• Published 22nd May 2018
  • 1,119 Views, 19 Comments

Equestrian Tales: Reformer's Quest - PonyJoel

This is a sequel of Anon-A-Miss: Friendship is home. This is the story of Sunset Shimmer, Discord, Fiery Flames and much more as they go forth in the New Year to spread Friendship all around when needed. Also to prepare of an upcoming threat.

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DIscord's Sickness! Time is Changing!

Author's Note:

Discord and Sunset Shimmer are witnessing the ripple effects of time changing. So far, it's not pretty. Sunset will try her best to help Discord the best way she can.

Comment if you please.

Hope you enjoyed the chapter.

Have a nice day/night reading.

Sunset Shimmer and Fiery Flames are with Discord in his dimension waiting for everypony else to come for dinner. Sunset and Discord talked about Starlight Glimmer. She would make an excellent Reformer and learn the ways of Friendship. Discord started to cough uncontrollably. It didn't make sense to why Discord was all of a sudden coughing. Discord's body also changed color then he passed out. Sunset tried what she can to help Discord. She took him to his bed on the wall. After laying him on the bed, something caught Sunset off. A quick glance at the window is all that it took to get her attention. Outside of Discord's dimension, you can see rippling effects. Sunset has no idea how to explain to Discord but she did. He quickly got up and looked before collapsing and realized that time is changing. Discord's appearance began to harden. Sunset became scared and she tried to leave Discord's room to head back to the castle for help but the portal is no longer there. Discord coughed some chocolate but his sickness has gotten worse. Sunset tried using her magic for healing purposes but to no avail. Discord for whatever reason was turned to stone.

An hour later, Discord is no longer turned to stone but acted very differently. The rippling effects outside of Discord's house changed again but there is now a new color to represent a change. The first change was black and now the second is green. Sunset Shimmer is having a hard time figuring out what the colors of time mean. Discord looks like he's drained physically and emotionally. He's trying to grasp on the situation but having a harder time figuring it out. Sunset went up to him and all Discord can do is look at Sunset before falling out.

Another hour passed by and now Discord is turned back to stone. The rippling effects are changing again but the color is now blue. Discord's dimension even took a turn as it is now a void of darkness. No stars or anything that resembles for being a chaotic dimension. Just something you look up at night with no stars and moon. Sunset decided to check on her baby Fiery Flames to see how's he's doing. Fiery Flames is alright. For some reason, he like her are not changed by the wave change of time. It adds more questions than answers. Fiery Flames flew and landed on Sunset head. He feels unsure and uncomfortable by the sudden changes within the past hours of being here. Sunset then heads back up to Discord to see how's he's doing despite being turned back to stone.

Hours went by as Discord went through many different transformations. Going back to be stone again, acting as the Lord of Chaos tormenting Sunset for a while then back to being stone again. It drove Sunset and Discord to insanity as the variety of colors changing as the ripplings got stronger and stronger. Finally, the ripples have changed for the final time. It is now a darkish red and black fusion. Discord is no longer a stone statue. The chaotic dimension is now falling apart. Discord is now back to being sick but for the worse. He's now dying slow.

"Discord, do you have any idea for what has happened because I can't figure out the sudden changes outside."

"I do..." coughs out his magic power. "Time is being changed as we speak."

Sunset eyes are wide open for the horror that time itself have been manipulated.

"It's the only reason why I was changing differently."

"Then why are you dying?"

"The colors from the rippling effects stands for villains taking over Equestria or have something that'll ruin it by all means."

"It was black at first then green, blue, yellow, red, brown and now, a darkish red and black."

Discord put the pieces together and he got scared by what each color represented until the final colors which scarred him the most.

"I figured out what each color represents but Sunset Shimmer, the last color that you're seeing is the worst of them all..."

"I'm listening."

Discord sighs. "Black represents King Sombra, the Shadow King. Green represents Queen Chrysalis. Blue represents Nightmare Moon. Yellow represents Flim and Flam for whatever reason..." Discord shakes his head a little. He's getting dizzy. Sunset helped him sit up straight.

"You alright?"

"No, not until time is restored."

"Alright then..."

"Now where was I...oh yes! Red represents Tirek. Brown represents the old me...sorry for torturing the Tartarus out of you." He blushed in embarrassment.

"It's fine Discord. I know you weren't you. So what's the final color stand for?"

Discord throw up in his mouth and swallowed it. He didn't like it one bit and to even speak the name of what the darkish red and black stand for.

"Darkish red and black represents..." Discord having a hard time speaking, he's shaking uncontrollably, "Nero the Necromancer."

Sunset eyes widen a second time. Nero the Necromancer is now in the current timeline doing whatever he feels like doing.

"Is he the reason why you are dying?"

"Yes...Judging from my physical state, he'd already drained my magic power from my stony prison. I'd still be alive in stone but completely drained and when broken free, I'll die. Right now I'm slowly decaying. Can't have two Discords in one timeline, therefore, I'm either being erased from time or joining the other Discord in the afterlife."

"No...You can't die!..." Sunset is in tears after what Discord has said.

"Sorry Sunset but there is nothing my magic can do to save me..."

Sunset cried her eyes out. What seemed like hours, it felt like a few minutes of crying for Sunset Shimmer. Sunset didn't know what to do until it hit her.

"What if I were to go back in time and find out what went wrong. If I can figure out the problem then perhaps I can set things straight."

"That could possibly work!"

Fiery Flames like the idea but he wants to go with Sunset Shimmer back in time.

"Sorry Fiery but you can't go. It can be dangerous for you."

Fiery Flames began to cry for the first time. He didn't want to stay. He wanted to go with Sunset but she made herself clear that Fiery will stay. Sunset gave a look at Fiery and he remained silent. He turned knowing he made his mother displeased. Sunset groaned and turned to Discord. Discord could only laugh a little for seeing a show for the first time ever.

"I'm ready Discord."

Discord used his last remaining magic and opened a portal to where time changed. Sunset looked back for a second then she throttled enough courage, bravery, and determination to step into the portal. Unknowingly to Sunset, Fiery Flames flew behind her and rested deep within her mane. Sunset felt something but ignored it. She thought maybe its the effects of the portal.

Sunset arrived where the problem first escalated. She was quite surprised to see Twilight and Spike battling with Starlight Glimmer. Starlight gave Twilight enough problems that enraged her. Starlight stopped Rainbow Dash from achieving the Sonic Rainboom which cause Twilight to use her magic as a portal appeared. Sunset thought it'd be wise to follow them so she did. She used her magic and levitated well enough to enter the portal. She landed far but close enough to see them. She also saw the devastation that the Necromancers brought. Sunset turned and saw corpses of Necromancers and Dragons. She understood that they just had a brawl and still continuing to do so as the bodies are fresh. Sunset overhears the Dragon that was talking to Spike about a village known as Equal Pacific. She knows where that is as Discord brought her over there. Twilight, Spike, and Starlight ran so Sunset stayed behind and followed them hoping they don't look back.

6 hours later, Sunset saw what Equal Pacific look like. She saw different creatures working well together. She remembered that most of them hated ponies and their land. Now it seems that they put that all aside. Sunset trotted down to get a closer look. She was quite amazed to see another Starlight Glimmer but she looked damaged. After hearing the whole conversation, she decided to let herself be known. She is now standing right behind them. Sunset took a breathe and spoke.


Twilight turned and became overjoyed to see Sunset Shimmer.


Twilight hugged Sunset Shimmer then pulled away from her.

"How are you here and," she observed Sunset thorough, "how do you know me?"

"I was with Discord when a chain of events happened. Apparently, outside of Discord's house, there were some rippling effects with colors explaining what was going on in the timeline. I saw the different variety of colors pinpointing that other foes in Equestria took over and reign either supreme or cause a downfall. It wasn't pretty for Discord as he turned to stone multiple times and tortured me when he reverted to the Lord of Chaos. He sent me back in time so I can figure out how to fix our timeline but now I know that is was you Starlight that causes the end of the world scenario."

Starlight could only look away. She closed her eyes and trotted away knowing that she did cause an end of the world scenario. Sunset calmed herself down a little.

"Look, we need to fix this right now."

"I know Sunset but now it's not easy. The Friendship Map is destroyed thus we are unable to use it to go back in time and fix it. We are now working on a plan to take down Nero and his Necromancer army."

"I'm in!"

A loud chirp that agreed as well can be heard. Fiery didn't mean to speak out loud but the excitement got the better of him. Sunset closed her eyes as she got heated.


Fiery is now caught red-handed. He got out of Sunset's mane and flew on the ground looking at his mother worryingly, unsure what or how to react next. Fiery also feel sadness in his heart as he did disobey his mother's wishes but he couldn't help it. He loves being close to her. Sunset could see how sad and worry Fiery is. She couldn't stay mad at him for doing what he did.

"Come here..." She opened her hooves so Fiery can hug her which he did. Sunset felt boiling hot tears streaming down on her coat. She knew that Fiery is sorry. "I'm not mad. I promise I'm not mad at you. Now that you're here, perhaps there is something that you were meant to do."

Fiery dried his eyes with his wings and flew back on Sunset's head. He remained silent but listened.

"When I tell you something now, there is no ifs, buts or whats about it. You have to do it. Now, we're in a dangerous world and I can't afford to lose my baby boy."

Fiery nodded. Understanding what his mother is saying. He saw the horror the world of today has to offer. Nothing but pain, suffering, and death. There is no peace, love, and tenderness here.

"So Twilight, how is everyone gonna gather the survivors of this world and try to attack Nero?"

"Everyone here will form into search parties that'll stretch throughout the outer reaches of Equestria. Sombra and Cadence are working on a search party as we speak. We need everyone's help to defeat Nero as the Dragons by us some time. What about this world's Spike? How are we going to find him?"

"I know somepony who can get his attention," Reaper said.

"Who can get his attention then?"

"Her name is Sunny Flare. She's the only pony I know that can send a signal flare bright enough for Spike to see. She lives on the outskirts of the Crystal Empire. She along with a new rising of bolts can help us. Celestia and Luna have the Wonderbolts, we have the Shadowbolts. Sunny's friends will help us. Each of them has a unique skill. Blaze also believes that they have the magic strong enough to give Nero a run for his money in case he were to fall."

"Isn't Blaze immortal?"

"He is but he can still turn into a necromancer."


"Well, we'll discuss more another time, right now, we need your help to start packing for a long trip to see Sunny Flare and the Shadowbolts. We need Spike and his crew to help big time."

Sunset Shimmer agrees. She and Twilight are now packing up for days worth of travel. Starlight Glimmer trotted away to be alone for a while. Spike helped out with everyone else. Tomorrow, everyone will know who they'll be teaming with. They'll know their objective as Operation: Condemn Nero will be underway.