• Published 10th May 2016
  • 6,054 Views, 109 Comments

Kazemon of The Wind - Masters-of-the-Elements

I was just a normal deadbeat, workng as extra muscle at a Con, when something happened to me, I don't quite remember and now I'm in a strange land, in a strange body. This is my story, of how I finally found my family

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Unleash the Wind, Young Fairy

Kazemon of the Wind:
Unleash The Wind, Young Fairy

Twilight Sparkle couldn’t believe this was happening; this was supposed to be a great day for her. And it has started out great, but things quickly got weird when a small group of guards tried to get close to her. She could tell there was something wrong with them just by the way they looked and moved.

She wasn’t the only one to noticed this behavior as another group of guards intercepted them and asked them what they were doing. The strange guards didn’t hear the question and tried to force their way past the group. Things quickly got out of control when one of the strange guards was slapped, and he fell to the ground, his true changeling form being revealed in the process.

Panic quickly erupted as the ponies began fleeing the area, and more changelings show themselves and jumped into the fight. Twilight issued an order for the guards to get the bystanders to safety as she began to fight the changelings, and her friends quickly jumped in to help. The guards hesitated, but only for a second, and then quickly followed the orders of their new princess and took the ponies someplace safe.

The fight quickly become one-sided as the changeling threw themselves as Twilight and her friends, thinking that their greater numbers were gave them the edge. These creatures clearly didn’t learn that this sort of plan wouldn’t work, if the fail invasion not to long ago was anything to write home about, and with some well place magical bolts, kicks and charges-and let's not forget one party cannon-the group was down for the count.

Things really got out of control when one of the changelings pulled something from his shell and threw it to the ground. The explosion of light that followed blinded everypony for a few seconds, and when they could see again, everypony saw something that filled them with fear.

Twilight couldn’t believe her eyes, there, hovering in the sky was a giant black bug. It is both a fascinated and terrified Twilight as she looked at creature above them. It was also unnerving to see its wings buzzing but hearing no sound coming from them.

“GO!” the changeling who summoned the creature shouted. “Tear all these ponies to ribbons.”

The creature suddenly threw it head back, giving the idea that it was either roaring or howling, but no sound came from it as he looked at the new princess and her friends and reached from them. Suddenly, something slammed into the creature and knocked it into a nearby building.

“Hurry, and get out of here,” the creature, a female biped in a purple outfit, said urgently. “I can take care of this digimon-GAAAH!”

Twilight gasp when she saw a ball of electricity slam into the back of the biped, sending electric energy surging throughout the creature’s body. The new princess looked in the direction where the ball came from, and saw the other creature, digimon she believed the biped had called it, had recovered rather quickly and was posed to attack.

Thankfully the biped was quick to recover as well, and turned to face the creature. Twilight noticed how the creature’s face became set and wondered what it was planning.

Strangely, the biped launched itself at the digimon and began unleashing a flurry of kicks. “Roseo Temporale!” It called out as it finished it attack with a flip-kick to the bug-like digimon’s jaw.

Strangely, the digimon didn’t seem phased by the two-legged creature’s attacks, the only sign that this “Roseo Temporale” even worked was the digimon’s head tilting back slightly. The digimon titled it head back and though it has no eyes, Twilight get the feeling it was glaring at the biped. This was confirmed when the creature took a swing at the female, who nimbly darted around the long arm and took to the sky. The bug-like creature quickly followed, and Twilight realized this was the female’s plan all along, to get the digimon to follow her.

The young princess couldn’t help but feel impressed with the biped, not only did she jump in to save complete strangers, but she had also thought ahead and was now luring the other creature away, to reduce the chance of getting somepony injured. She part of her wanted nothing more than to follow them and see what would happened, but there was matters that needed her attention, and it was best to start with the changelings…after all, one of the pony-like bugs used the magic that brought that bug-like creature to the streets of Canterlot.

Twilight looked at the spot where the changelings were and growled when she saw that they were gone. They no doubt made their escape during the confusion, and with their magic to hide their true forms they could easily evade capture. The former unicorn signed and trotted over to where her friends were waiting, no sense in sticking around. Besides, she has other concerns to worry about.

