• Published 15th Apr 2017
  • 506 Views, 7 Comments

Living on a Prayer - P-Berry

Weddings can be hard for both, groom and bride - a matter of common knowledge. But never had I thought marrying the love of my life would come with so much trouble.

  • ...

Chapter 4

For the second time that day, I awoke with a gasp as I felt the touch of two soft hands on my shoulders. Bathed in sweat and breathing heavily, I opened my eyes, hastily looking around.

I was at the spa.

It had been just a dream.

A dream that had been even more weird, disturbing and messed-up than the one I had had last night.

"Your treatment is ready, my dear." I could hear the soft voice of Aloe coming to my ears from behind me, and let out an intense sigh of relief. "Come with me, please."

Thank god it was just a dream. And thank god she had woken me up. Who knows what other messed-up things might have happened if she hadn't.

"S-sure." I gasped, shuddering as I got up.

I hated myself - I said that before, but I hated myself even more now. Why? How? Which sick, disturbed, messed-up part of my mind came up with these ideas? Oh the things I had done to her ... god have mercy on my pathetic soul.

"You really should see a psychologist once this whole thing is over." I said to myself as I silently followed Aloe to a small compartment of the big main room, separated by a light blue room divider, with various massage tables in it. Too absorbed in what I had just watch myself do to my future wife -even if it had been just a dream- I lay down on one of the tables in front of which Aloe had just stopped without her having to say anything.

I could feel another wave of sickness form in the back of my throat as the images in my head slowly started to fade, and had to swallow in fear of having to vomit.

I really, really didn't want to do any of this. I didn't know what was happening; I didn't know what was wrong with me; I didn't know what would happen when I would face Roseluck later on. All I knew was that I wanted it to stop. I wanted it all to be over, not in a day, not in a few hours, but right now! I couldn't take this anymore. My mind was drowning in chaos, my head was pounding, it was getting harder to keep my eyes open with every second that passed, but I knew that closing my eyes meant running the risk of falling asleep again and going through another one of these nightmares. And I was sure this one would beat its predecessors in messed-up-ness by a long shot.

I swallowed, slowly lowering my head against the massage table's soft headrest as Aloe carefully worked her hands on my tensed-up body.

While my head was still in distress mode from my most recent nightmare, and I didn't even try to understand everything that was wrong with my mind for making up these things, I had to admit that Aloe did know her business - the soft touch of her hands on my back was balm for my body and soul, and I had a hard time not letting out a relieved sigh as I felt my tensed muscles relax from her hands.

I closed my eyes, feeling bliss wash over me for the first time since I woke up this morning...

And promptly felt myself blush - it seemed like I wasn't the only one enjoying the treatment from the truly talented masseuse, as a soft but noticeable pressure against the table coming from my nether region confirmed.

Feeling my face turn red up to my ears, I clenched my teeth shut, hissing a curse under my breath.

"Really?" I asked myself, my eyes springing open, "You're about to marry the love of your life, and now you're popping a boner from something like this?" I turned my head to the side, trying to suppress my arousal, and hoping that Aloe wouldn't notice any of it.

As a few minutes passed, and the would-be tent in my hypothetical pants still hadn't vanished, fueled by Aloe softly digging her oiled-up hands into my back, I came to the conclusion that there was no way I could endure this any longer. The guilt of feeling these things while being touched by someone other than Roseluck was too big.

I opened my mouth, wanting to kindly ask her to stop the treatment, but couldn't get myself to do so. As much as I hated myself for it, getting massaged by these angelic hands felt too good to actively asked her to stop.

So instead, I decided to do the next best thing to make all this less awkward for me: I closed my eyes again, and imagined that it was Roseluck massaging my back.

And it worked, at least to some extent. Imagining that it was my bride-to-be caressing my backside, I did feel a lot less embarrassed about my body's reaction to it.

"So my dear, tell me, what brings you here today?"

That is, until Aloe decided to break the silence after saying nothing and just humming the occasional tune every now and then. Her voice had a rather soothing tone to it, and I couldn't deny that her slav accent sounded cute, but her talking made my illusion of having Roseluck stand above me shatter like a mirror.

"Ugh..." I sighed, trying not to sound too rude, as she was obviously just trying to be friendly and start some polite conversation. "Autumn." I replied curtly, "He kinda just ... dropped me off here without telling me why."

