• Published 11th Apr 2016
  • 2,702 Views, 49 Comments

Twilight is a Kitten - PonyThunder

Twilight Sparkle makes a mistake in a spell, resulting in her switching places with a kitten, and it's up to Fluttershy to take care of her new pet in the meantime...

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Twilight milled about in her study, levitating and frantically reading a new book she had recently received, titled "The Art of Mind Displacement: A Practical Approach for Expert Spellcasters". It wasn't particularly easy to find, and for good reason. The kinds of spells written down in this book were not safe in the slightest for most unicorns, or even alicorns for that matter. The language of the spells were in an old, almost forgotten dialect, and it didn't help that the book was practically falling apart at the spine and the pages were ripped and smudged.

But this didn't deter Twilight in the slightest. To her, every book was an opportunity to advance her ever-growing expanse of knowledge, regardless of the content. She once read through an entire novelette that described, in minute details, the different types of soil and sediments found across Equestria. Maud would have been proud. Not that anypony would have been able to tell, anyways. Twilight was assured that her expansive knowledge set would be enough to properly cast the spells written in this book.

After reading frivolously for several hours, Twilight finally felt she had a good enough grasp on the subject of mind displacement that it was time to put her new-found knowledge to the test. And, as if it was destined to be, Twilight happened to be cat-sitting Rarity's pet, Opal for the day, as Rarity was out on an important business venture in Manehattan in her new shop. Now, all she needed was another animal to switch minds with Opal, and the immediately obvious solution was Owlowiscious, her pet owl.

Twilight trotted excitedly out of her study and found Owlowiscious perched quietly on the back of a comfy chair. She reached out to allow him to stand on her hoof. He let out a long yawn, as Owls are nocturnal after all, but obliged at the offer.

Minutes later, Twilight had located Opal, who was lounging in a nearby windowsill. Twilight reached out towards her, but Opal immediately turned around and hissed aggressively at her, attempting to claw her face in the process.

Twilight reared back in surprise. "Hmm..." she pondered, "maybe it's not such a great idea to put you in Owlowiscious' body."

Twilight imagined Owlowiscious flying around the castle, clawing everything in sight without any regards to anything. Perhaps Opal wouldn't be the best candidate to switch minds with Owlowiscious. Twilight sighed. She would have to go out and find another animal to begin her experiment now, but she was determined to go through with it.

As soon as she opened the door to leave her castle, however, a small mewing noise came from directly in front of her. Twilight looked down to see a cute kitten sitting adorably on her doorstep.

"...mew..." the kitten squeaked and then started purring and rubbing itself against her hoof. It was as white as snow.

"D'awwwww," Twilight gushed at the cute little creature. "What are you doing here, little buddy? Are you lost?"

The kitten mewed in response. Twilight mused that the answer was a resounding yes.

"Well, you're in luck," Twilight said as she levitated the small kitten into the air, who started panicking at the sudden increase in elevation against its will, "I'll be your protector."

Twilight smiled at the kitten who was now mere inches away from her face. Her smile turned into a combination of genuine happiness and a devilish grin. "You're going to be part of an experiment..."


"Okay," Twilight said to herself, rereading a particular spell from the book. She had it turned to the page about switching the minds of feline creatures and nocturnal animals. The spells were oddly specific, but Twilight was sure she had found the right one.

"Well, this is it," she said to herself. With her horn glowing a bright white, Twilight read the spell out loud in a powerful voice. "Supplanta Mentis, Equus a Felis!"

An aura appeared around the furry white kitten, who was mostly preoccupied with licking itself in the current moment. The aura began to swirl around it and then rose into the air with several white tendrils. Twilight watched with excitement as the tendrils gravitated towards Owlowiscious, who was perched on her hoof, but the tendrils went right past him and instead straight into Twilight's forehead.

Horsefeathers... Twilight thought in the last moments of consciousness in her current body.

Moments later, Twilight had her tongue in an unspeakable area of her body and a tuft of fur stuck on it. She immediately spit it out and opened her mouth to scream, but what came out was not what she was expecting. Instead, it was an ear-piercing yowl that sent Owlowiscious flying in the opposite direction. Suddenly the room seemed so much bigger, her body so close to the ground. And then she saw herself towering high above.

Twilight, now with the mind of a small kitten, seemed un-phased by the sudden transfer of bodies. Instead, she instinctively began chasing after Owlowiscious with a filly-like excitement. Not being used to her new legs, she stumbled awkwardly, falling over every few moments before getting back up immediately to resume the chase. Twilight, in cat form, watched herself in helpless horror as she tore up the living room, causing books to fly off their shelves and all over the floor.

That was, until Owlowiscious flew out the window, and Twilight pounced after him without any hesitation, leaving behind the poor white kitten with her mind inside.

Fluttershy sipped her tea, holding it gingerly between her hooves while sitting on her favorite chair with a blanket snugly wrapped around behind her. She inhaled the warm, steamy air from her tea and felt a wave of relaxation pass over her. She had just spent half the morning tending after Angel, who happened to be especially fussy today, but he was finally down for his afternoon nap, giving Fluttershy a few moments to take a break.

