• Published 8th Sep 2017
  • 1,941 Views, 16 Comments

My Giant Fluttershy - Crystalbreeze

I never liked going to school. Not because the school was bad. Every single day five of my classmates tried to change my life into a nightmare. Thanks to them I didn't have friends. But after I watched My Little Pony, I got a new, not usual friend.

  • ...

I'm real Mark, I'm real

"Another average day at school. Ugh. Not this again!" I thought while I was walking along the street in front of the school.

I never hated the school. There was so many things. Not too hard, but not too easy subjects, two sportfields and children who could be my friends. But no. I haven't got a friend. Usually I was the shy student who just listen to the teacher, write notes and try to not be in trouble. But I wasn't shy before the school. Five stupid idiot students made me shy. Jake, Norbert, Jose, Franklin and Andrew. They change my life into a nightmare. My parents couldn't do anything because that five students didn't stop. Of course I hated them so much. If I could do it, then I would like to killed all of them. But I couldn't fight with them, because I was too low.

My name is Mark. I live in Los Angeles, California, i'm 12 years old and I am a brony. You know, a boy, who loved watching his favorite show, My Little Pony. My parents were always positive and nice. We usually hung out together and told the top moments of each other's day. And I also had a younger sister named Laura. We were a happy family.

My first lesson was Maths at that day, which was Friday. It was my favorite lesson, but as I said, i was the shyest one in our class. I wote notes, solved tests. But those idiots again. They throw me and others with pencils and rubbers. I became angry again. the worst one of the five, Andrew whispered while our Maths teacher talked:

"Hey! Shithead! Throw that rubber back!"

I looked at the rubber on the ground and hold it to the REAL shithead.

"This rubber?"

"No no no. that one in your right sock. OF COURSE THAT RUBBER!"

I was so angry at that moment so I said:

"No, shithead. If you want, them come here for it!"

After that I held up my right arm for the teacher.

"Yes Mark? What is it?"

"Mrs. Hole. Andrew is throwing rubbers to our head."

"To my head too." Said another student.

"Andrew stop before you get an admonition in your notification book!"

"Okay Mrs Asshole!"

"Hey! Stop young man!"

"Okay, you can stop now! I understood your voice.!" He said with an angry smile, while he whispered: "I'll kill you Mark Shithead."

He looked at the other four around him, who nodded.

"I hope so Andrew! But before you kill Mark, you get an admonition" Said the teacher with sarcasm.

Under the reamaining time the lesson was a little bit more peaceful. But unfortunately not too peaceful. I knew I was low, but it was time to defeat the darkness.

Under the playtime we were down at the school's yard. I tried to not meet with that four idiots. And no...I wasn't a boaster who just speak, but don't fight. I always tried to be brave, but those guys like the iron. Unbreakable. A few minutes later unfortunately they found me. Franklin started his boring monologue:

"So hello shithead. What do you do when you're in school? Oh wait, I know it! You are always a big boaster!"

He suddenly pushed me to the ground.

"How dare you stop us?" Asked Jose angrily. "How dare you hurt me and my friends?"

I fighed back from the ground.

"You're not friends! If you are friends, then are you generous, or honest? CAN YOU BE FRIENDLY?"

"Oh that Pony show again. Stop this story, because you are so boring and noone or NOPONY cares about you.!" Said Norbert.

After this the four idiots gave eatch other a high five.

"Remember shithead: You are the shy guy in the school. So be shy guy and don't act the hero of the world......." Said Jake and kicked my body as I was on the ground. After that they gone.

they were right. I was just a child, who liked a girl, because he saw the entire show of the MLP. This wasn't the end. I still had some hope to defeat them. But I needed someone, who can tell me advices about being brave. And I neded a friend too. At that time my only friend was in the MLP, my favorite character Fluttershy. The problem is that she is just a cartoon character.

At home I became calm, because my younger sister needs love, not evil. And at home I could be myself. I didn't worried about my enemies hear my judgement about them.

My parents always tried to help their son. But in the rest of the day I was in my room and watched MLP to calm myself down, or sometimes at the park in front of our apartment and read books. I needed a solution immediatly, because in my heart the hope started waning.

At that night I couldn't sleep. I was worried. Fortunately it was Friday so I didn't care about the school. I always had a nightmare about those guys, who finally finished me.

"That nightmare must be just a nightmare. It mustn't come true." I whispered.

I didn't know who could help me. A cartoon character couldn't do it, because it isn't real. But I haven't got a better idea. Fluttershy was the nicest and the shyest in the show. And I still remember the episode when she became brave. But she was lucky. She haven't got rude and stupid friends, who mocked her every day.

"Oh Fluttershy. I wish you were real. I need you."

Some minutes later something unbelievable happened. Somebody answered in a quiet female voice:

"I'm real Mark, i'm real."

"Who answered?" I whispered.

The voice sounded like Fluttershy's voice, but it was a little bit louder. Did somebody kidding me? Did those guys kidding me? At that moment I didn't know that.

"It was me. Your favorite pony, Fluttershy."

"Oh my god!" I thought after I found something out. "I don't know anybody, who can acting like Fluttershy, knows Fluttershy, or watches MLP. this is the reality!"

I quickly looked at the window. I couldn't see anything. I made some dream tests. The result was I didn't dream. So strange. I didn't say anything. A few minutes later I looked at the clock. It was 0:01 am. Suddenly I felt myself heavy and sleepy. As I tried to sleep, I heard that voice again:

"Hush now, quiet now.
It's time to lay your sleepy head.
Hush now, quiet now.
It's time to go to bed..."

"Unbelievable. A familiar voice knew my name, knew that Fluttershy is my favorite pony, and now she is singing a SONG TO ME FROM AN MLP EPISODE! WOW!" I thought.

Anyway the song worked. I fell asleep. It was a very peaceful sleeping. No worries, no enemies, just peace forever. So beautiful. But still there was some things that I wanted to know. Who was the owner of that quiet voice? Was that Fluttershy? Why was it louder than in the show?


Author's Note:

1st: The main character of this story is me. A younger me from an alternative universe, where I'm an american boy.

2nd: Those four idiots didn't mock me from the begining of the school. My first thought was they join to our class from the 4nd school age. And before them the main character had some friends, but after them he became shy and unfriendly.