• Published 21st Sep 2016
  • 1,358 Views, 120 Comments

Lunaverse: Galaxy Rangers - The White Raven - Rixizu

The second Galaxy Rangers story. Duke Greengrass and Archduke Fisher create their own Rangers to take the Galaxy Rangers down.

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Chapter 10

Sleuth scanned the crime scene with his eagle eyes at the ready to find anything out of the ordinary. He was in a rock quarry outside Ponyville. He could see the outline of where Pierce’s body was found. It was against a rock wall that was under a small but sharp cliff. The middle of the outline was stained with crimson. The name ‘TRIXIE’ was written in blood next to the outline. It was a pretty messy scene because the body was feasted on by crows before the body was found by a Miss Rarity. She was looking for gems and accidently stumbled upon the body. It smelled wretched and he did his best to ignore it. This was the only thing of interest in the entire area. They still haven’t found the murder weapon. No hints or other clues have been found yet. One thing about the scene that was odd was the lack of blood. It wasn’t consistent with Pierce’s injuries. Sleuth felt certain Pierce was not stabbed here otherwise the scene would be covered in blood.

The time of death was estimated at 3 to 5 pm three days ago. He was stabbed by a short blade, presumably a knife, in the chest below his right ribs. There were signs that he was kicked in his wound several times from a left hoof. He didn’t die right away eventually blood loss had finished him off. He supposed Pierce might have enough strength to write a dying message after he was thrown in this quarry to die. The lab ponies were testing if the message matched Piece’s hoofwriting.

Something shiny caught his eye. It came from a bush a dozen paces away. He trotted towards it. It looked like a blackberry bush. Its thick leaves and thorns concealed something. Tentatively he used his gloved hoof to move the branches careful to not disturb anything.

"Well well," Sleuth muttered. In the canopy was a knife. It looked like a small fruit knife. Expensive and good quality. The blade was covered in what presumably was Pierce’s blood. The length of the blade was consistent with Pierce’s stab wound.

“Hey, I think I found something. Get Flathoof over here. I don’t want to prick myself on these damn thorns.” Sleuth was an earth pony and thought it would be easier if a unicorn did this job.

Flathoof used his magic to pull out the knife and put it into the evidence bag. He left to have the CSI team examine it.

“Your ponies do fine work detective.” A melodious voice said behind him. Sleuth turned and there was Princess Luna.

“Princess who let you in? This is a crime scene remember?” Sleuth chided. Princess or not, he didn’t like anypony just barging in and disrupting possible evidence.

“Chief Poulet gave me permission.” The princess explained.

"I see," Sleuth said, "how may I help you?"

“I wish to discuss something with you privately.” The princess tilted her head towards an empty clearing.

Sleuth shrugged and followed her. When they arrived, the princess lit her horn and a bubble surrounded them.

“There, now nopony can eavesdrop on us.” Princess Luna ruffled her feathers.

“So?” Sleuth said simply. He wanted to get this conversation done with so he could get back to work.

“I have reviewed your career so far, and I find it to be exemplary.” The princess praised. “You have successfully solved many cases.”

Sleuth shrugged. “You brought me here to discuss my performance review? I’m flattered your majesty, but this is hardly the time.”

Princess Luna sighed. "I won't keep you, I just wanted to say that I have found you to be honest and hardworking. You don't seem like the type of pony to be tempted."

“Is that what this is about? You’re afraid the Night Court might try to bribe me.” Sleuth knew Viceroy Night Light hated Lulamoon, the chief suspect in the case. He couldn’t blame the princess for being paranoid.

“In a word, yes. Be careful and watch yourself.” Princess Luna warned.

Sleuth nodded. “All I care about is the truth. I will not let some over-privileged smuck push me around.”

“That is good to hear.” The princess sighed in relief.

"I will find out the truth," Sleuth smirked, "even if it turns out to be undesirable. What if it turns out your student really is guilty?"

Princess Luna closed her eyes and looked thoughtful. “I will accept it. In my long life, I have known many ponies that have fallen from grace even though they were dear and beloved by me. All I ask is that you find the truth. Even if it is painful.”

When Sleuth looked into the princess’s eyes, for a brief moment he could see every one of the Princess Luna’s endless ageless years. She looked so old and haggard. Like she was a stone worn down to nothing by the waves of the sea. The pain and sadness in her eyes were unbearable, and he looked away.

