• Published 14th Jul 2012
  • 1,809 Views, 79 Comments

DayP - Thunder Seethe

  • ...

Before Reading


A/N: Authors notes won't be a frequent thing, but I felt that this was needed to be said. My editor AppleMLP has finally started, and submitted his first fic on this website. Go ahead and check his story out!

First of all, I'd like to thank you for taking the time to actually read the "Before Reading" chapter. Here are some notes of what you should know in the story, and don't worry. No spoilers will be made.

[Check back here every now and then. I may have updates here, so look at the date of this chapter. Updates will be on the bottom, followed by a line to segregate each update.]

This does not follow up on the statistics of the actual game, so you won't see any dialogue from Global Chat or Side Chat. So something like this; "The Global Chat on the bottom left of their vision appeared with a message from xXBill_The_CoolXx saying that someone was in Cherno. Twilight made note of it, and tried to stay clear of the main city." will definitely not happen.

If you're here for the story, and do not know anything about the game itself, then you may skip this part. Any character from the original game Arma II or the DLC Arma II: Operation Arrowhead will not be featured in this story at all. You may find similar names, but I wouldn't know because I haven't played the campaign myself. There will be added features that the game doesn't have such as; vodka/whisky bottles are actually full sometimes. There will be added features to woodcutting as well, but I won't get into it much. There will also be a use for knives, other than gutting animals. All of the names of cities, and towns will remain the same, as well as loot, bags, and others. This will also be geographically correct towards the Arma II: Operation Arrowhead, so the main cities will only be near the coastline as it's showed on the map, and game.

As this is a Russian island, it'll be inhabited with Russians. Due to me being the person I am, there will be a few stereotypes in here... such as lots, and lots of Vodka. Hopefully you won't be too offended by my stupidity, but even authors need to be happy sometimes... right?

Well... what you're about to read, is the result of a week of sleep deprivation. This is rated mature for a reason, so expect swearing, and screwed up crap. No. Pony. Sex. That's one thing that I will never do; unfortunate for some of you.

Nonetheless, thanks for reading. If you were wondering what I was thinking when I decided to write this, well; I wasn't. This is my first attempt at a crossover fic, and a few reasons why are:

1. It has no actual storyline to begin with, except for survival.
2. For the lolz.
3. It could be interesting, and a new experience.
4. Nobody else did this crossover. (From what I could tell of)
5. The same reason why you clicked on this. "What the hell does DayP mean?"

P.S Zombiesare Zed's ("DayZ" is "Day Zed" so "DayP" is "Day Pony"... the ponies aren't the zombies.)
P.S.S More character tags will be added in the future to prevent any spoilers.
Rated M for Many.

M. Many
A. Adults
N. Not
Y. Youth

This is all for your little reference, and b4uread.

P.S.S Unlike most authors, I encourage harsh criticism. Please do some. I want to improve, and that is the only way.
P.S.S.S Comments are more favorable than favorites, as favorites are more favorable than likes.

Update 1: I won't be adding the Dark tag, just because I won't be going into much detail about death or the corpses body (at least not much in detail in my opinion).
Update on 7/31/12

Update 2: Well, as writers block takes its toll, I'm going to be on DayZ more often, so join me if you wanna have fun!
You'll see me on DayZ as either: Appliance Pony, Thunder Seethe, Big Wheels, or Eagle Eye.
Add me on steam: Appliance Pony
Have fun killing Zeds and stuff! Sorry about the late chapters -- for that matter, having it super short.

Update 3: Apologize for that update chapter thing. I was TRYING to edit the chapter name, but I accidentally hit the submit... I apologize. So I will ensure that there will be something interesting going on in the next chapter.

Update 4: New chapter today! If you haven't read my blog post, you'd know that I'm headed to Oregon in a few days, so it's likely I won't be able to update.
Update on: 8/18 From Damn iPhone.

Update 5: Long time no update. Sorry about that, but writers block has taken toll on this fic, and I'm trying to get rid of it by writing others.
Update on: 9/2

Update 6: Seriously long time no update, almost a month, so anyway. There will be another delay to my writing. Until break to at the least. There will be a blog post on it, because this goes for all of my fics.
Update on: 10/15/12