• Published 18th Dec 2016
  • 505 Views, 10 Comments

Lux Locus: Blue fings 'n Big humes - The Psychopath

Equestria becomes assailed by giant blue creatures come from the stars and has way of stopping them, that is, until giants in metal armor follow after and deploy mighty machines of war.

  • ...

Hunting the biggest one

"The what?" the guard responded.

"Those giant blue things invading you. They attacked our transport fleets and I dispatched a group of my pillar scieldans after them then joined up in the fight after learning how big this fleet truly was." The biped tapped his helmet a few times and looked upwards, where brief flashes of light broke through the blue sky. "We're currently fighting them in orbit around your world."

"Impossible. No pony can reach Luna's stars!"

The biped tilted his head. "I understood only the word 'impossible'. I guess I will have to work from that."

Before he could continue, another pillar rushed to him. "My bregu, the sawol vice and tower geat are to arrive any minute." She looked at the armed ponies and stared for several seconds. "Are those colorful equine creatures?"


"They made all of this?"


"That's...very weird."

"Do we have any pillar flaesc nearby?" the bregu asked.

"The closest is establishing a barricade six blocks away and making a census of medical supplies."

"Have them come here to see what they might be able to do for these equine creatures."


"It will be something the Imperator Flaesc will appreciate: Exploration of alien biology."

Twilight shook her head and forced herself up. Her noggin' was throbbin' like mad, and she knew that if she used magic, it would end poorly.

A guard held up Twilight as her drowsiness made her teeter left and right."Easy, princess."

"What happened? Are we dead?"

"No. These...bipeds arrived and chased the blue giants away." The guard noticed the sparks coming from Twilight's aching horn and frowned. "Is your horn going to be okay?"

"I don't...know. I can't use my magic."

The golden biped hummed. "They can even use mana. Could be a threat to human kind in the future," he said with a dark undertone.

"We don't want to attack anypony," Twilight struggled. "We just want to live tranquilly."

"Hm. Well, if what I saw attacking you was correct, you got hit by a puwandese 'braapa'."

"A what?"

"It's the sound that the weapon makes coupled by the screams and eventual fall of the victims when hit." He mimed the actions with his giant hands. "They name things after the sounds they make and-or cause."

"And who are you?"

The biped tapped his helmet a few times and analyzed his surroundings. "I can tell you. You aren't a threat to us," he explained. "I am Killigan Ghor, known around some circles as 'Golden Fist' due to these weapons."

"I thought you just had huge hands," the defensive guard commented.

"I am the bregu of the pillar scieldan foundation know as the Emperor's Guard."

"And what is a 'bregu' and 'pillar scieldan'?" Twilight asked.

"Bregus are the highest ranking member of the pillar scieldan, and pillar scieldan are genetically crafted super soldiers of humanity."


"No more questions. I don't trust you enough."

Twilight groaned in annoyance. She was actually feeling her excitement for new knowledge coming back after so long."If you can't explain what you are, can you at least explain what those blue things are?"

Killigan looked behind him to see the giant machine firing a single, large missile at more of the rolling contraptions, causing a massive explosion which ate away at the ground.

"They are the puwandese."

"I take it they love war," Twilight frowned.

Killigan sighed. "They were the first aliens we encountered and one of our oldest enemies, yet we still don't really know how they work, but I am certain," he started. "That, despite their obvious technological limitations, that they have a primitive but efficient ruling system."

"Oy'm yehr boss."

"No, OY'M YEH'RE boss!"

"Oy'm beggehr than yeh!"

"Oy'm STRONGER than yeh!"

"Neither of yeh's is the boss! Oy'm yer boss!"a booming voice shouted from atop the scrap walls.

It was an immense puwandese, easily three times the size of the 'normal' ones below him. His overbite was more pronounced, and his lower jaw's teeth stuck out more as well. His skin was also turning a shade of blue-green with the green more apparent around the inner-areas of his body. He was covered head-to-toe in thick, multi-layered sheets of metal. A multi-barreled canon had been built into his armor's left arm with the twelves belts feeding into it coming from a gigantic backpack affixed rather haphazardly with string and chains. In his right hand was a metal fist complete with electrified spikes of varying sizes melted onto the surface. On a few points of his armor were some skulls of humanoid bipeds, while, over his right pectoral area hung a glass jar with some type of rotting, crab-like creature actively trying to escape its container.

