> My Giant Fluttershy > by Crystalbreeze > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > I'm real Mark, I'm real > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Another average day at school. Ugh. Not this again!" I thought while I was walking along the street in front of the school. I never hated the school. There was so many things. Not too hard, but not too easy subjects, two sportfields and children who could be my friends. But no. I haven't got a friend. Usually I was the shy student who just listen to the teacher, write notes and try to not be in trouble. But I wasn't shy before the school. Five stupid idiot students made me shy. Jake, Norbert, Jose, Franklin and Andrew. They change my life into a nightmare. My parents couldn't do anything because that five students didn't stop. Of course I hated them so much. If I could do it, then I would like to killed all of them. But I couldn't fight with them, because I was too low. My name is Mark. I live in Los Angeles, California, i'm 12 years old and I am a brony. You know, a boy, who loved watching his favorite show, My Little Pony. My parents were always positive and nice. We usually hung out together and told the top moments of each other's day. And I also had a younger sister named Laura. We were a happy family. My first lesson was Maths at that day, which was Friday. It was my favorite lesson, but as I said, i was the shyest one in our class. I wote notes, solved tests. But those idiots again. They throw me and others with pencils and rubbers. I became angry again. the worst one of the five, Andrew whispered while our Maths teacher talked: "Hey! Shithead! Throw that rubber back!" I looked at the rubber on the ground and hold it to the REAL shithead. "This rubber?" "No no no. that one in your right sock. OF COURSE THAT RUBBER!" I was so angry at that moment so I said: "No, shithead. If you want, them come here for it!" After that I held up my right arm for the teacher. "Yes Mark? What is it?" "Mrs. Hole. Andrew is throwing rubbers to our head." "To my head too." Said another student. "Andrew stop before you get an admonition in your notification book!" "Okay Mrs Asshole!" "Hey! Stop young man!" "Okay, you can stop now! I understood your voice.!" He said with an angry smile, while he whispered: "I'll kill you Mark Shithead." He looked at the other four around him, who nodded. "I hope so Andrew! But before you kill Mark, you get an admonition" Said the teacher with sarcasm. Under the reamaining time the lesson was a little bit more peaceful. But unfortunately not too peaceful. I knew I was low, but it was time to defeat the darkness. Under the playtime we were down at the school's yard. I tried to not meet with that four idiots. And no...I wasn't a boaster who just speak, but don't fight. I always tried to be brave, but those guys like the iron. Unbreakable. A few minutes later unfortunately they found me. Franklin started his boring monologue: "So hello shithead. What do you do when you're in school? Oh wait, I know it! You are always a big boaster!" He suddenly pushed me to the ground. "How dare you stop us?" Asked Jose angrily. "How dare you hurt me and my friends?" I fighed back from the ground. "You're not friends! If you are friends, then are you generous, or honest? CAN YOU BE FRIENDLY?" "Oh that Pony show again. Stop this story, because you are so boring and noone or NOPONY cares about you.!" Said Norbert. After this the four idiots gave eatch other a high five. "Remember shithead: You are the shy guy in the school. So be shy guy and don't act the hero of the world......." Said Jake and kicked my body as I was on the ground. After that they gone. they were right. I was just a child, who liked a girl, because he saw the entire show of the MLP. This wasn't the end. I still had some hope to defeat them. But I needed someone, who can tell me advices about being brave. And I neded a friend too. At that time my only friend was in the MLP, my favorite character Fluttershy. The problem is that she is just a cartoon character. At home I became calm, because my younger sister needs love, not evil. And at home I could be myself. I didn't worried about my enemies hear my judgement about them. My parents always tried to help their son. But in the rest of the day I was in my room and watched MLP to calm myself down, or sometimes at the park in front of our apartment and read books. I