"Oh I can tell you why." Aloe replied smoothly, "You are so tensed up, your back feels like a wooden board."

"You don't say..." I muttered under my breath, not loud enough for her to hear.

A short moment of silence passed, then she spoke up again. "So I've heard you're getting married today?"

I gave a curt nod. "Yeah. I hope so, anyway."

"Nervous?" the question came, like the most normal thing in the world.

Again, I nodded. "You bet." I gave a short sigh, remembering what Roseluck had implied towards Autumn Leaf earlier this day, and that it was almost exactly what she had said to me in my dream, shortly before confessing that she could never love me. "At this point, I'm not even sure if my bride still wants to marry me anyway."

"Why is that?" Aloe asked, sounding genuinely confused, "Did you two have a fight?"

"N-no." I said after a moment of silence, "It's a long story, and-"

"We have time." Aloe replied casually, cutting me off.

"I'd rather not talk about it." I finished undeterred a second later.

"Oh," Aloe said, sounding mildly disappointed, "Well, this is your choice." She paused for a moment, and her hands stopped moving, "Even though talking about it might help you."

I remained silent, letting out another long sigh.

"There's not much to talk about, really." I said after a long moment of silence, and suppressed a sigh of relief as Aloe's hands finally started moving again. "I had a pretty bad dream where she left me for a friend, and now I'm afraid she might leave me for real."

"Really?" Aloe asked, and I could hear her holding back a laugh, "Is that all? This is the reason why you are so tense?"

"Yeah..." I muttered numbly. It did sound quite petty when she said it like this. "I know it must sound weird to you, but it's a lot more than it sounds like - at least for me." I admitted truthfully, "That dream has really messed me up, and now there's something my bride to be needs to tell me, and I'm afraid that-"

I cut myself off, feeling that lump returning to my throat. "It's complicated."

"I see..." Aloe replied thoughtfully, resuming her work on my back, "If you don't mind, dear, I would like to hear what it was that you dreamt. Is that okay?"

I hesitated, taking in a deep breath. I really didn't want to recall what had gone through my head minutes ago - I was ashamed for it, and just thinking back to it brought me serious discomfort.

However, at the same time, Aloe seemed trustworthy enough, and as ridiculous as it may sound, hearing her opinion on the subject might just end up helping me after all.

So I took a deep breath ... and told her. I told her everything: from the day I surprised Roseluck with our vacation, proposing to her, her actual reaction, and of course, my messed-up dream scenario in which she had refused me, I had turned into a psychopath and ... done things to her.

As it turned out, Aloe was just a good listener as she was a masseuse - she listened to everything I had to say, all the while continuing her angelic work on my shoulder blades.

And as I was done, ending with the dream I had had just before she had woken me earlier, she had said nothing. For almost a whole minute, she had remained silent, just continuously pressing her hands into my back and seeming to knead the stress right out of my bones.

"I see..." she finally said after a long period of silence, "I see..."

"Yeah." I replied sullenly. "This is where I'm at right now. Honestly, all I want to do is talk to her; tell her about this ... this fucked-up dream and have her tell me that it was just a dream. Hear it from her, so that I can know for sure that I'd never do something like this." I sighed, "And of course, there's this whole thing with her needing to tell me something extremely important. And I'm sure she wouldn't make such a fuss about it if all she wants to say is that she loves me."

"Probably not, no." Aloe commented, not adding to my mood.

"So the most obvious conclusion is that she wants to blow the wedding off, for one reason or another. And I probably won't get a chance to talk to her before the ceremony, so whatever she wants to tell me will have to wait until then. That is ..." I let out a heavy sigh, "If she's going to show up, anyway."

"Hmm..." Aloe replied thoughtfully, "Tell me more about your bride ... Roseluck. What is she like?"

"Oh, she..." I felt an unwitting smile form on my face, "She's amazing. I can't even describe it, but she's just..." I let out a sigh, my mouth failing to turn the thoughts in my head into words, "She's amazing. Everything she does is amazing. I can't even begin to describe how beautiful she is, and every second I can spend with her feels like a gift from the heavens. ... Really, she's too good for me. She's too good for this whole world."

Another, heavier sigh escaped my lips, and the smile vanished from my face, making way for a frown. "And now ... now I might lose her forever. If what she wants to tell me really is what I think it is, she'll never be able to love me like I love her. And that..." I could feel my throat getting tight, "Hurts more than anything I've ever felt before."

