• Published 5th Mar 2019
  • 2,466 Views, 51 Comments

In Silent Prison - Inky Scrolls

At Applejack's behest, Autumn Blaze pays a visit to a psychiatrist.

  • ...

The Autumn, the Apple and the Doctor

It was cooler inside the hospital, almost cold. But after the heat of the midday Summer sun outside, Applejack and Autumn Blaze welcomed the temperature drop gladly.

It had been a long walk, from Sweet Apple Acres to Ponyville General Hospital, though in fact the distance wasn't that far. Several times en route Autumn had asked Applejack for reassurance, and each time Applejack had gently reminded her that going to the hospital was definitely the right thing to do. Eventually, after almost half an hour, the two mares had arrived.

Then Applejack had explained to the receptionist that no, they didn't have an appointment, but it was quite urgent, and was anypony available to see them today? To which she had replied that yes, as it happens, there was a free slot with Doctor Haybert in about quarter of an hour, if they'd like to take a seat?

So Applejack and Autumn Blaze sat down in a corner out of the way, and passed the time in quiet conversation. Autumn seemed less agitated now, Applejack thought, almost as though she were relieved to be finally able to do something constructive regarding her illness.

"How are you feeling now, sugarcube?" the orange farmpony asked.

Autumn breathed out, slowly. "Better, actually. Thank you, AJ, for doing this for me - for helping me come to see a doctor. I know they" - Applejack didn't need to be told who 'they' were - "can't hurt me, really. But it's so hard trying to ignore them all the time, and it's just easier to roll along with whatever they say. Sometimes I forget they're not real. . ."

Eyes downcast, she trailed off. Applejack smiled a little, pleased at how her friend had calmed down somewhat, and murmured, "Well, whatever happens, you'll always have me for a friend, and all the Apple family. You can always trust us to help you if you need it."

Her eyes shining with gratitude, Autumn sighed again. At that moment, a door on the other side of the waiting room opened, and a grey-maned, older stallion dressed in a white coat and a friendly expression called out, "Miss Blaze? If you'd like to come with me?"

"Go on, sugarcube. Ah'll be waiting here for you when you come back out," Applejack encouraged.

"Oh! Can't you come in with me? I'll feel so much better if you're there!"

The Kirin sounded almost desperate, but Applejack had to shake her head. "Ah'm sorry, Autumn, but Ah can't. Patient confidentiality, and all that. But don't you fret none. Doctor Haybert is real friendly; I'm sure you'll be just fine."

Giving a final, nervous swallow, Autumn stood gingerly up, and walked hesitantly towards the door being held open by Doctor Haybert; if he felt any surprise at the unusual ethnicity of his patient he must have been very good at hiding it, merely blinking in an friendly manner, and saying, "I'm sure you're feeling a little nervous about all of this, but don't you worry. I don't bite!" So saying, and after a companionable nod at Applejack - the two ponies had met previously on numerous occasions following many of Applebloom's abortive attempts to gain her cutiemark - he led 'Miss Blaze' from the room.

* * *

A fortnight later, Applejack found herself once again in the waiting room at the hospital, passing the time until her friend came out of her latest appointment. After the first meeting with Doctor Haybert, Autumn had become less anxious at the prospect of returning for further visits, and was now almost back to her old self. Occasionally she would have the odd day in which she would seem sad, and listless, and refuse to get up, and on these days the Apple family would let her be, though making sure she knew they were there for her should she need to talk. But most of the time she was just as bright, and bubbly, and overexcitable as ever, almost as if nothing were wrong.

After such a long spell of heat, the thunderstorm now crashing and rumbling outside came as a welcome relief to the inhabitants of Ponyville; the Pegasi, aware of this, had made a special effort to make the storm a memorable one, allowing the parched earth to soak up the water it needed after the heatwave, and impressing the groundbound inhabitants of the town with some of the most sustained thunder any of the locals could remember. It was on the day of this storm that Applejack found herself idly reading a magazine on 'Wing Care, the Basics: for non-Pegasus Parents of Pegasus Foals', waiting for Autumn to re-emerge.

After about half an hour, the glossy-maned Kirin reappeared, passing through the door which led down a corridor to Doctor Haybert's room, and trotted over to where Applejack was sitting; seemingly deep in thought, so preoccupied was she that she didn't even notice the wide-eyed stare of a young filly with her hoof in a sling, as she tried to comprehend this new, strange-looking pony.

Applejack stood up as Autumn hove nearer. "How did it go?"

Still frowning slightly in thought, her friend looked up at her, looking so bemused that Applejack had difficulty restraining herself from laughing - even in her less energetic moments, Autumn was still a highly enjoyable pony to be around.

The two ponies walked in silence through the double doors of the hospital and back out into the storm - umbrellas at the ready - and Applejack gave her friend time to collect her thoughts. After a few minutes of galloping headlong through the downpour, and having found temporary respite in the form of the town's bandstand, Autumn Blaze broke her silence.

"Well, I have a diagnosis, anyway." Something about way she said 'diagnosis' made it clear that the idea of having a psychiatric disorder was still almost foreign to her.

Applejack, though intensely curious, was careful not to make her friend feel rushed. After all, Autumn had been hearing voices for many years, and to suddenly know the reason why must surely have been somewhat overwhelming. "Do you. . . feel able to tell me?"

Autumn nodded. "Doctor Haybert said that the tests had all come back, and that based on those he was able to diagnose what's - what's wrong with me. He said I have something called 'schizoaffective disorder'."

Applejack frowned slightly, not really understanding. "And what does that mean? Ah've not heard the term before."

"It seems from what Doctor Haybert said that it's a bit like bipolar disorder" - here Applejack nodded; that part at least didn't surprise her - "but with psychosis too. So that's why I hear the Voices, and sometimes think they're trying to kill me, and stuff like that."

Applejack nodded again, feeling somewhat relieved that her friend now at least had a reason for what had been happening to her. "How do you feel, now that you know?"

"I don't really know, yet. It all still feels unreal, like it hasn't really happened. I've always heard the Voices, for as long as I can remember, though they only started being mean about a year ago. I suppose I don't really know what happens now, if you see what I mean - am I still me? Will I have to take medicine? Doctor Haybert thinks I should. If I do, will the Voices go away? If they don't, will I just keep getting worse? If they do go away, what will I listen to at night? How can I think without hearing myself all the time? I don't - I just don't understand!" Autumn broke off, wiping away unbidden tears. Applejack, pulling her in close, gave her a long hug.

"Whatever happens, I'll be here for you, sugarcube."

Author's Note:

A lot of what happens in this story, particularly Autumn's behaviour, is based on the actions of one of my housemates, who has numerous psychiatric disorders, including unipolar major depressive disorder, post-traumatic stress disorder, dissociative identity disorder, autism spectrum disorder and transient psychotic disorder. It's a challenge at times, living with her, but she's still a lovely person underneath it all. And I think that's important to remember - that a person (or pony!) isn't defined by their illness(es).