• Published 19th Jul 2017
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Gotham City Heroes (canceled version) - Batfan98

Scootaloo ends up in Gotham City in the DC Universe and becomes Batman's next sidekick, where she will now face off against killer clowns, riddle obsessed maniacs, and crime lords who once ruled the Gotham Underworld.

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Chapter 6 Young Vigilante

"Another night of patrol for him." Scootaloo sighed as she layed on her bed, tonight Bruce put on his bat-suit and went out patrolling the streets of Gotham again while she stayed home. During the past week she heard that Gotham was flooded with crime. On the Gotham Gazzete it was reported that there were many breakins, muggins and more, and she was upset about it, about people getting robbed, about people getting murdered, and about criminals escaping prison, she didn't want to sit there doing nothing.

Sure Bruce was out there doing what he can and she heard him say that the GCPD had an honest commissioner, Jim Gordon, but it would take more than them them to save this city.

She felt like there could be something that she could do, but she wasn't doing anything, sure Alfred stayed home but he still helped Bruce by hacking into a signal or giving him info that he needs, through an earpiece Bruce had that was connected to the Batcomputer.

Scootaloo Sat up from her bed, picked up her remote and turned on the TV to take her mind off it. "This is Viki Vale, reporting live, just 30 minutes ago a family was robbed in Gotham park, we are here with them as we speak." the TV showed the family, the mom hugging her crying child in her arms." that was the last straw, Scootaloo imediatly turned off the TV and decided that she had enough, she wasn't going to sitting in the manor waiting for Bruce to get home, no, she was gonna deal with the crime in this city as well.

She got up from her her and walked over to her closet and grabbed a black zip up hoodie and put it on, she went to her drawer and took a pair of liner gloves. She then looked around in the room to see if there was something else perfect for her to wear, then she looked in an empty drawer and found a domino mask "Perfect." She smiled.

Scootaloo put on the mask and pulled her hood over her head and went down into the Batcave, any moment Batman would call Alfred through the earpiece they had, so she had to be quick, she then walked into the old storage room and looked around for a belt she could use and she found a belt in a rack that was labeled "Dick Grayson's gear" which had a few utility belts and some gadgets on it, Bruce must have kept it all for memories.

She found a belt that was her size, she assumed Dick wore it in his early days as Batman's sidekick, which was when he was young.

Scootaloo then picked out about 15 batarangs, a grapple attatched to a rope, 5 smoke pellets, and 5 pairs of bat-cuffs. She was ready.

She then got out of the Batcave and then walked out the door of the manor, she sprinted through the yard but stopped when there was a wall in front of her. She pulled out her rope and threw the book over the wall, she pulled the rope until the hook reached the top edge of the wall, she tugged the rope a few times to make sure it was tight and climbed up the wall, she then got on top of the wall and put her rope back in her belt. She then jumped off the wall and landed on the ground on her feet "Not bad." she said, proud of herself.

She then walked down the road to Gotham, it took her 20 minutes to get to the city and she ran to the alley of a building and pulled out her rope, she then swung it upwards but it fell down, she swung it upwards again but it fell down again, happened five more times until the hook finally grabbed a hold of the edge of the building and she walked up the wall while holding onto the rope and just as she was almost to the roof, a woman with red hair and glasses (The Lost Narrator) poked her head out her window and looked at Scootaloo surprised. "Why are you rope climbing up the building?" she asked.

"Let's just say, I wanna get to the roof." Scootaloo said.

"Why didn't you take the stairs?" The Lost Narrator asked.

"What?" Scootaloo asked confused.

"Look to your left." Scootaloo did so and she saw a fire escape staircase that she could have used instead of going through the trouble of getting her hook to the roof. She face palmed then looked at The Lost Narrator.

"That never happened." Scootaloo said as she began to continue rope climbing up the wall.


Alfred was dusting the old storage room and was about to dust the rack that had Dick's old gear and then noticed that some things were missing. The belt Dick wore in his first two years as Robin was gone as well as some batarangs, smoke pellets, bat-cuffs, and a grappling hook attached to a rope was gone.

'Who could have taken them?' he thought. He then figured since he and Scootaloo, or Mrs. Phillips as he now called her, might have taken it, but didn't want to jump to accusations until there was proof.

He went took the elevator up to the manor and walked to Scootaloo's bedroom. He opened the door and found that no one was in the room. He then started searching around the manor "Mrs. Phillips?" Alfred called but tyre was no answer "Mrs. Phillips?" still no answer "Mrs. Phillips?" still no answer.

He then confirmed that Scootaloo was not in the manor, he took the elevator back down to the Batcave and went to the Batcomputer to look at the security footage to see where Scootaloo was.

The Batcomputer showed some footage of Scootaloo, rope climbing over the wall, wearing Dick's old utility belt and the Domino mask that was part of Bruce's Zorro Halloween costume he wore when he was a kid 'Master Bruce is not going to like this.' Alfred thought.


Scootaloo sprinted from rooftop to rooftop, looking to see if there was any trouble. She the stopped when she noticed 3 men in an alley and eaves dropped on their conversation. "Why do we rob places when we have a money machine that can print money?"