"Mhmm..." Aloe said with an emphatic, sensitive voice, "I can see why you are this stressed out. But may I ask you something?"

Slightly surprised, I gave a short nod, "Yeah, sure. What is it?"

"I don't know either of you two too well, but..." she began carefully, "How long have you two been together?"

"Four years." I replied without having to think about it, "It'll be four years on the fifteenth of August this year."

"And ... has she ever given you the impression that she was unhappy?" Aloe probed sensitively, "With either you or your relationship?"

That caused me to pause and reflect for a moment. Yes, I had had my doubts about our relationship - though most of the time only because I felt that she was too good for me, and I didn't deserve someone like her. But she ... she had always seemed genuinely happy with us. And I knew from several occasions that she was neither a good actor, nor a good liar.

Besides, if she would have not been happy with our relationship, she could have easily just broken up with me and found someone else - child's play for someone like her, really.

With all that in mind, and with the fact that she had not only stayed with me for almost four years by now, but also accepted my proposal to marry her and thus tie us to each other for the rest of our lives on top did speak for itself.

So my ultimate reply was a surprisingly decisive, "No. She always seemed quite happy with me, if I may say so."

"Okay." Aloe replied, giving a short nod. "And, if you don't mind me asking..." she started over, but hesitated, "How have you two been performing ... in bed? Any problems? Tensions?"

I could feel my heart speed up, and looked to the side. "W-why would you ask that?"

"Oh, you wouldn't believe how important good sex is for a working relationship. I've heard of so many couples breaking up because they had problems in bed." Aloe explained casually, not seeming affcted at all by this normally rather touchy subject. "So? Do you think you might have any problems in this aspect?"

I closed my eyes, biting my lip, not sure whether or not I should tell her. "N-no." I finally muttered, feeling my face turn red up to my ears, "We ... we never ... actually ... did it. Not yet, at least."

"What?" Aloe asked surprised, her voice reaching a rather high pitch, "Why is that?"

Again, I remained silent for a moment, hesitant to share such intimate details with essentially a stranger, but in the end decided to say it anyway. "It might be hard to believe," I replied, "But as open-minded, joyful and easy-going Roseluck is, she does have some ... old-fashioned quirks to her, especially when it comes to partnerships. One of them being that she abstains from unmarried sex."

"So you haven't...?"


"Not even once?"


"And she was fine with it?"

"She was the one asking for it." I replied nonchalantly, "That is, she requested that we would wait until we're married. She didn't name any particular reason though - guess it really is just a little quirk. She seemed a little embarrassed about it at first, but said it would be all the better once the time has finally come."

"And you agreed?" Aloe asked, curious, but not surprised.

"How could I not?" I asked back, "Sure, I was skeptical at first, but when I saw how important it really was to her, I stopped trying to talk her out of it. And I don't feel like that has influenced our relationship one bit."

"Hmm..." Aloe said, again falling silent. "Interesting."

"But that really doesn't change anything about the matter at hand." I said, feeling reality overwhelm me again.

I could literally hear Aloe raise an eyebrow at me. "Why not?" she asked, "From what you told me, it doesn't seem like there's anything you need to be worried about."

"You did listen to what I said earlier, right?" I asked, feeling unreasonably aggrivated, "She said there's something really important she needs to tell me, and unless she just wanted to ask me what shoes to wear today, the only possibility I see is that she wants to call it off for some reason."

A sigh came from Aloe behind me, indicating that she, too, was running short on patience. "Okay." she said after a moment, "Let's assume that, for whatever reason, she doesn't want to marry you anymore," she paused for effect, and I could feel her stern look on my back, "What do you have from laying here and worrying about it?"

I cocked an eyebrow. "What do you mean?"

"I am saying that, if she should break up with you for some reason, there's nothing you can do about it now, is there?" she explained.

"And what am I supposed to do?" I asked, slightly agitated, "If she does that, that whole issue is over and done with anyway."

"Exactly." Aloe replied, seeming happy that I finally seemed to understand her, "You need to stop thinking these things. Relax, and bring some positive thoughts in your mind, my dear. The worst thing you can do right now is preoccupy yourself with things you can't change anyway."

I gave a dry grunt. "Yeah, positive thoughts my ass. Even if I wanted to, how can I relax with all that up ahead?" I closed my eyes, feeling overwhelmed by the integrity of things. My mind felt like it was about to collapse into a heap of rubble. "God, this is too much. I can't do this!"

