• Published 25th Mar 2018
  • 875 Views, 11 Comments

Lunaverse: Galaxy Rangers - A Flutter of the Heart. - Rixizu

A Galaxy Ranger story. Fluttershy realizes she has feeling for Trixie, the leader of the Galaxy Rangers and wants to confess how she feels. If only things were that simple...

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Chapter 6

A Flutter of the Heart
Chapter 6
by Rixizu

Oh no! Oh no! Oh no! This was very, very bad. Poor Trixie. Fluttershy watched as the Boss's mob ponies put the Red Ranger into restraints and put a ring on Trixie's horn to prevent her using her magic.

“This time you won’t escape.” The Boss said at Trixie’s unconscious form. “We wouldn’t underestimate you this time. No way will you be able to slip through our hooves again!”

"Glad to see you have the ability to learn," Puissance said dryly, "bring her."

A stallion in a black suit grabbed Trixie and threw her on his back. Another grabbed Trixie’s morpher and put it into a saddlebag.

“What about Fluttershy?” Moondancer asked pointing at her.

Oh crap. Oh crap. Oh crap. She was thankful when the crocodiles formed a protective barrier around her and bared their sharp and deadly teeth at the goons. The thugs backed away afraid to get anywhere near her.

Puissance sighed and rolled her eyes. “What a bother.”

“We can’t just leave her.” Moondancer crossed her front hooves. “She’ll get Trixie’s friends!”

“Yes, thanks for pointing out the obvious Discordian.” Puissance replied and Moondancer’s eye twitched in annoyance.

Puissance pondered about their problem for a moment and smirked. “If she’s so friendly with these reptiles then why get in her way? Bring the whole thing, I have an idea.”

Fluttershy gasped as everything shifted underneath them. She peered out and saw several unicorns use their telekinesis to lift the entire tank. Everything went dark as they threw the tarp back over the tank. She shivered in fear and her crocodile friends tensed with worry. Something terrible would happen to them that much was certain.

"If she tries to slip out, grab her," Puissance said.

Fluttershy sighed. If only she wasn’t such a pathetic flier and was cool and fast as her friend Rainbow Dash, she’d be able to avoid these evil ponies no problem. She stroked the head of a nearby crocodile to ease both of her and their worries.

“We’ll find a way out of this.” The tank lowered onto something and it moving again. Fluttershy guessed it was a cart by the sound of the wheels turning. “I hope.”


I hate stunning spells. Trixie groaned as she awoke. Her head throbbed, and she blurrily opened her eyes. Her whole body had a floating sensation. She panicked when she realized her body was suspended in a tube of some green liquid.

Oh crap, I’m drowning! After a moment of terror and flailing about, she realized that she could breathe the liquid as if she had gills. It made no sense to her and there was probably some nerdy answer, but as long she didn't drown it was fine with her.

She found herself in what appeared to be a high-tech lab. It all appeared to be the best money could buy. It was an egghead’s dreamland if only Twilight was here. She’d be nerding out right about now. Ponies in lab coats were taking readings, writing on clipboards, and doing whatever smart geeky science types did.

Time to get out of here! As she already suspected, her magic was a no go. They must have put a magic restrainer on her and Trixie confirmed it when she touched the top of her horn. Any attempt to remove it proved to be impossible. She tried punching the glass, only to wince in pain. She trying kicking it and still no effect. No matter how hard she kicked or punched it, it stayed intact not even getting a crack in it.

"It's tempered glass, Trixie. You won’t be able to break that easily.” Puissance’s smug voice said. The glass and the strange liquid distorted the sound, but Trixie could make out the words well enough.

Trixie glared at her having a million things she wanted to say, but she couldn’t speak while submerged. It was vexing.

Let’s try this then! Trixie called her morpher to her, and nothing happened. She tried it again, but still nothing. Did this mean she wasn’t the Red Ranger anymore? Had the Element of Magic abandoned her? She took a deep breath and calmed herself and closed her eyes. She searched deep down within herself and touched her connection to her Element and power. It hadn’t disappeared, it was only blocked. Puissance wasn’t making this easy for her. She looked around the lab again and spotted her morpher.

Oh right, I dropped it back at the warehouse. Wires connected it to a computer and other fancy looking machinery. Several scientist ponies were around it taking notes and studying it with great interest. To the left of it was a duplicate of sorts, but it had a darker color and had a different design. It had fewer buttons than her’s did and had a rounder shape. It also had a slot for what looked like a key?

Great, they’re trying to copy my power.

"I see you realize the situation you are in Trixie," Puissance said, "you belong to me now."

Trixie made a rude gesture. Nopony owned her. Nopony would ever own her. Not now or ever! She kicked at the glass again this time even harder. It hurt but made her feel better.

"Amusing," Puissance replied, "but pointless. You will live in this tube for the rest of your days. I will learn everything about you and your strange powers.”

Trixie rolled her eyes. Not this again. What is it with Night Court nobles wanting to become Rangers? They were already rich and powerful. Couldn’t that be enough?

