• Published 11th Sep 2017
  • 912 Views, 8 Comments

Lunaverse: Galaxy Rangers - Anniversary of True Love - Rixizu

A Galaxy Ranger story. It's the 15th anniversary of the day Lyra first met Bon-Bon and Lyra wants to celebrate the day with her marefriend. If only it was so easy.

  • ...

Chapter 2

Anniversary of True Love
Chapter 2
by Rixizu

Lyra eyed her surroundings like a deadly predator. She knew her prey was close. Ponies were blocking her vision, but she would not be deterred. She ignored the ponies walking about and the fillies and colts playing and focused only on her goal. She grinned like a shark when she spotted it.

“There!” Lyra pointed to a spot under some trees. It provided ample shade from the sun and provided a perfect view of the rest of the park.

Lyra narrowed as she saw another couple moving towards their spot. She jumped right in front of them hooves outspread and glared defiantly. The couple gave an annoyed look but moved on. She gave her marefriend a wide grin. Bon-Bon just shook her head at Lyra's antics.

Lyra opened the picnic basket on her back and used her magic to grab the blanket from inside and spread it across the grass. She next got the plates out and laid them on the ground.

Bon-Bon sat down and closed her eyes, enjoying the wind blowing through her mane. “It’s such a beautiful day. We got a little lucky with this anniversary of ours.”

“Yep.” Lyra didn’t mention how she bribed Rainbow Dash to move the rainy day to tomorrow.

“What did you bring for our picnic?” Bon-Bon asked. “I’m famished. I didn’t have breakfast this morning.”

“Your favorite.” Lyra almost sang as she levitated the food from the basket. “Dandelion sandwiches on rye with egg and lettuce.”

“I can’t wait.” Bon-Bon clapped her hooves together before grabbing the offered treat. She chomped on her sandwich with a pleased look on her face.

"Take as many as you want," Lyra added, "I made plenty, and I made some fruit salad."

Bon-Bon paused her eating. “You know Lyra, you didn’t have to make everything for me. You could have made a few things for yourself as well.”

“Nonsense.” Lyra waved her hoof. “I enjoy making the most special mare in my life happy!”

Bon-Bon blushed and hid her smile with her sandwich. They spent the next few minutes in silence just enjoying each other company. Lyra laid against Bon-bon enjoying her warmth and the familiar sweet scent of candy.

Nothing could possibly ruin this. Lyra thought. She immediately regretted those thoughts when a high-pitched voice spoke.

“There you guys are!” Pinkie yelled trotting up them. “I’ve been looking everywhere for you guys!”

"Hi, Pinkie." Lyra ground her teeth. What the hay is the pink one doing here?!

"Hi, Pinkie," Bon-Bon said for some reason not at all annoyed by the intrusion.

“Trixie told me alllllll about how this was your fifteenth friendship anniversary!” Pinkie explained.

Thanks Trixie. Lyra gritted her teeth.

“I knew I couldn’t throw you a party because I know how much Lyra hate, hate, hates them. So, I got you some happy fifteen years of friendship cupcakes!” Pinkie put the basket on the ground and revealed a cornucopia of various types of cupcakes.

"Thank you so much, Pinkie," Bon-Bon said smiling, "that's so thoughtful of you."

“Aww shucks.” Pinkie blushed. “I always try to make ponies happy.”

"That's good to hear Pinkie," Lyra said, "I'm sorry we wasted your time. I'm sure you have a million things you need to be doing right now.”

“Nope!” Pinkie replied. “My lunch break ends in 25 minutes giving me plenty of time to hang out with you guys!”

Try not to explode. Try not to explode. Lyra kept telling herself almost unable to control her anger.

"It's nice to see you Pinkie," Bon-Bon said, "but Lyra and I want to have some time alone."

“Ohhhhhh!” Pinkie said in dawning realization. “Why didn’t you say so? Of course, you guys would like to do couple stuff together. Duh Pinkie! See you later Bons! Lyra!”

