• Published 2nd Aug 2012
  • 772 Views, 6 Comments

Broadcasters - HoneyQuill

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I barely have time to look around upon reaching the surface before something knocks me to the floor, kicking the air from my lungs. A flash of gold pins me down and I kick and struggle against its hold.

“Maize!” I squeal. But my struggles are useless – he picks me up his enormous hooves and holds me close against his chest.

“Oh, thank Celestia...”

It's only now that I notice his fur seems matted. Mud? Dust? But he was so far away – how did he get involved?

“Maize, what are you doing here?”

“I heard the tower fall...”

I nod. Out of all of Maize's peculiarities, his super-sonic hearing is certainly one of the most useful.


I turn back to the purple unicorn who helped me out. My front legs instinctively bend and I bow deeply to the Element of Magic.

“Thank you, Twilight Sparkle. Thank you so much.”

“Thank your friend,” she smiles, “he was already trying to dig you out when we got here, so luckily we knew where to find you.”

I shoot a glance at Maize, who turns away pointedly. After a moment longer I turn back to the other ponies standing in the square.

The first thing I notice is that they're not all unicorns. There are two of each here. I feel a pang of guilt that the only pony I know out of all six is Twilight Sparkle, and so I make a point to smile at each pony in turn.

Standing before me is an orangey-gold earth pony with a mane the colour of straw and lime green eyes. She smiles openly at me, tipping the brim of her hat in greeting.

“Pleased ta meet ya, Indigo,” she says, “Name's Applejack.”

“H-hi, Applejack.”

“And this here's Pinkie Pie.”

How did I not notice the pink creature standing beside her? A huge poofy mane takes up almost my entire view as the fuschia earth pony leaps at me.

“Hi! I don't know you, but Twilight spoke to the Princess and she told us that you needed help and so we came to use the Elements – you know, of Harmony – to come and save Trottingham but I'm a bit dissappointed, the things' already in the part of town where there's nopony, so we don't get to see chaos! Although I don't suspect that this chaos will involve chocolate rain so I suppose we're pooped!”

I stare blankly, not having heard the words so much as having spent the last twenty seconds wondering just what this pony's lung capacity is. Luckily Applejack drags Pinkie Pie away and we begin to walk as Twilight explains her plan.

Unfortunately, her plan is less of an articulated, organised plot and more random thoughts leading from nowhere to a slightly more interesting nowhere. She rants and raves, occasionally cursing the heavens for the lack of something called 'Spike', and exclaiming just how helpful it would be right now for note-taking. I lift a hoof, preparing to say something, when a hoof touches my shoulder.

I turn and am faced with two of the most elegant ponies I have ever seen. A snow-white unicorn with luscious plum curls, and a butter-coloured pegasus who moves with grace the likes of which I've never seen before. When the former speaks, her voice has a smooth, fancy edge, not completely unlike the accent here in Trottingham. Still, the edge is learned, I can tell.

“Don't try to interrupt her when she's thinking, darling. Twilight really doesn't like everypony disrupting her thought process. Besides, I can see a simply ghastly bruise on your side, dear. I think we should have a look.”

I swallow loudly, trying not to reveal just how intimidated I am of the obvious fashionista pony.

“I-I'm fine.” I grin, “Just... dandy.”

“Don't be silly, darling! Let Fluttershy have a look at you.”

At this, the pink-maned pegasus steps forward, a blush playing on her cheeks as she approaches.

“Now, if you just stay still – um, if that's okay...”

She takes a moment to look at the injury. Her hardest prod feels like a foal's kick, and I find myself swooning over her cuteness. I'm not generally the kind of pony who notices, much less appreciates, adorableness. But Fluttershy is so sweet that I bite my lip to keep from making constant 'aww' sounds.

“All done,” she says, stepping back. I glance down. Somehow during my daydream, she's managed to fasten a support around my torso.

“Oh, wow,” I say, “Fluttershy, that's amazing. It feels much better already.”

She blushes madly at the compliment.

“O-oh no. My, please. It's not me. Rarity is the one who makes these supports. I'm sorry if it's a bit tight, they're not meant for full-size ponies.”

The unicorn who must be Rarity gives a quiet chuckle.

“Although I must say dear, you are positively tiny!”

Now it's my turn to blush.


We all turn expectantly to watch Twlight.

“I've got it!” she cries, “we need to surround the golem using the side streets.”

“What did you just call that thing?” I say. I knew it had seemed familiar, but no name had come to mind upon looking at it.

“A golem,” she says, “a magical creature made of inanimate material, in this case rock.”

“Oh. I-I knew that!”

“Indigo, we'll need your help to guide us through the side streets. This place is confusing.”

“I know. I'll lead you right to it.”

“Me too,” says Maize.

“No, Maize. You hurt yourself trying to get me out. Things will be fine now that the Elements are here. You need to go and calm everypony else down.”

“But I-”

“I'll do a broadcast, okay? Let everypony know what's going on in real time. Just make sure that nopony else is hurt. Okay?”

He nods solemnly and turns, racing off towards the outer edge of the city. Rejuvenated by the rescue I light my horn, spreading my magic over the city before speaking.

“Attention everypony.”

My words no longer shake, even as I run.

“The Elements of Harmony are here. They're chasing the golem now. I'm leading them there, and once I see it's defeated I'll tell when it's safe to return.”

I hear an audible sigh of relief as everypony in Trottingham releases their fear of the thing. I run a little faster to keep up with the legendary ponies who are by this point racing ahead.

“Wow, that hurt!”

I glance to my side to see the coolest looking pony I have ever seen. Cyan coat and a mane that seems to contain a thousand different colours, along with large feathered wings that flap alongside her as though helping her gather speed.

“What hurt?” I ask.

“Your voice! It's so loud!”

“Heh, sorry about that.

“N-no worries. So, they did tell me who you are, but I'm sorry, I forgot your name. Remind me?”

“Indigo Wave, broadcaster. You?”

“Rainbow Dash, badass.”