• Published 11th Feb 2017
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Phophecy of Harmony: Of Bolts & Notes - ModernSilver

A wanted criminal from earth gets a second chance at life in Equestria, will he learn the magic of friendship?

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The Beacon of Hope

Chapter 1: The Beacon of Hope

The halls of Area 51 echoed with the sound of a dozen footsteps as several armed men gave chase to the Fugitive. The fugitive, wearing mostly yellow themed attire; black & yellow shirt along with a yellow jacket, blue jeans with a yellow line down the sides, and black shoes with a yellow outline. He was identified as a white male, with dirty blonde hair with sea green eyes. His real name was Carl Bolts, also known by LighningBolt, because of the fact he could control all manner of electricity, and travel through it.

“Huff” LightningBolt wheezed “I really shouldn’t have eaten all 10 of those chili dogs before running; it’s slowing me down severely.”
Behind him, LightningBolt could hear his pursers yelling into walkie-talkies saying “This is Sector A-1 to Sector B-3; Suspect is on is his way down Sector A-5, he may be unarmed, but he is still considered highly dangerous.”
LightningBolt sighed “Hey, I got the ‘dangerous’ tag, I should be honored. I knew I should’ve listened to my mom when she recommended that I hide my new-found powers; but nope, I just had to be a show-pony” he said as he turned at a corner “my ego always was too big for my own good.”

More FBI Agents met him just around that same corner “hold it! You’re under arrest!” They exclaimed pointed guns at him.
The smart thing to do would've been to stop right there and give up. LightningBolt wasn't smart. He just kept running and before they could open fire he jumped on the wall, keeping his momentum, and ran across it, avoiding their blockade. As soon as his feet hit the floor again, he started running again, surely with bullets flying at him.

“I sure know how to get attention, don't I? At least my athletics get an A plus.” LightningBolt asked himself as he kept running.
He eventually ran to a section of the hallway that separated in four directions in the shape of a plus sign. Unfortunately, three of them were already swarming with Swat team, which meant the only way out was the way he came, which was also swarming with police men now. LightningBolt was trapped like a mouse.

“Put your hands in the air where we can see them!” They shouted from all four corners.

“Well,” LightningBolt said, getting smart “by definition, my hands are in the air where you can see them.” He said flaunting them in the air for all to see. It was never a good idea to be smart to the police, yet LightningBolt was full of bad ideas.

“You have the count of five to surrender before we open fire!” the police yelled.

LightningBolt braced himself for impact, looking for an escape route.

“Five.” They said as he desperately looked for a plug outlet or anything that could help buy him some time.

“Four.” Finally, he found that one outlet on the wall, now he just needed a diversion that would allow him to escape.

“Three.” LightningBolt seriously doubted they would fall for the ‘there’s something behind you trick.’

“Two.” Suddenly he got the time he needed, from the enemy.

“Be you such brutes, my men?” Said a voice from behind the FBI agents as a figure approached from behind, making his way to the front.
When the agents recognized him, they almost instantly put they’re weapons down. “General GriffonClaw, sir!” Was what echoed through the crowd.

When the general finally made his way up front, his appearance set LightningBolt off a bit, because GriffonClaw almost didn’t look human at all. His head resembled that of a bald eagle complete with the beak. His hands looked just like talons except they looked fit for grabbing something. The only thing that broke the eagle image was that his feet, and yes, they were unshod, were large brown paws which the legs that supported them looked digitigrade. The main thing that threw him off was that he saw what appeared to be a large, sleek cat tail, which it was. These were the only details that LightningBolt could see as everything else was covered with a military uniform.

“Gee, I thought I was in a military facility, not a furry convention.” LightningBolt said out loud enough for the general to hear.

GriffonClaw was unamused “Carl Bolts, we meet at last.” He said in an almost monotone voice.

“Why hello to you too, Mr. general, with an obvious body deformation. Look, if you’re here to save me on car insurance or something, you can forget it, I’m broke.”

GriffonClaw glared “If you think that mouth of yours can get you out of this, you’ve got another thing coming.” He said “Now, I’d like to ask you why have you come onto facility grounds, resisting arrest still?”

“Ah, you know, just enjoying the view of these stale walls. By the way, you wouldn’t have any ‘beacons of hope’ around here, would you? Maybe some get out of jail free cards? I might use a few.” LightningBolt said jokingly.