needed a solution immediatly, because in my heart the hope started waning. At that night I couldn't sleep. I was worried. Fortunately it was Friday so I didn't care about the school. I always had a nightmare about those guys, who finally finished me. "That nightmare must be just a nightmare. It mustn't come true." I whispered. I didn't know who could help me. A cartoon character couldn't do it, because it isn't real. But I haven't got a better idea. Fluttershy was the nicest and the shyest in the show. And I still remember the episode when she became brave. But she was lucky. She haven't got rude and stupid friends, who mocked her every day. "Oh Fluttershy. I wish you were real. I need you." Some minutes later something unbelievable happened. Somebody answered in a quiet female voice: "I'm real Mark, i'm real." "Who answered?" I whispered. The voice sounded like Fluttershy's voice, but it was a little bit louder. Did somebody kidding me? Did those guys kidding me? At that moment I didn't know that. "It was me. Your favorite pony, Fluttershy." "Oh my god!" I thought after I found something out. "I don't know anybody, who can acting like Fluttershy, knows Fluttershy, or watches MLP. this is the reality!" I quickly looked at the window. I couldn't see anything. I made some dream tests. The result was I didn't dream. So strange. I didn't say anything. A few minutes later I looked at the clock. It was 0:01 am. Suddenly I felt myself heavy and sleepy. As I tried to sleep, I heard that voice again: "Hush now, quiet now. It's time to lay your sleepy head. Hush now, quiet now. It's time to go to bed..." "Unbelievable. A familiar voice knew my name, knew that Fluttershy is my favorite pony, and now she is singing a SONG TO ME FROM AN MLP EPISODE! WOW!" I thought. Anyway the song worked. I fell asleep. It was a very peaceful sleeping. No worries, no enemies, just peace forever. So beautiful. But still there was some things that I wanted to know. Who was the owner of that quiet voice? Was that Fluttershy? Why was it louder than in the show? TO BE CONTINUED > Giant Fluttershy > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- So what happened yesterday? A the school five idiot students mocked me, at home I watched MLP all day, and at night a quiet female voice, who knew my name, knew that Fluttershy is my favorite pony, sang me a song from MLP. It wasn't usual. After the song I fell asleep. But it was time to wake up. I woke up at 7:23 am. My room was so quiet, because the other three person in the apartment were still in their beds. It was Saturday, and we often started and finished the weekend with relaxing, if we had enough free time. I had enough time, so I closed my eyes, didn't move, and cleaned my mind. I started relaxing. The sunshine caressed my face from outside and the breeze, which came from the opened window, ticked my neck. I became calm. Soon my mind filled with piece and harmony. Everything was perfect. But a few minutes later I heard a strange sound. It wasn't a quiet voice as yesterday. I sounded like a step. Not a step made by a simple person. It was a hoofstep. As I heard that, my mind started working and I began thinking again. "Oh, great! What's next?" I thought. Two minutes later I heard another hoofstep, and another. They became louder, and louder. That meaned that the owner of this sound is coming closer and closer to me. I wasn't scared, just excited. The situation was as weird as yesterday. But no problem. I tried to find out a plan. I acted like I am sleeping at that moment. Suddenly the hoofsteps were over. It was time, because they were loud. At that second, something incredible happened. Somebody covered the sun's light outside. My room became a bit darker. It was impossible. We lived in the 4th floor. I was sure about someone watched me. Once I heard that voice again: "Wake up sleepy head! It1s time to wake up." I couldn't take it anymore. I wanted to see that figure out there. I opened my right eye first. I looked at the window and the glass door next to it, which was the enterance of my room's balcony. The thing what I saw was......Fluttershy's giant face. She looked at me with her two big green eyes. Finally I opened my other eye too. I wasn't halucinating or dreaming. There was a giant Fluttershy in front of my balcony. "Good morning little one!" She said happily. "Don't be afraid of me." I get out of my bed and