• Published 20th Jun 2012
  • 603 Views, 6 Comments

Stories Better Left Unwrittenn - Sparkle_Pen

A mash up of all the grimdark pony stories on the internet.

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The Setting

Chapter 2

The Setting

Sparkle jumped awake, taking big gulps of air. She was sweating all over, her body stuck to the sheets. She fought shortly to get free, the thought of being tied down was too much for her to bear. She kicked free in seconds, rushing to a small corner to curl up and shake.

What kind of nightmare had that been? All of her friends, they had become monsters. Killers. It couldn't be so, it just couldn't. Where had something like that come from? She clutched her Luna plushie to her body and held it tightly with her wings to her chest. It gave her some comfort. As it always did.

Ha! You make Fluttershy look like a knight in armor! What's got you so whimpified?

The black pegasus gave a light irritated growl but continued to shake. The whole experience, it had felt so real. She could still taste the residue of the cupcake..... The bloody meat tasting salty and metallic.

Her stomach lurched at the thought, making her stand and rush to the bathroom; she stayed there for minutes, unloading the contents of last night into her toilet. No bloody meat, no frosting. Sitting back and wiping her mouth with her hoof, she took in shaky breaths, exhaling and inhaling to calm down her frayed nerves and beating heart.

“It was just a dream,” she told herself over and over, “It didn't really happen. It would never happen. None of it.”

Pinkie Pie was the sweetest, kindest most fun pony. She could never do that to anyone, not even the griffin Gilda. With these thoughts to calm her, Sparkle sat up and began her morning routine. As she went through it, the memories of the nightmare withered away and she didn't think of it anymore. Her notebook was on her desk as she came back into her room; it sat there seemingly waiting for her.

She didn't leave it to wait long, grabbing a quill and starting to write. The words flowed from her hoof effortlessly, telling the tale of a romance between two ponies and the hardships they faced throughout their lives. She had worked very hard on the plot though it was something that wasn't quite unique.

One was of noble birth, the other no more than a lowly subject. And each lived their own miseries before finding strength in each other. She was near the end of her tale and continued to let the words flow like water onto the parchment before her; her mind was all but in her fantasies, not paying attention the world outside.

To say that she was surprised when she heard a knock on the door was an understatement. Sparkle Pen flew out of her chair and hid behind the bed. A yellow pegasus with a silky curled pink mane and tail walked in quietly, looking very worried.

“Oh... I'm so sorry Sparkle Pen,” Fluttershy muttered quietly, “I didn't mean to frighten you at all. I just came over to say Good Morning and to ask if you would still be helping me..... I mean if it's okay with you.....”

Sparkle Pen peaked out from behind the bed, seeing it was only the shy softspoken mare then sighed and smiled, sitting up.

“It's no problem Flutters,” she said, “And of course I'm still coming to help you with the pets. I got a bit caught up in my story is all. I'm almost done.”

Sparkle Pen went back over to the desk, closing the notebook and storing it in her saddlebag, along with her quill, ink and her Luna plushie.

“I could wait until you're done.... I don't mind....” Fluttershy said, softly.

“No, it's fine. I promised I'd help you and I will,” the black pegasus said with a smile, “Shall we go?”

“Actually I'd like to stop at Sugarcube corner first. Pinkie Pie said she had my order of cupcakes ready. I got one for each of my friends and ordered them special.”

In the back of her mind, the nightmare stirred but she shook it away and stayed focused nodding. After all it was only a dream. And that was all it'd ever be.

They arrived at Sugarcube corner, finding it stocked with pony customers. Mr. And Mrs. Cake looked so busy, running around and getting orders for ponies. The line was so long and had it just been Fluttershy there, she probably would've just waited in line. But Sparkle Pen was with her and she urged Fluttershy to come with her so that they could see Pinkie themselves and get her order quickly.

Ponies gave them annoyed looks as they flew over the others; to this the yellow pegasus apologized profusely. Sparkle ignored them, landing inside the building and taking in the fresh smell of baked sugary sweets. It was always such a nice smell; this was a great place to think. Sometimes she came here to eat a sugar cookie and think of an idea for her novels.

“Fluttershy! Sparkle Pen! Hi!” Pinkie Pie said, holding a box on her head.

The two ponies greeted her the same and Pinkie began to rant about how packed Sugarcube corner was and how the new cupcakes they were making were selling like crazy.

“What kind of cupcakes are they Pinkie?” the black pegasus inquired. To answer, Pinkie Pie set the box down and opened it. The cupcakes were all vanilla but that wasn't what was special about them. Each cupcake was decorated so that it mimicked it's soon to be eater. A rainbow colored cupcake with red lightening bolts shaped candies was one. On another was orange frosting with a little candy hat and apples.

“I decided that it would be a great idea if ponies could customize their own cupcakes so that it's exactly like the pony who will be eating it,” Pinkie explained hopping up and clapping her hooves together, “That and now ponies know which cupcake is theirs.”

Fluttershy nodded, “They're perfect Pinkie Pie. Thank you very much. It's just what I wanted.”

Sparkle Pen was frozen in place seeing the cupcakes; the world around her flashed, becoming the nightmare that she had had last night. The friendly Pinkie Pie became the Crazy Pinkie Pie she had seen, the sugary cupcakes becoming bloody meaty chunks with melting frosting. She felt her stomach jump up to her throat and she struggled not to gag.

“Oh and Sparkle Pen, I know how much you love Pinkie Pie's cupcakes so I had one specially made for you,” Fluttershy said, picking out the one that looked just as it had in her dream.

