• Published 4th May 2017
  • 395 Views, 3 Comments

The Moon In The Dark: Alt-Endings and Doomed Detours - WorldWalker128

Alt-paths and endings for The Moon In The Dark

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(Getting Up) Vengeful Breakfast

"Of course I will!" Flowey told Woona, much to her joy. "Down here, LOVE is shared through..." As he spoke, a small white pellet rose out of him. "...little white...'friendliness pellets'. Now, since you have so little LOVE, I've made this one extra strong. Don't let it miss your soul!"

Gasping happily, Woona moved her soul to collect the 'Friendliness pellet'. However, as it hit her, pain like nothing she'd ever known - like a knife in her very soul - wracked her whole being. She let out a scream of pain as her HP dropped to one, and Flowey's face contorted into an expression of wicked contempt.

"You idiot!" Flowey cackled. "Down here, it's kill or be killed! Who'd pass up an opportunity like this?!"

He laughed wickedly as he surrounded Woona's soul with a slowly constricting circle of magic bullets..."

"DIE." Flowey commanded, his voice dripping with malice as his seedy assault closed on Woona and once more struck her SOUL. Woona's scream was short, and as the world around her went dark the last thing she heard before blacking out was Flowey's vile laughter.



Woona's eyes opened and she gave a pained grunt before she opened her eyes and quickly closed them again to the bright sunlight shining down into her eyes. Covering them with a leg, and sat rolled over so she could stand and then looked around in confusion. The cave-like room she lay in looked familiar.

"I've been here before..." she muttered softly as she looked about. "haven't I? Or was that just a dream?" She rose from the flowers she'd seemed to have landed on, and feeling her stomach rumble, she paused and looked down at them to find that though they were flowers that she'd eaten in the past, they were far too crushed into the grassy patch to taste like anything other than the same grass it grew in. Disheartened slightly but strangely sure that there must be more in the next room she looked about for a way out and in the dim light discovered a smooth stone hall. Seeing no other way out save for the hole in the ceiling that her tiny wings wouldn't be strong enough to get her to, she took it. Coming to a stop in front of the stone archway she stared at the single patch of light that shone down upon a single and eerily familiar smiling flower growing in another small patch of grass.

Woona hesitated for a few seconds more, then cautiously stepped towards with her pace growing slower and slower as a feeling of discomfort washed over her. For some reason the flower's eyes on her made a brief memory of intense pain rush through her.

"Howdy!" the smiling flower greeted cheerfully. "I'm-"

"Flowey the Flower." Luna finished, and a look of surprise filled her face, echoed by Flowey. Flowey blinked, and a look of suspicion filled his face. "That's right...right?" Flowey's eyes narrowed.

"I take it we've encountered one another before. Strange, since i don't recall ever meeting you. No matter!" Woona jerked as she felt her SOUL being tugged from her body and into a familiar black square surrounded by a white border. Her 'dream' coming back with complete clarity, Luna beat her SOUL against the wall of the box to no avail while Flowey conjured us his 'Friendliness Pellets' and surrounded her SOUL.

"No! Please don't hurt me!!" Woona begged loudly, sobbing.

"Hmm..." Flowey hummed, putting on a thoughtful face. Luna's face betrayed a glimmer of hope, but then Flowey's face morphed into an evil and malicious grin. "Nah! I'm just gonna kill you!" Woona despaired as the bullets slowly closed in with Flowey's accompanied laughter, but suddenly, her stomach growled again, reminding her, now of all times, that she was still hungry. A gleam entered her eyes, and Woona smirked a toothy grin at Flowey. Seeing this response in the face of her certain demise when just a second ago she was despairing, Flower paused.

"Why are you looking at me like that?"

Ignoring the fact that her SOUL was still trapped in the box, Woona licked her lips and advanced on Flowey. Flowey's certainty of an easy victim faded as realization that a hungry young herbivore was only two steps away from his very much so plant body. "You wouldn't dare!" He yelled. "I could kill you with just a twit- AAH-MMP!" Woona's mouth enveloped Flowey's head and she bit down hard. Not being accustomed to direct physical attacks, Flowey froze for half a second in shock and agony as Woona's teeth ground his stem between them. This half second was all it took for Woona to get a second bite, and then the FIGHT was over and Woona gulped.

Woona sighed in relief as the box containing her SOUL faded and disappeared entirely, allowing it to return to where it belonged, but her relief was short-lived as she heard approaching padding steps quickly approaching.

"Are you alright?" a soft voice called out to her.

Letting out a gasp, Woona scooted away from the gentle voice. "Go away!" she shouted, terrified. "Don't hurt me!"

Author's Note:

As I'm sure those of you who've read the original story have noticed, the quote boxes are taken directly from The Moon In The Dark. The quoted areas mark where an Alt-path is starting, and if it ties back into the regular story, where it (otherwise) would end as it usually would. Obviously her eating Flowey would have had consequences to the Pacisfist run beyond her simply not interacting with Flowey at later dates, but since Flowey doesn't have a SOUL, would it really count as a kill as far as STAT-keeping goes? Even if it did, in-game when you kill Flowey and then encounter him again later he informs you that due to his own Determination, every time you reload he can come back too.