• Published 13th Feb 2016
  • 559 Views, 1 Comments

MLP: Tough As...Snow - JusSonic

The Mane Six meets a new ally who is cool while dealing with some cooler but evil villains!

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Chapter 04: Don't Get Cold Feet

Chapter 04: Don’t Get Cold Feet

At this moment at time, we return to Pinkamena’s secret dungeon where at the time, Havis was seen speaking with Sombra and Autumn Gem. They have comb much of Ponyville, and so far, things are at the time being, quiet….maybe too quiet. Then coming from a secret hatch, Flutterbat came soaring in before landing near the three and having grabbed a bag of apples to suck on at the moment cause she was hungry it seems.

“Flutterbat, you’ve return.” Autumn Gem spoke off in seeing who has come back from going out.

“And not a moment too soon, the sun just came up from when Celestia rose it.” Havis explained that as they speak, Celestia has raise the sun.

“Thank goodness, oh, and here’s the message from the others.” Flutterbat nods in relief that she came back in time and then has something to give.

Soon Sombra looked at the message that was given from Flutterbat and reads it silently. Then his eyes focus on the parts before nodding it off here.

“I see, so by the sounds of it, they’ll arrive at the Ice Kingdom shortly soon.” Sombra nods off to say what he believes is going on with Goldie’s side.

“Yes, and hopefully they can do this, I also saw something’s going on.” Flutterbat stated off in another matter that has earn some attention.

“Like what?” Autumn Gem asked off in not liking how this news may sound.

“There were some ponies actually kidnapping other ponies. And used weird magic that slowly turn them dull and become emotionless.” Flutterbat explained the case of what she saw while hurrying back, it was very unusual, but ponies were making other ponies become…cold as ice in their emotions. “It may be the work of the Frozen Queen, for now the scattered ponies with icy hearts are even effecting the ground to slowly morph it, turning much of the warmth into frozen ice & snow.” She explained from what images show many icy theme ponies that were once warm-loving are so cold hearted, they make everything become as cold as they are.

“That isn’t good, I’ve already inform Celestia about what everyone’s doing.” Sombra stated in not liking the sounds of this, they already have their hooves full already without this.

“The only thing we can do is hope our allies win or Equestria may be heading for a new Ice Age.” Havis stated off in fearing the worse of what’s to happen if the enemy isn’t stop soon.

Everyone nods while they try to quickly do whatever they can to make sure whatever is making everything become cold as ice, not reach them or else they all will be as coldhearted as many of the fallen. And with that, the scene goes dark while we have a change of scenery.


The scene slowly opens up towards where we find the front doors to the Ice Kingdom’s castle fort. But then without warning as some Troop Penguins were patrolling, the doors suddenly were blown away by a powerful explosive force. As the penguins were knock out of it, some ponies that were like emotionally cold droids were marching up, and the dust cloud clears to show the Mane Six party has enter the area. But while the penguins were down, the pony victims that had their emotions frozen were about to attack….

“Blizzara!” Snow’s voice was heard from entering to begin his own attack. “Frusapfruvhmmm…Creak-creakfruvhmmm….” Then with a stronger force than his Blizzard move, Snow pushed off and froze the victim ponies in the way.

“Was that really necessary?” Twilight asked off to the guy in using such extra force.

“Had to freeze them over or else they get hurt more without knowing what or why they did so.” Snow shrug off to explain his case in what was the ‘pony’ thing to do here.

“Well we’ve breach the enemy’s front stronghold. Now what?” Phobos stated in what they’ve done so far now, but what to do next.

“Now we gotta find the villain in charge and stop them.” Spike explained that their next step, is stopping whoever is doing all of this.

“Well, if I was a villain, which I am Sooooo, glad to not be one. But if I were, I probably be waiting at the top of this stairway leading to another room. Or the top floor, depends.” Pinkie Pie rubbed her chin to ponder this thought about where a villain would most likely be at.

“Then let’s knock and see whose home!” Rainbow Dash spoke off to wave off her nunchucks in ready for action.

“Right! Ain’t no way we’re lettin’ our homes become a frozen wasteland.” Applejack nods off to say this with a determine expression.