“Your friends won’t save you. Alas, they will find your “body” in a few days outside the Everfree forest. It’s well known you like to train with your Zord in the forest. Unfortunately, an unexpected creature attacked you and tragically ended your short life.” Puissance mimicked drying her eyes with a handkerchief. "I'll make sure you'll get a fine funeral and dedicate the restoration of Castle of the Two Sisters to your memory. I'll even get you your own statue in the outside plaza. A fine memento to a great hero who died too young."

I really hate you. And Pokey is the one that deserves a statue, not me.

“I will finally have what should belong to me.” Puissance quaked with fury “If it wouldn’t accept me, then I will take it by force. It is an insult that this power passed me over for lesser ponies. I had a chance you know, to wield one of the Planetary morphers. The one that wielded the power of death, Pluto.”

Trixie’s eyes widened in shock. Oh, come on, more of those things? Wonderful.

There was just so much they didn’t know about those damn Planetary morphers. The lead scientist went missing and all the research data vanished. Both disappeared right after the Night Court Rangers defeat. Princess Luna tried to find out more but came up empty-hooved. Trixie blamed Corona for it, but as usual, everypony thought her as just paranoid. It figured that there was another one. Still, where did it go? Why didn't Fisher and Greengrass use it? It would have tipped the balance in their favor. Trixie planned to quiz Fisher about this as soon as she got out of here.

Puissance twisted in anger. “It rejected me. Me! Ridiculous.” She calmed herself down. “No matter, they proved to be weak in the end. I have a better source of power now, you.”

Trixie didn’t like the way the old hag was looking at her like she was a morsel ready for serving. Trixie didn’t want to think what Puissance would do with her power if she ever got her hooves on it.

“Infinite potential.” Puissance smiled to herself as she walked away. “I look forward to tapping that.”

Trixie slumped to the bottom of the tube. She ignored the scientists working around her. How the hay was she to get out of here? And what about Fluttershy? Was she okay? Trixie kicked the same spot she hit before. The scientist ponies looked amused but soon got back to their work. Trixie glared at them. She would get out of here, find Fluttershy, and stop Puissance. A little thing like unbreakable glass wouldn’t get in her way.

“You really don’t know when to give up do you?” A pony approached her tube, Trixie recognized Moondancer. She was back in her normal pony form and glared up at Trixie.

Trixie smirked and kicked the glass in the same spot again. She recoiled in pain. She’d hit it a little too hard this time.

Moondancer rubbed her forehead with a hoof. “I don’t believe you. Well, even if you escape. I will kick you little flank again. I hope you do escape. I am looking forward to beating the stuffing out of you.”

So am I Moondancer. Just watch me. I’m the Great and Powerful Trixie. No cage can hold me.


Finally, this thing stopped. Fluttershy hugged her crocodile friends close as somepony levitated the tank again and landed hard on something that sounded like cement. She heard some ponies outside complain about the work.

"Quit complaining you bums." The Boss said. "The Ladyship wants this loose end taken care of. She will not tolerate another blunder." He shuddered at the last word.

Fluttershy winced as they removed the tarp and blinding light shined into the tank. When she got her sight back, she found herself in yet another warehouse. Where was she now? She looked around and found a window that showed a gleaming tower of a rich elegant design. She recognized it as a building in Canterlot.

“What are we going to do with them?” One thug asked. “Wasn’t the plan to release the crocs back into the wild? We can’t do that with her here.”

“That was the plan, but the Ladyship has an easy plan to deal with this meddlesome Pegasus.” Fluttershy didn’t like the smile the Boss made one bit.

He gestured to several of his ponies and they levitated a steel grate next to the tank. Fluttershy eyed a barrel one earth pony carried tilting her head in curiosity. She screamed when they dumped its contents on her. Blood, what the hay?

“She thought it would be best to let the crocs finish the job.” The Boss said with a cruel smile.

Before Fluttershy could react, they put the steel grate over the tank blocking any escape. The bars were too thin for anypony to get through. The Boss locked it closed with a key and put it in a coat pocket.

“I wonder how friendly her croc friends will be once they see an easy meal.” The Boss laughed and walked away. The other thugs left as well to not watch the gruesome sight.

Fluttershy backed away when she saw the hungry looks the crocodiles were giving her. “Now now, we’re all friends here. You don’t want to eat me! I’m a pony. No, no good at all. When I get home, I will give you the meat I store at home for my meat-eating friends! Doesn't that sound good? Hmmm… so good! So much better than a pony!”

Never in her wildest dreams had she ever seen something so cute look so scary and deadly. Her words didn’t even seem to touch them, they were too blinded by a predatory need for food. She grabbed the steel bars above her and shook them for everything she was worth, but it was no good and they didn’t even budge. This was bad. She was going to die! The crocodiles surrounded her ready to jump in for the kill. She jumped back as one snapped at her, almost gobbling her up in one bite.

I’m sorry Trixie. She was so pathetic, and now because of her Trixie was doomed. No, she had to be positive. There had to be a way out of this. Trixie wouldn’t have given up in this situation. She would have laughed in its face and break out, not giving up for even a moment.