walked to the balcony to see the whole picture of Fluttershy. As I came out, I could see the size of this pony. She was so huge. She was at least 20 meters high. One of her hooves was a size of my body. She looked like in the show. Yellow coat, pink mane-and tail, cutie mark, wings and green eyes. She was friendly and as I saw, she was really shy. She was sitting on some tiny cars, because where she was sitting, was the parking area for cars. Funny. "So hello." "Hello Fluttershy. Why are you so huge?" "I'm not huge. You are so tiny and cute." She said quietly. "You are cute too. And what are you doing here?" "Well, I'm here, because you need a friend. Am i right?" "Yes, you're right. Are you my imaginary friend?" "So so." "What do you mean?" "I mean that you are the only one, who can see me. But I'm not imaginary. Look!" Her face came closer to me. "Touch my nose!" I touched her nose. It was so realistic. I felt that her yellow coat is very fluffy. I could feel her breath too. Just in case I tickled her chin. "Oh stop!" She said while she laughed. After the touching she took her nose away. "As you can see, I'm so real." "But why are you invisible for the other people?" "Because Twilight used a magical trick to make me invisible for the others." "Twilight Sparkle? Wow! And now.......you wanna help me?" "Of course I want. This is what a friend does. Help and count on you. In Equestria my friends know all of the bronies. And they know you too. I know that I'm your favorite pony and my favorite brony is you. I wanna be your friend, because you want to be mine too. Do you?" "Yes I do." I said happily. "Yay!" When she said 'Yay!", her face became so cute. "Awww. You are so adorable like a giant puppy. If I could do that, then I want to give you a tiny hug!" "You can do it! Jump onto my hoof!" She took one of her hooves close to me. I slowly got through the balcony's bar and stepped onto Fluttershy's big hoof. She lifted me to her face and said: "So you wanna hug me?" "Yupp!" "Good answer." She lifted me to her neck. I quickly jumped out of her hoof and hugged her neck tightly. For the tiny hug to her neck, Fluttershy gave me a giant hug with her two hooves. After the different sized hugs, she took me back to the balcony. "Well, I think it's time to visit your parents to see them, because I think they are wake now." "My parents?" I asked when I heard a knocking. Somebody knocked on my door and said: "Sweetie? Are you awake?" It was my mom. "Go ahead My Little Brony!" Said Fluttershy. "But what will be with you?" "Oh, don't worry about me. I'll be fine." "Okay. Will I meet with you later?" "Of course." She smiled. I quickly go into my room and answered to mom: "Yes mom! You can come in!" My Saturday was very beautiful with my family. I didn't worry about anything. We went to the park to play games and to some shops to buy things. Under this day I was happy and friendly. Finally I wasn't shy. At the end of the day I went to the park to enjoy the beautiful twilight. But not the park in front of our apartment. I went to a silent park to meet with Fluttershy. I wasn't sure about when and where will we meet again in the future, but I knew we will, because that incident in the morning wasn't just a dream. it was real. Just in case I brought a ball for the playing, if she will appear. I came to the silent park. there was nobody at there. just some trees, a big glade and a little playground. I knew that she is too big for the forest part of the park, so I stayed at the glade. Suddenly I heard the hoofsteps again. I became so happy. I waited for her until I heard her quiet, shy and lovely voice. "I hope I wasn't late." I turned around and saw her smiling. Her entire body was huge. At the first time she was sitting, but now she walked to me with her giant hooves. "You wasn't late Fluttershy." "Okay. And what will we do now?" "Well, I brought a ball with me, if you want to play." "I see. Okay let's play!" "Here goes!" I said, while I threw the ball to her. She wasn't expected for this, so she tried her best to catch the tiny ball. The result was that the ball landed on the top of her nose. She quickly new what will she do. As the ball landed, the giant pony started standing on two hooves, like an elephant and like a seal, she balanced the tiny ball on the top of her nose. So funny again. While she was balancing on two hooves she said quietly: "Oh oh! Ooooohhhhhhhhhh......." I