“Although if it became like this pretty structure, then maybe…” Rarity was speaking from studying the ice palace until….

“RARITY!” The others issued off with a remote dry tone of their voices in what they are hearing.

“Oh alright, fine…forget what I said.” Rarity pouts to correct herself on her earlier statement.

“I just hope we can win this, if we face the queen.” Fluttershy spoke in concerns of getting out of this okay from who’ll they’ll fight.

“If she’s as half as much trouble when Frozen Sage was a terrible opponent, we best be ready.” Twilight spoke with caution, the first Frozen Queen type of opponent was hard, but this one is no creature that thinks of well fair and goodness, but of cold evil.

“Then let’s hurry and stop her.” Snowcrystal insisted that they need to move quickly then.

Now the gang enter through what seems to be the first room after clearing away any Troop Penguins and mind-controlled ponies with their emotions and wills frozen and cold. But soon cold air was breezing through the area and that made the group cease movement.

“I think this is it…the battle we were expecting.” Adult Nyx spoke off in feeling this coldness, was it the enemy they are prepared to face.

“Welcome all who have come here.” The voice responded in a very ego-like manner of sounding….manly.

Then who should enter from a blizzard wind in the center of the room, then the giant ice creature known as….the Ice King!

“The Ice King!” The Mane Six, baby Dragons and Adult Nyx responded off in seeing who was here before them, and it was NOT the queen.

“That’s right, baby, the King is Back! And cooler than ever!” The Ice King proudly declared with a punch liner that was cool to say. “Hugh-hugh, pretty slick moves there, wouldn’t you say? Have I brought that shiver into your soul?” He asked off like a curious child wanting to know if he 'awed' a crowd.

“Ugh, maybe, but not in the way we wanted.” Rarity spoke off in feeling a bit gross out.

“Yeah, that and more cheesy puns.” Rainbow Dash rolled her eyes to remotely say this in a dry statement.

“Cheesy puns! Now that’s cold, I’ll have you know I’m a BREEZE at this!” The Ice King protest to say this with a frown and made another pun use about him being a cool guy.

“Buddy, save yer self some embarrassment and stop this run of de mill.” Applejack remotely stated in a non-caring response at this guy trying to ‘wow’ them or something.

“I haven’t the foggiest of what that means, but I’m sure it’s insulting.” The Ice King spoke off in having no idea of a ‘run of a mill’ means, but it must be mean thing to say. “You all think you can waltzes in, try to take on the queen and forget about the king, is that it?” He stated off in having a feeling the gang aren’t here for him, they want the queen who’s MORE dangerous.

“Um, well….yes, oh, if you don’t mind us speaking truthfully.” Fluttershy shyly & meekly spoke in being honest to even a silly enemy like this one.

“Not at all, but….I’ll have you know I was not being all serious when you fought me!” The Ice King replied to Fluttershy while stating this evident fact here.

“You weren’t serious?” Snowcrystal raised an eyebrow in hearing this right.

“Yep, I was holding back, just to be nice. But Mister Nice Guy is gone, and I’m here to put you…ON ICE!” The Ice King stated off with a serious face, stating he’s about to seriously go out.

“Better, but….not quite.” Pinkie Pie lifted her head a bit in thinking that last catchphrase almost worked, but still needed work.

“Oh come on! You mares are killing me here before we’re getting started!” The Ice King moans in trying to make a grand moment of his performance and they aren’t even flinching as much. “But if many of you are insisted in seeing my queeny, then I’ll have to take away your strongest bunch to make it an unevenly fair fight against her.” The guy spoke with a sneaky grin on his face, he’s got a plan to beat this bunch.

Then the Ice King made a few odd looking hand motion signs and weird dance movements. But then when he clapped them hands, bright flash and a blizzard wind blinded everyone. Once it was over, the Ice King was nowhere in sight, but there was also one more pony missing in this equation.

“Oh no! Snow is missing!” Adult Nyx gasped forth in seeing who was not here now.

“Ice King must have taken him somewhere, but where?” Spike spoke in thinking what happened to their pal and the enemy.

“He could be anywhere in this frozen fort and I’m freezing my behind off as it is!” Phobos stated off from looking around, but also catching a chill here.