Breathing a sigh of warm content, Fluttershy relaxed for a few moments. That is, until Owlowiscious flew through an open window trailed moments later by the purple alicorn who had leapt straight through it, scattering a shower of shattered glass across her living room.

"OH MY!" Fluttershy exclaimed, fumbling with her mug of tea for several panic-stricken moments before losing her grip, spilling it across her lap.

Fluttershy immediately flew up into the air trying to brush off the scalding liquid, still trying to grasp what was going on. Twilight was practically bouncing off the walls, chasing wildly after Owlowiscious, who eventually made his way out through the now shattered window. But Twilight didn't follow. Instead, she collapsed from exhaustion on the floor in the middle of Fluttershy's living room.

Several seconds passed as Fluttershy breathed heavily, clinging to a chandelier hanging from the ceiling. "...Twilight?" she called out quietly.

She didn't answer. Feeling worried for her friend, Fluttershy descended cautiously down from safety to the ground a few feet from Twilight. "...Twilight?" she called out again. Twilight opened her eyes and blinked twice slowly with a tired smile on her face.

"Oh, thank Celestia," said Fluttershy, "I was worried you were hurt. What is going on?"

Twilight didn't answer. Instead, she crawled over to Fluttershy and began to make some sort of purring noise, but it sounded more like she was trying to gargle mouthwash. Twilight rubbed her face against Fluttershy's side, followed by her body as she wrapped behind her underneath her hooves until finally deciding to settle down on her lap. Twilight curled her body in a tight circle and closed her eyes, purring contentedly.

"Um...Twilight?" Fluttershy said with a look of utter confusion on her face, "is everything all right? I'm here for you and everything, but this seems...a little weird."

Twilight continued to purr awkwardly, sitting in her lap with the most content look on her face that a pony could possibly have.

"Twilight? You haven't said a thing since you've been here...Twilight?"

There was no response, and it worried Fluttershy greatly. "Twilight? Are you...you?"

Twilight looked up at her for a moment, then nuzzled her face back into Fluttershy's side. "I'm going to take that as a no...I don't think Twilight would be this snuggly. Pinkie Pie, maybe..."

Fluttershy gently pushed Twilight off of her lap, who was actually quite heavy. She mewed in response, immediately trying to resume her position.

"I don't know what happened to you Twilight, but I'm going to do all that I can to help you," said Fluttershy. "I'll just go over to Twilight's place and--"

Fluttershy had a moment of realization. "Oh...I guess that's not really an option this time. Well, what am I supposed to do? I can't just leave you here," she said while looking at Twilight, greeted by big, sad eyes.

"It's settled," said Fluttershy, "I'll take care of you until I can be sure you'll be safe here all on your own."

Fluttershy put out her hooves towards Twilight, who immediately rushed into them to enter the embrace. Except it wasn't really an embrace, but rather an awkward hug in which Fluttershy held out her hooves and Twilight nuzzled her face. This is weird, thought Fluttershy, but it's actually...kind of nice...

Fluttershy broke the embrace and returned to her hooves as Twilight flopped onto her side and began to paw at the rug on the floor. Fluttershy turned around for a moment to see Angel Bunny staring at her with his arms folded and a look of pure anger spread across his face.

"Good morning, Angel," said Fluttershy, "did you sleep well?"

He didn't budge, the look of pure distaste remaining unchanged.

"What's wrong, Angel?" asked Fluttershy.

He unfolded his arms and pointed sharply at Twilight, who was now wiggling her butt in the air in preparation to pounce onto one of the frills from the rug on the floor.

"Oh, don't worry, Angel," said Fluttershy, "this is just temporary. I'm sure you two will get along just fine."

Twilight pounced onto the frills and pawed at them furiously for a few moments before losing interest in just a couple seconds. Her gaze floated towards Angel Bunny, who took a small step backwards.

Fluttershy opened her mouth to speak. "You're not..."

Twilight wiggled her butt in the air and lowered the front half of her body onto the carpet with her eyes dead set on Angel Bunny. It was the kind of look that meant only one thing, and Fluttershy knew exactly what it was.

"Oh my..." Fluttershy winced in preparation for the imminent destruction that was soon to follow.

Twilight leaped from the ground, jumping several feet into the air towards Angel Bunny as the shadow of his impending doom covered the floor around him. He squealed, as he tended to do, and hopped frantically up the stairs towards Fluttershy's bedroom. Twilight landed with a loud thump in the spot where Angel Bunny stood moments prior, and then resumed the chase after her prey up the steps.

Except, she didn't really know how to use the steps. Instead, Twilight crashed into them and watched as Angel hopped upwards as if his life depended on it. And it probably did.

"Twilight!" Fluttershy exclaimed angrily. "Bad!"

Twilight stumbled to get up from her crash, still in a bit of a daze. She lay on the floor at the bottom of the stairs as Fluttershy loomed above her.

"Bad pony," said Fluttershy instinctively. "Oh, I'm so sorry Twilight. That was really demeaning..."

Twilight looked up at her without any sort of emotion in particular, and then flopped on her side as if to ask for a belly rub.

Fluttershy gazed down at her friend, acting like a complete fool, wondering what she was going to do about all of this. Fluttershy sighed and rolled her eyes.

And then she rubbed her belly. Twilight purred contentedly.

"I sure hope this doesn't last too long..."