Sleuth coughed. "If you would excuse me, princess, I need to get back to work." The princess nodded and flew away.


Lemon Hearts knocked on her friend’s Minuette’s door. According to her other friend Twinkleshine, Twilight Sparkle was living there for the moment. Why? Twinkle wasn’t really certain. Lemon guessed Twilight had another falling out with her father. She knew the two weren’t exactly on the best terms. Their relationship had always been pretty bad.

Lemon was eager to see Twilight again. It’s been so long and she wanted to catch up. She knew Twilight liked to gallivant around Equestria, so this was her best chance to talk to her old friend again.

Minuette answered the door with a grin on her face. “Lemon! How have you been?”

Lemon entered the house. “Pretty good, work keeps me busy, but otherwise I’m good.”

“I’ll get some tea. I heard that you’ve been planning parties for Duke Greengrass now.” Minuette said as she left for the kitchen.

A few moments later, Minuette returned with a tray of tea and some biscuits. Lemon took a cup and sipped from it gingerly in her magic.

“Yeah, he’s a very sociable stallion.” Lemon agreed. “Would you believe the last person he did a party for was the Sultana of Naqah?”

Minuette squealed in delight. “Oh! Did you meet her?”

Lemon snorted. “Of course not. I’m just a party planner.”

"Oh," Minuette said in disappointment.

"I heard from a little birdy that a certain Twilight Sparkle is staying here," Lemon said eagerly.

Minuette made a face. “Yeah, she’s here alright.”

Lemon tilted her head. “Is something the matter?”

"She's just turned my basement into a mad scientist lair," Minuette said in annoyance.

Lemon blinked. “What?”

“She just has it in her head she needs to become Ironmare or something and save Equestria!” Minuette sighed.

"Oh dear," Lemon said in sympathy.

"She spends all her time down there and rarely gets out," Minuette complained, "I think I have only talked to her about a dozen times since she started staying here!”

“Can I give it a try?” Lemon suggested. Plus, she wanted to show off the new accessory to her hoof bag. It was sciencey looking, so she had no doubt Twilight would love it.

Lemon gaped when she entered Minuette’s basement. When she was last here, it was mostly just used for storage and had a small room she used for guests. Now it was covered in scientific equipment. Machines whose purpose was lost on Lemon were all over the room. There were beakers on tables full of unknown liquids. Wires were taped to the ceiling. The change was startling.

Twilight had her nose in some book and was in front of a machine hitting buttons. She was muttering to herself.

"Hey! Twi! Nice… uh, stuff!" Lemon greeted. Twilight gave no answer, and it seemed like she didn't even hear the greeting. Which was typical of the book loving nerd. She was always lost in her own little world.

“See, mad scientist.” Minuette sighed.

Lemon tapped her chin and got an idea. She used her magic to pull the book out of Twilight’s hooves who gasped in surprise. Her glasses almost fell off her head. “Hey!”

"Hi, Twilight!" Lemon greeted again.

Twilight adjusted her glasses to a more comfortable position and turned. “Oh, hi Lemon Hearts.” She said without much enthusiasm.

“I heard you were in Canterlot and I just had to see you!” Lemon exclaimed. She pointed towards her bag’s new accessory. “What do you think? Pretty cool huh? It flew into my house through a window.”

"That's nice," Twilight said and turned back to her machine thing, "if you would excuse me, I was in the middle of a crucial experiment."

“Hey!” Lemon exclaimed irritated. Twilight barely got a look at it.

“Wow. Neat. Where did I come from?” Minuette asked. She peered to get a better look. “What even is that?”

"I think some foals threw it through my window," Lemon explained. "I think it’s a toy based off the Galaxy Rangers' morphers. I’ve seen quite a few foals playing with them.”

“And you’re using it as an accessory for your bag?” Minuette tilted her head.

"Sure," Lemon exclaimed happily, "it just fits somehow."

Lemon turned towards Twilight and she was pretty sure the bookworm was not even listening. “Twilight!” Lemon yelled.

Twilight eeped. “What?” She said annoyed.

“So what are you doing anyway?” Lemon asked.

“I’m trying to create my own morpher!” Twilight exclaimed.

Lemon blinked. “You mean… for real?”

Twilight nodded. She gestured to a small white device hooked up by wires. “It’s… a work in progress, but it going along rather well.”

“Well huh.” Minuette snarked. “Last time you tried to get the thing to work it exploded in your face. Literately.”

