• Published 21st Jun 2012
  • 981 Views, 21 Comments

The Forgotten Specialist - BioChemicalWolfGear

Mage named Spell Tome who makes a portal to Equestria and saves Rainbow.

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Chapter 1: MCP

(This is a story about a 'forgotten Specialist' and his experiences with the ponies. If you don't know what I'm talken about then look at "The Twelve Specialists" my other story. It won't tell you a thing about Spell Tome but it shows you what he was supposed to be a part of.)

My staff was made so it could amplify my power. Well not really. A staff is only used to direct the power the mage has. No magic user needs a staff. But hell my marble staff was the best because it had all the powers of the elements.

Spell Tome built a portal in the woods. It was just a circle of vines and twigs. But when magic is applied it becomes a gateway. And mine...

"Is almost done." Said Spell Tome to himself.

Spell Tome holds his staff up to the portal made out of vines. It’s large enough for a man to walk through and it took ages to make. Exactly five years to create. With this he will go dimension to dimension and discover the secrets of the universes he will see.

He packed a backpack with a tent that happens to be bigger on the inside. He also packed a machete and an ax just in case he comes across a forest with some serious fungal growth. He didn’t pack any food. It was best to let your survival instincts take over and learn from the land as much as possible.

“Ok…Lets do this.” He looks back at the hut he lived in for the past few years. ‘I’ll just make another portal and come back when I want to.’

He steps through the portal.


“Ok so tell me again why we need to be here Rainbow?” Said Twilight.

“Well as you know a few months ago I asked Applejack to help me take off faster than I could do on my own. Well now that I’m able to take off faster than I used to I thought I could do the same thing. But get this! If I go fast enough to do a Sonic Rainboom when I take off I can write stuff in the air with rainbows ya know?”

“Ah get it! Ya just want to do some sky writen’ with rainbows. Golly Dash that’s a might cleaver of ya.”

“Thanks AJ. Now Twilight I want you to help out too.”

“Sure thing Rainbow. How can I help?”

“You can help by like using a spell that will make the titter totter thing turn faster!”

“…Rainbow you can do that with oil.”

“Oh yea, I forgot hehe.” She said while rubbing the back of her head.

“It’s all right Rainbow. I don’t have any kind of spell to do that anyway so I’ll just provide moral support.”

Applejack was on top of the platform ready to jump down. “Ya ready Dash?”

“I’m ready!” She said while crouching so she can spring into the air when Applejack hits the platform.

Then Applejack jumps off the platform and slams onto the other end of the titter totter like device and Rainbow takes off too soon.

“Gaw! Sorry AJ I took off too early. Let’s do it again.”

“All righty then.”


Spell Tome found himself in the middle of a forest with his staff none existent.

“…GOD DAMMIT!” He yelled out loud. His staff didn’t come through and that sucked for him because now he needed a staff or he wouldn’t be able to get back home.

‘Ok don’t think about it now…assess the surroundings.’

Spell Tome looked around and noticed the short trees. They could be jumped to if he wanted so he didn’t need to fight. Wasn’t going to stop him from at least trying to kill something.

“Ok let’s see if this material is good enough.” He walks over to a tree and notices that the wood is pretty flexible. The branches can be moved easily but the solid trunk was thick enough so it was very difficult for one to break them. That’s weird for trees.

He started to walk in a straight line through the forest trying to determine a way out. And maybe even come across any signs of intelligent life.

“Ya ready Dash?” Applejack calls out again.


“Here it comes!” She runs off the platform again and hits the titter totter.


Rainbow takes off at the right time so her combined take off speed and Applejacks fall speed was combined to allow Rainbow to do a sonic Rainboom once she cleared the ground. But she wasn’t used to going zero to Rainboom like that so she lost control and started to spiral off miles in another direction incapable of leveling out.

“OH NO! RAINBOW!” Yelled out Twilight.

“She’s lost control!” Said Applejack panicked.

“She’s heading toward the Everfree forest! Come on lets go!”

Rainbow plummets to the ground flying at super sonic speeds; Before slamming into the ground and blacking out her wing scrapes a tree and is torn off. Rainbow is now deep into the Everfree forest alone and easy prey for any predator.


Spell Tome admires the tree canopy and notices some interesting flowers. He walks around everything he can’t identify as safe or poisonous.
Spell Tome hears an explosion and sees some shockwave of colors in the sky. He was still searching for a reasonable material that could hold magic for a staff but he was curious as to what caused that. Whether it be natural or unnatural. He started to move through the fungal growth.


When Rainbow came too she tried to stand up but immediately fell to the ground wailing in pain. She tries to fight it by flying back to Ponyville but notices her left wing is unresponsive. She looks back at it and notices it’s severed from her body.