"Did you even listen to what the boss said? It's broken, and we need to get things to sell so he can get the money to fix it, and once it's fix it, each of us gets paid 40 million."

"Okay, and why did the boss tell us the warehouse number at the docks when we know it already?"

"Cause some of us forget, it's warehouse 41."

"Oh okay, I have one more question." the man asking all the question said much to the other man's annoyance.

"Sigh, okay, what is it?"

"why do we need to fix the machine again?"

"Are you really this stupid?! I just told you."

Scootaloo decided she heard enough and jumped down, landing on one of the men "Alright, put your hands up." she ordered but the man she landed on got up behind her and grabbed her hood, he was very peeved at her.

"Well, look at what we have here, some kid who thinks she can take us on." one of the men said mockingly.

"Yeah, I'm shaking." said the other guy.

Scootaloo then pulled out a batarang "Take this!" she said as she threw it, but it ended up hitting a wall, nowhere close to any of the men.

One of them chuckled at her failure "Nice throw."

'Oh man, what should I do?' Scootaloo thought until an idea popped in her head.

She pulled out one of her smoke pellets "Hey guys, you look stressed, how about I give you something to SMOKE." she said as she threw the pellet on the ground. It exploded on impact, causing a giant cloud of smoke. The men coughed from the smoke causing the man holding her to drop her.

She turned around to him and punched him in the gut and uppercutting him, remembering some martial arts technics Rainbow Dash taught her a few times back in equestria.

She couldn't see the men in the smoke cloud but she followed the sound of their coughs. She ran up to one man and kicked him in the face, then punching him in the stomach causing him to stumble back, he then pulled out a gun from his pocket and was about to shoot Scootaloo.

Scootaloo gasped, for she did not plan that far ahead. Before the man could pull the trigger, a batarang was thrown at his hand, knocking the gun out of it. Scootaloo wasn't the one who threw that batarang, she looked in the direction it came from and saw the person who threw it, Batman.

Batman ran up to the man and punched him right in the face, then the other man ran up to him and tried to throw a punch, but Batman was fast enough to turn around and block his punch and kick his knee, breaking it. The man screened in pain the Batman punched him in the face, knocking him out.

The man Batman fought first pulled out a knife, thrusted it towards Batman's stomach, but he caught his hand and twisted it, breaking it, causing the man to call to his knees, gripping his hand but Batman kicked him in the face, hard, knocking him out.

Batman turned to face Scootaloo but saw that the third man was holding her back, pointing a gun to her head. "Stay back, Batman, or I kill this son of a bitch! I don't care if it's a kid!"

But he didn't notice Batman slowly pulling out a batarang, which he threw at his face, causing him to let go of Scootaloo, then Batman ran up to him and punched him in the face, knocking him out.

Batman then turned to Scootaloo, with anger on his face "That was reckless! What were you thinking?! You would have gotten killed!"

Scootaloo put an arm on her arm and looked at the ground sheepishly.

"Where going home." Batman said, turning around, expecting Scootaloo to follow, then an idea popped in her head.

"Wait. I heard these men say that they were stealing things to repair a money machine they have. I also overheard them say where their hideout is, and I'll tell you if you let me tag along." Scootaloo said, bluffing at that last part.

Batman stopped in his tracks and processed everything Scootaloo said. He needed to know where those men's hideout is so he can bring them to justice. "Tell me." he said, turning around.

"Take me somewhere, far from Wayne Manor so I'll know you're not setting me up and going to the hidout on your own." Scootaloo said, crossing her arms.

Batman sighed, that's what he planned on doing because he didn't want Scootaloo to get hurt, but then he came up with an idea, he knew and trusted someone who knew his identity and lived far away from Wayne Manor. "Alright, deal."

This surprised Scootaloo, she was expecting a protest, but he was willing to bring her along? She then followed Batman to the Batmobile and hopped in.

After driving for a little while, Scootaloo saw that they were driving far from Wayne Manor and decided to tell Bruce. "Okay, they are hiding out in warehouse 41 at the docks."

"Thanks." Batman said

After driving for 23 minutes, Batman arrived at a terraced house and got out of the Batmobile with Scootaloo. "What are we doing here?" Scootaloo asked.

Batman didn't answer and knocked on the door, after a moment a woman that looked to he in her 50s opened the door. "Bruce?" she asked.

"Hello Leslie, I need a favor."

Dr. Leslie Thompkins was one of the people Batman trusted, she was considered as both a family member and friend because she was the first person to comfort him on the night his parents were killed. The other two people who felt great sympathy were James Gordon, who was a detective at the time, and Alfrd Pennyworth. She helped Alfred raise Bruce, which is one of the reasons she was considered a family member to him.

"Okay, what is it?"

"Can she stay here until I get back a little while later?" Batman asked, referring to Scootaloo.

"Wait! You said that I was coming with you on this case." Scootaloo said angrily.

"Sure, Bruce, I can watch her." Leslie Thompkins said

Batman then hopped into the Batmobile. "Wait! I still have to tell you where the warehouse is." Scootaloo said.

