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The Doctor's Wife (by The Clockwork Quartet)

“Twilight, I’m not very sure about this.” Gummy said. Well, not quite.

Currently, Gummy had his mouth strapped shut, and a computer was reading his mind. Twilight’s plan was simple, have Gummy experience one of his “doctor related daydreams” and the computer would both narrate it, and give image data on what he saw.

Twilight had tested this kind of technology on herself, forming fuzzy video footage of what she was looking at in the basement, which was only 60 percent accurate, much like pony memory. Even so, if these “daydreams” would give her a view of another dimension, she couldn’t resist.

“Don’t worry Gummy.” Twilight said. “This experiment is totally safe. I’ve done it on myself loads of times!” She said with a mad scientist smile.

Gummy looked even more concerned. “That doesn’t help at all.” He said in a computer voice.

Twilight, ignoring him, started up the machines. “Gummy, I want you to start your day dreaming, now.”

Looking for an excuse to escape the situation, he started looking into another dimension.

At the TARDIS, The Doctor was losing hope. There was barely anything left of his companion. Well, organically speaking. She was mostly machine now. Nothing like a Cyber Man, but definitely not natural.

All he could do was try and keep her alive while trying to study the sickness that was destroying her body. Doing so required amputations, organ replacements, and a lot of anesthetics.

Looking at her, she was just a head on top of a box, with a camera for a left eye. Inside the box were several devices sticking to what was left of her spine, and vocal cords. The vocal cords in question were useless by now, and without the help of The Doctor’s new “voice box” he built her, made from parts of his screwdriver, she wouldn’t be able to speak at all.

The Doctor was both crying, and laughing. Madness keeping him from breaking down and crying until his throat and eyes were sore. But he was losing it. Not his sanity, but his madness. The only thing that keeps him the way he is. He felt compelled to speak a sadistic poem, and he did so.

Mars is red
The TARDIS is blue
The Doctor once said
Rose Tyler I…

He cried even more more, remembering that one moment. He and Rose were in two separate dimensions, and The Doctor could only speak to her for a limited time. He never did get to finish that sentence. He didn’t even have the heart to say it when he had the chance, and let a clone say it for him.

Every girl he ever knew had to leave him. He would out live all of them, but it was more sad when he out lived them this way.

“Miss Hooves.” He pressed a button, and woke her up. “Miss hooves, please. Tell me something brilliant. Give me an idea. I can’t do this on my own.”


“I can’t stop, you know that, now say something.”

“But…it hurts….please……………kill m-“


He sighed. “I’m sorry.” He sat on his haunches. “Why? Why did you have to strap muffins to the side of the TARDIS? Why did you have to cook muffins by exposing them to the time vortex? The most un-curable sickness ever, designed specifically for time lords, locked away forever in the fabric of space and time, and you brought it back because you like crispy muffins.”

He rested his head on Derpy’s box body. “Please. I’m tired of watching people die. Just give me something. A motivational saying, a name of a good friend of yours, what’s on top of your bucket list. I don’t care.” He cried some more. “Just say something to me, that doesn’t involve death.”


He looked her in the eyes. “Yes? Ele-what?”



“Elements……….of Harmony”

Something clicked in The Doctor’s mad mind. He knew that name. He saw it in book pages in the corner of his eye during his travels, heard of them in legends across space and time in this universe. He knew what they where, what they could do. It just might work.

“Oh…….oh…oh. OH! Derpy! You mad genius you!” He said, hugging her box body as well as he could.

“Just once.” He said. “Just once.” He reached his TARDIS control panel. “EVERYONE LIVES!!!!” He pulled the lever.

The TARDIS tossed and turned, making the noise it does when traveling, showing the doctor had once again left the breaks on. The Doctor grinned a mad grin as he felt the familiar shake of his sexy blue box.

He then decided that it was time he said one word. The word known all throughout space and time, as the best work the French had to offer.


Back in reality, Gummy had finished. The ponies in the room who had seen the amazingly detailed video on the computer screen were at a loss for words. What they saw was by far the saddest thing they ever saw, and every one of them was crying, until The Doctor had found a way to save Derpy. They didn’t even realize they were watching a video until it’d finished.

Gummy however was just starring at them, wondering what was stopping him from getting as emotional as the rest of them. Probably because he’d been witnessing this kind of stuff for several years now.

“So…” Gummy started. “I’m hungry now. Can we order some pizza?”

Author's Note:

I came up with the idea for this Doctor Whooves story a long time ago, and now here it is for all of you to read. I hope you enjoy! Also, check out my pony ask blog, Ask Meme Obsessed Lyra.