• Published 15th Jul 2017
  • 2,113 Views, 36 Comments

Shimmering Spider - Sense of Humor

A girl reluctantly becomes the side-help of a boy with a girlish voice..AKA Spider-man.

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Page 3


She ripped what remained of her incinerated gloves off her hands and catapulted them into the pavement. "What the f=ck?! What the f@ck?!" She shrieked looking at the glowing centers of her palms as she rushed to the doors at the bottom of the apartment, vibrating with hot energy and smelling of smoke. A few staff members inside cast her brief looks but chalked up her freaked out appearance to being a teenager. Samantha was thankful for that; who knows how many other people saw her obliterate that car? How did she do that?!

She jogged up several flights of stairs on pure adrenaline, not touching the rails or herself or anything for fear of what might happen. By now, however, her palms had reduced themselves back to her normal skin color and didn't seem to be glowing anymore. She didn't chance it though, and she even hesitated when she reached her door. Swiftly yanking the key out of her pocket as if it might catch fire any second, Samantha used it to open the lock on the door hurriedly. To her dismay, her mother was adjusting a potted plant in the small living room and could fully see her as she hurried inside. "Oh, hey, Hon. I know, I know, I've touched this thing a dozen times since we got here. I just..." Her mother suddenly seemed to notice her heavy breathing, the sweating and the frantic look in Samantha's eyes. "...Samantha? Are you okay?"

The answer was given in the form of Samantha rushing to her room in another fit of panic, so her mother followed her in and only stopped at the doorway. "Sammy, just breathe. Take off your backpack." Samantha stood still and simply stared at Celest for the longest time, but she eventually did as requested. When she took off the backpack, she sat down on the side of her bed with a sniffle. The sound made Celest tense slightly. "Just relax. Take a good breath."

It didn't erase the shock of her discoveries, but Samantha did calm down just enough to not move away when her mother sat next to her. "You don't normally run in here like that--whats going on?" Samantha didn't say anything. "...Come on, I'm just...trying to help. Is it school? Did something happen at school?"

Lying wasn't something she liked doing to her mother, but in the case it might be necessary. The girl searched her memory for any excuse and finally came up with something that occurred at school. "They,um, they talked about my hair. A lot today." It was something she could take, but it would be a believable excuse. "I just...I wanted to get here as fast as I could."

"Oh. " Celest sounded downright appalled at the thought of anyone harassing her child over her natural hair color. Under different circumstances, Samantha might have smiled at this. "That can expect a call very soon so I can report these bullies."

Samantha tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. "I-I don't really know their names."

"Well, we can at least make boundaries. Such as saying only nice things about your beautiful hair." Celest sighed and placed an arm on Sam's shoulder, squeezing it comfortingly. "I really am sorry about forcing us here so randomly. If they could somehow pick up the building and carry it back home, I would've tried that first. If I had known this would happen, I would have chosen another school. "

"Yeah. I'll... be fine where I am. " For some reason, Samantha felt the need to defend her new school despite criticising it just moments earlier. "Um, I-I made some friends. Peter and Michelle."

As expected, her mom honed in on the name Peter and smirked softly. "Peter? Is he a cute Peter?"


"Just joking. Are they nice friends? Did they say anything about your hair?" She asked.

Samantha mentally recalled the conversation. "Michelle said she thought my hair looked like bacon. But it was in a good way. She's weird."

Celest pursed her lips. "Well, its definitely the first time I've heard that one. No other good compliments? Anything else interesting happen today?"

"No." She said quickly, willing herself not to look down at her hands yet. " I...I'm just really tired right now. "

"Oh, well that's fine, Sammy." Celest stood and stalked over to the doorway, once again stopping to offer a smile at her daughter. A smile was given right back, even if it did look more tired by the second. "You rest up. I was thinking later we could get a burger from somewhere. Or pizza, if you want?"

"Pizza does sound better." Samantha nodded.

"Pizza it is."

"Come on! Just one call back or something."

Peter said this mostly to himself, frustrated with the lack of feedback from Happy and Tony. He sent like a billion messages yesterday about Samantha and her weird powers, but not one of them said a thing about it. He expected Mr.Stark, an Avenger for crying out loud, to at least say something like...I got this or web her up. Not that Peter wanted her to get caught or anything. It was a pretty cool power to have, in his opinion. The teen wouldn't deny that he felt a bit excited and anxious about attending classes with another super person. Maybe he should say something about it? No, that would give away his identity and she does not look like the type to remain quiet about that. But he couldn't just...Like, should he arrest her or whatever? Blab to Mr.Stark about it?

" wassup." A casual Michelle elbowed him on the way past.

" 'sup." He said back.

Mr.Stark wasn't even listening to his calls; no one had for the past eight months. Peter was starting to become doubtful of what the Avenger saw in him; was he doubting him because he was just fifteen? Nah. Couldn't be because of his age. The Vision was less than three years old after all. It was probably because of his lack of experience in team stuff. Spider-man had always been a lone wolf in the shadows of the night, bringing justice without help. If he wanted to be on the same level as other superheroes, he had to probe himself. As a leader, at least. Showing Mr.Stark how good he was at leading could work out nicely in the future. More missions and stuff.

Light bulb.

He had to strain his facial muscles to keep the smile he had from growing, especially since smiling in a lunch line was a bad idea. It all made perfect sense; Samantha clearly had great power , but from what he'd seen there was no training if any. It was a win-win situation-- Spider-man takes her under his wing, shows her the ropes and then Iron man comes rolling in to give him an Avengers position! Not to mention that he could get a sidekick out of this whole thing, and he always wanted a sidekick before, just like in the comics. Sure, she wasn't the spitting image of Robin when it came down to personality and all, but it was nothing he could fix. And convincing her would be easy! Who wouldn't want to be a super hero?

Peter rubbed his hands together slightly like the mad genius he was. "This is gonna be amazing."

"What's gonna be amazing?"

"Whuzzah?!" Peter whirled around and got an eyeful of Samantha blinking at his surprise. Aside from a red t-shirt and leather gloves, she looked basically the same as yesterday. "Geez. You made my heart skip a beat."

"Aw, that was the cutest flirt I've ever seen. " The girl cooed sarcastically, pursing her lips in a faux flattered smile. She looked like she was in a better mood than yesterday. "And I've been standing behind you for the past six minutes. You snapped at your phone and them got quiet and then said this is gonna be amazing."

Peter blinked twice at her before finally making a nod. "Uh, yeah. That was about my Stark internship. I missed a call earlier...saying that I might get a new partner to work with. She's new in Queens."

"Really? That's cool, I guess. Did they say when that would happen?" She asked, her interest piqued.

Peter shrugged coyly, crossing arms as he entered the mad scientist mood again. "They dunno. They said I might be giving her an interview soon. Juuust have to wait and see what she says about it."

Author's Note:

A short chapter building up to an awesome proposal.