knew she won't take it so long, so I run a way. I didn't want to Fluttershy step on me. Finally she finished the balancing and went back from "Sealephant" to giant pony. She blowed the ball out to the air. When it landed on the ground, I picked it up, while I was smiling. "You are so funny Fluttershy!" "Really? Thank you." "Do you want to resume the game?" I asked. "Of course. But please throw a bit slower." "Okay." I threw the ball again, but slower. Now she caught it with her hooves and threw it back to me. Of course she was a bit slower too, because she was very massive and strong. A half an hour later the game was over, because the sky became dark. I looked at my clock. It was 18:54 pm. "Well, it's time to say goodbye again." I said. "It"s late." "Oh, you're right. It's time to go asleep. Do you need another song, like yesterday?" "No, thanks." "Okay, goodbye." She said while she turned away and started walking away. "Wait!" "Yes?" "Come closer please!" "Ahm.....fine." She came closer to me. "Closer." She took her face as closer to me, as she could. Finally I did what I wanted to do. I gave a little peck to her face. After that, she tried her best to give me one too. I didn1t know how could she do that with her giant mouth, but it worked. "Goodbye Fluttershy." I said. "Goodbye Mark." A few minutes later I came home. And what did I say to my parents when they asked about my ball? "I played football with myself! And you know what, I lose!" TO BE CONTINUED > Flying at night > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It was yesterday, when I met with my favorite pony, Fluttershy, who was unbelievably huge. She looked like in the MLP series. She knew everything about me and she wanted to be my friend. Of course I wanted to be her friend too. She sang me a song and played with me. My Sunday was as beautiful as my Saturday. I started the day with playing with my younger sister, and watching cartoons with her. I also played with my parents too. I did my homework and took my school books and notebooks to the bag. Before the lunch I played computer games and wrote this story. Our lunch was delicious. We ate fried meat with bread and cola. At the lunch table we told funny stories to each other and ate the menu. (my younger sister's stories were the most funny stories) After lunch we went down to the park and played. We had a very good time. But when I had free time, I was thinking: "What will happen with me tomorrow? Will Fluttershy appear again? Will she help me, when those students will mock me again?" In the afternoon my mother made a big cake to us. (she was a very good cook) We immediatly ate it. Soon we were tired. At 21:00 pm, everybody went to their beds. A few seconds later they already snored, except me. A half an hour later I tried to fell asleep, but I was wakeful. So I waited. Suddenly I heard a loud knocking on the window. I saw a yellow circle, which was touching the window. It was Fluttershy's hoof. "Hi Fluttershy!" I said and went out to the balcony and saw Fluttershy's body. Now she looked like at the park yesterday. She was standing on four legs. "Hello Mark. What's up?" "Guess what! I had another beautiful day with my family, like yesterday. i think this is the result of you are my pony friend." "No. This is the result of you're bravery." "My bravery?" "Yupp. I helped you, but the choice was yours. Being shy, or being brave and friendly." "It's true. And......what will we do tonight?" "What will we do tonight? Well, are you ready for a little adventure with me? "I love adventures!" I said happyly. "Ok then. Jump onto my hoof!" I jumped onto her hoof, as yesterday. She lifted me to her nose. "Now, sit on my nose, but be careful!" "Why?" "Because it's easy to fall down." "What will we happen with me, if I fall down?" "You'll wake up and have sleep paralysis." "Wait? Is this a dream?" "No. But if you fall down, this moment will be a dream, but now it's not." "Oh, okay." I sat on her nose and tried to be careful. Just in case I grabbed Fluttershy's fluffy coat with my two hands. "Hold on little one!" Fluttershy quickly opened her pegasus wings and flu up to the air. She were really fast. But I thought that she is afraid of flying high. Anyway, flu like an airplane. I didn't see anything, because it was dark at that moment. I just saw a little white circle in the middle of the dark sky. It was the Moon. Soon