Twilight blushed. “As I said, work in progress! I’m a scientist! Every great discovery is built off of mistakes and trials.”

“And this will allow you to transform? That’s so cool!” Lemon complimented. She had never seen the Galaxy Ranger in person, but the stories she’d heard about them were pretty amazing.

Twilight nodded vigorously. She then turned away and started muttering to herself. “Then maybe I can…” She trailed off.

Lemon and Minuette exchanged glances. “Is she okay?” Lemon whispered. She had never seen Twilight so down. Twilight looked on the verge of crying.

“She's been that way since she's got here," Minuette whispered back. "She's been a little unstable. I think the Corvus incident has really hurt her."

Lemon blinked. “Corvus incident?”

"You know," Minuette whispered so quietly that Lemon could barely hear her, "she got turned into a monster."

Lemon gasped. “That actually happened? I thought was just a rumor. The papers didn’t say anything about it.”

“Look at her, does that look like a rumor to you?” Minuette asked.

Lemon looked at Twilight again who looked to be in a very solemn mood. Twilight was scowling with an expression full of self-hatred.

"Poor thing," Lemon said so quietly it was almost to herself.

Minuette nodded. “And now she has it in her head that she needs to fight Corona to make things right.” She shook her head. “Nothing I’ve said can get her out of it.”

“Oh.” Lemon didn’t know what to say. Suddenly she had it. “We should get Twinkle and have a filly’s night out!” Lemon figured that might cheer her up a little.

“That might work!” Minuette said in delight.

"Hey, Twilight!" Lemon yelled startling Twilight. "I was thinking about getting some dinner! I’m going to invite Twinkleshine. Would you like to come?”

Twilight shook her head. “No, I am on the brink of finally getting this right. I don’t have the time.”

Lemon started up her magic and started pulling Twilight out of the basement. Twilight tried and failed to grab a table to stop it. “Nonsense, it will be here when you get back. You need some fresh air. It’s a bit stifling being in this basement all day. And you need a good meal! You look like skin and bones.”

“Ugh. No! I really…” Twilight tried to say. They were already in the living room now.

"No, you'll love it! There's this three-hoof restaurant on Restaurant Row I've been dying to try." Lemon said cheerfully.

“All right, fine.” Twilight relented.

Lemon released Twilight from her magic and she landed on the floor gingerly. “Perfect!”

The three left Minuette’s house. Twilight grumbling all the way. The three walked through the streets towards Twinkle Shine’s apartment. She lived in a High Rise a couple of blocks away. Lemon started chatting about random stuff with Minuette. Twilight didn’t join in, but the light conversation bolstered her mood.

They were about a block away from Twinkle Shine’s apartment when Lemon noticed that Twilight wasn’t with them. She looked around and noticed that Twilight was at a newsstand.

“Twilight?” Lemon asked. She noticed Twilight has hyperventilating and her eyes were the size of dinner plates. She was holding a newspaper.

“Twilight? What is it?” Lemon asked in alarm.

“I have to go!” Twilight exclaimed before suddenly teleporting out of sight startling the pony working at the newsstand and a few ponies around her.

Lemon and Minuette gapped. Lemon gingerly picked up the paper she was reading. On the front cover was the headline, “Trixie Lulamoon Arrested on Suspicion of Murder.”


Trixie flopped on her bed as she was led back into her cell. She had just come from an intensive questioning session. The guards turned off the lights and Trixie was cloaked in darkness. The only light was from a ceiling bulb in front of her cell. It gave off a slight white glow. She flopped on her bed back and forth. Despite how dead exhausted she was, sleep wouldn’t come. She kept thinking about Pokey. It hurt so much that he was gone. She hadn’t known him for that long, but she felt as if he were a longtime friend. And it was all her fault, she sent him into Canterlot, and now he was dead.

Trixie gave out a heart-wrenching sob. The events of the day finally broke her. She tried so hard, so hard to stay strong. To let her anger and determination fuel her and push her forward no matter what. But now everything was too much to bear. She felt dead. Empty.

"Oh, Pokey." She cried into her pillow. She felt like she wanted to die.

“You poor thing.” A voice full of sympathy and warmth said. “They took everything away from you, didn’t they?”

Trixie looked up at the voice and gaped. It was Corona, the Tyrant Sun. She was standing in front of the bar with a warm smile on her face.