“O-oh no no nononononono.” Her voice gets smaller and smaller. “nonono no no…no.” She starts to tear up not from pain but from loss of a wing. To Rainbow her wing was her life. Her special talent is going faster than everyone else in Equestria with the sonic Rainboom. Now she can’t even do that. Her life has no purpose.

“I-I…” She couldn’t find a reasonable explanation for something like this to happen.

Then the bushes start to move. Predators could smell her blood and could hear her cries of pain. Attracting a lot of unwanted attention.


Spell Tome could hear some weird bleats and noises that sounded suspiciously like a horse. Incapable of helping himself he quickly rushes to the clearing he could hear the noises coming from. But on his way there he notices some out of the ordinary growth. He hops into a nearby tree and leaps to the clearing where the animal still is wailing in pain or…sadness?

‘Are those tears?’ Tome thought to himself as he sees a multi colored animal on the ground. ‘Maybe it has some form of inelegance…Oh it’s a herbivore. It doesn’t seem to have claws or any way to catch prey. Is that a wing?’


There was a howling from beyond some of the bushes. Timber wolves approach Rainbow in the clearing.

“Oh no Timber wolves! Please I-I don’t taste good! SOMEPONY! ANY PONY! HELP MEEEEEEEE!” She looks around and sees two timber wolves approaching her ready to kill.


‘Ok that thing is loud…Wait what are those?’ Spell Tome sees the Timber wolves and notices they are held together by magic. ‘OH FINALY! Something held together by magic. I can use their corpses for a new staff.’ Spell Tome looks back at the wounded creature. ‘It did cry before hand. I don’t remember hearing about any other creatures crying other than sentient ones…Fuck it I’m helpin it.’


The two timber wolves approach Rainbow and lunge at her to deliver a killing blow.

*CRACH* the sound of thunder.

Lightning came out of nowhere and struck the two wolves approaching Rainbow Dash; and a bipedal creature comes out of the trees. It jumps onto the alpha males back and thrusts its hands into spine. Ripping out tissue and what looked like muscle from its back. It crumbles lifeless to the ground. The other wolves are too disoriented to understand what happens before the bipedal creature takes out an ax and thrusts it into one of its comrade’s jaws.

There are two wolves left in the pack and they both lunge at the creature. Then it jumps off the alpha males back and runs around a tree. It then swings the ax around the corner nailing another wolf in the mouth, and its head gets cut clean off. The last remaining wolf shows no fear but rather instinct as it continues to fight the creature.

It leaps into the air and pins the creature to the ground only to have a sword jammed into its gut. The wolf lives but is in pain, then the creature angles the sword like object upward toward what is supposed its heart and it stops moving.


‘Ugh this is bull shit!’ Thought Spell Tome as he pushed the creature away from himself. He gets up and assesses the damage.

“Well then…It looks like my work is done…” he looks over to the multicolored creature and he starts to head toward it. ‘Is that…Fear?’

The multi colored Pegasus was cowering as Spell Tome approached it. Then Spell Tome decided it was best to ignore it for now since he had no way of healing it. He had healing magic but it is mediocre compared to how powerful it could get when a staff is built for it. He goes back to the bodies and starts to analyze the corpses.

‘Hmm these creatures seem to have a neon green ointment inside their bodies…Could this act as protein transfer? There is also some muscle fibers that aren’t found in a normal predator…It’s not meat for sure…I-its plant material?’ He stops studying the mechanics of the animal and he decides that there is enough material here to create a proper staff of life.

He immediately gets to work and starts pulling what he believes are plant versions of bones and muscle off of the alpha. He then puts it in a line and levitates it in front of himself. He pours magic into its center and the material starts to band together to form a neon veined staff. At the top it holds the soul of the creature that died. The timber wolf alpha.

All its memories of hunting and leading its pack was downloaded into Spell Tomes mind and all its knowledge of the forest became available. The circular soul was surrounded by a crystalline substance that held the soul that now looked green and physical in a glass ball at the tip of the staff. Vines tried to hug the base of the crystal ball like sphere.

He then turned back to his guest. The multi colored animal. It looked at him confused and it seemed to be examining his cloths and back pack with his tent and other cloths.

“I should seriously set up camp…” Said Spell Tome as he notices the skies getting darker.

He puts down his pack and sets up the small tent that was bigger on the inside. And on the inside it had a king size bed with bathrooms and everything. Even a kitchen and a microwave…(What mages can have microwaves too! Ya racist!)


Rainbow was dumbfounded by the lack of interest in her the creature has. If it wanted to save her it should do more…’wait is it making a camp?’

The creature was setting up a tent and when it was done it went over and picked up her dislocated wing from behind the tree.

“HEY THAT’S MY WING! Put it down!” Said Rainbow as she scowled at it.


