• Published 11th Apr 2016
  • 2,703 Views, 49 Comments

Twilight is a Kitten - PonyThunder

Twilight Sparkle makes a mistake in a spell, resulting in her switching places with a kitten, and it's up to Fluttershy to take care of her new pet in the meantime...

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TwiCat 2: Electric Boogaloo


"Well, I suppose this isn't so bad," said Fluttershy, as she continued rubbing Twilight's belly. She lifted her hooves off the floor and got completely on her back to assume full-belly rub position, purring quite loudly with her eyes closed.

That was, until about three seconds later when she decided that she was no longer interested in belly rubs. Her eyes shot open and focused intently on Fluttershy's ungaurded hoof. In the span of half a moment, Twilight went from enjoyment to attack mode as she constricted her legs around Fluttershy's hoof, using her hindquarters to "claw" at it.

Fluttershy tensed at first, but soon felt grateful for the fact that she didn't have any claws. But that thought didn't last long when Twilight bucked her in the chest, sending her flying a couple feet backwards.

"Bad!" said Fluttershy as she got back to her hooves. She felt awkward scolding her friend, but something had to be done about her unruly behavior. "I think it's time I taught you some manners," she continued.

But the scolding went unnoticed by Twilight, who was wandering into the kitchen.

"Wait, come back here," Fluttershy said softly, hurriedly rushing off toward Twilight. As Fluttershy rounded the corner to the kitchen, she looked up in complete shock to see Twilight on the counter top, eyeing a bottle of milk she had placed on a shelf high above the floor. Twilight sat idly on the counter for a moment, as if planning her trajectory to reach her prize. Her tail swished back and forth, knocking a couple pieces of silverware onto the ground.

"Get down from there," said Fluttershy as she moved towards Twilight. Seeing her move towards her, Twilight executed her carefully planned maneuver to get to the shelf, jumping atop the fridge clumsily. Several feet across the room was the shelf in question, with Fluttershy between her and the bottle of milk.

"Don't you dare," Fluttershy warned as sternly as she possibly could, which wasn't very. Twilight mostly ignored her, wiggling her butt in the air once more in preparation for the pounce. Fluttershy took a few steps backwards as Twilight soared through the air for a few moments, before crashing into the shelf, sending a barrage of miscellaneous supplies raining down to the floor in a symphony of clangs and crashes.

"Goodness me..." Fluttershy said. Meanwhile, Twilight was on the floor, using her tongue to lap up the milk she had worked so hard to attain. Fluttershy sighed, feeling very much overwhelmed. She could control any animal she came across, even a bear, but she was having troubles with a cat in a pony's body.

But suddenly, an idea popped into her mind. The last resort she vowed to only use if absolutely necessary, and judging by the chaos that was already unfolding in her quaint little cottage, she decided that it was.

She would use the stare. She opened her mouth to garner Twilight's attention. "Twilight, look here," she said playfully.

Twilight looked up from her intense lapping at Fluttershy, and immediately became enthralled with her. "Good," said Fluttershy, relieved that her stare was working, "now, we've got some training to--"

Twilight leapt from the mess spilled on the floor and into the air, using her wings now, to shoot past Fluttershy into the opposite room.

"Or...apparently not..."

Twilight was now in the living room once more, standing atop the mess of glass shards in the carpet eyeing a small piece of string that was dangling from the ceiling. She had just used her wings, but now seemed unaware that they existed. Fluttershy worried that it was only a matter of time until she became airborne...or worse...able to use her magic.

Unfortunately, her worst fears became reality as the tip of Twilight's horn began to glow for a few moments, then sending a pulse of magical energy towards the string dangling from the ceiling and encasing it into an orb of magical energy. Then, it disappeared and reappeared on the ground next to her, with a chunk of the ceiling taken with it.

Fluttershy wasn't sure whether to feel terrified or impressed that whatever she was possessed by could pull off such a magical maneuver, but her indecisiveness was soon resolved. To Fluttershy's horror, Twilight's gaze gravitated towards the open window, and in a quick scurry, Fluttershy went off towards a supply closet to grab a certain substance that just might be her last hope in subduing this chaotic beast.

"Twilight!" she called out, dangling a small bag of green herbs with her hoof. Twilight turned around and sleuthed over to her for investigation. She sniffed the bag hesitantly for a few moments, and then snatched it from her hooves, bringing it into the living room, and then proceeding to tear it open, letting the contents spill over her face and the floor beneath her.

Twilight's face froze and her nose wrinkled and twitched frantically, her ears flopping every few seconds, followed swiftly by loud purring and rolling all over the floor, which was now covered in catnip and glass shards.

Fluttershy sighed. "That should keep you occupied for a while..."

Meanwhile, Twilight in the body of a cute little kitten was strolling through Ponyville in search of her own body. The world seemed so huge, being mere inches away from the ground. She waltzed through the streets of Ponyville as if there was nothing different about anything, following the trail of owl feathers along the way. Surprisingly, she managed to follow them all the way to Fluttershy's cottage, immediately noticing the gaping hole in the window.

Taking a tired sigh and almost involuntary arch of her back, she made her way towards the cottage, only to suddenly find herself being risen up into the air.

"Hey, little guy," said Spike as he picked up Twilight in his claws. "What are you doing out here all by yourself?"