Again, Aloe remained silent for a moment, seeming to contemplate what to say next. Then, placing both her hands on either of my shoulders, she said, "You know, there is something I wanted to try, for a while now. A new technique I have learned from a friend a few months ago. It's hard to get right, and not entirely harmless, but I'm sure it can make you feel better, even in your current state."

I hesitated. I most certainly wasn't what one would call a xenophobe, but trying something 'not entirely harmless' when I wasn't feeling well to begin with just didn't seem like such a good idea.

"I don't know..." I replied hesitantly, "Feeling better would be great, but..."

"Great!" I heard Aloe say with a delighted voice, and the next thing I felt was her placing a hand on my right shoulder, pressing it into my skin, then pressing a finger into a spot right at the bottom end of my neck and...

My face contorted to an unnatural grimace. My vision went white, and I could feel an electric jolt shoot through my whole body. My fingers began to twitch, I gave a sudden gasp and my eyes slammed shut.

Only a second later, it was over. I was feeling more relaxed than ever, as if every muscle in my body had gone limp. My breathing was soft, my heart rate was calm, and all I could feel was the touch of two hands on my back. But these weren't the soft, experienced hands of Aloe; these hands were a little rougher; marked from many years of gardening and working with barbed flowers, yet their touch was soft as ever.

"You still are so tense..." I could hear a voice coming from above me. Not the cute slav-accented voice of Aloe; this voice sounded familar; way more familiar, "Is there anything on your mind?"

"You tell me." I replied dryly, knowing without looking up who was standing above me and massaging my shoulders, "If there's anyone who knows what's on my mind, it should be you. After all..." I opened my eyes, turning my head and looking up into her beautiful green eyes, "You're the reason why I'm here."

Roseluck smirked dryly, her look focused on my shoulders. "No." she said briefly, "You are the reason why you're here. You're the one who's almost driving himself crazy with his own thoughts."

"And you're the reason for it!" I said accusingly, feeling frustration rise up within me, "Why do you have to put me on the rack like this? If there's something you need to tell me, do me a favor and just get it over with!"

Again, the beautiful mare smirked, all the while continuing to knead the skin on my back. "I wish I could. I really do." she said, sounding indeed regretful, "But I'm not Roseluck." as I just cocked an eyebrow at her, she elaborated, "In case you haven't noticed, sherlock, this is all just a dream. You are still laying passed out in the Spa, and I am just a picture of your imagination that looks like her." she paused for a second, locking eyes with me, "In a way, I'm you, and when it comes to Roseluck, I know just as much about her as you." she exlplained me calmly, soberly.

I let out a long sigh, turning my head back and allowing my eyes to drift shut again. "It was worth a try, wasn't it?" I said after a moment, "But I guess getting this whole thing figured out right here would have just been too easy. Instead I'm left laying passed out on a massage table and talking to myself." I dropped my head, "Could this day get any worse?"

"Sure it could." Roseluck said casually, "You know, you could easily turn this dream into a nightmare. You're the one holding the reins here, after all." I didn't look up, but just from the sound of her voice I could tell that she was grinning at me. "Just say the word and we'll be back in our bedroom again, with me firmly tied up and completely at your mercy." she paused her massaging, bringing her mouth right next to my ear and whispering, "Wouldn't you like that, sweetie?"

"No I wouldn't!" I said decisively, feeling my body tense up again, "Cut that crap out, you know I'd never do anything like that!"

She gave a soft giggle, and even though I knew that it was just an illusion in my head, I couldn't help but smile from that heavenly sound. "Don't worry, darling, I'm just playing with you."

"I could tell." I replied dryly, the smile vanishing from my face in an instant, "Can't I just wake up and get this whole wedding-thing over with? Get rejected by her and let it be over with?"

Roseluck's hands stopped moving completely, as she seemed to contemplate something. Then, after a moment of silence, she asked, "What makes you think that she'd reject you?"

"I don't know, just ... everything! This whole day has been a textbook example of a mess, and she leaving me standing in front of the altar would just be the perfect cherry on top." I explained, getting increasingly frustrated, "And the fact that she's been meaning to tell me something extremely important doesn't really bode well, now does it? Whatever it is, good news almost never qualify as 'extremely important'."

"That's not up to me to decide, is it?" she replied soberly, but then, seeming to sense my frustration, continued, "But if talking about it won't make it any better for you, why don't we just change the subject to something more pleasant? Remember, you're the one in charge."