“Later Pinkie.” Bon-Bon waved as Pinkie bounced away.

"See, that wasn't so hard," Bon-Bon said when Pinkie disappeared.

"Whatever," Lyra replied, "let's get back to our picnic."

“Bon-Bon! Is that you dear!” A pony shouted making Lyra jump. She turned to see a plump burnt orange and light yellow maned pegasus mare walk up to them.

“Apple Crème! Is that you?” Bon-Bon ran up to the mare and grabbed her hoof. “I didn’t know you were in town. It’s been too long!”

“Bons.” Lyra tried to keep her voice controlled. “Who is this mare?”

"Oh right. You weren't in Ponyville when Apple lived here." Bon-Bon said. Lyra had moved away to Canterlot for a few years so she could attend Luna's School of Magic. Lyra was embarrassed to think of how little she kept in contact with Bons at the time, being so busy with school and a part-time job as a server at a pizza restaurant. Of course, Bon-Bon made some new friends during the meantime. “She moved in as my neighbor shortly after you left for school. She moved to Manehattan to pursue a career as a pastry chef.”

“Really?” Lyra blinked.

“How is that going by the way?” Bon-Bon asked.

“Splendidly!” Apple Crème rolled her Ls as she said this. “They did an article on me in Fancy Foods Magazine two months ago.”

“That amazing!” Bon-Bon chirped. “I will see if I can find a back issue of it. And a subscription on top of it. I would hate to miss the next one.”

“Glad to hear it.” Apple Crème replied. “Say Bon-Bon, you still haven’t introduced me to this friend of yours.”

“I’m Lyra, and…” Lyra was interrupted by a giant bear hug from Apple Crème.

“So, you are the Lyra Bon-Bon has told me so much about!” Lyra groaned in pain as Apple Crème increased the intensity of her hug.

“Really?” Lyra grunted trying not to get crushed. Apple Crème put Lyra down a moment later and Lyra tried to recover from almost being crushed to death.

“Since I see you two are on a date does this mean you’ve finally gotten back together again?” Apple Crème asked. Bon-Bon blushed and nodded. “Splendid!”

“In fact, we are celebrating the fifteenth anniversary of the day we first met and…” Lyra didn’t get a chance to continue due to Apple Crème’s excited squeal.

“Bon-Bon, you must tell me all about it!” Apple Crème sat down on their blanket. “Details! I don’t think you have ever told me how you two first met.

“Would you like a sandwich?” Bon-Bon asked presenting the picnic basket. “It’s dandelion sandwiches on rye with egg and lettuce. We have some fruit salad too.”

“Love to!” Apple Crème replied. “Now you must tell your story! I must have it!”

Lyra grumbled to herself and sat down on the blanket. She dejectedly ate a sandwich as Bon-Bon talked. Apple Crème cried into a handkerchief as Bon-Bon finished up her story.

"That is the sweetest story I have ever heard!" Apple Crème dabbed the side of her eyes.

“You see that is why we’re here celebrating!” Lyra stood up. She fought back the urge to yell at Bon-Bon’s friend. She needed a diplomatic way to get rid of the mare. Stupid politeness. “In fact, we plan to spend the whole day together! And…”

"Oh, my!" Apple Crème gave Lyra another sudden painful hug. “I’m so sorry! I didn’t realize how special and intimate your date was! I will get out of your hair right away!”

After an uncomfortable minute, Apple Crème released Lyra from another hug. Lyra swore to keep her distance from this mare if they ever met again. Harry was less dangerous and painful than her.

“Oh, I missed you, Bonny!" Apple Crème said giving Bon-Bon a hug as well. Bons didn’t even seem bothered by the hug at all. “We must work harder to keep in touch!”

“I promise I will," Bon-Bon promised.

“I must be going.” Apple Crème said. “I have already taken too much of your time.” She waved goodbye and left.

“That was different.” Lyra wasn’t sure what else to say.