Fluttershy slowed down, but she was still flapping with her wings. "Are you okay?" She asked. "I'm fine........Where are we?" "We're 80 miles above the Earth's surface." "WHAT?" "Look down!" I slowly looked down. I saw the whole picture of Los Angeles. So many lights and buildings. The view was so wonderful. "Beautiful. And what's next?" "The clouds." "Wow! The clouds! This is so awesome!" "I know. Now I'll fly slower, so you can leave my coat." "Okay." I left her fluffy coat and just sat there and enjoyed the view. About three minutes later I saw some clouds above us. They were as dark, as the sky. I looked at my clock on my arm. I had enough time. It was 0:04 am. Some seconds later I saw more and more clouds. "What will we do now Fluttershy?" "We'll land on one of these giant natural clouds. That will be our aim." "Nice." Finally Fluttershy found the cloud, what we searched. It was indeed a giant cloud. But I didn't understand something. this wasn't Equestria. How will we land on a natural cloud? I must counted on Fluttershy. In the end of the journey she landed on the cloud. "Fluttershy?" "Yes?" "How could you land on this cloud? This isn't Equestria." "No indeed. But Equestria has got some connect with the Earth. Portals, like the Bermuda Triangle and special places, like that shattered floating city above a chinese town, which captured by camera." "And this cloud is a portal?" "Oh no....It's just a little playground made by pegasus ponies. This is the place, where the ponies and the tiny humans can play with the equestrian clouds and with each other." "So interesting." She slowly sat on the cloud and took me down. The cloud was massive. I didn't fall through it. As I walked on it, i started smelling, touching, tasting and playing with it. It was like clay, but it was a little bit cold and fluffy. I tried to make something with it. i made a little snowman and showed Fluttershy. When she saw it, she smiled and said: "Very good. Wait!" She started building something. She built a wall and some balls. I knew this game. I quickly started building one too. When we finished, Fluttershy said: "Let's begin the game!" She threw a little cloudball to my wall. It didn't break, but I jumped away andthrew one to her face. It hit it. There was a little white point on her nose. I threw another again to her mouth. Fluttershy quickly opened her mouth and ate the little ball. "Hm...Tasty!" So we played through the whole night and before the twilight, she brought me home. I was very sad and tired at that moment, so I began sleeping. I woke up at 7:24 am and the school started at 7:45 am. It was time to be fast. TO BE CONTINUED > Imaginary, or not? > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Today is Monday, school time again. I woke up at 7:24 am and the school started at 7:45 am. It was time to be fast. I quickly got up of my bed and went out of my room to see my parents. They were still sleeping. I woke them up. "Hey. Wake up! It"s 7:25 in the morning!" As I finished my line, they woke up. Made me breakfast, and woke up my younger sister. Under some minutes I had breakfast and put on my normal clothes. Everything was so fast, because my parents needed to wake early, because they worked at a tony shop at a Mall. Before 7:35 I said goodbye to them and walked down on the stairs. I was ready for the Monday. I didn't worry about anything. As I walked to the enterance of the building, I saw two slender yellow things through the glass. I walked out. Of course it was Fluttershy. The things what I saw were her hooves. I didn't expect for this, but I was happy. "Hi again Fluttershy! What are you doing here?" "I'm waiting for you, because I want to be with you at school." "Oh, another helping?" "Yupp. But I don't want to disturb you, so...." "No problem. You can come with me. anyway, I need some help indeed. I don't want to go close to those idiots." "Okay. I'll do my best." "Thabk you. Let's go." So we started walking to the school. It was close. But it was a little bit funny when Fluttershy got sticked into a narrower street. It took long to free herself. Finally before 7:45 I was in the Biology classroom on the 3rd floor. Everything worked perfect. Fluttershy looked me through the windows and talked if it was necessary. Those idiots didn't said anything to me yet, so I enjoyed the lesson. But they looked at me everytime, because I didn't look like shy. At