“We’ll have to go on ahead, Snow’s tough, he beat the Ice King before, he’ll probably do so again.” Twilight explained this to her friends and allies that they can have fate that Snow will come back to them. “Right now, we have to put a stop to the Ice Queen, here and now! Come on!” She stated that the only thing they gotta do now is focus on stopping the real enemy ahead.

The others slowly agreed, Snow can most certainly take care of himself, right now, they got an evil Ice Queen to stop. They all quickly rush up the flank of stairs to enter another large doorway to see where it leads.


Now we find Snow somewhere in what may look like the basement of the Ice Kingdom. But there were many mirrors of crystal ice, the guy saw his reflection for some moment…then the Ice King’s image appeared.

“Nuh-hahhahahaaaaahhh….welcome to my little mirror game, stallion! Bet’cha can’t figure out where I am now!” The Ice King spoke off to taunt as his images looked like they were almost real.

“So let me get this straight, you took me away to play some game?” Snow asked off this question, as in not being intimidated by this work.

“Oh, but it’s more tricky than that.” The Ice King spoke off, as the images from the mirrors shared the same expression. “Prussfruvhmmm…” Then an ice ray or two came from some direction which Snow reacted to dodge. “This whole place is my world and I’m making sure you can’t out muscle me no more.” Ice King explained his plans, he saw and recall how strong this guy was, this time, he’s thinking strategically.

“You think that’s all I can do, big mistake.” Snow smiled off to say this in feeling almost insulted.

“We’ll see and you seem pretty chill-lax with your friends about to meet their doom.” Ice King spoke off from all over, trying to confuse his foe.

“I got two reasons; first, heroes always bring out their best when given some pressure to make them grow. Second…” Snow was slowly explaining his reasons of being about how Twilight’s group and Ben’s arrival will even the odds. “I trust them and the others to be okay until I join the fun. Which won’t take long.” He finished off to state these interesting facts now.

“Hah-hah…gotta find me first.” Ice King laughed off, as many of the mirrors show the ice giant leaving, trying to deceive of where he even is.

“Oh, I think I know just what to do….you can attack me all you want…it’ll be your last.” Snow slowly spoke in his aura beginning to flare up a white breeze that was cool as the guy is about to let loose.

The Ice King growls while many of the areas fire off ice ray beam shots. Snow was soon in a large cloud of smoke, but while things look distressful, then we don’t know how well Snow is…as he shoots off ready….to save the day; hero style!


And now the Mane Six party soon enter pass the large doors to enter what seems to be an inner chamber room, it’s a very large one of that where one could fit an entire ballroom of giants in by the thousands of that of a town or city. But seen across an upper area where another floor lead further into the castle made of cold ice, it was opening for something…to appear.

“I see you have come, at long last.” Spoke a female voice that was truly sounding empty, unfeeling, and very emotionless.

Now the gang felt a chill in the air, different from the Ice King’s voice since this one…felt far more eviler than that guy ever is. And soon appearing in the light, the gang look above the stairway to see the Ice Queen making her grand entrance.

“You have come at a perfect timing, heroes of Equestria. Allow the introduction, as you have guessed it, I….am the Ice Queen.” The Ice Queen announced for all to know who she is to those that do not know. “And soon, all shall know me as the TRUE, Frozen Queen, when all the warmth from the fleshy living hearts…turn bitter and cold.” She declared this out as a feat where all will acknowledge that she’s the true Queen of Ice; the Frozen Queen…by freezing all warmth of all things living.

“Brrrrr…..just hearing her speak sounds cold already.” Phobos shakes himself in getting the shivers here.

“No kidding, it’s like this whole room is at subzero.” Adult Nyx nods to her friend in looking at the evil queen, she’s making the whole place feel extra cold.

“She’s letting off a loose amount of her power, it’s already grown this strong in such a short amount of time,” Snowcrystal spoke with worry, the Ice Queen has already gotten this strong now after freezing more warm hearts of all creatures. “We need to be careful, do many of you recall the abilities Frozen Sage used?” She issued a warning and asked the Sparkle Family if they recall the techniques that Frozen Sage performed.

