• Published 4th Jul 2016
  • 375 Views, 2 Comments

Celestia's School for Fearful Students - nobody_in_particular

It started with Sweetie Belle (an arachnopobe), Button Mash (an aquaphobe), Pipsqueak (a thantaphobe), and Diamond Tiara (a claustrophobe). The four enroll in Celestia's School for Fearful Students, where they must conquer their fears in six weeks.

  • ...

Button Mash

In the Canterlot airport, people were bustling around trying to get everybody and everything they needed to take with them. It was noisy and crowded. It was exactly how you’d expect an airport to be. Then everything was silent as everyone’s head’s turned towards two figures.

Rarity and Sweetie Belle were walking into the airport, with a cloud of repellent lingering above Sweetie Belle’s head.
Rarity blushed and tried to ignore everyone, but Sweetie Belle was totally oblivious of everyone staring open-mouthed at her.
She marched ahead with Rarity following behind. Then they came to the plane. Rarity didn’t want anywhere near it. It looked absolutely dreadful. Not to mention it looked like a torture device.

The left wing was crooked, it was missing several wheels, and the windows were held together by silver duct tape.
Sweetie Belle acted as if this plane were in normal conditions. Rarity hesitated for a moment but didn’t want Sweetie to go by herself.

The plane ride was more than bumpy. Sweetie Belle sat thinking, not even bumping around with the plane.
She looked over at Rarity, who was shaking and biting her lip. Her hair was out of place and frazzled.

“Rarity, are you alright?” Sweetie Belle asked. “I do not want to die on this plane.” Rarity said using the voice she used when a dress wasn’t turning out how she wanted.

“Don’t you get it? This plane will kill us! Me and Fancy Pant’s wedding is in a few weeks! And because of this, I won’t be there for it!” She then collapsed into a wave of dramatic tears.

“Come on, Rarity. It’s so not that bad.” Sweetie Belle said. It was the first time she had spoken during the flight.

“I can’t believe this school is all the way in Everfree.” Rarity grumbled.
Luckily for Rarity the flight was not long. They spent the night at a nearby motel. It took Rarity a few hours to recover from the flight.

“Rarity, are you coming to bed?” Sweetie Belle asked through a cloud of repellent.

“Just once the room stops spinning.” said Rarity, who was leaning with her head against the wall. “If it ever does stop.”
The next morning they got on a bus that would take them right to the other bus that would take them to the school.

There was only one other passenger besides Sweetie Belle and Rarity. And that boy was Button Mash. Button Mash was the champion of all video games. He was also good at sports, but he didn’t do that as often as video games, which he played 24/7.

Somehow in all his years at Canterlot High, none of the teachers had ever found him playing under his desk.
But his skills and good looks made him one of the popular kids. But of course Diamond Tiara made sure that he wasn’t more popular than her.

But Button Mash was also known for moodiness, often snapping at classmates.
One day after a baseball game (which Button Mash had won for his team), two of his classmates, Snips and Snails, approached him.

“Man, that was awesome the way you beat those guys!” Snails said excitedly. “Yeah, you totally led us to victory again!” Snips added.
Button Mash gave a small nod. He was used to being praised for his skills on the field.

"So anyway, we found this lake in the woods behind the school, and we were wondering if you’d like to ditch and come swimming with us.” Snails said.

Button Mash gulped. “N-No thanks, guys. Maybe another time.”

“Aww, come on.” Snips begged. “The lake is huge. It’ll be awesome.” Button Mash’s vision became slightly blurry and his knees shook with the effort of trying to stand.

“Uh, are you okay?” Snails asked. “I’m fine.” Button Mash said angrily. “That was just my impression of you.”

“That’s harsh.” said Snails, and the two walked away.
Button Mash knew his secret wouldn’t stay hidden for long. It was becoming obvious. So late into the night when his parents were asleep,

Button Mash logged in to the only computer in his house.

He searched everywhere for something that might help him, but he found nothing. Until he found a website that had many stories people had written about how they had conquered their fears. Button Mash was particularly interested in one boy’s who had overcome his fear of the sun by taking a summer course at Celestia’s School for Fearful Students.

Just as he was about to click the arrow for more details, a box popped up. Just where the story had been was a notice from the law offices of D. Draconnequus saying that what he had read was not a real story.

Had he imagined the whole story? He hadn’t had sleep all night. It was possible. But why would a law office have any interest in a boy who went to some place to get over his fear?

Soon the first ray of sunlight was peeking over the ocean. Button Mash’s father walked into the room. Before he could ask what button Mash was doing, Button Mash said. “I need your help.”

Button Mash and his father looked up the people who had gotten over their fears and had written their story. Button Mash called all the people he could and asked them about Celestia’s School for Fearful Students. Some just hung up right at the start. Some denied that they’d heard of such a place.

Only when Button Mash called Dr. Ernestina Franklin did the call prove useful. “Have you heard of Celestia’s School for Fearful Students?” Button Mash asked.

He waited for the woman’s reply. He was ready to give up. He had done this many times before with many negative responses.


Button Mash sat up straight. “You’ve heard of it?”

And twenty minutes later Button Mash and his parents were pulling into the driveway of Dr. Franklin. An old woman rushed out to greet them.

The woman greeted Button Mash with a warm hug and kiss on the cheek. Her actions were made clear when she asked “Billy” why he hadn’t visited his grandmother sooner. But Button Mash was desperate, so he hugged his newfound grandma and continued the conversation about the infamous School for Fearful Students.

Dr. Franklin’s demeanor altered as she vaguely explained the mysterious institution. Button Mash absorbed the information and attempted to ask questions, but Dr. Franklin refused to answer them. She did, however, agree to write “Billy”-who Button Mash’s mother had explained liked to go by his nickname Button Mash-a letter of recommendation.
Letter in hand, Button Mash and his parents were walking to the front door, letter in hand, when Dr. Franklin halted them.

“Wait!” the frail woman shouted as she opened the door to a dresser. She held up a wrinkled photograph. Button Mash gasped at the sight of a man’s face.

He had bright red and yellow eyes that were different sizes. There were dark lines under his eyes. They seemed to stare right into Button Mash’s soul. He appeared to have what looked like horns growing out of the top of his head. He had grey skin and an evil smile that spread across his cruel face. Also, it was very alarming that there were two actual horns poking out of the top of his head.

“Once you send that letter, he’ll be watching you… everywhere you go, everything you buy, anyone you call, he’ll know; he knows everything.” Dr. Franklin said ominously.

“Who?” asked Button Mash.


Author's Note:

Just for the record, Discord is anthro, although none of the other characters are. Tell me if you thinlk I should add the anthro tag on this story. :pinkiehappy: