• Published 10th Jun 2018
  • 2,654 Views, 60 Comments

Gotham City Heroes (rewritten version) - Batfan98

Scootaloo's life changes as she gets pulled into the DC universe. Batman takes care of her and it looks like she will get her wish to finally become a hero.

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Chapter 20 Emergency Situation

Scootaloo sighed as she breathed in the night air. She stood at the porch of Wayne Manor, looking into the city of Gotham. The memory of her recklessness from last night flashed in her mind. How that pyromaniac almost killed her. Just like with Scarface from months back, if it weren't for Batman stepping in, she would've died.

Throughout the past week, her and Bruce have successfully taken down villains. But the thing was it was always Batman by her side, someone there to make sure she wasn't killed and, well, always the one who did most of the heavier work. Tracking down Poison Ivy's hideout, calling in the Batmobile to pursue Two-Face, and being the one to single handedly take down Firefly before killing her. She never figured out a single riddle from the Riddler and she almost got herself killed by Maxie Zeus's last standing thug.

She was never able to do anything on her own, and each time there was a success it was always because of Batman's aid. Maybe it was because of just Batman and Scootaloo didn't need to be there. She wasn't important.

"Ms. Scootaloo," Alfred came in through the door. "Ms. Scootaloo, I've been calling you. Dinner is...Scootaloo?"

Scoots wiped her eyes, trying her best to get rid of her tears. "Hey, Alfred, sorry..."

"Are you alright?" Alfred asked, concerned.

Scootaloo nodded, "Yep, I'm fine, totally fine." She put on a game smile, but it didn't seem Alfred was buying it.

"Scootaloo, what is wrong?"

Scootaloo sighed, lowering her head. She tried her best to keep her tears from falling, but failed as a river began to form down her face.

"Alfred...do you think I'm...important?"

Alfred laid both hands on her shoulders, kneeling down on one knee to meet her eye level.

"Ms. Scootaloo, what would make you ask something like that?"

"Well..." Scootaloo was about to say, but was interrupted as Bruce came in through the door.

"Scootaloo, we have to go now." He pointed. Scoots looked over her shoulder to see the Bat-Signal shining in the sky. She quickly wiped her eyes, making her way past Bruce.

"Is anything wrong with her, Alfred?" He asked his butler.

"Well sir, I believe that should be a talk between you and her, but for now you must go, the city needs you."

Bruce nodded and made his way to the study where Scootaloo was waiting. Bruce lifted the head of the Shakespeare bust, pressing down on the red button under it. The bookcase against the wall slid open, revealing the elevator. The billionaire and his ward stepped in as the elevator began sliding down into the Batcave.

Once they reached down there, they sped their way to the glass case containing both their suits. Once they were suited up, they quickly entered the Batmobile. Batman put the automic batteries to power and the turbines to speed. Now the vehicle sped off to the Bat-Signal.

Commissioner Gordon stood atop the roof, smoking his pipe, waiting for the Dynamic Duo to appear.


Gordon turned around to see the two he was expecting. "We have a situation, another breakout at Arkham. Apprantly there was a riot going on with Solomon Grundy and Amygdala, but the situation is taken care of."

"Who are the escapees?" Batman asked.

"The Mad Hatter, Scarecrow, and the Joker."

Robin's eyes widened. The Joker? The criminal Batman claimed to be his greatest nemesis was on the loose? This was it. Not only would she finally get to face off against an arch villain, but also finally prove herself of being important. Everything seemed brighter to her now.

"Is there any indication on their whereabouts?" Batman questioned.

Gordon shook his head, "No, but we better find them soon."

"Don't worry, Commissioner." Robin reassured. "Batman and I are on the case."

"I know you are, Girl Wonder." Jim winked.

Catwoman sat with her crossed legs laying on the table before her. She breathed in the smell of alcohol, a bit obvious considering you would find that kind of stuff in a bar down here in the narrows. Around her, people did their usual thing: drinking and playing pool. Everyone knew not to mess with her, because one, they all knew how skilled she was in combat, and two, they were too grateful towards her from helping out their community for some time. She would occasionally bring down food, clothes, and money. It was always stolen, but for that reason they thought of her as a Robin Hood of sorts.

"Hey Catwoman,"

Standing beside her was a man holding his hat to his chest.

"Mike? What is it?" Catwoman took her legs off the table as Mike sat across from her.

"Okay, okay. There's something I need to tell you."

"Tell me what?" Selina rose an eyebrow.

Mike hesitated before signing. "I'm now working for the Joker."

Selina now rose both eyes in shock. "What?"

The man lowered his head in shame.

"Mike, what were you thinking?" Catwoman half yelled.

"I, I needed the money for my family. I thought if I were working for one of Gotham's big shots, I'd get the money I need for 'em."

Catwoman face palmed. "Mike, you involved yourself with a psychopath."

"Yeah, I see that now, but there's something I need to tell you, about his plan."

Catwoman removed the hand from her face. "What plan?"

Mike sighed, "I don't know what it is, but it ain't anything good. I think he might do something to the city. I could act as an inside man."

Catwoman shook her head, "Mike, that's dangerous."

"Catwoman, please trust me?"

Catwoman paused for a moment, sighing. "Fine, what do you need me to do?"

Mike rubbed the back of his neck, "I need you to get in touch with Batman somehow. He may want to know this, after all he's the only guy who can stop him."

Catwoman nodded, "Done, I'll try to tell him what's going on." She got up from her chair and headed to the door. She glanced back over her shoulder at Mike, sighing as she worried about what this idiot was getting himself into.