“I think I pretty much gotten them down.” Twilight nods a bit in stating that she recalls much of that battle. “First, she used one called Freezing Hearts, by focusing from her eyes turn cyan, fired a blast beam that if hit on the chest right where the heart is, freezing the heart while the victims had 30 minutes to live before turning completely a crystallized ice form. Another called Frozen Ice Beam where she unleashed a powerful beam of ice from her weapon that if it impacts, it won’t be a pleasant feeling. A third one called Snowstorm, where her eyes glowed in white and hard snowball drops are blown out like a storm at the targets, blowing those hard to the ground, preventing and making it difficult for anyone to get back up. Another like Crystal Shards RISING, if she slams a weapon to the ground to glow white, the ground shakes hard, large crystallized shards appear to strike, they could act according to her will for defense and become like solid hands to grab opponents. A worse attack like Frozen Shard Force, she could create a large, powerfully strong shard to blast against us for extra damage effect.” That much of an explanation could tell the gang that if the Ice Queen can do the same abilities like Frozen Sage, then that’s a lot of deadly & terrifying moves to watch out for.

“And she had a Guardian call Yeti and he was pretty bad against three of the Guardians Ben used in that battle.” Spike stated off in feeling a bit nervous in remembering that time.

“Then you need be careful, she can basically use a mimicry of ice moves that Frozen Sage herself uses, and with her power much stronger, it’s almost like you’re facing her again.” Snowcrystal forewarn everyone that from what she can sense, the Ice Queen’s magic strength…is now near that of Frozen Sage of the Mystic Councilmen.

“Except that time, Twilight didn’t have US with her!” Rainbow Dash proclaimed this with a sly smile in stating that Twilight has her pals with her now.

“Hate ta admit it, but Dashie’s right.” AJ nods with a smile on her face in agreeing to the subject.

“Quite so, as long as we all stick & work together as one.” Rarity smiles to state off in what she knows the group can do.

“Then our friendship can pull through whatever we encounter.” Fluttershy responded to say that they can do this, the Mane Six are the Elements of Harmony after all.

“Right, no scary ice lady is gonna make us into popsicles and get away with it!” Pinkie Pie nods off to say that they won’t lose to some evil being whose heart is as cold as ice.

“If you fools wish a cold death, then I shall give it too you!” The Ice Queen declared off in seeing if those that wish to challenge her, then they’ll be given a cold moment to die from.

And so the battle has begun here at last…what will happen now, we’re about to see.

“If you think you are a match against me, you must prove it. By defeating my coldhearted creature.” The Ice Queen stated this off before holding up her icy scepter. “Come forth! Yeti, the Frozen Guardian!” She spoke forth the name that almost sent a shocking feedback to the Sparkle Family’s minds.

Then suddenly, a big blue swirling portal appeared and out came a familiar guardian; a giant whitish hairy with ram horns, had strong claws & his feet were large, and wore armor and icing gauntlets & knee armor. But there was something odd about it, its structure seem more icy crystal than of a fleshy fur makeover. Its entire body was admitting a strong white mist that made the room feel even colder.

“No way! Isn’t that…” Adult Nyx gasped off in seeing the creature they never expected to run into again.

“The beast Frozen Sage sick’d on our own Guardians.” Spike stated off in remembering this fearsome and powerful creature.

“And that thing ended up freezing them over. But how can she call him?” Phobos stated off while pondering how the Ice Queen is calling in a Guardian that should listen to Frozen Sage.

“She is a Frozen Queen, therefore, she can use anything Frozen Sage perform, including to summon an ice replicate of her guardian beast.” Snowcrystal explained to the group again that their enemy is using similar ones and abilities as Frozen Sage, and they can be as effective as the real thing, even a Guardian Creature.

“Well I figure if we were facing a Frozen Queen, three Guardians would wanna at least get some payback.” Twilight spoke this off before showing what she had up her sleeve, two rings and a bracelet, they were… “Egola! Phoenix! Saint Anger!” She shouted off to hold the items up to call their names.

Then as Twilight held up the rings & bracelet, they glowed in a blinding light before what came next…where the Magical Guardians: Egola, Phoenix, and Saint Anger. They all were standing, hovering, the creatures let off growls and squawk noises in being ready to fight while the one shape like giant hands grasp and made a punch in the palm to signal they are ready.

