• Published 10th Jun 2018
  • 2,654 Views, 60 Comments

Gotham City Heroes (rewritten version) - Batfan98

Scootaloo's life changes as she gets pulled into the DC universe. Batman takes care of her and it looks like she will get her wish to finally become a hero.

  • ...

Chapter 21

Batman and Robin stood atop a roof, the wind flowing their capes as they looked downward across to a club. Inside loud music could be heard humming and thumping through the walls, multi-colored lights flashing through the windows brought life to the place. It made Scootaloo think this was a kind of place Pinkie Pie would enjoy, being the party pony she was.

"You think this guy might tell us something?" The Girl Wonder asked her mentor.

"Harry Madison worked for Joker for over two years now. There's a chance he may know something about Joker's whereabouts and hopefully his plan. It's the only lead we have." Batman stated. "My interrogation is probably going to be extreme."

Robin shrugged, "I know, you told me this during my training. You'll do whatever means necessary."

Batman nodded, he glided off the roof, his sidekick following as they headed their way towards the club's rooftop.

Inside, Harry sat at the table. He scanned the crowded area of people dancing to a dubstep tune, even admiring the beautiful women dancing sensually on the stage. He signed contently, sipping a glass of rye. His peacefulness was interrupted as he heard a loud clash coming from the roof. He shrunk back in his seat at the sight of two dark figures descending to the dance floor. One in the shape of a bat.

The Dynamic Duo made sure to land on a clear ground as many of the onlookers eyed them in shock. They did not want to start a fight unless they of course had no choice.

"Harry..." Batman growled.

Harry gulped.

One thug came sneaking up behind the bat, pointing his gun towards his head. A batarang came flying, knocking the weapon out of the man's hand. The man turned to see Robin's boot being kicked straight into his face, knocking him down.

"And one score for Robin," The girl rubbed her hands.

"Hey, freaks." The two heard.

They saw a man and a few others emerge from the crowd, cracking their knuckles.

"Care of we join in?"

Robin was just about to pounce on the first thug, but felt Batman's hand over her shoulder.

"No, we don't have time." Batman was already holding Harry by the collar of his shirt. Robin nodded in understanding, they quickly withdrew their grapples, firing the lines upward, being pulled out of the club.

Once they reached the rooftop, Batman began dragging Harry across the ground.

"Hey, you can't do this to me. I got rights." Harry exclaimed.

"Doesn't matter to me," Batman growled.

"Whatever, I got nothing to say. Besides, there's nothing you can do to make me talk!"

"We'll see about that."

"So," Robin spoke. "How exactly are we gonna get him to talk?"

"Like this," Batman rose the man to his level, holding him in front of him as Harry screamed from being held over a ledge. Scootaloo gasped at the scene before her, she knew what her boss's interrogation tactics would be like, but this was the first time seeing it in person.

"Man, you crazy?! I could fall." Harry tried desperately to keep his feet on the roof as he was being leaned back.

"Then you better start talking," Batman's voice sounded like venom. "Where is the Joker?"

"I... I don't know." Harry squeaked. Batman pushed his arm forward, a scared Harry yelped. "I s-swear to God, I don't know where he is. Please, I know nothing."

"Then what about his plan?" Batman's voice know sounded like a burning volcano. "Is there anything you know?!"

"I... I have no idea. Please, for frick's sake! Don't let me fall."

It was obvious at this point the man knew nothing, so Batman tossed him back onto the cement rooftop behind him.

"Let's go," He told Robin as they left Harry cowering.

"So, what now?" Robin asked as she and Batman landed on a rooftop. "How are we gonna find the Joker?"

Batman sighed, "I'm afraid we may have to wait for him to strike. It's the only way for us to capture him or hopefully find something on his whereabouts."

"Or how about a different approach?" Cried a feminine voice.

Scootaloo turned to the sound of the voice. "You..." She scowled.

Catwoman jumped from a neighbouring rooftop, landing in front of the two in a crouching position.

Robin attempted to charge her, but Batman caught her shoulder, holding her back. "Wait," He commanded. "What are you doing here, Catwoman?"

"There's something I need to tell you," Selina rose, standing up fully. "It's a lead on the Joker."

"What about the Joker?" Robin crossed her arms, "Are you working with him?"

"Kid, do I look crazy?" Catwoman rose her eyebrow. "A friend of mine is working as one of his henchmen. He believes Joker is planning something big, something that might put the city in danger."

"How can we trust this friend?" Batman inquired.

"He is willing to act as someone on the inside. He'll gladly share any information you would need." The Princess of Plunder explained.

"Do you trust this person?" Batman asked.

Selina nodded, "Yes, I know him. He's a family man. He only wanted to gain money to support them."