GriffonClaw rolled his eyes “If you’re looking for a shopping center, you might’ve taken a wrong turn.” He said with a glare. “As I said, there’s no way out of this, so you have two choices: You can surrender right now, or you can pay for your crimes with your blood. It’s a mess for the janitors to clean up afterward, and quite frankly I wouldn’t want to resort to that unless absolutely, necessary. So, which will it be? Will you come willingly, or pay with your blood?”

LightningBolt was conflicted; his time was out. “I’ll- “he sighed “I surrender.” He said holding up his hands.

GriffonClaw smiled or what looked like a smile through that beak of his “good choice. Men, you know what to do!” He said as two agents held him up against the wall, the same wall the outlet was on.

LightningBolt smiled, he could get out of this after all. “Just a quick question,” he asked the men “how fast do you think a lightning bolt is?
Several of the men took the bait, trying to figure it out. “Two hundred twenty thousand, why?” One of them explained.

“Good, you’ve done your research,” LightningBolt said “because you’re going to need to be three times over that to catch me!” He said as he slammed his foot onto the outlet. Before the agents could react, he turned into pure electricity, shocking the agents that held him, literally, and went down the outlet.

“Search every room in the building, he could be anywhere!” GriffonClaw commanded as the FBI Agents scattered. In a short minute, he was alone in the hallway.

“You can’t help him you know,” he said looking up. “You have no power here, ‘princess’. Gambling on a mortal human; to save your subjects? That’s petty, he will soon be caught, I know that, you know that, we all know it; why work to change what has already been set in stone? You confuse me, Luna. I’ll leave you to see just how wrong you were to stop my plan.” GriffonClaw said before walking off in an unknown direction.

LightningBolt traveled through the wires for minutes before he materialized out of a computer that was being used by an employee; that impact knocked him out cold.

“Oh, sorry about that” LightningBolt apologized to the unconscious employee. He then turned to look for any other employees or government agents... and then he saw what was on the computer he came out of. LightningBolt blinked three times before turning to the unconscious employee again. “Dude,” he scolded “looking up this crap at work? Kids get expelled for looking up this kind of crap!” He turned away covering his eyes. “I can’t even….” He said “I’m scarred; as soon as my charges get dropped, I’m going to need counseling.” He exaggerated. “If my charges ever get dropped.” He said, adding realism.

“Ok, seriously now, if that dream with that… blue unicorn crossed with a falcon is anything to go off, and it probably isn’t, then my ‘beacon of hope’ should be within room G4.” He stopped for a split second “That GriffonClaw guy though, quite a curious character, wonder what his deal is.” He wondered.

LightningBolt stuck his head out the door and examined the environment and taking note of the room number he was in. “Too many guards to sneak by; but I’m close: G27.” He noted, “what if there was a way to distract them” he wondered as he turned to another computer “by causing a power outage.”

He walked up to an unoccupied computer and turned it on. “If I send just a fraction of me to do that, then I won’t die when the electricity turns off, if said fraction gets out of there within a millisecond.” He paused “if this goes wrong, I could pass out long enough to be caught; so, Jesus Christ, please preserve me.” Lightningbolt said as he knelled in front of the power box of the computer which was on the floor, and put his index and middle finger on it together.

Lightningbolt’s conscious traveled into the virtual realm that showed wires and where they connected to including to other computers. On his way to the generators he ended up in another computer; not just any though, it was the mother computer that controlled all the others. LightningBolt, before exiting saw a .png file that caught his attention.

“Border Wall blueprints.png? This looks like an important file; it would be a shame if it somehow got corrupted!” He said as he implanted a piece of malware into it and changed its format to .exe. “I’m bad, but maybe that might distract them for a bit.”

Leaving the mother computer, he traveled down the wires for several minutes until he felt gigavolts of electricity. He was at the generators; all three of them. Turning one off would turn off the power until they rerouted it.

“To turn it off, I need to absorb the electricity by making myself the same charge as the other ions.” LightningBolt said as he charged in a glowing yellow as all the electricity in the generator flowed to him. “Three,” he started to count as the generator started to lose power “two,” he stated, his electric form getting ready to make a beeline for the exit. “One!” He exclaimed as he sped at the speed of light back to the computer where he entered the virtual reality, all the ions of electricity following him as the generator lost power.

His consciousness returned to his body with 10 gigawatts of electricity to tow along with it. All the electricity went inside him; a process that could've killed anyone else, instead charged him like a battery; the electricity started flowing through him.