“Humph….has the cold effected your mind or are you incapable to think under pressure?” Ice Queen remotely stated in seeing this action as if it was laughable. “I know full well, those worthless Guardians failed to defeat Frozen Sage and they were wipeout against Guardian Yeti, are you letting worthless feelings of the heart guide you. Utterly useless, emotions are when things should have none and remain obedient to be strong.” She explained forth this matter and what she knows about Twilight’s Guardians last battle against another Frozen Queen, but this time, the pony thought with a heart than her brain.

“You’re wrong! After the battle, we all got stronger, even a lost can give birth to a lesson to make one stronger.” Twilight protest to say that no matter what, even if the heroes had one lost, as long as they live, they can turn a lost into victory by learning from it.

“Then learn your lesson now, in cold oblivion! Now, freeze them all Yeti, Frozen Blast!” Ice Queen issued off to say while commanding her beast guardian of evil to attack, with a move that is sure to shake up some memories.

“GRUUOOWWWUURAAGHHH/Powwfrussvhzizizisisivhmm…” Soon the evil Yeti let off a roar that unleashed a blast blizzard of the coldest of cold frost that impacted Twilight’s three Guardians and scattered all over the room. “Creak-creak-creakfruvhmmm…” The gang’s guardians were already starting to feel the full force of that attack, making Phoenix’s flames grow dimmer, Saint Anger’s movement drop in grip form, and Egola was trying to defend against this as the cold was trying to make it harder for even a creature made of ice. But the enemy’s attack was also effecting everywhere else, and making the group tense up from almost feeling like they’ll go numb soon.

“Twi-Twi-Twilight, tell me you got a plan?” Rainbow Dash asked off from shaking from the cold, their smart friend must know what to do here, right?

“Yes, or else….achooo….we might all catch a death of cold.” Rarity spoke off while sneezing from the freezing temperature.

“Ye said Egola is immune ta this, but last time even he felt de cold.” AJ stated in what their pal told them about the Sparkle’s encounter when Frozen Sage gave the Guardians a hard time.

“Yes, but look.” Twilight spoke off to first say while going into more detail. “Frozen Sage might have been cruel to harm them, but she instead help them overcome a weakness.” She explained this as something for the group to understand.

“A weakness?” Fluttershy repeated off what her friend just said.

“What’s that?” Pinkie Pie asked off in not knowing the weakness.

“Watch and you’ll see.” Twilight smiled with having confidence that this time…their Guardian friends won’t lose to another Frozen Queen foe.

Crystal Yeti was delivering its attack, as much of the gang’s Guardians look almost ready to lose and become frozen.

“You may as well surrender, my Yeti can unleash a temperature as cold as Frozen Sage’s power, your guardians are….what?” Just as the Ice Queen was bragging, she yelped in noticing something

Within the blast, Egola was seen with his arms out in pushing against the power of the Yeti Guardian even with everything freezing up to a temperature the heroes are lucky to withstand. “GRUOOOAWWRRRUGHHHH!” Egola was letting off a more powerful roar as he seem to be growing larger, absorbing the powerful cold into he’s being, and then as he came near the foe…. “Powwfrusvhmmm….Bammgrufhvmmm….!” With one powerful and enlarge arm, Egola punched the target that cease Crystal Yeti’s attack while smashing it against the ice castle walls while chipping it’s armor.

“WHAAAT!” The Ice Queen shouted off in staring in complete disbelief at what she was seeing. “Egola survived and broke apart of Yeti’s armor, but how?” She did not understand, she had the info, that guardian of Twilight’s party could not be stronger than the same level her Crystal Yeti is to Frozen Sage’s own, then why?

“Simple fact, Egola can be immune to the cold, but if it gets colder, then he can absorb the cold to his own use to attack by getting bigger and hitting a target like an ice mountain.” Twilight explained with a sly smile in having that knowledge be the key to help Egola overcome the coldest of temperatures…by absorbing it and getting bigger, making it harder to topple the ice giant guardian.

“Tch, but the other two were not so lucky. Crystal Yeti, finish them!” The Ice Queen grit her teeth before protesting that two of Twilight’s forces are down, and commands her servant to attack.