"She's very affectionate," Bon-Bon replied.

“Yeah, I can tell.” Lyra rubbed her sore shoulders.

Now we can finally get back to our picnic. Lyra thought

“Bonny!” A stallion with an upper-class accent cried out. “Is that you?”

“You have got to be kidding me!”


Next time, we are going to have a picnic in the middle of a desert! Or on top of a mountain! Or in the castle in the Everfree Forest! At least some place where ponies can’t easily find us. Lyra thought as she cleaned up. It seemed at least thirty ponies approached them during their lunch date. They got almost no time alone together. How many friends did Bon-Bon have? It was like even the most remote and distant friends of Bons approached them as they tried to have their romantic picnic.

"What a wash," Lyra grumbled and put the almost empty basket on her back. Oh well, that was only lunch. They still had the whole day together.

“What next?” Bon-Bon asked. She seemed in high spirits and this tempered Lyra’s darker mood. Bon-Bon always seemed to bolster her somehow.

“How about a stroll through the Whitetail Woods?” Lyra asked. She wanted to work off some energy and frustration and walking seemed like the perfect solution. The best part was that it kept them away from other ponies.

"That sounds fun," Bon-Bon replied.

After depositing the leftovers and basket back at home. The couple made their way to the Whitetail Woods. The leaves of the tall towering trees were a vibrant green and their shade made the walk cool and pleasant in this afternoon day. They said nothing as they walked through the forest, just enjoying each other’s company. An orchestra of birdsong accompanied them as they walked. Which wasn’t surprising considering Lyra had paid Fluttershy to have the birds sing as they went through the forest. Lyra was impressed by Fluttershy’s skill in directing the birds to create such lovely music.

Lyra held Bon-Bon’s hoof as they enjoyed the splendid sights, sounds, and smells of nature. Out of nowhere, Lyra pulled Bon-Bon towards her and held her close, surprising her marefriend. They were face to face now only a few inches away.

“Have I ever told you how stunning you are?" Lyra said in a whisper.

"Not enough in my mind," Bon-Bon replied and moved in for a kiss.

The couple fell to the ground in a heap when the ground violently shook. The songbirds flew away in a panic and Fluttershy screamed in surprise.

Lyra and Bon-Bon looked around to see what caused the commotion. They untangled themselves and braced themselves for another shake. Minutes passed and they finally let out a breath in relief.

"That was odd," Bon-Bon said after a moment.

“I bet it’s Trixie playing around in her Zord again.” Lyra accused. Still, something about the air felt off somehow. It’s probably nothing.

In the distance, they could hear Fluttershy whimpering. "Oh, the poor dear," Bon-Bon said with sympathy, "we should check up on her."

“Sure.” Lyra kicked a rock as they went to help the panicking Fluttershy. Another plan ruined. Still, she admired her marefriend’s love of helping others in need. She couldn’t help but smile as Bons coaxed Fluttershy from a bush. Bon-Bon really had a way with ponies she didn’t. Lyra would just yell at the mare and make things worse. They ended up escorting Fluttershy to her home and having a cup of tea with her. The biscuits were nice, so it wasn’t a total waste.

Lyra sighed as they left Fluttershy’s house. They were spending far too much time with other ponies today. She checked the sun. They had about three hours until dinner.

“Now what do you want to do?” Bon-Bon asked.

“I was thinking about going through the Ponyville Art Museum?” Lyra threw out. It wasn’t part of her original plan, but it would work well enough. Besides, they both loved art.

"Sure, I haven't been there in years," Bon-Bon replied, "I can't wait to see what knew new exhibits they have there now."


In the outskirts of Ponyville, a figure in black basked in the beauty of the black orb in front of him. It towered at least eight hooves high. He stroked it lovingly. His grin widened as his hoof merged with it and it consumed him. He knew it won’t be long now. Soon all would be his master.


