• Published 18th Jul 2016
  • 1,891 Views, 112 Comments

Rainbows Dark Origins - Orangeblossom1212

This is the true story of Rainbows dark origins, and painful past one she is determined to keep secret!

  • ...

He Knows?!?!

Author's Note:

Hello everypony! Okay I'm going to warn you now! This is ware the violence gets REALLY INTENSE!! Extream voilents and some curse words are involved! WARNING! GORE!!!! Viewer discression is advised!!!!! Please leave a comment on what you think?!?!
Thank You!!!

P.S. Also once again sorry for any spelling errors! :twilightsheepish:
P.P.S. Sorry this last chapter has been so late! Hopefully this one coming so quick will make up for it? Also it may take longer for me to post next chapters once school starts again. Sorry for the inconvenience but school the law! :scootangel:

"Gah! What are we going to do!?" Firefly asked. That little bitch is going to tell sooner or later,!" said a very drunk Firefly.

"I know don't worry. We'll figure something out, besides I know some ponies who will be able to find the little Rainbow shit." Spectrum Blaze spat at the mention of his daughter.

"You better! Our reputations are loosing their support because of her going around and telling everypony were alcoholics and all these other hideous lies!"

"Well, you kinda have been going around mocking everypony drunk out of your mind. When that happens ponies notice." Spectrum said bluntly.

"Are you trying to blame this all on me!?!?"

"No, I've probably done it several times myself I have no idea. BUT I do know some pony who can help us find her and will always have our back something no matter our reputation!"

"Good and make it snappy! I'm tired of that little peace of trash and want to get rid of it!

"Wwwwhhhhhaaaaaaa" a newborn colt cried from upstairs

"Ugh! That stupid foal, get rid of that too while your at it!"

"Ugh, just go up their and feed the damn thing."

"No! You do it your foal. I don't care nor do I want to be bothered."

"Have you even fed it scence we left the hospital?"

"No, and I don't give a crap. I having fed it sense we left the hospital! And if it can wait three days like it already has, than it can wait a little longer!" Firefly snapped

"Fine....." Spectrum Blaze said as he picked up the phone. I'm just going to call a friend of mine and see what info he has the Rainbow abomination.

'Ring, ring'


"Yes, hello Stormy I'm ready to cash in that favor."

"Oh, okay, What do you need?" Came stormiest reply

"What Information can you give me on the whereabouts of some pony by the name of Rainbow Dash?" He asked

"Your daughter?"

"Yes," Spectrum replied growing annoyed.

"Okay, hold on."

"Alright got it! She's in her second year of high school. Age 16, um her emergency card recorded for the schools information website I hacked into......Doesn't say to much else other than a mention about some pony by the name of Comet Blaze."

"Comet Blaze?" Spectrum repeated

"Yes that's what it says." Stormy replied with a sigh

"Mmmhhh seems familiar but I can't place a hoof on it. Who is she?"

"Already ahead of you! It says here she is a mare 37 years of age has a- Um Spectrum Blaze? "Are you aware you have a son?"

"What are you talking about? I don't have a son!"

"Well according to this, you do. His name is Comet Streak and man he's a spitting image of his mother. He has a red coat and a orangish yellow mane and magenta eyes."

"Yes that does sound familiar. What else?"

"Um it says here he is 13 years old of age.

"Yes that sounds about right." Rainbow's father said

"Anyways, he's in 7th grade and goes to high wind middle.

"Okay, is their any way to contact Comet Blaze? I do believe we have some unfinished business involving our son." Spectrum replied with a smirk a plan of revenge for his daughter already forming in his head!

"Ok I'll fax over the contact info. It should arrive in a few moments."

"Thank you."

"No prob I owed you." Stormy said on the other line as he picked up his coffee mug and took a sip. The wroting on the cup said ' I love to be evil'.

"yes, yes, whatever bye!"

"Hello Comet Blaze speaking" Comet Blaze said with a smile picking up the phone as she finished washing the dishes.

"Hello comet Blaze. I called because I do believe we have some unfinished business to discuss about our son." Spectrum inquired a evil smile growing on his face.

"Huh??! You stay away from my son!"

"Your son? Ha funny, see I just learned that he was my son also! What a small world it is now and days, huh? But I'm guessing by your reaction you knew I was his father." He said innocently

"Stay away from my son because if you dare-"

"Hahahah" spectrum laughed

"What do you want!?" Comet blaze hissed venom evident in her voice.

"Oh nothing, just for you to tell my ware Rainbow Dash is-"

"Never and if you ever hurt her of my son again I'll-"

"You'll what? I don't know if you've noticed but I'm growing quite impatient! This is your last chance to tell me ware she is!"

"Never and don't you call herd again or I'm calling the police!"

Fine I doesn't matter anyways, but you just wait, because I'm comming Blaze, I can promise you that!"

"Get out!" Comet Blaze said slamming the phone and trying to recover from her panic attack.

Okay, it's okay. Comet and Rainbow are safe at school! I'll call Rainbow Dash and tell her to be careful.

"Come on, let's go!" Firefly said impatiently looking out the carriage window at the middle school.

"Hold on honey! All good things come to those who wait." Spectrum told his wife grinning.

The bell rang.

'ring, ring'

"Now go go!!" He said as

An unsuspecting Comet streak was Passing the carriage on the side of the school heading to his next class.

Firefly and Spectrum Blitz lunged out and grabbed him. Covering his mouth and dragging him into that carriage and zipping off towards their isolated cloud mansion.

"Mmmmmmnnnnnaaagghn!!" Comet tried to scream, thrashing and hitting trying to pull loose.

"Shut up you little-" Firefly was interrupted as Comet was able to break one of his hooves free enough to punch her straight in the nose,

and wiggle almost free. Firefly released him and clutched her nose, before a strong pair of hooves slammed Comet onto the floor of the moving carriage!

"You'll pay for that you little shit! Thee pony who Comet had yet to discover was his father yelled, before he......................

*****See what happens next in the next chapter :^)********