“GROOUUWWOORRUUGHHHH!” Crystal Yeti was charging forth to attack the Guardians that were down, but only Phoenix was seen unmoving while Saint Anger….

“Clapoowfruvhmmm…/Breaktrissvhmmm…” Then without warning, Saint Anger toughen itself before launching off and punching from front and back by a spinning drill pattern, on the Yeti beast which cracked more of the armor.

“Saint Anger are hands that when the tough gets rough, they gotta toughen up, and that’s what they’ve done. Especially when they were wrestling the other & helping the Apples make more crop fields.” Twilight explained this matter of Saint Anger also becoming stronger to which infuriated the Ice Queen.

“But you forgotten, even the Phoenix…” The Ice Queen was about to state that the Phoenix, despite its burning flames could not defeat the cold from even Frozen Sage, but…

“There’s a legend about the phoenix breed, they rise from the ashes, their flames more brilliant than ever. I did my research and if a strong phoenix breed falls in battle, then once it recovers, it’ll be stronger than ever.” Twilight smiled to say this, that when a phoenix meets an end, it revives and becomes more healthy and stronger than before, and for a Guardian Phoenix type, that means one thing…

“Fruoofrusvhmmm….” Just then, Phoenix’s body lit up with more flames that made the cold vanish in the room and made the Ice Queen cringe from the strong flames. “Grooarrrrooaarrughhhh!” Now Phoenix was seen flapping upwards, more hotter than ever and was gazing towards the target. “Frupowwfruvhmmm…..Powwfruvhmmm…” Then it shot off an incredibly more powerful burst of a flamethrower that impounded against Crystal Yeti that had no defense.

“Groouuaaauuuooaaaauuughhh….” Ice Queen’s Yeti let off a crying wail as its structure was seen glowing a bright red color before…it reach an end. “Trusissiisifruvhmmm…” Then without warning, the ice copy of Frozen Guardian Yeti vanished away into nothingness.

The heroes cheered while the Magical Guardians either made cheery sounds of victory or Saint Anger gave a secret clap hand shake; they won that battle.

“Alright! They did it!” Spike cheered in seeing their Guardians won that fight.

“And it looks like they’re happy, cause they delivered some SERIOUS Payback!” Phobos stated from seeing how happy their Guardian buddies are to have defeated that evil version of a Yeti Guardian that beat them once before.

“Return!” Twilight spoke off to hold up the magic items that magically called back her Magical Guardian friends. “Now it’s just you and us.” She gaze at the Ice Queen, stating that it’s now the villain against the heroes.

“You fools think that just because you defeated a guardian, you can easily win against me?” Ice Queen stated off with a frown in seeing the group are getting cocky.

“Our Guardians wanted to redeem themselves for feeling they let us down, now that they got rid of something they felt humiliated them, they can relax while we stop you!” Adult Nyx explained that their Guardian friends felt like they wanted to make amends from a defeat when the situation counted, and now that they have, the gang can handle the rest.

“Then you shall fall as all shall before the TRUE Frozen Queen!” The Ice Queen proclaimed this to wield her ice scepter in preparing to attack. “Frozen Ice Beam!” Now she unleashes a powerful beam of ice from her weapon heading for the group.

The gang were lucky to dodge when they could, cause the impact made anything become more icy. And the queen was firing more of that attack to make everyone yelp and dodge to not get hit.

“Twilight, how’d ye counter dat move?” AJ asked off her friend in what she did against such a move.

“We didn’t. Cadence and I tried using a double Unicorn Burst, but Frozen Sage’s attack overpowered us.” Twilight explained that the last time she saw that attack, it over powered her own even with another friend helping her.

“Maybe not double; how’s about quadruple!” Rainbow Dash issued off to increase the odds by four times. “Bombardment Mode: Unicorn Cannon!” Dashie transformed her nun-chucks into the bombardment mode, and was taking aim. “Lock-On! Waaaaaughhhh/BOOM-BOOM…Powwfruvhmmm….” Soon she lock on target and fired her strongest attack heading right against the queen.

“My turn! Party Blaster!” Pinkie Pie brought out her party cannon and took aim with it set on max. “Powwfruvhmmm….” And she too fired a powerful cannon shot blast heading at the target.

