• Published 16th Jun 2017
  • 260 Views, 0 Comments

Legends of Equestria: The Elementals - Grey Pen

History is a valuable that is used to know the mistakes of the past that so it will not be repeated. Though what if the past is not known, and what if it is hidden from us? Not anymore it won't, and the great discoverer will find our gate to the past

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The night was as silent as ever, but not all were asleep. In the nation of Saddle Arabia a research team works day and night on something that has been wondered and thought of for the past millennial. How were we made and where did we all come from? Many tried and many failed to find a answer to this question, but tonight is different.

I trotted back and forth as I looked at the clock and tapped my hoofs waiting.

"How long does it take to find if it is correct?", I thought in a heavy sigh as I trotted around thinking.

Finally the doors opened and a mare in a white lab coat came out. She looked tired and a bit ruffed out from the work as I did. Finally after around 3 seconds of awkward silence she spoke.

"Doctor Seeker, we found something you may want to see.", the mare told me while motioning for me to follow her into the room.

I nodded and followed along, we walked through the massive white doors as they closed behind us. Up ahead and around us we could see ponies along with some Saddle Arabians working on machines and looking closely at papers and artifacts. Some of them looked at me as I walked by with respect and cheerfulness. Finally though after looking around a bit we made it to the main hub doors of the research facility. The doors slid open for us as we walked in, up ahead I saw that the team seemed to be waiting for me and as I got in the applauded.

"Whats with the applause? I had not done anything so far to my knowledge that deserves me such.", I asked them as I walked to the table.

One of them came up to me and spoke.

"Mien friend you don't know yet?", Professor Trot asked.

I gave him a confused look as I spoke once more.

"No, I don't believe I do know what your saying.", I replied back to him.

Trot chuckled a bit and finally answered.

"You solved it my friend! Thanks to you we managed to find the right records and artifacts needed to find out what our past is!", Trot answered happily with a grin.

I stood there for a couple seconds not saying a word. There was no way that I had just solved something this big. It was just not possible, was it?

"Your joking right? There is no way in Celestia's name and holy that i solved it", I said back in disbelieve.

Trot shook his head while smiling and motioned for me to follow. I did so as the others went off to tell the others of this "discovery" I made. We walked up to the table and on it lied a stone book of some sort. On the front it had a title but the language at least to me was not readable. I also remembered that I found this in some ruins while walking around the facility. Finally though Trot spoke.

"You see Seeker, this book you brought in turned out to be from a old kingdom called the Icues. So far we only translated some of what is in this book but we are making our way through.", Trot explained.

"So your saying that I found a book from a old kingdom that links to the creation mandate of our world? You do know how bonkers that sounds right?", I told him.

Trot did not give up on his advance.

"It may sound bonkers mien friend but just read it for your self! It details a older world and much more. It answers so much, and can't you just give it a chance?", Trot asked.

I took a deep long breathe before I made my next choice.

"Fine Trot,

Just for you since we are friends, but don't think that I will believe it in the end ok?", I said to Trot.

Trot nodded and we shook hoofs.

"Well before we get too ahead of our selves how about we celebrate with the rest of the team?

Just for old times sake when we found things?", Trot asked me while heading towards the door.

I thought of it then looked back at the book.

"Sure Trot, it sounds nice indeed.", I responded and followed after him.

We headed out to a crowd of ponies and Saddle Arabians already waiting for us, they applauded as we past by. Drinks seemed to already be set out along with food.

"Word does spread quickly doesn't it Seeker.", Trot said to me.

I nodded and we headed for a table in corner that was set for me and some others. I sat down and looked at the other ponies and such at the table. Professor Trott was sitting next to me, but there was also others at the table we were at. Doctor Saddles, the Saddle Arabian research leader was at our table as well. I decided to spark some conversation before it turned awkward at the table.

"So, how is your research on the other artifacts going Saddles?", I asked not really knowing what else to say.

Doctor Saddles snorted and finally responded.

"We are doing well, but sadly we were not as lucky as you to find such a item.", Saddles replied to me.

I could see some jealousy from Saddles towards me in that sentence. I set that aside for now not wanting to cause more tension.

"Don't worry Doctor Saddles you may find something soon, and now with this book if it is true. You may be able to find something in your collections.", I said to him trying to ease tension.

Doctor Saddles was calmed a bit but still showed some small bits of jealousy. Trot finished talking with the mare that led me in and looked over at me.

"You don't seem so calmed Seeker, whats wrong?", Trot asked me.

I took a deep breathe before responding to his question.

"Saddles seems to not like the fact that I discovered this info you uncovered that I found.", I replied to him.

"Oh he will get over it, just give him time.", Trot told me.

"Yes I know, but it seems as he is not just jealous of me.", I worriedly said to Trot.

Trot shook his head and spoke once more.

"You worry your self too much mien friend. Come on enjoy the party and then we can go back to work and relax, yes?", Trot told me trying to ease my worry.

I nodded but still was slightly worried.

"Speaking of so, I think I am going to take a quick look at it as my break from the party for now. Is that fine Trot?",
I asked him.

He nodded and motioned for me to go ahead and head for the book. So I did so and sat up out of my chair and headed for the book to examine it a bit closer. As I headed for it I saw Doctor Saddles still giving me a look of jealousy.

"Bloody hell he really does not like this does he..", I thought to my self.

I entered through the door and headed for the book. I took out the translated papers that would help me with reading the book. Finally though I opened it and began reading. Then everything went black.