“Phew, I should've gotten a charge a lot earlier; like before I stepped on this damn property.”

The lights were out; and outside the room he was in, he noticed from underneath the door flashlights were being used to navigate the area.

“Ok,” he told himself as he went for the door “I need to rush to find room G4 & get inside before they get the generator back online.” He said as he opened the door.

Lightningbolt didn’t need a countdown to start this mission. Sending electricity into one of his hands, it got bright enough to use as a flashlight. Fortunately, he was going in the right direction, as the numbers were going down. “G26, 25, 24” He counted as he went down the aisle. There were a few close calls with security almost catching him in the dark, but they were few in between. After five minutes of doing this, he spotted room G4 on the opposing wall. The lights suddenly threatened to turn back on as he made it to the door. Unfortunately, the door was one those doors that required a card swipe to unlock. The lights flickered to life as power was restored.

Fortunately, there weren't any guards where Lightningbolt was, and luckily, a power restore was just what he needed. Without skipping a beat, he put his finger where the card should go and forced it to unlock by flowing electricity into it.

“Access Den- Access Granted” the machine stated as the door clicked open.

Lightningbolt wasted no time getting inside. The room was small, about the size of the average bedroom. The walls were painted a dark green with little to no decorations on it. There was only one thing of significance in the room, a giant steel safe about Lightningbolt’s size, protected by a password input.

“So, this is what my dream led me too.” Lightningbolt stated “whatever’s behind the safe, should be that “beacon of hope”. He said as he went up to the safe. “Password, I’d expect the military to use eye scan or something like that, but I’ll go with it.” He stated as he put his hand close to the keys flowing electricity into it as it brought up the password.

Lightningbolt blinked three times and face palmed “If I weren't too busy trying to get away, me and the employees of this facility would be sharing some words; on how bad this password is.” He said as the password showed as “MOLESTIA” The door creaked as it slowly opened. Lightningbolt tilted his head in confusion at what he saw.

Inside the safe was a giant mirror which was decorated in a certain way unlike any other mirror. On the top of the mirror was a medium sized horseshoe which was colored a pinkish purple. The left side had four evenly spaced out yellow right triangles which were stretched out. The remaining portion of the left side of the mirror was yellow, the design looked like a part of the sun. Behind the left side was a giant outstretched, white bird wing. The right side had been decorated particularly like the night sky, the main part of it was black with parts of white littered throughout. On the bottom corner was a bigger white part shaped like a star. On the back, was another large outstretched bird wing, this one being a dark blue. The mirror looked so perfectly designed as if it couldn’t be broken apart; despite this, all LightningBolt felt was annoyance.

“A mirror?!” He asked “all that dream-horse led me too was just a damn mirror?! It’s official; I’m delusional.” LightningBolt said as rage built inside of him.

“This is all your fault, stupid horse!” LightningBolt yelled as he charged on the mirror. “Giving me a lead to my death why don’t ya!” He yelled, not caring about the consequences of his noise. Filled with rage, LightningBolt yelled as he threw a fist filled with electricity at the middle of the mirror. His rage all but disappeared when the mirror did not break; instead his fist went right through it.

LightningBolt stopped in his tracks “what?” he asked when his fist went straight through it. He cautiously put his index finger into the mirror then slowly his whole hand. “Whoa,” he said examined the other side, looking for even a trace of his hand before pulling it out “it’s like its transparent, almost as if it were a, portal. ” He said, slow at portal. “Is this, what you wanted me to find?” LightningBolt asked in the open. “This is the beacon of hope you spoke of, isn’t it? If it is, then, I’m, sorry for cursing at you earlier.”

Suddenly that was a ton of load bangs at the door. “Open up! We know you’re in there, Carl!” The FBI yelled.

“Ah, shit” LightingBolt said “my anger got the best of me, again.” LightningBolt looked at the mirror then the safe’s door “that ought to buy me some time.” He said as he pulled the door shut, locking him inside.

There were two loud slams the first was the safe door, the second was the door to the room giving in.

“FREEZE!” two FBI agents, a man and a woman yelled, which LightningBolt figured would be holding their guns up in the air.

“huh?” the man asked “where is he? I was sure I heard noise from in here.”

“Probably hiding like the mouse he is” The woman said, “he could be anywhere, keep a lookout.”

“How did he even get in here anyway?” the man asked “I know General GriffonClaw is the only one that has the card to open this place.”