“Night Shade!” Adult Nyx had her horn glow before firing her own attack.

Soon the attacks collided against the Ice Queen’s next attack and both attacks collided to stop the other from breeching. It wasn’t long before they exploded that it equal a tie from both sides. The queen made an upset face in seeing these heroes were keeping her attack from breaching their defense.

“Don’t think that’s all I can do! Snowstorm!” Ice Queen declared off from her eyes glowed white and she summoned hard snowball drops to be blown out like a storm at the targets.

“Fluttershy, let’s counter with our own defense.” Rarity issued this off to her friend in seeing they need to work fast.

“Right, Rarity!” Fluttershy nods in understanding the plan here.

Now Rarity used her Eternal Style to form a gem shield and Fluttershy used her Rosin Crystal Petal’s Links Shield that help stop the attacks from touching the gang and help them stay safe.

“Try some of this, partner!” Applejack spoke off in lassoing her lasso around the queen’s left giant wrist to stop her action.

“Rrrreeeeurghh….” The Ice Queen growls from pulling her wrist from the pony holding her. “You dare to challenge a queen!” She snarled off towards those that dare to even think they have a chance to win.

“Not just her!” Spike stated off from nearby the queen.

“But the rest of us!” Phobos also spoke when the two were behind the villain.

Then the baby Dragons both let loose their flames that impacted the target that had her guard down. But as the smoke clears, she’s shown to not be that badly damage, just more angry.

“You shall all freeze!” The Ice Queen declared forth this in sounding serious now. “Crystal Shards RISING!” She slams her weapon into the ground, as it glows white.

Then the ground shakes hard, before large crystallized shards appear to strike around the gang. Everyone scattered around to evade the attacks, but the shards act accordingly to the Ice Queen’s will for not only defending her, but in becoming like solid hands to try to snatch and grab the gang.

“Oh boy, her it comes!” Snowcrystal yelps from seeing they are now facing another problem that’s all over.

“Mom and aunty Cadence nearly handle this. Can we stop it?” Adult Nyx stated from dodging while pondering how to defeat this technique.

“I can, here goes nothing.” Snowcrystal spoke off in seeing that she might be able to stop this attack with her own. “Ice Make - Cannon!” She grasp her front hooves as a mist of icy particles began to be used for creation.

Then soon the mare created a cannon made of ice before having it fire off shots that destroyed a few of those shards and save the heroes.

“Insolent little child, you may hold the power that Frozen Sage once wielded, but I…am one that holds power to freeze all!” Ice Queen stated from glaring at Snowcrystal, she may have the Element of Ice, but that does not mean victory for the ponies is certain. “Frozen Shard Force!” She announced forth in preparing her next to fearsome attack.

Soon the bigger guns were pulled out, as a large, powerfully strong shard was formed before being blasted off to attack the targets.

“Oh man, I hope this move I’ve develop can help.” Snowcrystal spoke in trying to focus on another attack, a really strong one to stop this enemy move. “Ice Block - Pheasant Beak!!” Snowcrystal announced forth in glowing an ice aura around her to release a massive wave of ice shape of…a pheasant. “Claspowfruvhmm….” She used her strong attack in a single blast as hers and the queen’s technique clashed against another before completely canceling the other out.

“What? That attack should have been flawless!” The Ice Queen protest in seeing the action that was unbelievable.

“Snow helped show me some new advanced ideas and moves for me to work on, and he was right.” Snowcrystal smiled off to mention that she had help learning how to perform that move, and it was a nice one indeed.

“You all will not defeat Meeeeee!” The Ice Queen shouted out in sounding like she’s having had enough here.

Then the enemy unleashed a strong force a cold weather against all the heroes as they were all bracing from the force that could freeze one solid.

“This time, I’ll use what I should have done before…the Freezing Heart!” The Ice Queen declared in going to use something of more precise killing method.

“Oh no! That’s a move that’s un-reversible unless the caster undoes the spell! Cadence managed to do it, but…” Twilight gasp in horror to remember how that spell could be a seriously dangerous power.

“I’ll hit you all with the biggest one there is!” The Ice Queen announced to wave out her arms, as she aim her scepter to where her aim will be so big, tiny targets will be engulfed no matter what.

