• Published 25th Dec 2017
  • 465 Views, 7 Comments

Shell Shocked - Coolguy362

You find yourself in a world of talking horses. Do you stay or go home?

  • ...

Damn it Discord

“Fluttershy, this tea is delicious!” Discord said with a smile.”It may even be the best you’ve made.”

“Oh Discord you’re too kind.” Fluttershy said with a chuckle.

“While I am probably the most kind drachuanichus in the world, it is no exaggeration. What kind of tea is it?” The drachuanichus asked.

“Raspberry.”, The timid pony said. “I picked them myself.” She said with pride. “Did you try the cookies ye-”

Fluttershy was cut off by a knock on the door. “I’ll get it!”, Discord said.

He opened the door to see what looked like a hairless monkey with no tail. “Ummm, Fluttershy, you should see this.” Discord said with a frown. “It may be one of you’re animals.”

“Coming!”, The shy mare said with a confused look on her face. What would one of her animals be doing at the door?

When she got to the door, she saw the unconscious human in her door step and nearly jumped out of her skin. “My goodness!” The timid mare exclaimed. “It looks hurt Discord. I think we should bring it inside.”

“Maybe, but what if it’s dangerous. It may hurt you!” Discord said with a worried look. “Besides, it doesn’t look like it’s from around here.”

Fluttershy put on her best puppy dog eyes and said “Please Discord. For me?” She said.

Discord, who was feeling very guilty at the moment, finally agreed to let the strange creature in. “But if it hurts a hair on you’re main, I teleport it to the nearest termite nest.” Fluttershy made a mental note to stop Discord from doing this if it came down to it

“Okay then.”, Fluttershy said. “Can you help me carry him in?”, She said sheepishly.

“Uuugh fine.” Discord said. He snapped his finger and the human appeared on the table that the tea party was formerly on.

“Okay, first things first.” The timid mare said, “I need something to clean his wounds.” She said, assuming the creature was male.

She got a bottle of rubbing alcohol and put some on a towel. After she cleaned the wounds, she bandeged them, including the one on his head. All the while, a certain drachuanichus was whistling the smile song in the background.

“Okay, all done!”, Fluttershy said with a smile.

She then carried him into her room and covered him up. Then she went to the kitchen and got him a glass of water for when he woke up.

When she was done with this, she went back down stairs where Discord was waiting. “Now.” He said, “Shall we continue.”

I woke up in a bed. It was something I hadn’t felt in months. I didn’t want to get up until I remembered what had happened a few hours before. “Someone must have taken me in and fixed me up.” I Thought.

I got out of bed and noticed the glass of water by the bed. I drank it greedily, since I hadn’t drank any thing since I was in my landing craft.

It was then I heard muffled voices down stairs. I couldn’t here what they were saying, but I could tell one was male and one was female. I quietly made my way down to stairs when I saw who the voices belonged to.

One was a pony with a pink mane and light yellow coat. The other was....let’s just say a mish-mash of different animals.

“What...the...hell.” I said, trying not to faint again, "Am i going crazy from lack of blood or is this some wierd dream about a horse and....whatever you are.

"My goodness....you can talk.", Fluttershy said with a slight tremor in her voice.

"Yes....I'm just as surprised that you can.", I said.

"Sorry to interrupt this amazing chaos, but who and what are you?" Discord interrupted.

"Ashton Cole and I'm a human. And who and what are you two.", I asked.

"I'm discord, spirit of chaos and disharmony. And this is Fluttershy. I'm a drachuanichis and she is a pony not a horse." Discord said with a sneer.

"I can tell whe're gonna get along just fine Discord." I said sarcastically. "Now second question. Where am I, as in country."

"Equestria.", Fluttershy said "The most friendly country in the world."


"Ummmm did you break him Fluttershy?" Discord asked with mock curiosity.

"No.....I'm just very, VERY confused about this whole thing." I said "So is everyone a pony in this country?", I asked, linking Equestria with ponies.

"Mostly.", Fluttershy said.

"Can you take me to the nearest town. I need to see this for myself.", I said.

"That would be Ponyville." Discord said.

"Ponyville?", I said with a look of 'Oh my god its a horse pun' on my face,"Christus auf einem Fahrrad, das nach Berlin reitet"

"Umm excuse me?" Fluttershy said.

"Different language. Sorry." I said sheepishly.

"Well we should get to town now, I guess" Discord said.

"Right.....But I'm starving, so can i get something to eat first.", I said with hopeful eyes.

"We can get something on the way to town." Fluttershy said "By the way, what do you eat?" Fluttershy asked.

"Well I'm an omnivore, so I eat plants and meat.", I said, unaware of the fear I would cause Fluttershy.

"You eat other animals?!", Fluttershy shy asked with a horrified look on her face.

"Yes but I don't intend to eat you. I'm not Chinese" I said. I laughed at my own bad joke, and then I looked at the two in front of me, seeing that they didn't get it.

"Look, the point is that I won't eat any body." I said with a sigh.

"You mean everypony." Discord said.

"Oh Christ, that's a pun to?! Okay nevermind, yes everypony." I said.

"Okay I think we should go now." Fluttershy said.

"Good idea." I said, afraid i would strangle Discord.

And so we went walking (Discord floating) along the path from Fluttershy's house to Ponyville. At that time I was unaware of the cyan and rainbow colored blur heading straight for me....

Author's Note:

Woooo another chapter in the books (pun intended). Probably butchered the spelling of drachuanichis but screw it. I'll try to have the next chapter out by next week. Until then, coolguy, out. (The part were i spoke a different language was german btw.)