that Biology lesson I looked like a brave and clever student. After that lesson a very not usual thing happened with me. I became the friend of some of my normal classmates: Hud, Leny and Adam. It was awesome. Finally I had some friends. But we spoke at the school's toilet room for boys, because we didn't wanted to those guys hear us. And why? Because those guys like Hitler, or Stalin. They always heard the bad critics about them. At the school the friendship was a little bit rare thing. All the day I hung out with them and didn't care about the bad boys. we also made some surprises for them. Just for laugh we told idiot and embarassing facts about them. It was so cool. At the end of the school time, when my new friends gone, I and Fluttershy walked home from the school. We were very proud, because I got an "A" at the P. E. lesson. I tried to whisper to Fluttershy, because the school's gate was at the end of the school's yard, which was huge and filled with kids. I didn't wanted to those guys see me talking with myself. "So....Are you happy?" She asked. "I am so happy. And excited. If I can't calm down in the future, maybe I'll blow up as a baloon." "You remind me Pinkie Pie. You are as happy now, as she is happy always." "Ha ha, you're right." Suddely Fluttershy's face changed. She started being afraid of something. "What's the problem Fluttershy?" "I just.....I feel something bad." "Oh oh. What is that bad thing?" I asked. "Look behind you!" she said. I looked behind me and saw those idiots again. They were angry. It was so funny to see them angry after telling embarassing facts about them to our other classmates. "Do you know who made those idiot critics and facts about us ponyboy?" I wasn't afraid of them. I fighted back valiantly: "WE did those! Me and my friends!" "Oh! The little brony got some friend! So nice! BUT IT'S UNNECESSARY!" "And why? You made an idiot team. Now we did one. You aren't our bosses!" "We are. And do you know what will we do with you after this little incident?" "You know what? I don't care. I'm not afraid of you." I said calmly. "WE'LL FINISH YOU!" My nightmare. My destiny. It can't be true! "NO MARK! DON'T BE AFRAID OF YOUR DESTINY! YOU CAN SURVIVE THIS!" Yelled Fluttershy. I suddenly became more brave. "Still you are so ridicoulus." Norbert quickly hit me to the ground as Friday, but I stood up and hurt his sensitive part. He fell on the ground. "I see you still don't know what is the friendship, because your parents didn't care about you!" "HOW DARE YOU....." "SHUT THE F'CK UP! IF YOU WANT TO SURVIVE MY RAGE, STOP THIS IDIOT DICTATORSHIP AND TRY TO BE NORMAL!" The other four guys made a circle around me to make me a trap. They were as angry as me. "Never.....Finish him!" They started hitting me. I let my angry emotions to go out of me. They were very strong, but I was too. As I fighted with them, Fluttershy sent me councils from outside. "MARK, DON'T GIVE UP THE HO......." The most terrible thing happened. Andrew yelled: "You get this in the name of Norb." And hit my sensitive part firstly. And secondly my nose. I fell on the ground. I was on the edge of the blackout. My eyes filled with tear. I tried to not cry. They started laughing. I heard Jose1s voice. "As you can see, you idiot gay boy. Now, you aren't the shy boy, who you was. You tried to act the hero character, but now, you are just a BIG LOSER!" After his little momologue he hit my belly with his right hand. It hurt. I felt that I am getting very close to the blackout. "Now, let's go. We didn't have lunch yet." Said Jose again. "And what will happen with Norbert?" Asked Andrew. "I don't care. For me, he can die. I don't really care about him." "Okay." They left me. "HEY!" Said a very familiar voice. Fluttershy's voice. It was more louder than I ever heard. I didn't see it very well, but I saw that they quickly turned around and their face started filling with fear. "I DON'T ALLOW TO HURT MY FRIEND!" "What the neck.....?" "HOW DARE YOU HURT MY BEST FRIEND? HELLO! I'M WAITING FOR AN ANSWER!" I turned around as fast as I could. I never saw Fluttershy angry, but now I saw. Her whole face was angry as a monster's face. She scared them. She wanted an answer, but they couldn't speak thanks to her. "MARK WAS RIGHT! YOU DON'T KNOW ANYTHING ABOUT THE FRIENDSHIP! YOU ARE JUST SOME BOASTERS, WHO TRY TO STOP THE FRIENDSHIP, BUT NOW IT'S OVER! IF YOU WANT TO