• Published 10th May 2016
  • 6,054 Views, 109 Comments

Kazemon of The Wind - Masters-of-the-Elements

I was just a normal deadbeat, workng as extra muscle at a Con, when something happened to me, I don't quite remember and now I'm in a strange land, in a strange body. This is my story, of how I finally found my family

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Victory of the Wind

Kazemon of the Wind:
Victory of the Wind

I threw my head back and cry out as pain surged through me, and that’s when I saw it; the explosion of colors and the trail of light that I created. I might have been amazed at the sight…if the pain surging throughout my body wasn’t messing with my head. One thought did however break through the haze that was the mess in my head.

Did I just hear a sonic-boom? How was that possible…I knew enough about planes that you wouldn’t hear the boom if you’re the one who had created it. So how did I know I did one?

A sudden noise brought me back to reality and I looked down and was amazed at the sight before me. The digimon was dissolving into data, its arms and legs were already gone. The body was also beginning to dissolve and I could see data leaking from it‘s head. And the city was coming up fast! I allowed the wind back into my wings and gently pushed off the bug as the rest of its body dissolved into data.

My eyes snapped opened when I saw the insect digiegg plummeting to city, and tried to catch it without a second thought. That was a bad move, I felt another jolt of pain go through me and I stopped as I felt my form began to flicker. I frown as I watched the egg vanish into the city.

I could only hope that the digiegg was like the ones from season one, Gatomon’s Digiegg did survive a long fall after all. Speaking of falling…I better land. I frown when I saw I was close to a crowded area, and for reasons I couldn’t understand I didn’t feel like revealing that the digimon Kazemon was really a human girl.

UHHH, there I go again, calling myself a girl, I knew it was true at the moment, but it still didn’t do anything for the uneasiness I felt from this entire thing. I mean, not only was I in a carton aimed at little girls, but I was also transformed into a girl for a Japanese cartoon.

It was just too confusing, and my head was pounding too much for me to put it into context. I gave my head a quick shake to clear these thoughts. I really couldn’t allow myself to get distracted, I was barely holding my digimon form together, and I feared that any excess stress might put the nail in the coffin.

So, I began flying and took it easy just in case anything else bad happened on my way back to my “hideout”.


I was both impressed and amazed with what I saw as I flew back to building I was hiding out at. I was impressed with how the ponies handled themselves after a crisis. Sure, there were plenty who were still panicking, but there were plenty who were helping out the injured from the digimon attacks. I even saw another pony princess helping the injured ponies the best she could.

I wondered why she wasn’t helping out that lavender mare back at the castle. Maybe the other princess I saw was higher up than the pink one? Than again, I wasn’t all that familiar with the cartoon this world was based on, so I can’t say what sort traditions this world had.

I gave my head a quick shake…and I realized I had been doing that a lot lately. I guess there was just too much to process, and with my head in the state it was in, it was very easy to get sidetracked.

I gave my head another quick shake and focused on the task at hand…landing behind the building I decided to hide in. Still…I was amazed at how I was able to get here, my strength was nearly used up, and my vision has been going in and out for the last 7 minutes. I was lucky I didn’t crush into anything during my flight over here.

Now all I needed to do was landed softly, and than I could finally relax. Oh no, my vision just went out again, and I felt the last of my strength finally leave me. I felt my body changed back to normal, but thankfully, I was close to the ground, so I didn’t hurt myself more when I landed, unfortunately, it was rougher than I would have liked and I felt a bolt of pain go through my injured leg. I whizzed as I tried to move, only to fall flat on my face because of a mix of my spinning head and sore body. I tried to stand, but found my body simply didn’t have the strength to lift myself up…well, not completely. I was able get onto my hands and knees and began to crawl.

Through my blurred vision I could see that the back door was open. Wait, didn’t I go out the front door? If so, why was the backdoor open? Oh well, better not look this gift horse in the mouth, and I began to crawl over to the door. Unfortunately, the last of my strength choose that time to give out on me, and I fell flat onto my stomach.

I didn’t know which was worse, the feeling my developing “womanly features” was sending to my brain, or the fact that I wasn’t feeling much of anything else at the moment. That couldn’t be a good sign. I tried to move again, but my body wasn’t listening to any of my commands. Yeah, that wasn’t a good sign, not a good sign at all.

Though my body wasn’t obeying me so well, I was still able to will my head up when a faint noise pierced through the fog of my mind. Oh great, my mind’s playing tricks on me again. I could see some sort of white thing coming out of the open door, and an object hovering behind it.