"And what would that be?" I asked soberly, not expecting too much from this daydream, epiphany, or whatever it was.

"That's up you you." she explained smugly, "It could be anything, really. A scenario in which you rule the world, a daydream where you can fly, or just a nice memory."

I let that sink in for a moment, then sighed and closed my eyes again, trying not to think too much about how weird this whole thing felt.

There was, however, a memory of me and Roseluck which I would never forget, and a memory I would gladly recall anytime, no matter what would happen.


It was Valentine's Day. The sun hung low over the horizon; the magnificent pacific sunset bathing the land in golden light.

We were sitting on the balcony of our Luxury Hotel room, enjoying the magnificent view - the room itself had cost me a small fortune, and the surcharge for a room with ocean view had hurt my wallet more than I had been willing to admit, but in this moment, it all seemed so unimportant.

My look went over to her - she was wearing a magnificent, light red summer dress; her hair, still unkempt from swimming in the ocean earlier, hung loosely down the side of her head, and her eyes, seemingly lost in thought, were aimlessly looking at the sunset in front of us. The hotel was relatively empty; most of our fellow guests seemed to be out having dinner, as not a single voice could be heard, safe for the soft rushing of the waves hitting the beach a few stories below our feet.

Letting out what must have been the most content sigh of my whole life, I reached out for her hand, and held it in mine. She gladly let it happen, seeming just as carefree and happy as me.

"You know..." I decided to break the silence after a few moments, feeling my heart rate increase abrubtly, knowing that now was the time. "I know it sounds cheesy, but ..." I paused, looking over to her again and locking my eyes with her beautiful green irises, "There's no place I'd rather be."

She smiled, and just like so often, I could feel my heart getting a little lighter, even if it was beating with the frequency of a stroboscope.

"Me too." she said, her voice soft as velvet. She closed her eyes, taking in a breath of the mild evening air. "Everything ... everything is just ... perfect."

I let a hand into my pocket, closing it around the little black box I had kept safe for almost a year by now. Feeling my lips begin to tremble, I slowly pulled it out, but still kept my hand closed around it and didn't show it to her just yet.

"Now it's now or never." I said to myself and gave her hand a soft squeeze, making her look me in the eyes.

"There's something I wanted to talk with you about." I said.
"There's something I need to tell you." She said, only split-seconds after me.

Both of us silenced abruptly, giving each other surprised looks. My grip around the box tightened.

"You ... you can go first." I said with pounding heart, not sure how to get through this without suffering a heart attack.

"No, please." she replied with a gentle smile, "You go first."

"Are you sure?" I asked hesitantly.

"Of course." she said, giving me a gentle nod and a heartwarming smile, keeping her eyes locked with mine, "Whatever you want to say, I'll listen. I'll always listen."

I took in a deep breath, then let it out again. "Okay..." I said quietly, "Here goes nothing." I put the box back into my pocket, got up from my chair and walked over to the balcony's railing, offering her a hand to join me. Looking surprised, but not in the slightest reluctant, she got up from her chair and joined me.

Hearing my own heart pound, I reached out for her hands and held them in mine.

"Roseluck..." I started hesitantly, my mouth running dry, "I'm ... really not good at this, but..." I locked eyes with her, and the smile on her face; this honest, pure smile seemed to take the words right out of my mouth. "It's been almost four years since I've first met you. I never thought it would be possible, but ... from the moment I first saw you, I knew that you were special, and when you talked to me ... and when I first saw you smile..." I had to pause, re-ordering my thoughts.

"In those four years we've been together, you've changed my life for the better in so many ways. I used to be socially awkward, shy, lonely, and now I'm ... with you." my voice was trembling, and I could feel my legs going weak. "W-what I mean to say is..." I bit my lip, gathering up more courage than I had ever had in my whole life, "Every day, when I wake up next to you, just seeing your face lets me know that it'll be a good day ... because I'll spend it with you. And ... and every second I can spend with you feels like a gift from above, and I would be..." I swallowed, having to take another breath, "I would be incredibly honored if I could have this experience, every day, for the rest of my life."

Taking one last, final breath and taking the ultimate leap of faith, I fell to my left knee; my left hand reached into my pocket, pulling out the box. "Roseluck," I said, my voice on the verge of breaking; my right hand opened the ring box, and I presented the golden ring to her, "Will you marry me?"

