• Published 18th Aug 2016
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Guardian Trinity - Solphestus

It was an average day for Maximus Garrison as he returned home from college, that is... until a strange old man showed up on his front porch. and it didnt take long after that for his entire world to be turned on his head!

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Chapter 1 - Introductions

Max groaned as he awoke, his entire body as sore as that of a person who had decided to do a belly flop into a pool from a three story tall diving board and was still feeling it the next day. Though his discomfort immediately became the last thing in his mind as he looked up to find himself in the center of a small crater surrounded on all sides by forest. “What in the world…” He said in almost perfect unison with two other voices, causing him to swiftly get to his feet and see who was behind him. What he saw though shocked him even more than the fact that he had somehow been transported from his Livingroom and into the middle of a forest, for standing right in front of him was two of the three beings that the three items the old man had given him had represented, his memory of them now suddenly returning. “Holy maceral…” They all gasped in unison. Following that was an awkward silence as the three of them stared at one another, until a sneeze got their attention and they looked twards where it came from in unison. And as if the action scared them, a pair of fillies made a run for it, one of them being who sneezed.

“Ok, I would love to figure out why two beings from my childhood are here but first we should figure out what that was about.” Max said, though at this point he was starting to get annoyed because the two in front of him said the exact same thing in unison with him as if they were reading his mind. “Scratch that, how are you doing that!?” The three of them then shouted in unison. All grumbling in frustration, the three of them face palm… Only to go ridged once they see their hands. “Aw heck no…”

“Tell me I’m imagining this?” The three say, speaking in unison again and only confirming that this wasn’t a dream. “Well, this is unexpected.” Max says, the other two merely nodding in agreement this time. “Just to be sure, let’s introduce ourselves.” He then managed to add with ought the others speaking at the same time as him. “My name is Maximus Garrison-“ He said before one of the two beings in front of him shouted in disbelief, claiming that wasn’t possible because HE was Max. That’s when something unexpected happened…

“It seems that we were all Maximus Garrison before winding up here…” The tallest of the three said, the strange mask that the old man had given Max fused to his face.

“That’s not possible though!”

“But my name is Maximus Garrison, and for some reason I can tell that the two of you are telling the truth as well… So we either are the same person, or three people with the same name. And since we can predict one another quite well, it seems more logical that we are technically the same person.” He then deduced.

The two others merely gawked at the third before face palming as they remembered what the powers of the character he looked like were. “This is going to get confusing…” they all sighed in agreement.

“We should probably come up with name’s to tell ourselves apart, but we should probably investigate what it was that ran away first.” One of them finally said, getting nods of agreement from the other two before they started walking in the direction that the fillies ran off to.

“Why don’t we use the names of the beings we look like?” One of them suggested after they had been walking for a while.

“Hmm, that sounds like it would probably be for the best.” The other two agreed in unison, causing them to smirk as they began to get used to being in synch. “Ok then, let’s find whoever sneezed and see if they know what’s going on!”

The two fillies panted as they hid behind a tree, having decided to stop running out of exhaustion. Not a moment later, their bellies began to growl, having not eaten anything in the past day and a half since the food they brought with them when they snuck away from the orphanage ran out.

“I’m hungwy…” The younger of the two fillies pouted, letting her wings hang limp by her sides as she pouted at her companion.

“I know, I’m hungry too… But we don’t have any food left.” The older one said as she nuzzled the younger filly, causing her to pout even more. Sighing the older filly ignited her horn as she lifted the younger one onto her back. “Ok, ok! We can see if we can find anything-” The older filly sighed to the younger one before stepping out from behind the tree they were hiding… only to stop mid centence as she bumped into something, causing her to fall onto her rump and for the younger filly to fall off her back.

“Well what do we have here~” Hissed an almost reptilian sounding mechanical voice.

Screams of terror suddenly split through the forest, causing the three beings to look up from the tracks they had found. “What was that?” One of them asked, to which the other two responded “A child… And it seems she’s in danger.” In urgent unison. It didn’t take them much longer to forget the strange tracks left behind by whatever they heard sneeze and instead make a b-line for the source of the screaming, and if the day hadn’t gotten crazy enough for them yet, what they saw nearly made them loose it.

“Can’t you get them to shut up already!? They’re going to get something’s attention and lead it strait to us!” Growled a white biomechanical lizard man looking creature in the middle of a clearing next to a large pot of boiling water to another who was standing over the crying forms of two dirt and grime covered fillies.

“I would but I have nothing to shut them up with! And I can’t kill them just yet, after all, you should know better than anyone how the boss prefers his pony to be cooked!” Snapped the creature standing guard over the crying fillies, causing them to cry louder as they begged for their lives.

Infuriated, the three beings looked to each other and nodded before slowly walking into the clearing side by side. “Well now, what do we have here?” “Tell us, what are you Skaddi-” “Planning on doing with those children?” The three of them said dangerously to the cybernetic lizard men.

“What, who dares-” The Skaddi by the boiling pot of water began to say grumpily until he saw the three beings, causing him to immediately shut up and break into a cold sweat. “T-this isn’t p-p-possible!” He stuttered as he began to immediately back away, causing his companion to turn to see what he was looking at… Almost moments later all that was left in the clearing was the two terrified fillies, the three beings, and the tracks and equipment of the Skaddi who had just fled.

“That was easier than expected.” One of the three beings commented as the others walked over to the two fillies and began to untie and console them. “Though we shouldn’t stay here long, just in case…”

“Agreed. Now tell us young ones, who are you?” Another said as the final member of their group scooped up the poor fillies into his arms.

“I-I’m Celestia… And this is L-Luna…” The unicorn stuttered, still a little frightened from the ordeal she and the other filly had suffered through.

“A pleasure to meet you. You may call me Axon” Said the one of the beings who picked the fillies up in his large mechanical arms.

“You may call me Knightmon.” Said the second of the beings, his silver armor, giant shield and great sword glinting in the afternoon sun.

“And you may call me the Magna Defender, or Magna for short.” Stated the last of the three beings, his black armor and golden horns standing in stark contrast to his two counterparts.