I didn’t know what happened next, but I remembered something warm wrapping around me and kind and regal voice speaking to me. Most was lost on me, but I thought I heard something acceptance before I drifted off into a dreamless sleep.

(A few hours later)

“I’m happy to report that all those caught in that digimon’s attack are being treated as we speak,” Shining Armor reported professionally. “I’m ever happier to report that Candace said that injuries of the ponies weren’t as bad as we first thought, and all will make a full recover.”

The young princess nodded, as her brother, her friends and she trotted down the medical wing of the castle, which was overflowing with injured ponies and the staff treating them. The group had to dodge of a couple of ponies who were so high on certain meds that they were stumbling about the crowded hall because the rooms were overflowing with patients.

“That’s good to know,” Twilight replied, and then sighed. “I just wished that Candace choose to stay and help out at castle during the crisis. Things could have gone much easier with her help.”

The older unicorn chuckled slightly and replied, “That might have been true Twily. But you have to remember, up until recent events, the best Candace had even done in term of organizing, were small events for visiting diplopic friends of Princess Celestia.” The former captain beamed as he said the next part, “Beside, my wife had the right idea; by being out there and showing the panicking masses that a princess wasn’t afraid to go out and help during a crisis, helped to ease some of the fear the more injured ponies were feeling.”

Twilight nodded but also let out a tired sigh as the group turned right at a cross section and proceeded down the hallway.

“I know, it just was very stressful,” the young princess said tiredly. “I just wish we knew what happened to Princess Celestia. I refuse to believe that she was taken by a changeling. And since we don’t know how long it would take Princess Luna to recover, I just don’t know what we should do next.”

The group came to the door that belonged to the room currently housing the ill princess and opened to meet a rather shocking sight…

“Oh, hello everypony, how’s everything going?” asked the eldest princess in a polite tone as she was putting away an old, brown pouch into her bag.

The group could only gawk as the princess they had spent the better part of the last 3 and half hours searching for, turned and looked at her younger sister like nothing was wrong. The shock wore off fairly quick for some ponies, and Twilight stepped forward, a huge smile on her face.

“Princess, I’m so glad you’re safe?” Twilight said with great relief.

“Oh, and why wouldn’t I be okay?” Princess Celestia asked politely, though there was a hint of mischievous hidden deep within her eyes.

“Ummm,” Twilight fumbled with her words as she tried to think of a way of saying this that didn’t sound like she was disrespecting her former teacher.

As usual, it was the honest pony in the group who took the plunge and stepped forward. Applejack took off her hat and bowed slightly before saying, “Beg ya pardon, yah highness, but with everything going on, we thought a changeling snatched ya up.”

The light mirth that had been hidden in the princess’s eyes disappeared as her face turned stern as she placed her bag next to her still sleeping sister bed, and she walked up to the group.

“I can insure you, my little ponies, I would never allow myself to be captured by likes of a changeling,” the eldest princess said seriously, but her face softened as she said the next thing, “but I must congratulate you all. You handle yourselves well during that digimon’s wild attack.”

The group could only blink as the words spoken by their princess suck in. Like normal, Twilight was the first to gather her wits and looked up at the princess with a confused expression.

“Princess, how did you know the creature’s species name?” the young princess inquired curiously.

The eldest princess just smiled and placed a hoof on the younger princess’s shoulder. “You do not need to worry about the small details, my former student,” Princess Celestia said kindly. “You resolved the entire incident with little problems. And I can insure you that creature that helped out in our time of need is recuperating as we speak.”

Twilight smiled when she learned that Kazemon was okay, as she recalled that she looked hurt. She frown when the oldest princess words were fully processed. She was ready to say something, but somepony spoke up before she had a chance to get a word in.

“Princess,” Shining Armor interrupted politely, “Not to put a damper on this, but do you have any idea what’s wrong with your sister? The medical staff can’t identify what’s in her system.”

Princess Celestia looked at her in-law and nodded with a knowing smirk. “I do indeed, my dear nephew-in-law,” the eldest princess replied calmly, and looked at her sleeping sister for a moment before looking back at her former captain. “She had somehow come into contact with a toxin derived from a fruit found deep within the Everfree Forest. I doubt even your sister’s zebra friend had seen it herself.”