"A family of his could also be a reason for betrayal, like let's say they are being held hostage." Bruce stated. "On the other hand we'd be putting someone in danger."

Catwoman groaned. "Please, Bruce. I really need your help."

Batman considered for a moment, "Alright, here," He reached into his belt, "Take this communicator," He handed it to the thief. "What's his name?"

"Mike Carson."

"Give this to Mike so he can contact us when need be."

Catwoman nodded, "I will." With that, she sprinted off the rooftop, leaping her way to where she needed to go.

Mike Carson exited the old, rusty, yet still occupied apartment as he walked his way to his car. He reached into his pocket for the keys until he gasped at a black figure landing on his car roof.

"Oh, it's you, Catwoman." He sighed.

"I talked to Batman. He told me to give you this," She handed the communicator to him. "Use this to contact Batman."

"Alright, in fact I was just about to go see Joker." He put the communicator in his pocket.

"Mike, I can come with you. Keep an eye on you to make sure you don't get hurt." Catwoman offered.

"Catwoman, you might get caught."

"Well then send me," She urged. "I can spy on Joker for you, you don't have to put yourself in danger like this."

"Catwoman, I need to do this. Please?"

Catwoman sighed, hugging Mike. "Be safe,"

Mike hugged back. "I will. I promise."

Mike gulped as he was driving up to the warehouse entrance. This was practically suicide, going against the Joker like this. He breathed, He had to do this. It was the right thing.

"Hiya, Mikey." Greeted Harley Quinn. Mike relaxed a little, knowing that Harley was always the nicest. He's been under the Joker's employment for two months and whenever Joker was in Arkham, Harley Quinn was always left in charge. At least until she gets captured herself where most of the gang end up leaving now that they had no leader.

"Hey, Harley." Mike greeted back, exiting his car.

"C'mon, c'mon, Mistah J's laying out his plan. We need every man to hear this." She took his hand, leading him across the warehouse. Sometimes Mike would wonder why Harley Quinn would so much as love someone like the Joker even with the way he treats her.

Harley opened a door, the two of them entered. Inside the briefing room was a row of henchmen sitting in their chairs. In from of them the Joker stood at a podium, Mike's stomach dropped at the sight, knowing what he was risking. His feeling grew more uneasy once he noticed the Mad Hatter and Scarecrowand standing beside him as well.

"So that's our plan gentlemen," Joker said. "As we raid the ACE Chemical plant, Mad Hatter will see to it that the help we need to build our newest concoction is acquired through his brilliant mind control. Any questions?"

One goon rose his hand.

"Yes, Larry?"

"Yeah, boss, what about the bat?"

Joker chuckled, "I'm glad you asked, Larry. I have a joke at the Gotham bridge for ol' Batsy. It should keep him occupied while we make our move."

Mike gulped, whatever this 'joke' was it couldn't be good.

"Alright boys," Joker announced. "Time for us to go grocery shopping. HA HA HA HA HAAAA!!!"

Just as the henchmen were ramming themselves and making their way to the van, Mike quietly snuck his way out of the room, hoping no one noticed him.

"So how long should we have to wait for this guy to call back?" Robin asked, her legs dangling over the building's ledge she was sitting on as Batman stood beside her.

"As long as it takes,"

Scootaloo sighed. It has almost been two hours since they last saw Catwoman. Thankfully they would pass the time stopping any random crime they came across, but in the meantime they had no update.

"How does this work? A voice unknowingly came into the earpieces of Batman and Robin. "Batman?"

Batman held a finger to his ear. "This is Batman,"

The voice sighed. "Uh, hi. This is Mike, you know, the guy Catwoman spoke of?"

"Yes, I know who you are."

"Okay, um, listen, the Joker's about to strike at ACE Chemicals. He plans on stealing some stuff there, but I don't know what. Also, He set something up at Gotham bridge, I don't know what it is, but he's using it as a distraction for you. Don't fall for it."

"Thanks for the info. We'll be at ACE." Batman hung up the line. "Come on," He told Robin.

"But what about Gotham bridge?" Robin asked.

"We'll send Red Robin and Batgirl to investigate."

"Bruce, we have a problem." Came Oracle's voice.

"What is it, Barbra?" Batman answered.

"My Dad contacted me that a letter arrived at GCPD. It said that Joker set a bomb at the Gotham bridge."

"It's a diversion. The Joker plans to strike ACE Chemicals. Send Red Robin and Batgirl to the bridge."

"Sure thing,"

Batman pulled his grapple gun from his bell's holster. "Come on," He fired the line, swinging off the building with Robin following suit.

She breathed, Hopefully this is my chance to prove myself. I will show that I can do it. I am important.