The colossus jumped down from the walls, crashing loudly into the ground. "Oy'm yehr boss, 'n when ehy say...Where'd they go?"

The creature looked around, confused. The puwandese nearby pointed downwards to his feet, an area that the giant saw was occupied by two, newly crushed puwandese.

"Oops," he said nonchalantly. "Eh, whatevehr. Weh'll get more aftehrwerds." He wiped his right hand on his chest, cleaning him of any responsibility. "Weht's yeh seyin', goyz? Yeh're be meykin' sem gud crumpy tings?"

The colossus was in a camp made by the puwandese in front of the second wall's entrance, several groups of the leather-and-shrapnel fitted creatures were carrying debris to their engineers building everything up on a wide assortment of wheels and/or legs. There was no real rhyme or reason to how they put the pieces together. They just needed to fit and work. One of the machines blew up when a puwandese tried to turn it on, so he and the other merry builders built it back up exactly how it was before but, instead of putting a single piece of scrap metal sideways, they placed it diagonally, and then the contraption worked.

"Send it oot!"

One of the puwandese carried a massive, two-headed wrench easily bigger than his body, and wore a smithy apron and solid metal underneath, although it still demonstrated unrefined fusion lines where scraps were superheated on their edges and clumped together in hopes that they would fit. His left eye had been replaced by a multi-lens monocle allowing him to see the finer details up close and afar. He looked up to see the remaining floors of nearby skyscrapers converted into wire-rope transport that the puwandese had no trouble building. Puwandese would roll down them with the help of winches and shoot up them with the help of rockets. That wasn't to say they didn't transport equipment the same way. A large crate of metals and tools rolled down another skyscraper. Of course, without breaks, the wooden box they were held in was likely to punch its way through anything in the path on the floor, but several of the blue beasts held themselves together to take the incoming projectile, and they held. That wasn't the case when a second came down, smacking into the first box unexpectedly and flattening the catchers.

The colossus tossed something red into his mouth and chewed it eagerly, wiping his mouth of slobber and observing his warband. "So oy hear theh humes iz heah," he remarked calmly.

"Yeah, Big 'Un. They'z jest went 'n shehwed up when weh're were crumping up theh cahlerful thengs heah. Ruined mey pushie-guns."

"Thehy wheht?!" The colossus backhanded a nearby puwandese accidentally, making him fly through another of the 'pushie-guns'. "Wheht abewt ehr sparkly 'uns?"

The mechanic pointed to the same, cloth covered magician from earlier, having survived the arrival of the pillars that his fellows did not. He was still dancing by bouncing from one foot to the next and chanting tribal songs with thrumming beats created using his mana. This song was encouraging the nearby puwandese, making them work even faster. Without warning, he launched a ball of crackling energy into the air, impacting a pillar strike craft chasing after a puwandese one and causing the ship to plummet and explode just outside the walls.

"Thehy seem teh be doing okaey."

"Dats good, because thehs is mehy world, 'n MY warband gets teh crump it reall good, 'cause Oy'm theh biggest. OY'M the boss. Oy'm the strongest and cleverie...clav...OY'M DA THINKIEST OF ALL! Thehy're goin' teh bring theh Big' Un Crompa theh fun weh needs!"

The other puwandese cheered in excitement and a truck passed by the big'un, nearly hitting him, but he wouldn't let that slide. He grabbed the back of the vehicle with his right hand, lifted it over his head with both, then chucked it into a group of 'pushie-guns'.

"Theht's fehr rolling on moy feet!"

"Can we fight them?" Twilight asked.

"Considered your technology?" Killigan kicked a spear as he spoke. "No. You have no chance. You need powerful ranged weapons, and the one magitech weapon I noticed didn't do much."

"Ah...So you saw the golf balls," Twilight sighed.

Killigan was speechless. Not because of the name, but because he had absolutely no idea what 'golf' meant. He was more confused than anything.

"So, what you're saying is that we depend wholly on you?"

"Only if you have no control over mana."

"By mana, do you mean 'magic'?"

"I suppose so. We all tap into the essence of Mana Magis, or so I thought," he trailed off towards a darker tone. "But I take it you have strong mana connections?"

"Oh yes," Twilight grinned.

"Good. Then you will need to bring as many of your magus as you can. We have a giant to hunt, and our backup has just arrived," Killigan stated as another one of the immense, rectangular vessels came down from the sky.