The eldest princess returned to her sister’s bedside and stroked Luna’s mane in a near motherly fashion. “But you have nothing to fear,” Celestia said kindly, looking at the group again. “I had given her a remedy also derived from an Everfree plant. It will cleanse the toxin from her body without any problems.”

The group let out a mild round of cheers when they learned that the second oldest princess would make a fully recovery. Suddenly, Princess Luna snapped up, startling every pony in the room…with the exception of her older sister.

“The pickles are revolting!” The lunar princess said erratically. “To save our sweet tyranny, we must crush the radish before they can rally the fruits! In the name of tyranny, we’ll crush the oppressive forces of freedom and their evil leaders, the onions-DUUUUH!”

Princess Luna’s jaw shifted to the right and she fell back onto her pillow, her front legs twitching in an erratic manner. The group could only gawk at this unusual and out-of-character moment from one of their beloved princesses. That didn’t last long-about 5 second really-before a famous pink pony started to giggle heartedly.

“I like her,” Pinkie Pie said mirthfully, “she’s silly.”

“Yes -ahem-, but it has been well over a thousands years since I used that remedy on my beloved sister, and the toxin was known to have “unusual” effect on a pony’s body,” Princess Celestia explained calmly, and like proving her point, Princess Luna broke wind, which strangely sounded like a chew-chew train and smelt liked peppermints.

The group continued to gawk at this new development, though some did try to conceal their giggles, and even the eldest princess smirked a little at this, before addressing the group.

“Now that’s the danger had passed, I believe it's best you all retire for the night,” Princess Celestia stated kindly. “You all earned a good night’s sleep.

“But princess,” Twilight said in mild confusion. “There’s so much that needs to be done! We have to make sure those involved in the attacks are properly cared for and the damage to the city still need to be investigated. But probably the thing we should be focusing on is finding the changelings! They used magic that I wasn’t familiar with, and who knows what other tricks they have up their shells! All of ponykind could be in danger if the changelings have across to magic even we don’t understand?”

The youngest princess of Equestria was brought out of her rant when her former mentor walked up to her and placed a hoof on her shoulder. Celestia looked at her former student with a kind, motherly smile.

“You don’t need to worry about that,” the sun princess stated kindly. “I will personally see to every small detail. You and your friends had done more then enough and I think it best that all rest.”

“Princess, I don’t mean to sound rude or anything,” Rarity said politely, “But I have to agree with Twilight. Though I believe we should focus on finding that Kazemon pony. I believe she was hurt during the fight, and might be in need of attention.”

“Yeah!” Rainbow Dash said eagerly. “I need to collect the 17 bits that thing owes, for using my trademark move!”

“I can insure you, Rarity, that Kazemon is fine,” Celestia responded kindly, choosing to ignore the boosts of the flyer in the group. “And I believe if we approach her while in the state she’s in, we might cause her some distress, and that could lead to an undesirable event. The best we could do is wait for her to approach us. Now, my little ponies, I once again urge to return to you rooms for the night.”

The group exchanged uncertain looks, but knew their princess enough that once her mind was made up there was little any pony could do to change it.

“Are you sure, princess?” Twilight asked uncertainly. “There’s so much that needs to be done. And I still think we need to address the changeling issue the most. This is the second time they had tried to invade us during a big event.”

“And you can rest assure that we will address this issue tomorrow,” Princess Celestia replied, her face becoming set for the briefest of seconds, before smiling mirthfully. “Now, don’t make me turn my request into an order. Because I will, and I will also post guards at your doors, just to make sure that you all rest.”

The group exchanged looked once last time before looking back at their ruler and Twilight nodded her head, telling her former teacher that they understood which caused the oldest princess to smile slightly. The group then departed, making small talk and plans. Once the group was out, Celestia let out a tired sigh and returned to her sister’s bedside. She opened her bag and took out some strolls.

Twilight had been correct that a great deal of things needed to be done, and she was planning doing them while she waited for her sister to recover.


In some part of Canterlot, left largely untouched by the devastation brought on by the digimon, lay an egg largely forgotten. The egg itself was fairly large, and had a green and orange stripe pattern. This was the digiegg that was created from the beast that Kazemon defeated a few hours ago. And while it had fallen quite the distance, it didn’t show any signs of damage whatsoever.

“Now what do we have here,” a deep voice asked as a shadow loomed over the egg.

Author's Note:

There's a reason I choose to taken out both of the elder princesses during this time...they would had just been to powerful for a single Champion-level Digimon to handle.