’ll guide you through the spell. Rarity, keep giving her extra power.”

“O… okay,” said Fluttershy. She stood over Applejack. The earth pony had her eyes closed and her jaw clenched, her breathing slow and shallow, as if each movement caused her agony. Fluttershy forced herself to open her eyes, scanning Applejack’s body.

Twilight gasped at the sight of her eyes. “Fluttershy-”

Obsidian silenced her with an angry glare. “Not now. We’ll talk later. Now we need to focus.”

Rarity sat down, the purple glow of her Element flowing into Fluttershy. Obsidian stood at her side. “The bleeding has stopped, but the hardest part is still before us. You need to be ready to heal her, giving her the impulse of magic to put herself back together when we’re ready. But before that, we need to get the out of place pieces back into position. Her subconscious self-image alone won’t be enough to guide the healing process.”

Fluttershy nodded. Wisps of pink light emanated from Kindness, wrapping around Applejack’s body, slowly pulling aside the ruined armor and clothes.

“See through the body,” continued Obsidian. “See it as it should be. Find the torn tendons, and guide them back into position. Restore the leg to its proper place.” He was surprisingly calm, standing next to Fluttershy, looking at what she was looking at. The light intensified, and Fluttershy’s face froze in an expression of focus. Drops of sweat joined the smudged tears on her fur.

Applejack twisted, and groaned in pain. Fluttershy hesitated, but then returned to her work. “All will be okay,” she said softly, and a wave of calm spread from her, like warm hugs to everypony it touched. Twilight felt her own pain fade a little as the light touched her. Remembering Obsidian’s lessons, she focused her own magic inward, hastening the healing process.

Minutes passed and Fluttershy worked.

“You’re almost there,” said Obsidian.

Fluttershy broke in sweat again. “That’s a lot of pieces to hold together at once,” she said.

Rainbow Dash looked at her from over Applejack’s body. “You can do it. We believe in you.”

Loyalty flashed red. Fluttershy’s face became calmly focused. Both Generosity and Kindness intensified in brightness, and then the spell was completed in a bright flash. Applejack rolled on her side with a painful groan.

“I’m… I’m okay, I think,” she said, trying to get up, then fell back on her belly, and winced in pain.

“You will be okay,” said Obsidian, “Fluttershy’s done a great job. But you still have a lot of healing to do. Now, this is not the safest place to be. As soon as Twilight helps me fix my staff, we will be off.”

There was a sound of flapping wings, and Aurora descended from the sky, dropping down the two fillies that had been clinging to her. “You’re here!” she exclaimed. “That’s a relief. When I saw Hate burning, I thought you were goners. What happened?”

Obsidian let the two fillies slip past him. They instantly clung to their sisters, causing another grunt of pain from Applejack, with Scootaloo joining the hug soon after.

“A Zebrican hex-spear. I never thought I’d see another one in my life. That magic was thought forgotten for millennia. My staff was based on those. It managed to nick Hate just as Fluttershy stopped him. He was too resistant to drop dead, but the pain drove him insane.”

“I’m sorry I didn’t stop that,” said Fluttershy. “I made my spell too small…”

“The shaman literally cursed Hate with his dying breath,” said Obsidian. “I don’t know if even you could have stopped it regardless. You don’t need to blame yourself; you’ve done a great job.”

“You stopped Hate?” asked Aurora. “Wait, you’ve awakened!”

“I have?” asked Fluttershy in surprise, looking down on her necklace. Everypony else were looking at her eyes; pink and pupilless.

“You have,” said Obsidian. “And that’s another step forward.”

“When she stopped him, Hate called her Gentle Touch,” said Rainbow Dash. “What was that about?”

“A pony long dead,” said Obsidian. “That’s interesting. But this is no time for stories.”

He pointed towards the roaring pillar of blackness in the distance. There was a hot wind blowing, and there were already black clouds forming over the savannah.

“We fix my staff, and I fly us out. I can tell you everything once we are out of here."


Far north, in the mountains forming Equestria’s southern border, a dark, hooded figure looked grimly towards the horizon. He clenched his fists as he turned his eyes towards the darkening sky.

“That won’t do.”

He turned around, grinding his teeth in powerless anger. After all this time!

It had taken him centuries to find a weak spot in the spells binding him in his prison. Then he had to wait another hundred years before the occasion to escape Tartarus presented itself. He ran away and hid, waiting as the power expended on his escape plan slowly returned, hiding away from the eyes of ponies, using what little energy he had to conceal himself, waiting for his magic to grow strong enough to drain his first victim and start building up towards true power.

And now, after months of recovery, he saw the horizon burn black, a power that was a legend back in his time. He didn’t need to sense the magic to realise the magnitude of power now awakened in Equestria.

It was time to go, far, far away, out of sight of the ancient things that now fought over this land.

Lord Tirek spat angrily, and started walking down the mountain trail. “I’ll need to find another race of magical creatures to drain somewhere else. After I find a good boat. This continent is a loss.”

Author's Note:

Lord Tirek will... not return in this story. :trollestia:

As always, please leave a comment (I love readers' speculations) leave a like if you liked it, and see you next Tuesday. :moustache:

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