“I wonder what the artist was trying to say with this piece.” Bon-Bon mused out loud. She circled the piece viewing it at several angles. What Bons was looking at, was a rusty bean can on a pedestal.

"I'm not sure," Lyra said trying her best to come up with what to say in response, "maybe the artist just thought it was spiffy?"

The museum was more Hicksville than Lyra thought it would be. She vaguely remembered coming here for a school trip and recalled how rural it was, but she didn't think it would be this bad. Almost everything was about farming or some other rural thing somehow. She knew this town was built on farming, but still! How the hay was a rusty can art?! This piece would get laughed out of the finer circles of Canterlot. No, scratch that, this whole museum would be laughed out of Canterlot for thinking it even came close to approaching art.

“It’s so mysterious!” Bon-Bon’s face almost touched the can now.

“Right, I can totally see that.” Lyra lied.

After an agonizing ten minutes, Bon-Bon moved on for another piece. It was a painting of a mare in a pink old fashioned dress laying in the field of grass with a house and a barn in the background. It was a very realistic looking piece, but not very interesting in Lyra’s mind. She liked the more exciting, vibrant works of art from Canterlot that captured the imagination and used a lot of colors. Bon-Bon, as expected, loved it and admired every stroke of the paint on the canvas.

" Bons, I am going to go to the little filly's room," Lyra said hoping to get some air from this dry dull museum, "be right back."

"Sure," Bon-Bon replied, "go on."

Lyra let out a breath as she walked out the back door. It led into a small alley behind the art museum. She took something out of the pocket of the sweatshirt she wore and opened the tiny box and closed it again. The day wasn't exactly going as planned, but giving this to Bons would make the whole day worth it. She only had a few more hours left. She put the box back into her pocket. Best not to linger. Bons hated being kept waiting.

Lyra froze at the sound of a figure shuffling towards her. She turned as gasped in surprise as Trixie of all ponies wobbled towards her.

“Trixie?” Lyra asked in confusion. The Red Ranger didn’t respond and continued towards her. Trixie’s trademark red hat blocked almost all of her face.

“Hello?” Still no response. Trixie continued at the same sporadic sluggish pace. “Are you drunk? At this hour? Really, Trixie?”

Lyra felt herself getting nervous. Even if Trixie was drunk, she wouldn’t be this quiet. Something was wrong.

“Let’s get you home.” Lyra moved to grab her friend's leg and gasped in shock as she got a look into Trixie’s eyes. They were hollow and dead the mare’s expression was blank. Trixie turned towards Lyra and stared at her. Trixie let out an unequine howl and jumped on Lyra.

"Hey!" Lyra said in protest trying to push Trixie off her, only for the magician to be far stronger than she thought.

Trixie opened her mouth and Lyra screamed in horror as tentacles came out of her mouth. They were hard to describe. They were black in a way that made no sense. Their entirety was just black and had no color or texture beyond that. They wrapped around Lyra’s throat and body and Lyra did everything to push her attacker off but to no success. Lyra almost threw up from the smell of the things. They smelled of decay and ink and oozed a black ichor that made Lyra shiver in revulsion when it touched her fur.

Lyra didn’t know what to do. She thought about trying to punch Trixie off, but she didn’t want to hurt her friend. Lyra panicked as the tentacles wrapped tighter, she couldn’t move her front legs A figure walked into view. Lyra’s eyes widened when she recognized the pony. It was the same pony in black from earlier. His face was long and his body and limbs thin and tall. He had a light brown coat with a long black mane that draped over his face. This time is coat was open to reveal a multitude of tentacles coming from his chest, the same weird black as the things coming from Trixie’s mouth. They seemed almost countless.

“Hold her down my sister.” The stallion said. “Soon she will be of us.” He pulled a tentacle from himself. It didn’t stop squirming when it left his body. He walked towards Lyra.

Lyra screamed at the top of her lungs and struggled the hardest she could to no success. These tentacle things didn’t even budge.

“Soon you will be part of Ithaut-daoth.”