• Published 24th Dec 2017
  • 770 Views, 13 Comments

Lost in the City of Lights - ShobieShy

Discord, a human, and a mare, all in the big city. What could go wrong?

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Prologue: Moving Away

“Dude, nice.” I say with a hint of pride, reading down a letter that was sent to me. It’s a job offer I’ve been hoping to receive since I applied to be a receptionist in Manehattan. It’s not exactly a job I would have chosen if I had any other choice, as I really don’t like people er- ponies. People ponies. Yeah. Either way, I’m still a bit excited.

I would finally be able to move out of this hellhole of a town. Finally be able to live a calm life away from this town's issues.

You see, being dumped into a world full of talking ponies is one thing. People can get used to that after a while. But I have a big issue with where in this world I was dumped. Ponyville. I was just playing some games with my friend Eric. We had just finished a call. I decided to go to bed, so I did. Went to sleep and all that jazz. Next thing I know, I’m waking up with a massive headache surrounded by ponies and old style buildings.

Wasn’t too bad at first. But fuck me if it’s issues didn’t show themselves in less than a month of being here. Anyone who doesn’t live here can visit and notice that all of the ponies here are happy. Everyone would just be going about their day with a smile on their face. And I have no idea how. I would assume every pony here would be traumatized! At least once a month bare minimum, some giant monster or devastating horde of something makes it’s way around here, tearing shit up and causing havoc.

I’ve only been here a little less than a year and so far there have been fourteen different disasters! I asked Twilight about it a few months in and her theory is that they’re attracted to the magic that her and her friends exsert.

I tried just toughing through it. I mean, when something isn’t threatening to, or literally, destroying the town, it’s kinda nice. Twilight is nice enough, a bit grating at times, I don’t think she really gets that I genuinely don’t care about this ‘Stareswil the Breaded’ or whatever. But so far things are gucci.

Fast forward to about a month ago. I grew sick and tired of this stupid fucking town and it’s issues. So, I asked Twilight to have newspapers from other cities sent to the castle for me. I told her it was just out of curiosity, but I just wanted to look at the classifieds.

After sending several letters to various openings in various cities all across Equestria, I even tried for a cherry sorting position in Appleloosa, I was starting to give up, as no one was sending anything back.

A little over a week ago, I saw a really interesting position as a receptionist at a plaza in Manehattan. Apparently they are extending their hours later and needed another pony to cover the extra hours. Figuring I had nothing to lose, I sent my best attempt at a resume and a letter signed with my name.

That leaves us to right now, with me reading the open letter in front of the Ponyville crystal castle.


I whip around to see my host Twilight Sparkle with a confused expression on her face. “What are you doing with the mail? Did something come for you?”

“Ye. Got a job.” I tell her, holding the letter up. “Gonna move to Manehattan.”

“Manehattan?” She asks incredulously.

“Ye fam. Fuckin’... Big buildings, lots of ponies, has that one statue on the island.” I say matter of factly.

“I know what Manehattan is…” She deadpans. “But I thought you liked it here in Ponyville.”

“Nah, it was all a ruse my dude” I say as I begin walking back into the castle. Handing off the rest of the mail to Twilight’s magic grip as I walk passed.

“A ruse?” She asks with even more confusion and a hint of melancholy.

I notice her tone and turn my head to look at her. “I mean, I didn’t want to hurt your feelings or anything, but this town has way too much shit going on. I may joke about it, but I genuinely don’t want to die.”

She snorts “You’re not going to die here, Casey. We’ve got all the disasters handled.”

I ponder for a moment. “Let me rephrase that. I don’t want to have to worry about disasters all the time. I hate not having control over anything. If there are issues, I want them to be ones I can help and do something about.”

She thinks about that for a moment before speaking. “I guess I can understand that. Know that everypony here will miss you here. Especially Rarity.” She trots alongside me as we enter the castle. “Make sure this is what you really want before leaving. Please?” She asks.

“I’ve thought about it for a while, and I do wanna leave.” I say. “I think moving to a bigger city with more to do will help me in a lot of ways.”

I step onto the train with my luggage in hand, and turn back to the friends I’ve made here in Ponyville. Lyra, Roseluck… Even most of the mane six were here. All except Rainbow dash. And Applejack was here begrudgingly.

I never got along with either of them very well. Rainbow dash was a hypocritical cunt, and she shows it. Especially when that one magician mare came into town. Now, I wasn’t there, but I heard from the others about her, all seemingly disgusted by her ‘showing off’ and ‘boasting’. Yeah, because when you’re trying to attract ponies to your stage to see cool tricks, you should be modest about it. That was sarcasm by the way.

Apparently Rainbow went up and challenged her because she was being that way. I wonder if she ever tasted that irony… Probably not, she’s probably too absorbed in herself.