What followed was the longest period of silence of my whole life.

It felt like years that I was kneeling there, my heart in my mouth, at the edge of my nerve, and looking at the girl I had just proposed to. She was looking at me, her eyes wide, one hand in front of her mouth. She either really hadn't seen this coming, or she was a better actress than she had ever told me.

Then, after a silence that had been almost impossible to endure, she finally gave some sort of vital sign. She gave a muffled sob, her eyes became wet, and for the first time; for the very first time in my whole life, I watched Roseluck cry.

I swear my heart stopped for a whole minute. I didn't dare say a word; I didn't dare move at all.

Then, she finally lowered her hand, and I could see the smile on her face. I had never seen her smile like this before.

She gave another sob, then, finally, nodded her head. "O-of course I will." she said weakly, "I thought you'd never ask."

And from then on, it was all just a blur of endorphins to me. Feeling like the truly happiest man in the world, I got up off my knees, stepped forward, flung my arms around her, and placed my mouth on hers for the happiest kiss we had ever shared.

Truly, everything had been perfect in this moment.

Suddenly, Roseluck broke the kiss, moved her head away from mine and gave me a smug grin instead.

"See?" she said matter-of-factly, "I told you you'd feel better going through that memory again."

It took me a moment to understand what was happening, and as I realized what was going on, I could feel my heart shrink. Letting out a long, heavy sigh and taking my hands off pseudo-Roseluck, I turned away, leaning against the railing and letting my head hang low.

"Come on." she said, placing a hand on my shoulder, "Today's your wedding day, don't be so gloomy."

"I'm trying, okay?" I replied, without looking up. "I'm just ... I don't know what to do. I love her, and just imagining that she'll be with me for the rest of my life is better than anything I could have ever imagined. But at the same time I ... I really don't know how I would deal with her rejecting me. What if she really doesn't love me anymore? What if my dream was right, and she really is lesbian? Or what if she's already married to another guy? Or what if she secretly is a guy? Hell, how would I handle that?"

"Now you're just getting plain ridiculous." Roseluck cut me off, "Look..." she said, turning me around, "Think about it: you've been together for almost four years by now. You've had your ups and downs, but you always got over it. And I can promise you," she said, looking me in the eyes, "She loves you just as much as you love her. And whatever it is she wants to tell you, there's nothing that could make her want to step back from this decision just like that. And if you're willing to take that step, I can guarantee you that she will be as well." she paused for a moment, "I know that for certain. And if I know it, you know it too."

I replied nothing to that at first. Letting out a breath I didn't know I was holding, I turned to face the railing, looking at the magnificent sun setting over the horizon.

"Well," I said after a long moment of silence, "That's a mouthful."

"My whole point is that you shouldn't let things like these drive you insane." she said, calmly, but indignantly, "You've been looking forward to this day for more than a year now, and it's normal to be nervous. But you really are taking things too far with your doom-mongering."

"...I guess you're right." I said hesitantly, "I suppose things are going to come like they will anyway, won't they?"

Imaginary Roseluck nodded affirmatively, "Exactly."

She paused, cocking an eyebrow at me. After a moment she asked, "But you do realize that I just told you the very same thing Aloe tried to tell you earlier, right?"

Thinking about it, I came to the same conclusion, and gave an embarrassed cough. "Um, yes. I guess I do." Raising my arms in defense, I added, "But it does have a different effect coming from you in person. ... Well, in kind of person anyway."

Pseudo-Roseluck rolled her eyes, but seemed to accept my argument. "Fair enough." she said, "Just don't be so stoic next time someone is trying to help you, okay?"

"Alright." I said with a slightly embarrassed smile.

A moment of silence passed, but then another question popped up in my head. "How long is this unconscious-thing supposed to last anyway?" I asked, and my eyes widened as another thought crossed my mind, "I'm not gonna land in the hospital, am I?"

"I don't know." Roseluck said, shrugging innocently and giving me an apologizing grin, "I know just as much as you, remember?"

"Well, shit." I cussed, letting my shoulders drop, "I swear if I'll wake up in a hospital bed and miss my wedding, I'll-"

I was cut off as the calm, quiet atmosohere of the pacific hotel suddenly vanished. Even before I knew what was happening, I could feel my body go limp; my vision went black, and I could feel my legs giving in as the world around me faded away within seconds.