Spike, it's me! Put me down this instant! Twilight tried to say, but what came out was a series of concerned meowing.

"You poor thing," Spike continued, petting Twilight's tiny little back. She had to admit, despite feeling a bit degraded, that it actually felt quite nice. "I'll take care of you. I'm sure Twilight won't mind."

No, Spike! I need to get to my real body! Spiiiiiiiiike!!

"Sheesh, you're quite the roudy little fella for somepony who's only several inches tall," said Spike, pausing for a couple moments. "Somekitty," he added with a smile of dumb pride on his face as he carried Twilight off back to the castle against her will.

Back at the castle, Twilight sat awkwardly on the floor, her furry white claws unintentionally becoming tangled in the carpet. In front of her stood Opal, who looked at her with a look of pure disgust and hatred.

"You two play nicely while I go get this little fella some milk to drink," said Spike, walking out of the room and towards the kitchen and leaving Twilight alone with the grumpiest cat in Equestria.

I need to get out of here and to Fluttershy's house, Twilight thought to herself. As soon as Spike rounded the corner, she made a mad dash towards the open window, running across the carpet and over a bare part of the crystal floors. Suddenly, she found herself slipping and sliding as her little paws kept on running until she spun out of control and crashed into a small bookcase.

Spike immediately came running back with a saucer of milk in his claws. "Where do you think you're going, fella? Don't you want some milk?"

He picked her up underneath her belly and she felt her entire body arch downwards. Spike set her down gently next to the saucer of milk and Twilight stared at it.

"Go on," said Spike, gently shoving her a couple of inches closer to the saucer.

I am not going to drink out of a saucer like an animal, Twilight told herself.

"It's okay, fella, go ahead," Spike continued to goad her into drinking the milk.

Ugh, fine, she thought, anything to get you to leave me alone...

Twilight moved closer to the saucer of milk and stared into it for a couple moments. How does this work, anyways? Twilight stuck out her tongue and attempted to use it to lap up the milk with varying success.

Spike smiled and patted Twilight on the back, causing her face to drop suddenly into the milk, then left her alone. "I'll be right back, I just need to go do some chores that Twilight is making me do..." he sighed.

Well, at least he's well-behaved even when I'm gone, thought Twilight.

"...or...I could go into my room and read comic books..." Spike scurried out of the room in a hurry.

Or not...oh well, at least it gives me a chance to get out of here. Twilight hopped up into the windowsill and left the castle, hoping that there would be some way she could undo this spell without too many ponies finding out.

Meanwhile, Fluttershy was hiding in her supply closet, wearing a bucket over her head and trembling in fear. Twilight was out of control, now that she was starting to get the hang of flying and using her magic. Apparently the magic of ponies resided in the body and not the mind, Fluttershy somehow managed to reason amidst her state of terror. It was obvious that Twilight had somehow switched bodies with a cat, but why was a completely unknown reason. Not that it mattered much anyways.

It was oddly silent for several minutes, so Fluttershy reasoned that she had probably gotten tuckered out and went to rest somewhere. Fluttershy built up her courage, opening the door of the supply closet slowly with a creak, but what met her gaze were the wide eyes of Twilight herself, mere inches from her face.

Twilight made a sort of loud, squeaking noise from the back of her throat, snuggling her face against Fluttershy's pink mane as she continued to tremble. It wasn't until Twilight began her awkward purring again that Fluttershy stopped and gathered herself.

"Okay..." said Fluttershy, "I guess it's safe now."

She climbed out of the closet, sidestepping past Twilight, who continued her attempts to nuzzle her mane. "We need to get you out of here," said Fluttershy as she took in the destruction that was her home. Broken plates, bags of flour spilling over the counter tops, shards of glass and a pile of catnip scattered throughout the living room, yarn draped in every direction like a spiderweb.

Fluttershy instantly regretted giving Twilight catnip.

Before she could even have a moment to think, three knocks sounded on her door. Fluttershy looked at Twilight, "Stay."

Twilight looked up at her and cocked her head sideways, flipping one ear downwards. Fluttershy went to the door to answer it and was greeted by Applejack and her pet, Winona.

"...H-hello, Applejack."

"Howdy, Fluttershy," Applejack replied, "sorry to bother you, but I've got kind of a favor t' ask ya if that's alright?"

Fluttershy spoke very quietly, "Well, actually, now's--"

"Oh, thank you Fluttershy," Applejack replied, "I need somepony to dog-watch Winona for just a couple hours while I run some errands in town. Granny Smith is takin' her nap, and Mac and Apple Bloom are out doing work in the Apple Orchard."

Fluttershy opened her mouth to speak, but nothing came out.

"You're the best, Fluttershy!" Applejack replied, leaving Winona inside her home and closing the door behind her. Winona panted happily, looking up at Fluttershy for a few moments before walking jauntily into the living room. Twilight came into view from the kitchen, looking at Winona with fear in her eyes. Her back arched into the air and her mane stood on end as she let out a very unpleasant sounding hiss.

Please, no... thought Fluttershy, before Twilight aggressively bolted in the opposite direction when Winona made the slightest movement towards her. Taking this as an invitation to play, Winona bolted after her with her tongue flapping to the left of her mouth.