As for Applejack, I don’t really know why we didn’t really like each other. We just simply… didn’t get along. Not that she’s a terrible pony, like Dash, we just never really clicked. Never had any similar interests. But I digress.

Looking at my friends, I notice they all wore fake smiles for your sake. Now, I understand trying to spare my feelings, but I never liked people, or in this case ponies, being fake.

“Don’t worry fams, I’ll visit.” I say, trying to reassure them.

Rarity stepped forward, sniffling. “But Casey, who will I have intellectual debates and conversations with now!?” All her friends gave her a small glare. Twilight especially so.

“You’ll find someone. I can’t be the only intellectual in town.”

Rarity then nearly tackles me with a hug, still sniffling. “I’ll miss you.”

I smile at her as the train whistles. “Likewise, fam. But I kinda gotta get going now.” I gently place her back on her hooves and finish boarding the train.

Taking a seat, I peered out the window and wave to my friends as the train starts pulling away.

“Cut that one a bit close.” I say to myself.

I decide the 5 hour train ride would be best handled asleep, so I lean back and attempt to take a nap. Keyword ‘attempt’. As long as I can remember, I’ve had sleep issues. No magic helped, likely do to my innate resistance to it. Levitation and other forms of exterior magic worked, but nothing that would physically or mentally change me in any way.

I cursed my sleep issues and decided to simply bring out my sketchbook. ‘Some light doodles should help pass the time’ I thought.

And as the landscape raced by me, I draw whilst thinking about my future new life.

I saw the city in the distance and decide to pack up my sketchbook. I managed to draw a few funny doodles. One was Twilight tripping over spike because she was too into her book. Top Zozzle. I also drew a few other things. Some nameless, faceless ponies in lewd poses. Unf.

Currently I’m thankful that ponies don’t have hands, and that they're more dexterous than hooves. Ponies around Ponyville liked to hire me out for repairs, since it seems every three weeks another something happens and tears up a few things.

Those jobs allowed me to have enough bits to stay in a hotel while I worked at the new job and searched for a new place. At first I thought they overpaid me, then I started paying more attention and even studying a bit about the economy. Turns out I was relatively cheap help compared to others. The contractor ponies definitely didn’t like that.

The train was pulling up to the station. I stood, gathered my belongings, and stepped out onto the platform and made my way into the city. Looked rather nice to be honest. Surprisingly clean. But eh, not important.

I pulled out the letter I got from the plaza and looked it over, searching for the address. “8326 26th Street” I read aloud. “Nice, now I just gotta find the damn thing”

After about an hour, some circles, and a couple too many times asking somepony for directions, I finally found it. It looked nice. I looked both ways like a good little boy, crossed the street, approached the front doors, and made my way inside.

The inside looked nice. Basic but aesthetically pleasing. Nothing really intricate or detailed, but still had an eye-capturing design to it. Sitting behind a wide front desk, ironically at the back of the lobby, was an admittedly quite pretty mare. At least, that was my impression from the doorway.

She had a pink coat. Aesthetic. A blonde mane swept to one side. Aesthetic. Some large jeweled glasses and a pentil stuck behind her ear. Aesthetic.

I made my way up to said desk, mentally preparing what I was going to say. As I stepped up, the mare peered at me. She gave me a confused look before realization seemed to hit and she spoke up.

“Oh hi! You must be the hue-man. Here for your obligatory interview and to start your training, right?” She asked with a smile.

Oh my god her voice. She had the most adorable lisp I’ve ever heard. “Ye.” I say super smoothly… Okay, maybe it was more stoic.

“Ooookay… Well, just follow me and I’ll take you to the boss.” She says, hopping off her chair and coming around the desk.

She nods for me to follow and makes her way into a hallway as I follow in tow. I find myself perfectly content walking behind this mare. Let me just say… She has a grade A ass.

I snap myself out of my stare as we approach a door. I turn to glance at the mare and notice her giving me a sly smirk. Sheeeiiit… Curse my male hormones… She loses the smirk and gives a friendly smile. “I’m Grace, by the way.” She says.

Nice, a human sounding name. I take that as a hint to introduce myself. A simple “Casey.” was all I gave.

“Not much of a talker are you?” She asks with an adorable tilt of her head.

“Eh, just not a big fan of new situations. Just give me a few days to get a rhythm and I’ll be all Gucci.”

She looked a tad confused at my hip lingo, but quickly shook it off. “Well, I’m glad. Means you won’t be boring.”

“I can assure you, I am.” I reply with a slight smirk.

She giggles. “Alright, well this is the boss’ office. I’ll leave you too it.” She smiles and trots off back to the front. I take a chance and check out her ass. Unfortunately, she looks back… and smirks…

I quickly look back at the door in front of me. No time for mares, gotta get bits. I reach for the knob, which I’m still surprised ponies have, grab it, and turn.