“What do you want?!” Trixie growled. She wiped the tears from her eyes and did her best to appear dignified. “Are you here to gloat? Here to laugh at me?”

Corona shook her head. “No, dear dear Trixie. I’m here to help you.”

“Yeah right! Go away!” Trixie screamed.

Corona sighed. “Always so stubborn. So, proud. I can help you, but this won't be for you, Trixie. I know you would never accept help for yourself. It will be for your friends."

Trixie felt a pit in her stomach. “What do you mean?”

“Do you think the Night Light and his cohorts will stop with just you? No. They want to destroy you all.”

"No," Trixie said in a weak voice.

“They will go after Carrot Top next. They have been targeting her from the very beginning. They will plant jewels and other precious items in her room and frame her for stealing them.”

“No.” That was all Trixie could say.

“Then they will go after Cheerilee. They will create a scandal that will ruin her teaching career and move her somewhere far away.”

“Those…” Trixie scowled. How could they sink so low?

"One by one they will separate you until none are left," Corona explained. She had a frown on her face.

“This… no… what am I…”

Corona extended a hoof. "I can help you, Trixie. We can defeat them together. I can save your friends that you love so dearly."

Trixie was tempted. She knew she couldn’t defeat Night Light and Greengrass on her own. They were so powerful. So, untouchable. Their wealth and influence were terrifying and seemingly unmatchable. But could she sell her soul to the devil to save them? Trixie looked away saying nothing.

"Think about it, Trixie. Together we could build a brighter and better Equestria without filth like Night Light." Corona said. There was scorn in her voice at the mention of Viceroy.

“Like you would do better?” Trixie challenged.

“Too long my sister has allowed corruption to fester in her court.” Corona scowled. “It has been ruined by her inability to weed out the taint. The whole system has been contaminated beyond salvation now. It will need to a purged for the good of everypony.”

Corona sighed. “She means well, but she is too afraid to use her full power out of fear of it corrupting her. She could have been more vigilant and watchful. She should have stopped the bad seeds before they sprouted and grew. However, because she didn’t, creatures like Night Light and Greengrass were born.”

Corona shook her head sadly. “It is partially her fault you are in this predicament.”

Trixie grabbed the bars and glared at Corona. "No, it isn't!"

“Not on purpose mind you. But she does share the blame.” Corona said. “The nobles in her court only care about themselves. They have become arrogant and greedy. They care little about the little ponies and their problems. My sister could have stopped this long ago. She let the nobles bloat themselves on their wealth and power.”

“Do you think it is right that Puissance had Dinky kidnapped so she could control one of you?” Corona said Puissance’s name like it was diseased. “Such practices are common in the Night Court. They will do anything, no matter how foul, to get what they want.”

"They fear you, Trixie. They know you can't be controlled or bought, so they hate you. They plot against you. Even if it means dooming Equestria in the process."

Trixie looked away unable to say anything. She knew there was some truth to what Corona was saying. Sometimes while trying to sleep, her mind wandered to thoughts of what would have happened if she never met her friends. She was so arrogant and prideful back then. Would she have turned out like Greengrass? Or worse? This was her greatest fear. If she did join the Night Court, would she end up no better than Night Light?

“So, what say you?” Corona asked. She extended her hoof towards Trixie’s. “Will you help me save Equestria?”

After a moment, Trixie finally spoke. “No.”

Corona tilted her head. “No? Truly?”

"Yes, I will find my own way to fix this," Trixie said resolutely, "if I gave in to you Corona, I would be under your control. I will be controlled by nopony. You or the Night Court. I am the master of my own destiny. So, leave. You aren’t wanted.”

Much to Trixie’s surprise, Corona was smiling. “You are incorrigible Trixie Lulamoon. I admire your spirit. The Elements of Harmony were right to choose you.”

“Very well.” Corona turned around. “I am eager to see what you are going to do next.” She teleported away leaving Trixie alone.

Trixie blinked. She was not expecting that. Still, Corona gave her some useful information. Trixie felt stronger and more confident now. She felt like she could fight again. She would beat Night Light, Greengrass, and Fisher. So, they better watch out. Trixie Lulamoon is not so easily cowed.

“Finally. I thought she would never leave.” A voice from the far darkness said. The pony who said that walked into the light.

Trixie gaped again in surprise. It was Twilight Sparkle.

“Don’t worry Trixie. I’m here to rescue you!”