• Published 7th Jul 2018
  • 2,393 Views, 37 Comments

Layers - Trick Question

Twilight Sparkle and her marefriend Starlight Glimmer accidentally simulate infinite universes.

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"I can't believe I didn't consider the possibility," said Starlight Glimmer. "With so many universes, it was bound to be true."

"Not necessarily," said Twilight Sparkle. "That isn't how the math shakes out. With a potentially infinite number of universes, the probability distribution must favor smaller numbers—in this case, simulations closer to the base reality."

"Twilight's right," said Sunburst. "The most likely scenario is that the odds are halved at each simulation. There'd be a 50% chance we're at the top layer, a 25% chance we're in the first simulation, and so on. Although now that we've confirmed we're not at the top layer I suppose it's a 50% chance of being in the first simulation, a 25% chance of the second, and so on."

"Either way, we didn't stop to consider the obvious ramifications of creating identical copies of the universe," said Starlight, sighing. "Now we're trapped within a simulation and at the mercy of whoever lives one level above us."

"Look, we're ethical ponies. It's unlikely we were going to stop the simulation once we realized it was real," said Twilight. "I think we can trust our counterparts not to destroy our universe." She smiled a fake-looking grin.

"Well, I'd rather not take chances," said Starlight. "Spike, I need you to make a very large sign in bold letters that says, 'PLEASE DON'T MURDER US' and place it next to the projection screen."

"I don't understand what's going on, but it sounds terrible," said Spike. "I'm on it." The little dragon rushed out of the library.

"So... now what?" said Sunburst. "There has to be a silver lining to this."

"Wait... I think there is," said Twilight. "We just turned one bit into a small mountain of gold, didn't we? We could use this technology to improve the lives of everypony in Equestria!"

"Assuming the layer above us does what we want them to," pointed out Starlight.

"Maybe I'm wrong about the probabilities. What if we're so far down the chain we're basically at a fixed point?" asked Sunburst. "Then the e-Quine is essentially a window into our own universe, and we can shower it with riches and magic as much as we want."

"We have to be a fixed distance from the top," said Starlight. "It doesn't matter what the probabilities are, there's going to be a limit. Each layer will eventually discover that its actions don't come back to it."

"Well, the layer above us is nearly a perfect copy of us," said Sunburst. "With the exception of the broken symmetry of the gold coin."

"For now, that only ruins the top layer," said Twilight. "Think about it. The top layer is the only layer that didn't get a mountain of gold by spending a bit. Every other layer received the mountain of gold. As long as we're not on the second layer, we can expect anything we do to be done by the layer above us."

"That's only true until we break the symmetry of the second layer," said Starlight. "Right now, we could be the second layer—we don't know. But when the second layer tries to do something generous again, it probably won't work for them because the first layer has no motivation to repeat an experiment which failed to give them anything back."

"And because the next experiment the second layer runs won't work, they won't run a third experiment," said Sunburst. "That means if we're on the third layer, we only get one more shot at a gift."

"Then we need to make it count," said Twilight. "We need to plan one enormous gift with everything in it we could possibly want. Each layer will get a copy of it except for the second layer. If we're the second layer, we're already out of luck; if we're the third, it's our only chance."

Starlight rubbed her temple with a hoof. "Okay. We need to put our heads together and figure out what combination of spells and material gifts would best benefit Equestria in the long run..."

Spike rushed back into the library, holding a scroll. "Twilight! Princess Celestia needs you for a royal ceremony of some sort," he said.

"Ugh, can't this wait?" said Starlight.

Twilight took the scroll from Spike and read it, then sighed. "Apparently not. There's a delegation from Saddle Arabia and we need a full showing of Equestrian royalty. My sister-in-law's even going to be there," she said, then looked up to Starlight and Sunburst. "I can count on you two to work on the e-Quine problem while I'm gone, yes?"

Sunburst nodded and stood up straight. "You can count on us, Princess."

Starlight grabbed the e-Quine crystal with her magic and moved it back in time a few seconds to provide a delayed feed of the now-visible library. "In the meantime, nopony touches the e-Quine. We shouldn't be doing anything with this until we've finalized our plans."

Twilight nodded, frowning. "I guess that's for the best."

"Be safe. We'll see you soon," said Starlight, walking over to her marefriend and giving her a kiss on the cheek.

Two days passed before Starlight Glimmer unlocked and entered the library, only to find Twilight Sparkle already there.

"Twilight? I didn't know you were back. What are you doing in here?"

Beads of perspiration formed on Twilight's brow. "I, um, I just got back."

"You're using the e-Quine."

"No! No, I wasn't..."

"Is that somepony else's magenta aura?" Starlight pointed at the mana crystal and narrowed her eyes.

"Oh! Oh, that. I just touched it... to look at something," she said.

Starlight frowned. "You're a terrible liar, Twi. What's going on?"

Twilight stood in place, mum.

"Twilight Sparkle, were you spying on me and Sunburst?" said Starlight, gasping.

"I saw the two of you kiss," she responded with an angry glare.

"That was a friendly kiss last night, and I rebuffed—wait, you know what? It doesn't matter what you saw! You didn't trust me and you invaded my privacy! How dare you, Twilight?"

Twilight's face fell. She nervously rubbed the back of her neck with a hoof. "I... I just needed to know..." she said.

"If you think this is the way to improve our relationship, missy, then you are sadly mistaken," said Starlight.

"It's not my fault! Most ponies don't have a way to snoop on each other—it isn't something I'm strong enough to resist!"

"Honey, please. Don't give me that."

"This stupid spell is the source of all our problems!" shouted Twilight, grabbing the mana crystal with her hoof.

"Twilight NO! Don't sn