LIVE, THEN DO WHAT MARK SAID AND GET AWAY FROM US!" They looked at each other and nodded. They started slótuttering. "O-Okayy....." "GO AWAY!" They ran away. I looked at Fluttershy, who wasn't already angry at that moment. I stuttered to her to, but I tried to be alive. "Thank you very much Fluttershy!" "You're welcome." "H-How did you do this? I thought that you are invisible to them." "You're right there, but when they finished my little friend, as you can see, I became angry and tried to express my feelings to them. I didn't wanna yell to the air." "But now you are visible to everyone." "Not exactly. Look at the other kids at the playground. They don't see me." I smiled to her. I was very happy, because we finished them and not they finished us. Suddenly I felt something very painful feeling at my nose. As I toched it, it hurt. It really hurt. I felt something is pattering out of my nose. I cleaned the are under my nose to see that pattering thing. As I saw it, my heart started pumping. It was blood. So many blood. Those idiots broke my nose. Fluttershy saw that there was a problem with me. She asked: "What's wrong?" "Bl...Blood. I can't take the view of the blo...." I fell back to the ground and had a blackout. But I still heard things from outside. Firstly I heard Fluttershy, who was panicing. "Oh no! Oh no no no no no! Mark! Wakr up!" I was so scared. I haven't got energy to wake up. I woke up for fresh air. The weather was colder, than other rimes. I was on thing, a fluffy thing. It was Fluttershy's nose. I lied on Fluttershy's nose. I didn't move, just spoke: "Where am I?" "On my nose little one. On my nose." "What happened?" "After your little blackout I put you on my nose and now we're walking home." "Oh, okay." "Sleep a little bit more! You can be awake at home." She said. "Fine." So I fell asleep. I woke up at my room. My mother woke me up. "Are you alright now sweety?" "I....I am alright." "It's good to know." "What happened. I don't remember what happened." "Well, you came home with a broken nose, so we knew what we will do, You become sick, if you see so many blood, so we took you to the bed." "Ah, it's good to know too." "Do you need anything?" "No." "Okay. Just lie here and relax." "Okay." As my mom walked out of my room I looked at the windows. I saw Flutterhsy. I tried to get out of the bed. It worked. But I was sick. I quickly gut on a gown and went out. Fluttershy was happy to see me. "Are you okay now?" "Aha. I feel myself better now. I already wanna see those guys' faces tomorrow." I smiled. "Oh me too.... At that moment her face became a little bit sad. "...but..." "But what?" "You know, while you were sleeping, Princess Celestia sent me a letter. She said that it's time to go back to Equestria." My face became sad too. "W-What? But why?" "Because my job is over. You needed help and I helped you." "But I thought we are friends." "We are. But it's time to go." "C-Can I go with you?" "No....Because if you'll go with me, you'll miss your new friends and your family." I started crying quietly. "Don't go please!" She took her face close to me. "Oh don't cry little one......don't cry." I hugged her face tighly. Both of us cried. This was like "My Little Dashie". I knew this part. This was the part, when the main character saw her little rainbow colored daughter last time. But I didn't want to loose Fluttershy. Yes, she was a giant pony from another world, yes, she's got friends there, but I just wanted to keep her. She was like a second mother, or a real friend. But she had a life in Equestria. "I'll miss you Fluttershy." "Me too." "Where can.......I see you again?" "Nowhere. If you need my help, or my company, just think of me strongly and I'll be there." I felt myself better. I was happy as Fluttershy gave hope to me. I had a chance to see Fluttershy again. "But it's time to go now. Goodbye Mark." "Goodbye Fluttershy." She flew up to the air and some seconds later she gone. Finally she came home. To her little wodden cabin, to her little pets and to her friends. And after some days I met her again. But this time I met with her friends, the mane 5. They were as amazing as in the show. And those idiots changed indeed. The student's didn't forgive them, but they didn't gave up the hope and started learning friendship from us. They became our new friends. Why our new friends? Because they also could see the ponies, like me. THE END