It was beautiful, with little candy quills on it and a Luna plushie candy on top. The frosting was red like her hair with the white streak and her cupcake was chocolate instead of vanilla.

“Thank you Fluttershy,” she said but didn't move to eat it. She couldn't; when she looked at it, all she saw was bloody meat.

“Oh.... You don't want it do you? I'm sorry for assuming.....”

“But Sparkly loves my cupcakes! You're always over here asking if I have extras or new recipes you can try.....” Pinkie said, looking a bit sad.

Sparkle Pen took a deep breath in and out and smiled before biting into the cupcake. She could almost taste the disgusting meat through the sugar and spices. She carefully chew, making sure not to gag and to look like she enjoyed it. After a little, she forced herself to forget the nightmare and to enjoy it and soon the bile went away and she could taste the delicious chocolate and frosting.

She licked her lips and took another bite, eating more vigorously. She could now taste the sweetness; the melty chocolate of the cupcake with the light vanilla frosting played together so perfectly.

Pinkie Pie smiled happily, “Do you really like it?!”

“I think this is your best cupcake idea yet,” she answered raising a hoof, “It's a great recipe.”

“I'm glad you liked it Sparkle,” Fluttershy piped up, “I was worried that you wouldn't.”

They talked a little while longer with Pinkie Pie as Sparkle finished it and then they bid her farewell and left Sugarcube corner heading for Fluttershy's cottage.

The small animals greeted them as they came and as they opened the door, Angel Bunny came up and thumped his foot to the ground.

“I know Angel Bunny. I'll get to making your breakfast now,” the yellow pegasus said setting the cupcake box down. Sparkle Pen gave Angel a disapproving look; she didn't like how Fluttershy let this small creature boss her around all the time. She had been trying to get Fluttershy to be more assertive but It wasn't helping at all. I guess you couldn't teach an old pony new tricks.

Or something like that....... Angel Bunny hopped after Fluttershy as she went to the kitchen to prepare things for Angel to eat. Sparkle Pen waited in the living room for Fluttershy to finish. Then suddenly she heard an 'rrring' sound, familiar. Very familiar to the one in her dream. Her nightmare flared up, the walls covered in blood, the floor in corpses. She was no longer in the house but outside, near the shed that Fluttershy usually kept locked with a key.

Slowly she crept up to the window seeing nothing but a silhouette of Fluttershy and Angel Bunny. The sound came again and the silhouette of the yellow pegasus holding something above her head. She swung it and Angel Bunny went to pieces; the pieces themselves flew around, blood splattering against the windows.

Sparkle Pen screamed, falling back. The silhouette looked her way and slowly came to the door. The black pegasus couldn't move as it came to the door. The door bust open and darkness swallowed her.

She awoke suddenly on the floor, Fluttershy above her, shaking her.

“Sparkle...... Sparkle...... Wake up.....: she said softly; the black pegasus looked up at the yellow one, tears in her eyes. The nightmarish images played again in her mind and she felt like crying. Why would she dream that the kindest pegasus in Ponyville would harm her most beloved bunny rabbit? Why would she think this?

“Are you okay Sparkle?” Fluttershy asked, getting off of her. Sparkle Pen got up and shook herself, trying to again bury the nightmares.

“I.... I'm fine Flutters.....” she said shakily. Fluttershy only looked more concerned as she watched her friend get up wobbly. Angel Bunny however continued to thump his foot, as Sparkle Pen's collapse had distracted his caretaker.

“I'm coming Angel Bunny,” she said and the mare made her way back to the kitchen to look through the cabinets and drawers to continue making food for her beloved bunny rabbit.

Sparkle Pen sat down on a chair, trying to stop her rapid beating heart. It hurt as it banged against her ribs and she swallowed the bile in her throat.

I swear, you are nerved by the littlest things..... I'd love to see how you'd do if someone were to throw a surprise party for you. You'd drop dead.

Sparkle groaned; the voice had returned. And here she thought she'd be left alone..... Of all the things she needed, it wasn't this.....

“Sparkle? I'm ready for the help with the baby bunnies.... If you're ready of course......” Fluttershy said, Angel Bunny eating his breakfast behind her. The black pegasus nodded, putting down her saddle bag and leaving the cottage with the pegasus.

Playing and watching the baby bunnies always helped her relax and be calm. Afterall the bunnies could feel tension and as long as you were calm, so were they. A couple of bunnies curled up in her tail and a few more on her hooves as she sat there and tickled them, playing with them.

She and Fluttershy talked about animals and how her novel was going. The yellow pegasus read some, giving small pointers and apologizing for her criticism. They talked until lunch and then Sparkle left, going to the library to finish her novel in peace. The images of Twilight Sparkle had her avoid the purple unicorn while she was there besides a “Hello” and “Goodbye” when she left.

At home, she sighed setting her saddlebag down and throwing herself on the bed. She was exhausted.

I'm bored. Go play king of the hoard.

Sparkle groaned, “I'm tired. I've been busy all day. Leave me be.”

Fine. I'll leave for the night then. Go haunt Pinkie Pie. She talks to me now, through the mirror.

“Pinkie does a lot of strange things so I believe you. Have a good time. Stay out of trouble,” she said, uncaring.

You don't have to worry about any deaths here. You look like hell by the way. Get some rest before the neighbors call the pound.

Sparkle Pen groaned and sighed, having hardly any energy to process what he was saying. The mare was too tired, her nightmare had been terrorizing her all day. She wanted just to sleep, her eyes drooped and she went off to sleep.