• Published 15th Jul 2017
  • 483 Views, 0 Comments

Stare Down - IcePony

Apple Bloom gets flung into a deadly staring competition with an evil stallion of shadows. Loser gets paralyzed but is fully mentally awake and stuck in an endless black void. Will Apple Bloom win? Or will she fall to Crimson' s twisted game?

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Round One: Family

It spoke in a deep voice almost like King Sombra himself, "don't look away, look at me and bask in my presents,"

Apple bloom didn't dare to blink , she was paralyzed in place by those blood red eyes. "If you can withstand my game of stare down or as you might call a staring competition, you and your friends all be set free."

Apple bloom glared at him and through gridded teeth said "What did you do to Scootaloo and Sweetiebell!"

He grinned but said nothing. She broke from the gaze and realized sweetie bell was in the same situation, but what about Scootaloo. His smile made Apple Bloom loose that spark she just had and spoke in broken words,

"Wha...what if I lose?"

"Well, you will be stuck here, you won't die, but you won't live, you will just...well...exist."

"What's the difference?"

"Living is when you enjoy life, making memorys, going through tough times, and makeing,"

he gridded the last word out, "friends..." Their was a pause. "BUT, existing is when your just mass on this world."

Apple Bloom wanted to see her friends desperately so she can, live, she had to play. "I accept the challenge."

They stared at each other, then he spoke again. "You have 4 rounds each will get harder as you progress. The game will test your mental strength and your desire to win, the time starts now."

Apple Bloom didn't know it had started so her eyes were dry and about to blink. The scene changed a bit, grass on her hooves and stars in the sky. The grass felt cool but the air felt hot and she smelled something along the wind. The black mass was still their but it blend with the darkness, accsept the orange glow on it's left side. She hurd a fire, In the corner of her eye she saw the barn, burning to ashes. The smell was that of burning hair and flesh and it hit her nose like a train, the screams of her family echoed through the night and rang in her ears. Than she saw Apple Jack crawling and clawing at the dirt, her skin, chard and cracked, her fur still on fire and mane singed off. A big thump was hurd and BigMc slammed his hoof and face on the window, his skin melting off and leaving a bloody hood print, the skin imprinted on the glass as well like printer ink. Apple blooms mind had the fire rageing in her mind, burning images into it, of pain and agony. Granny Smith was no where to be seen. She looked away from the colt and looked at the barn, tears in her eyes both from the stinging of the 'air' and of sadness that her family was burning alive in their barn, Granny Smith probobly couldn't move and burned where she sat.

was this real? she thought and for a moment forgetting the game entirely.

As the seen dimmed the stallion chuckled knowing she wasn't expecting such a harsh round "Silly little filly, looks like I won the first round."

He put a hoof to his mouth and displayed a fake tone of sadness "Oh did I tell you, these could be real and it's your call if they are or aren't."

She snapped her head to him and shot a look of hatred.

He just smiled a pitiful smile and said "you know, many dying pony's see me when they are on the verge of death. I play this game and the few that won lived, but the rest I killed out of mercy. Tonight though, I think I won't give the release of death but give myself entertainment, I think I need a break from all the hard work I do."

Apple Bloom erupted in anger and frustration "You think it's mercy to kill pony's that are fighting for their lives? Some may want to die, but let them die without having to go though this. but most of em want to live! They have family's that fight for them! And you think it's fair?!"

The stallion had no reply he just stared at her and Apple bloom felt a hint of sadness, real sadness.

"On to the next round." he said calmly.

Author's Note:

:eeyup: :ajsleepy: