• Published 16th Jan 2017
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The Lioness and the Unicorn - CrackedInkWell

Long after the fall of the Roman Empire, in England in the year 1588, two unicorns appeared on the hunting grounds of Hampton Court. Star Swirl and Clover the Clever meet with the Lioness of England: Queen Elizabeth Tudor.

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V: Questions for the Queen

Elizabeth and the court knew that they would be moving again. If anything, preparations are being made to be moved towards the South of her kingdom. Even with the country getting ready for the Spanish to come, the Queen felt it necessary to be with her troops as the judgment hour was drawing closer.

At the moment, she was in her private chambers, looking through the report that Walsingham’s spies have observed of the two unicorns for the past few days. So far, it told of little things that the ponies had been observed with their magic: from levitation to making fires without the use of flint stones, speeding up the growth of flowers, even removing stains that were spilled. Yet, as the report testified, there was no whispering of incantations, no renouncing of God or swearing allegiance to the Devil. If anything, when they perform their spells, they were always silent.

She looked up from her table when there was a knock on the door, “Your Majesty, Star Swirl is seeking an audience with you.

Nodding to a guard at her door, he opened it for the elderly pony to walk right in. As promised, he entered without his starry cloak but did keep his hat on as it wasn’t Sunday. With a respectful nod to the Queen, he said, “Good Evening ma’am, how are you at present?”

“Doing quite well,” she responded as she set aside the report face down. “I’m overlooking the list for the move tomorrow.”

“Towards the East, as I’ve heard. Do you have another residence to where we’re going?”

“The crown has many palaces throughout the land. Even when there isn’t one, a fellow noble would be more than willing to take us in until we see fit to move onward. Is there a reason why you’ve come before I retire to bed?”

“I have some questions to ask that I think only you could answer.” He gestured his hoof towards the burning hearth, “Care to join me by the fire?” Elizabeth waved a hand for her chair to be moved, as well as to have a cushion be placed on the floor. Once that was done, and the two of them seated, the old wizard began, “My first inquiry has to deal with this unexpected move: Why are we doing this?”

“Partly to get away from this dreary place.”

“And the other?”

Elizabeth looked at the crackling soft flames, “Have you heard of what is about to happen in my kingdom?” Star Swirl told her that she didn’t know what she was referring to. “The truth is, my kingdom is preparing for war.”

There was a pause before the old unicorn asked, “Are we in danger?”

“Perhaps… Perhaps not. If, (God willing,) that if our campaign to drive away the Spanish Armada is successful, then, in theory, we would have peace. I’ll have you know, that I am not the one that desires war with other nations, even when they hate my very existence. I did try to do all I can to avoid war as much as I could. However, the Spanish have declared that they would commit themselves to overthrow me with the use of their Navy.”

“Why are they doing this?”

She sighed, “It is a complicated matter. As in the cases of all wars, I suppose. Yet, from what I can tell you quickly, is that to the kingdoms of the continent, not only am I seen as a heretic for not believing in the same interpenetration as I and my subjects do – but I signed the death warrant of a fellow Queen. A cousin of mine that I did hesitate to sign, and do, believe me, I was talked into doing such a thing. To this day, it is a black mark upon my past. So at least on my part I gave her a proper tomb, and to prepare my subjects for the consequences.”

The wizard hummed in thought. “Are we moving southward towards the conflict, or away?”

“I prefer to be with my troops.”

This surprised the pony, “Really now? A Queen like you is…” he stopped when Elizabeth was giving a cold glare.

“A Queen like me is, what?”

“Forgive me, I almost spoke out of turn-”

“What were you going to say?”

Star Swirl hesitated, “Do you really want to hear it?”

“Yes,” she replied sternly.

With a sigh, he said, “I didn’t think that Queens were even… (Oh how do I say this…?) That you were capable of bravery towards the battlefield.”

“Do not mistake me, sir. I may be a woman, but I am one that has been scorned. You don’t know of the many times I have to have the courage to protect myself from my enemies. I have sworn to defend and serve my subjects to the best of my judgment. Do not think that I am a coward, or unwilling to take up arms to fight alongside my army.”

“It’s just for me; this is something that is unheard of. Not even Princess Platinum would do anything that you’re preparing to do. If I didn’t know it, I would say that you may have the body of a female, but have the heart of an honorable king.”

“Quite,” Elizabeth returned her gaze towards the fire. “What other inquiries do you have for me?”

“Ah yes,” the old wizard cleared his throat. “Would it be possible that we could go outside of the court?”

“Whatever do you mean?”

“For the past few days, my student and I have been recording about the culture, workings, and habits of the palace. But never once have we been granted to go outside of it, not even towards that river nearby. Clover is getting anxious and, frankly, so am I of being cooped up here – as if we were prisoners. But surely, we’re not, are we?”

“And why would you want to go outside of the court?”

“We want to know how your subjects live.”

She folded her arms, “I’m afraid it can’t be done.” The old wizard asked her why not, to which, she responded: “As I think I’ve stated before, you and your student are the first, real unicorns that any man had sat eyes on for the first time in ages. I cannot risk either of you of being harmed by my subjects when they find such rare creatures to be carried away or to remove your horns. Not to mention that I’ve officially made you two my guests in my court, so the responsibility of your safety falls upon me.”

“Especially when war is coming this way?”

The Queen nodded, “Now that the Spanish are approaching, if they succeed, then I give you my word that the Crown will do everything in its power to keep the both of you out of harm's way. That is if it comes to it. However, if by the Grace of God that a victory can be secured, then I might allow it with an armed escort.”

Sounds fair,” he muttered.

“Can I ask you a question, sir?” Star Swirl told her that she could. “This magic you unicorns possess, do you use it for self-defense from those who try to harm you?”

The old unicorn pulled off his hat and held it in his hoof. “We can, us Unicorns have been known to be powerful in times of war. However, we’re not like the Pegasi that have a tradition in combat, yet, if provoked we can be proven deadly. What you must understand ma’am is that every unicorn, including myself and my student, is given an oath before we are taught magic is to do no harm. And to use our skills as self-defense when there is no other alternative. When all other options are extinguished, only then we fight to protect ourselves and those we care for. Why do you ask?”

Elizabeth interlocked her fingers in her hands. “Truth be told, my Kingdom is indeed at great risk. We are doing everything we can to build ships and recruit troops, but we are still short of what the Spanish have. My spies have done everything they can to buy us time, which is running out. I did hope to ask you on a later date, but with what you stated, you have earned the truth.” She looked at him solemnly. “Can I convince you into fighting for England?”

The gray stallion stood up in surprise, “What! Ma’am, with all due respect, we are scholars, not warriors.”

“Yet, I have seen my court being disarmed and their weapons being turned against their owners, and manipulate water itself. Good Sir, you have the one advantage that no one in the world has: magic that isn’t trickery. What is an army or a navy against a pony that possesses the will of a god?”

“Stop, right, there,” Star Swirl hold a hoof out. “I can sense where this is going, but I’m going to go into a fight when it isn’t our own. Ma’am, we are innocent, we have no quarrel with Spain or England. We were sent out into the world to gather knowledge, not flung ourselves into battle.”

“I am trying to gather as much assistance as I could since I have no other allies to help my country. My subjects are counting on me to keep them safe, to protect their beliefs and well-being from other Princely powers that threaten their very lives. Why, if we have but one of your unicorns, the Spanish Armada won’t have a prayer-”

“But you don’t know what you’re asking,” he objected. “You are asking us to break that vow we’ve sworn to do no harm. Why, if I use my magic to fight like this, it would bring unimaginable dishonor upon me. We don’t kill what we are given. If Princess Platinum found out that I have drowned a whole Navy in a fight that we shouldn’t have any business in, I’ll be labeled as a murder. And do you know what ponies do to murders?”

Elizabeth, still in her seat, hummed in thought. “What if you didn’t have to take a soul?”

Star Swirl blinked, “Come again?”

“Let us pretend for a moment, that you were not required to harm the Spanish at all. My troops will do all the fighting, of course, but what if you were able to give our enemy a disadvantage of some sort? Such as moving their ships in inconvenient ways, or have them being blown back out to sea, or have them scatter in the winds. Do you think that could be possible for either of you to accomplish?”

The old wizard paused, “I… I suppose it’s, probably. Wind spells are easy to cast and making waves from the sea are foals play… But, how do I know that I won’t be responsible for hurting anypony?”

“If the Spanish are pushed back from the battle, then how can they harm? Or have the very heavens turned against them, would they not flee in fear?”

Sighing in his hooves, Star Swirl placed his hat back on his head. “I… I don’t know about this.”

“How about I make a deal with you? If you or your student could at least push our enemies back, to disorganized their lines and confuse them, thereby giving us a victory, I shall let you two have full access to anywhere in my Kingdom with your own personal guards. Any place you visit, the nobility would be obligated in giving the both of you hospitality because you two would be welcomed as heroes.”

“And if I refuse?”

“Then, nothing shall come out of nothing,” she stood up from her chair. “We still have until the end of July before the Spanish arrived. Until then, you are granted time to consider what I have offered. Unless you have any other questions, I like to retire to bed.”

Putting a hoof to his chin, Star Swirl said, “Yes, I have one more to ask: Has there at any time, not in British history, but in all the world, that a pony like myself has suddenly appeared out of nowhere?”

The Queen walked towards a bookshelf to read before going to bed. “At present, I do not quite know. Although, if I do happen upon a piece of information, what would you do with it?”

“It may help us figure out where we are, and more importantly, how to get back to Equestria.”

“I see. Now I bid you Goodnight. But before you go, and since I’m beginning to like you, I think you shall be given a nickname to be called by.”

Star Swirl tilted his head, “A nickname?”

“All my favorite courtiers that I like have names that I have given them when they are in my favor. For you, since you arrived with a cloak and hat of stars and can do wondrous magic, for now on, you shall be called Merlin.”

“As in the Wizard from your legends?”

She nodded. “Tis so. You do have his beard after all. Now leave, I like to have some reading before I sleep. Goodnight sir.”

Star Swirl bowed and exited the room. Elizabeth placed the book on one of the nightstands, were in the light of a still flame of candlelight. She called for her servants to help her out of her jeweled dress and makeup so that she dawns her nightgown. Once she was able to lie down, she picked up the book to flip to the first page and title of the tome:

The Histories: Book the Fifth by Publius Cornelius Tacitus.