• Published 7th Jan 2018
  • 318 Views, 1 Comments

A Last Battle - DramaQueen07

Applejack, Twilight, and Fluttershy, the only members of the Mane 6 left in Ponyville, are walking one morning and see Chrysalis, queen of the changelings, flying slowly in. Recruiting the other bearers, they try to stop Chrysalis and her new army

  • ...

Chapter 1

“Twilight,” Applejack admitted.

“WHAT! How could you not love twilight? It’s so perfect. All the stars are out, and there’s only a little light left… and, geez, Applejack, it’s my name.

“Twilight,” Fluttershy said solemnly, patting the violet mare on the back. “It’s okay. Ponies can like different things than other ponies. You know that, so calm down, please.”

“But this is so personal!”

“Twi, if I’d known it was gonna affect ya this much, I wouldn’t o’ said it. Swear. I didn’t mean to make ya upset.”

Twilight snorted through her nose, but grudgingly nodded a bit. “Okay. But why do you not love twilight? It’s twilight!”

“I’ve gone through a lot of difficult times, Twi. An’ I’m busy during th’ day, so I don’t think about it any, but at twilight? When I’ve just come ta bed? I’ve got time, an’ all these thoughts from all these days come flitting through my head, just like that. They don’t last long enough for me ta see them ‘xactly, but I definitely know what’s in them.” She gave an audible shiver, and Fluttershy placed a gentle hoof on her shoulder. “They’re… not pretty.”

Twilight looked shocked. “Oh… I’m sorry. I had no idea.”


The three friends were silent for a little while, until Fluttershy said awkwardly, “Um, do you want to, um, continue the game?”

“Oh! Okay. Fluttershy? Truth or Truther?” Twilight looked to her friend. “You don’t have to answer, if you don’t want to.”

Fluttershy darted her eyes in Applejack’s direction as quickly as time itself, but the farmpony was still quiet, holding her hat to her chest in a death grip. “Truth.”

“Let’s see. Is there anypony you could hate?”

Fluttershy’s eyes went wide as she thought of something. “Zephyr,” she said confidently.

“Your brother?!”

“Yes. He just makes me so mad sometimes! He’s so lazy. And… I read a poem once that said you can only have true hate if you have true love first.”

Twilight rubbed her chin. “Interesting.”

Applejack broke in. “Mind if I go ta bed? I’m feeling mighty tired, and we’re goin’ ta the Hive t’morrow anyway to check on Thorax. I’m guessing we should get an early start. Sorry if I’m being a party pooper-I know Pinkie would get all over my case for this.”

“No, it’s fine,” Fluttershy said. “I’m beginning to feel very sleepy as well, actually. Also, you’re right about the Hive. It would be nice to get an early start.”

Twilight nodded. “I know Spike’s super excited. Only thing that’s bugging him is that Rarity isn’t coming.”

“Me too, but she and Rainbow have a life in Canterlot now. I understand that they’re not going to be able to make it to many of our adventures anymore.”

“An’ who knows where Pinkie is? None of us, that’s fer sure-’cept the stuff from the last postcard she sent three moons again.”

“Saddle Arabia,” Twilight mused. “Absolutely amazing. The scenery is gorgeous, and the ponies and culture are so different... I almost wish I was her!”

“Don’t ya go bailing on us now, Twi.” Applejack grinned. “Not with only three of us left here in Ponyville.

The three fell into a comfortable silence, which was eventually broken by Fluttershy standing up. “Well, I’m going to get into bed,” she told them. Applejack and Twilight, getting up as well from their little circle, agreed, and Twilight climbed into her big bed while Applejack and Fluttershy set up their sleeping bags.

During the night, Applejack didn’t show her fear. Fluttershy, though, sensed it and scooched closer to her, and perhaps not only for Applejack’s sake. She smiled softly, her sleeping bag warm around her neck and wings, comfortable with the sweet hum of the night air.