“Per his warrant for Carl Bolts, Carl is pure electricity; which would explain the blackout earlier.”

“In that case, do you think, he locked himself in the vault?” the man asked as LightningBolt started to worry.

“It’s a distinct possibility, if he can get inside here without the card, he can get inside the safe without GiffonClaw’s password.”

LightningBolt started sweating as he knew he would be caught. “Damnit, why did I have to make all that noise?” he thought. LightningBolt turned to the mirror “this time however, there might be another way: my beacon of hope. This is why, I was sent to find you; I know that now, wherever you lead me to, it will be far from here.” LightningBolt stood in front of the mirror, facing the safe door and put his hands together in a prayer. “My lord, I ask for your guidance in the coming days, to keep me safe from harm, and please, deliver me from evil.” He said as he let himself fall into the portal just as the safe door opened.

Inside the mirror, Lightningbolt couldn’t see anything beyond the mass white void. After about five seconds, he felt tension on several of his body parts. His hands started to hurt immensely, after a while he couldn’t even feel his fingers, let alone move them apart. He felt a similar sensation on his feet regarding his toes. Unlike his arms, however, he felt pain on his legs, around where the kneecap should be. He yelped when it felt like it bent the opposite way it was meant to. Lightningbolt felt strain on his tailbone as he felt some outside force tugging it outward. Lightningbolt screamed as he felt pressure around his neck and ears like they were being stretched upwards. He felt a similar sensation on his hair as it felt as if it were starting to grow on the back of his neck. Finally he felt strain around his mouth and nose as if they were being pulled from his body.

Lightningbolt kept his eyes closed during the entire torture session. When he opened his eyes, he saw a portal in the middle of the white void; which showed a ruined castle from the looks of it. He also noticed he was heading straight for it, at close to Mach speed.
“No, no, no, noooo!” He yelled, fearing more pain. The white void proved predictable as he felt a big jolt as he lost consciousness.

“Uhhh” Lightningbolt groaned “I feel like I’ve been run over by a school bus, then kicked by its kids right after.” He said as he tried getting up and opened his eyes.

“clip-clop” was the sound he heard as his legs and arms hit the floor; Lightningbolt froze. He looked down at his hands and almost freaked out at what he saw: yellow hooves, almost like what the dream horse had.

“What in hell?!” he asked as he turned around, trying to see more of his transfigured body. He saw that his feet or as they were now, hind feet, were also hooves. What surprised him were three things: that he could stretch his neck that far, that he apparently had a horse tail that was a pattern of a blond yellow and an orange yellow, and that one side of his bottom, he had what appeared to be a symbol of a yellow lightning bolt just barely visible in his similar yellow fur. Yes, he had fur now, which covered him head to hoof.

While he was looking at details that he could see without a mirror, he saw something behind him that caught his eye. It was yet another mirror, but designed differently than the one before. On the top of it was a symbol of a globe which showed all the continents of the world inside two open feathers: the emblem of the United Nations. On both sides was three evenly spaced out gray stars on a gray background that looked like cement. What was different from the two sides were two flags; the right side showed an American flag that looked slightly different than the one Lightningbolt recognized. Instead of it having fifty stars, it only had thirteen aligned in a circle. The other flag LightingBolt recognized as the British flag similarly colored as the American.

What caught Lightningbolt’s attention was not the mirror itself, but rather what he saw in it. There was a miniature yellow horse staring at him, replicating the shocked expression he was making. The fur was indeed yellow with the hair and the tail being a lighter yellow than the fur and a darker yellow. The horse’s sea green eyes showed an expression of shock and fear, replicated by his own.
Lightningbolt didn’t stop to question the reality, instead he and the horse in the mirror spoke the same exact words “You have got be kidding me.” Both copies of Lightningbolt said in unison.

My little pony, my little pony
(my little pony)I used to wonder what friendship could be(my little pony)
Until you all shared its magic with me
Big adventure; tons fun!
A beautiful heart; faithful and strong!
Sharing kindness, it’s an easy feat!
And magic makes it all complete!
You have my little ponies
Do you know you’re all my very best friends?

Prophecy of Harmony: Of Bolts and Notes.

Author's Note:

Note: This is my first fanfiction on this site; but far from my first rodeo. Quite an experienced fanfictioner, despite never completing a story before. I seek to change that. As I'm new to the site, I tried to follow to rules very closely, if I might've broken a few by accident, let me know, and I'll fix it.