Spell Tome was finished pitching the tent and light a lantern on the inside. He then exited the tent to bring his backpack in and noticed the multi colored creatures’ wing on the ground.

‘Well I should try to preserve it while I figure out its anatomy.’

He walks over to it and picks it up. At the moment he’s behind the tree that the multi colored creature is lying on the ground in front of. When he emerges the creature lets out a few bleating noises that a horse makes and glares death at him.

‘Damn, I guess its sentient then.’

“It’s ok horsy I won’t eat it.”

He goes into the tent and puts it on a dinner table. ‘Not to eat it of course.’ He heads outside toward the pony and lifts his staff into the air. The pony gets surrounded by a green aura like the neon blood like fluid coming off the dead wolf like creatures. The Rainbow horse thing is lifted into the air and it yelps in pain but ignoring it Spell Tome floats it into the tent.


‘I’ve heard of cool magic but-ow- a tent bigger on the inside is just awesome!-ow’ Rainbow was awed at the size of the tent. In the center was a king sized bed. Though there were wet towels on the ground and Rainbow was laid onto those towels and then she noticed her lower body was numb. ‘T-this whole time I was paralyzed from the waist down!?’

Before she was able to think more about the condition of her body the creature took her wing and put it back on her left side. It started to fuse to where it was supposed to. Rainbow looked up and saw the staff glowing with magic and repairing her body. She let out a tear of joy.


‘To be honest…It’s so cute when its happy.’ Thought Spell Tome as he saw the smiling Rainbow Dash looking up at him with hope in her eyes. ‘I’m hungry…wonder what pony tastes like? Hehe I shouldn’t tell her that I thought that if she’s sentient. And I notice a complete lack of penis so there is no way it’s a he…unless horses are more different from here then they are back at home. Mainly my neighbors’ farm.’

Spell Tome realizes that he would need to feed this thing somehow. ‘Wait those wolves are made of plant material…Maybe this herbivore can eat those.’ He concentrates at the task at hand and tries to fix up the horse. He realizes he still doesn’t know what to do to help it.

Spell Tome finishes what he could and he starts to rub different areas of the animal until it may yelp in pain. He could feel the back legs were obviously broken but also obviously she can’t feel it.

‘Did her spine get severed?’ He raises his hands over her body and she looks in confusion. He puts magic into his hands and forces light into her body; showing all the organs and bones in her body to him. She saw it too and she gasped in surprise. She scans the inside of her body and her eyes catch some oddities that Tome notices as well.

She’s broken in several places…ribs, spine, legs, and internal bleeding. She doesn’t notice the bleeding but she notices the broken bones and she starts hyperventilating while Tome sensed the details.


‘OH CELESTIA HOW AM I ALIVE! I-I should be dead!’ Rainbow’s gratefulness to her savior was replaced by fear and panic. She couldn’t feel her lower body because her spine was indeed broken. Just low enough so it doesn’t affect her very vital organs. It also makes it so she can only feel pain in the spot where it’s not connected. But then.

“AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!!” Rainbow feels a wave of pain as her spine is reattached and repaired. The creature seemed to realize his mistake and held his hand in front of her face and Rainbow started to feel a wave of exhaustion.


‘Oh shit shouldn’t have done that so soon!’ He holds his hand in front of the yelping creature.

“Shhhhhshhhhshhhhhhh.” It’s unconscious. “Ok ok gotta work fast.”

Spell Tome started to put bones back into place. He then fixed everything together with a sheet of magic so that the horses’ legs can’t move. He then healed any internal bleeding and reattached veins and arteries that were important. Then when he was done he admired his work. He couldn’t fully heal everything until he knew more about the creature but he knew enough about neurology to be able to reattach the body back to the brain…which was actually a great bit of neurology since its more of a chance thing.

Satisfied with his work he leaves the tent and brings the alpha male and another timber wolf into the tent for the herbivore to eat later. He then picks up the multi colored pony thing that he now nicknames MCP for (Multi Colored Pony) on one side of the king sized bed. Spell Tome raps her in some covers and starts to bring her back from her medically induced coma.


Rainbow was coming too. She looked around and noticed the creature holding her head in both hand and it was doing something to her mind.

“Ugh get outta my head.” She said drowsily.

She noticed the Timber wolf corpses and was appalled that it would bring them into the tent. Then the bipedal creature gets up and walks over to the corpse and rips off what seems to be muscle. It walks back in front of Rainbow and tries to put the meat in her mouth.

“HEY NO WAY! I’m not eating-gwa!” The creature is holding its hand out in front of Rainbow and her mouth is pried open. It then puts the muscle into her mouth and it tastes like plants. Rainbow was so confused she didn’t spit it out nor did she chew it.