Still, she looked to the sky, wondering what those creatures truly were.


Yeah, I’m burnt toast…after I had spirit evolved into Kazemon, I had jumped in to lend a hand. After all, after spirit evolving, I gained some skills from the legendary digimon warrior’s spirit I now use. I figured that I could fight the bug digimon on even ground with this little help; the characters in Digimon Frontier did it, after all.

Boy I was naïve. The Kabuterimon was stronger than I first thought, and since its attacks are also soundless it made it hard to tell if it used one and harder to dodge. It even endured one of my attacks like I was just playing games with it. So what can I do to fight that thing?

Wait…something is telling me to dodge right…NOW! I darted to my left and watched as an electro shocker went flying by, barely missing one of my wings by a hair. My eyes went wide as I watched the lightning-based attack soar into the skies and out of sight.

How could I have forgotten that digimon have better develop instincts, and since I currently have part of a legendary warrior’s spirit, my own instincts should be at a level that no human has ever experienced before.

A cocky grin began to form as I said, “Maybe I can-GAAAH!!” I cried out as I felt the electro shocker slammed into my back and sent an electric surge throughout my entire body.

The surge lasted less then a second, but every muscle in my body was screaming, and I could feel my form fading, it was taking all my concentration to keep me in my Kazemon form.

Uh-oh, my spidey sense was tingling, and I’m not even the right character for the reference to work. Still, instincts took over as I flipped onto the bug’s face as it charged at me, and I used it like a springboard to gain a boost and fly away, hoping to put some distance toward me and it.

This wasn’t working, since that thing is soundless it made it very hard to fight it, I can‘t constantly look over my shoulder to see if that thing’s following me and try to make up an attack plan at the same time. To make matters worse, I really couldn’t tell if I was actually hurting that thing. And let’s not forget that he’s hurting me more, I was barely keeping myself in my Kazemon form; one good hit and I was going to turn back into plain old Zoe.

There has to be something I can do to tilt the scale in my favor. But what can I do? Think Zoe, think! There had to be something, anything I can do to- wait, what if I had more than just the human spirit. I came to stop, spinning around and looking to see if the digimon was close.

Either it was slowing down or my little speed boost stunt was able to put distance between it and me. Whatever the reason, I needed to act fast; the fake digimon was going to catch up to me soon enough.

I took a deep breath and closed my eyes behind my visor. I tilted my head down and placed a hand over my chest. Concentrate Zoe, focus deep down and find the power of the beast. I growled when I couldn’t find it after a near minute search, but I couldn’t give up. I just needed to dig a little deeper.

I suddenly felt a pulse followed by a howl,and grinned wildly. Yes, I do have Zoe’s beast spirit, now all I need to was bring it to the surface and replaced the human spirit. But I have to remember to cautious…beast spirits could and would overwhelm a rational mind.

I opened my eyes when felt power surged around me and I watched as “fractal codes” wrapped around me and formed into an evolution field.

“Slide Evolut-GAAAAH!!” An image suddenly flashed through my mind as the field exploded off of me and the power I was just trying to across suddenly backfire and sent a powerful surge into my already aching body and damaged it even further.

I slumped forward, but thankful I kept myself in the air. That wasn’t going to last much longer, I was concentrating with every fiber of mind to keep myself as a digimon, and my head was spinning with pain. I needed to land and find some place to hide and rest for a minute.

As I lowered myself to the ground, my head was a mess of thoughts, and this mess isn’t doing any favor to my already pounding head. What happened? I have the spirit so why couldn’t I use it? Nothing like what I experienced happened to any of the characters in the anime. And what was that image that flashed through my mind before my slide evolution was canceled?

I know it a memory of something that happened long ago, but my head was pounding too much for me to put into context. But why did it pop up when I was trying to slide evolve?

“LOOK OUT!!” a regal voice cried out in urgency.

I looked up and my eyes snapped open when I saw the Kabuterimon rocketing at me, its horn charged with electricity. “Burnt toast,” was the weak comment I moaned out before the digimon rammed my mid-section with its beetle horn attack.

Author's Note:

Edited, and hopefully, just a bit better.