"You already have." Batman said, turning his head to Scootaloo.

It was then, Scootaloo realized it, Batman set her up and was going to fight those criminals alone. "You set me up, you son of a-"

"Language." Batman warned as he closed then screen and drove off.

"I can't believe he set me up!" Scootaloo said angrily as she entered the house.

"He's only trying to keep you safe." Leslie said as she closed the door.

Scootaloo then marched up to a guest room upstairs while Leslie stayed downstairs to let her cool down.

Scootaloo slammed the door shut and Kent up to the bed and buried her face in the pillow to scream in anger. After a moment, she lifted her head from the pillow and sighed. She wasn't going to give up. She then opened the window and was about to climb out until she noticed the docks. "Bingo." Scootaloo said as she climbed out the window and slid down the water spout like a fireman on a fire pole.

She figured that she would walk on top of the roof tops to get to her destination faster. The next building was a few blocks down but there were so many people in the streets. She put pulled The bottom of her hoodie over her utility belt to hide it and walked through the crowd.

She then got to the Building and walked up the fire escape stare case, she got to the rooftop and started sprinting and leaping from rooftop to rooftop.

After her long sprint, she made it to the docks and headed towards the warehouse, only problem? Their were armed guards. 'Oh boy.' Scootaloo thought.

These guards were armed, if they saw her then they would kill her, but she couldn't back out now, she refused to back out.

She then walked over to a crate, with her head down. She peeked over the crate and saw that there were 3 men at the entrance, one at the door, two one at the left and one at the right.

Scootaloo had to think of something, she needed a distraction. She then noticed a small rock and threw it over to the right at some barrels, knocking them over in the process.

"What was that?" the guard at the right said while he and the left guard went to check it out, while the guard at the entrance turned his head to where the noise came from. Scootaloo had her chance now, she quickly sprinted to where the guard was and hid behind the wall at the left side of the warehouse, she then looked at her belt to see if there was something she could use, she then pulled out one smoke pellet and threw it far to her left, making a cloud of smoke, catching the guard's attention and walking towards it.

While the guards were distracted, Scootaloo got inside the warehouse through the door. Once she got inside, she saw 5 men in their and she ran to crate and ducked behind it.

She then peeked her head from the crate and saw that one of the men had a suit, he must have been the boss. She then looked up and saw Batman on one of the railings and the window in the roof open, assuming that he got in through that. She then thought of her plan of attack, she decided to wait for Batman to strike and when he does, she will charge in at the 3 other men, who were closest to her.

After a moment Batman glidkicked a henchman and started fighting them off, now Scootaloo ran into the fight and jump kicked one thug in the back, knocking him over. Batman then saw Scootaloo "Oh no."

One henchman ran up behind Batman, but he quickly turned around and punched him in the gut then grabbed his let and threw him into two other henchmen.

His attention was drawn back to Scootaloo and he saw her kick one henchman in the gut, causing him to bend over, clutching his stomach, then Scootaloo uppercutted him, knocking him out. She turned to face Batman and noticed on of the henchmen pointing a gun at him, Scootaloo reacted quickly by pulling out her batarang and throwing it at the henchman's hand, knocking the gun out of it. Batman turned to him and punched him in the face, knocking him out.

"Hey, I got it." Scootaloo said, happy that she didn't miss this time. But behind her, a henchman with a baseball bat was about to hit her with it.

"Look out!" Batman yelled.

Scootaloo quickly turned around and just as the bat was coming down on her, she quickly grabbed it and kicked the henchman in the gut, causing him to let go of the bat, then Scootaloo swung the but of the bat to his head, knocking him out.

Now that all the henchmen were dealt with, Batman then pulled out his explosive tell and sprayed it on the money machine. Then the leader of the group ran up to Batman and threw a fist at him, but Batman quickly ducked and punched him in the stomach. He then grabbed the man by the collar of his shirt and held him up against the wall.

"Wait, I'm sorry, please don't destroy the machine? I can pay you, whatever you want, I got it covered."

"Do you really think I care about money?" Batman said as he pushed the detonator and the explosive tell exploded, destroying the machine.

"Well, it looks like the only thing you're gonna be paying for is your bail, that is if you still had a money machine." Scootaloo said hauntingly.

"No! That's it Batman, when I get out of jail, I'm gonna kill you. I'M GONNA KILL YOU AND THAT KID!!" he then turned his head to Scootaloo "YOU HERE THAT KID?!?! I'M GONNA KILL BOTH OF YOU!! I'M GONNA-"he was then cut off by Batman punching him in the face, knocking him out.

"I was going to suggest for you to do that." Scootaloo said.

Batman turned to Scootaloo, with an angry look "You we're supposed to stay at Dr. Thomkins' place, you snuck out, got last the guards I was gonna deal with later, and fought off these men with me, putting yourself in danger." He then smiled "You impressed me."

Scootaloo was surprised by what Batman said. "I'll take care of the guards and we'll go home. Tomorrow your training begins." Batman said as he walked out the door.

"Yes!" Scootaloo shouted, overjoyed, pretty soon she was gonna be a crime fighter.