The creature waited patiently for her to start eating it. Glaring at her with very convincing eyes that said ‘EAT IT BITCH’. Rainbow would have gulped if she didn’t have the plant muscle in her mouth.


‘If this thing doesn’t eat this then I’m fucked. I can’t feed it so I’ll have to bring it back to wherever its from…Then again that’s not a bad idea. If I manage to learn its language (That I won’t even try at since its bleats and bullshit) then we could have a conversation…Maybe I can study its memory and put it into an overmind through the staff. Yea that’ll give me the ability to understand it.’

Then after glaring at the pony for several minutes its starts to eat the plant muscle from the timber wolves. After a few chews it seemed to decide it liked it. Then after a few more bits it refused to eat any more and I guessed it was full.

“So yea horsy thingie. You understand me?”


The creature starts to make some noises and Rainbow guessed it was trying to talk to her.

“Umm what are you doing? Anyway thanks for saving me anyway. I would’ve died back there.” They sit in silence.

Rainbow remembers all of her friends. ‘Twilight, Applejack…Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy, a-and Rarity…They don’t know I’m safe. Am I safe? Is this thing saving me for later?’

Rainbow prayed to Celestia and Luna to protect her for the rest of her experience.


Spell Tome sees distress on its face.
‘Well it defiantly thinks…Yea I should make the connection.’ He lifts both hands and places them on both sides of the creatures head.


‘W-what’s it doing? Is it trying to comfort me? Well it might be trying to since it obviously cares enough t-AAAAAAAAAAAAAAHH’

“AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHH!” A wave a pain shot through Rainbow Dash’s brain. But the pain wasn’t in her brain as well. It seemed to be pain that could be felt between both their faces. She started feeling pain in the other creature as well as her own.

After it was done they looked at each other in silence for a moment. She could feel the creatures emotions, and its body. As if it were a part of her.

“W-what did you do?” She said rhetorically.

“Oh well-“


“Yea I’m talking bu-“


“Because I couldn’t understand you earlier.”

“What does that mean?”

“Well I connected us. In a very intimate way actually.”

“I-intimate? Eugh.”

“Well you can feel my body right?”

Rainbow thinks for a moment and she notices she can. She can feel its entire body. “Y-yea…How’d you do that?”

“With elemental life magic.”

“Ok so why did you do that?”

“Because I don’t know how to finish up healing you. And I thought it would be a good idea for the connection to be made so I can feel anything you feel. You know find pain?”

“Find pain?”

“Yea the connection goes both ways. I can feel everything you do. And you can feel everything I do.”

“Whoa…That’s kinda…Creepy.”

“Sorry this WILL get awkward. But you should be dead. I just got to this realm just a few moments ago. Besides I saw how you valued your wings. As you can see I reattached it.”

“Y-yea…flying is what I’m good at. If I were to lose my wings I wouldn’t have a purpose.” They sat in silence while she reflects on how much her wings meant to her.

“So what’s your name? You owe me at least that.”

“Oh Rainbow Dash! Fastest flyer in all of Equestria!” She said proudly. ‘I guess Equestria is the land they live in.’ “You?”

“Hmm? Oh yes call me Spell Tome. I’m the master of elemental magic. Like life magic. The stuff that healed you.”

“What else can you do?”

“Arcane magic. Magic of death. Also water, lightning, fire, air, and earth magic.”

“Magic of d-death?”

“Every element of magic has an opposite. Life and death, fire and water, lightning and earth. I’m trying to discover airs opposite since earth doesn’t dispel that. That’s my purpose and goal.”

“Whoa. Hey my friend Twilight knows a lot of magic. Maybe she can help you out.”

“That’ll be nice. But for now let’s go to bed. I’ll explain more about our situation in the morning. Oh and after the connection goes through its final stages it should be permanent. Oh and I’ll be able to fix you up fast.”

“Wait wouldn’t healing magic be able to just, you know heal me?”

“It’s a lot more complex. Magic I use can only effect what I understand. I don’t understand your body so the magic doesn’t either. Oh hey tomorrow when I finish up you’ll understand what magic feels like!”

“All right. Umm night then.”


Spell Tome gets up and turns the lamp off. Plunging the tent into darkness. Spell Tome goes to the entrance of the tent and closes it tight before joining Rainbow on the bed.

“Hey Spell Tome?”


“What will happen if one of us dies with this connection?”

“It will feel like we’ve cut off a limb. Like something important was taken from our body. I have a feeling we’ll be the closest friends after this experience.”

“You’re a different species.”

“And so are you. But I’m ok with this connection because I need it to save your life.”

“…Yea I’m ok with that too.”

“Night MCP.”


“Never mind.”

(I hope you enjoyed this chapter. I know I did.)