Fluttershy closed her eyes and channeled everything. She tapped into her fears, her hopes, her love for Trixie, and everything she cares about. This would not be the place she met her end.

“Stand down.” She stared at the crocodiles as they got ready to pounce jaw extended to tear her to shreds. They froze in terror and shock frozen like somepony had just stopped time. They tried to begin their charge again, but Fluttershy just glared at them harder.

“I mean it. Bad crocodiles.” Fluttershy said more forcibly. “It is wrong to eat ponies and you know this.”

The crocodiles shrunk under her gaze and apologized ashamed of themselves for what they were about to do. Fluttershy smiled and swam towards them and gave the poor things each a hug glad they were back to their senses tears glistened in their eyes.

"It's okay," Fluttershy said soothing them, "you were just hungry." She ducked under the water and scrubbed away the blood on her fur and seethed as she did this. These monsters killed some poor animal to do this. She would bring them to justice no matter what.

“Uh, Boss.” One thug gapped at her no believing his eyes. He rubbed at them to make sure he was seeing what he thought he saw.

“What is it now?” The Boss groaned. “Is the filly dead yet?”

“We need to get out of here!” Fluttershy whispered to her crocodile friends. “My friend Trixie is in danger and we need to rescue her.” Who knew what horrible things Puissance had planned for her? They were the only ones who could do anything.

“Oh, come on, really?” The Boss put his face in his hooves. “They’re dumb animals for Luna’s sake. Dumb animals. What are you? Some kind of freaky crocodile whisperer?”

“Hey!” Fluttershy took great offense to this. These poor crocodiles didn’t deserve anypony saying such a mean thing about them.

“So, what now Boss?” A goon asked.

"Just, okay, we've got this." The Boss straightened with newfound confidence. "It doesn't matter. She can't escape. I want a constant watch on the tank."

The thugs all groaned and complained. One yelled out about how he had planned to see his sick mother tonight. Another pulled out some hoofball tickets and pointed at them angrily. Yet another complained about how he had a train ticket to Manehatten and he had to go right now.

“I don’t care.” The Boss stomped his hoof. “Watch her and do as I tell you!” He stomped off to a very unhappy group of ruffians.

“Fine.” The thugs grumbled to each other and pulled out chairs to play a game of poker.

“It’s just for the night. We’ll get somepony else to deal with you in the morning.” The Boss’s grin turned evil. “Sides, even if you somehow escaped. You would never find Trixie. She’s in a completely different building somewhere across town. You thought we would keep you together? Ha! Not even I know where she is! Face it. She’s lost forever and the Ladyship will never let her go.”

Fluttershy looked down. The idea that she could never see Trixie again brought tears to her eyes. It was so unfair. No, there had to be a way. She would have to get to Trixie's friends. They would know what to do. They would contact the Princess and find Trixie. But they needed to find Trixie now. Who knew what horrible experiments Puissance was conducting on her?

Fluttershy examined the lock and saw there was no way she could force it open for it was made of solid steel. She tried pushing it but to no luck. The Boss watched her attempts to escape amused and walked out onto of the grate. He pulled out the key and waved it mockingly above Fluttershy in his hoof.

"Looking for this." He said. "Without it, there's no way you're escaping this, doll."

A thought struck Fluttershy and she waved at her crocodile friends while pointing at the key. They got the idea and rammed into the side of the tank shaking the entire thing. This caught the Boss off guard and one of his hooves fell through the bars causing him to fall flat on his face. The key slipped from his hooves and he tried and failed to grab out of the air in time. It fell into the water with a plop.

“Um, pretend you didn’t see that?” He gave Fluttershy a hopeful look.

Fluttershy swam down to the bottom of the tank and grabbed the key. It took only a few moments for her to get the lock free. The Boss, seeing the writing on the wall, hightailed it out of there with his tail in between his legs which disappointed Fluttershy. She wanted to at least rough him up a little for the trouble he caused or at least give him a stern talking-to. The rest of the thugs soon joined their Boss, and they disappeared out of sight no doubt to warn their Boss of what happened.

“Yes!” Fluttershy cried in triumph when she landed on the warehouse floor her crocodile friends landed next to her. It was so good to the free and she wanted to do a little dance.

Focus Fluttershy. We need to save Trixie! She needed to hurry. If Puissance moved Trixie, then they might never find her.

Fluttershy relished the fresh air as she exited the warehouse. An endless amount of bland looking warehouses surrounded her. If she remembered right, she should be in a northern part of Canterlot. She saw a bird fly above her and got an idea. She waved the bird down and told him about how she was trying to find her foalnapped friend and who did it. It was a long shot, but some animals must have seen something. The little guy promised to get all his animal friends and learn what they could.

Thirty minutes later, animals of all kinds surrounded her. Birds, squirrels, rats, various insects, dogs, cats, and many more came to her aid. Many she recognized when she lived in Canterlot. They hadn’t seen Trixie sadly, but one cat identified Puissance going into an office building at the east side of town. That was a good enough place as any to search for Trixie. Her animal friends, with the crocodiles, of course, joined her as they followed the cat to the building.

Don’t worry Trixie, I’m coming to save you!