Soon what looked like the Freezing Heart was launched out from her cyan glow eyes into a large scale blast beam. But before that move could touch the gang, Snowcrystal was magically while in front of the attack…as it impacted her. Since the attack was an Ice related spell and being a user to the Element of Ice, she was trying to absorb much of this while knowing it wasn’t gonna affect her. Then a bright implosion happened that blinded everyone’s eyesight before seeing what came….

“Uggh…” Snowcrystal was knocked backwards from that attack as she took it all for her friends.

“Snowcrystal!” The others responded to gather around to check up on a friend that took a bullet for them.

“Is she alright?” Adult Nyx asked in hoping it’s not a repeat of what happened to those they care for when that technique hit them in the hearts.

“No…ugh, luckily, it’s not effective on me, I got lucky. But….not only do I feel a bit achy, but strange…not bad, but good.” Snowcrystal responded to sit herself up a bit from having taken that deadly attack that would finish off anyone if it hit their heads, but while she was okay…she felt as if her well-being was….better than okay. How strange it sounds indeed.

“Hugh?” The baby Dragons responded a bit puzzled, what could that even mean.

“Impossible….again you defile my work, this time, none shall….” The Ice Queen protest in seeing again, someone has stopped one of her attacks, she shall not stand for it, now she’ll…

Suddenly, the background played a theme called ’Snow’s Theme’ from Final Fantasy XIII (Extended) for a critical moment to play out. Then without warning, something of two long chain swords were launched from afar and they wrapped around the queen, stopping her actions from attacking the gang. As everyone was shock at this, all eyes glue to who was at the end of the chain, and it was….a familiar pink pony lookalike.

“Uh-uh-uhhhh, not on my watch, missy!” Pinkamena spoke off in stating that she won’t let the Ice Queen getaway with such evil.

“Pinkamena!” The Mane Six responded off surprise, the Pinkie Pie lookalike was here at long last.

“Grrrr….” The Ice Queen growl before using her magic and scepter to almost freeze away her binds when….

“Sword Beam!” Ben’s voice sounded off from afar.

“Golden Beam!” Golden Heart’s voice sounded off from nearby to.

“Frsusufruvhmmm…Bammfruvhmmm….” Then those attacks were shot off from two directions and impacted at the same time with the highest force measurable by their respective users. “Gaaaughhh!” The Ice Queen let off an agonizing screech before she endured it to see…who had perform the task of attacking her when she was tied up.

And entering the scene at this heroic moment. Goldie & Ben walking into the picture with their swords out.

“Golden Heart. Ben. You all made it.” Twilight smiled off in seeing those she cares for are at last here.

“We had some problems getting pass some Troop Penguins.” Jack Zen spoke off to enter from near the entrance as everyone smiled to see this guy too.

“But we’re not alone!” Golden Heart smiled off in quoting a little fact for everyone to notice.

Then what came from a burning floor earn the queen’s attention as it was very bizarre because it radiated heat and a castle of ice HAS no heat. So where was it truly coming from unless….

“Flamethrower!” Both Omega & Crash Fire were heard from below of what their similar move was gonna be. “Purfrrrossvhmmm….” Then erupting from the ice floor was a double-dosage of flamethrowers impacting against the evil Frozen Queen.

“GRUUUOOAAARRUGHHHH!” At that moment, the Ice Queen was being pushed back while Pinkamena’s Blades of the Pinkie Pie let go and watch the queen crashed against her own royal ice walls.

“We had Omega & Crash Fire go underneath to attack her without seeing us. Course that also took time to burn through a lot of ice.” Ben explained the case off in what they did there, attack from a few directions to bring about confusion.

“Father, we’re just glad you could make it here.” Adult Nyx spoke in relief that her father and the others are here.

“Guagh-haaaugh….” The Ice Queen struggled to get herself on her feet again while noticing, the situation of new arrivals. “How….you should have been detained by the Ice King’s trap?” She asked off in not knowing how the group even got here, the Ice King was below, they couldn’t have gotten pass him that easily. Could they…?

“Breakfrivhmmm…Kurpowwfruvhmmm…” Then the entire floor board was shattered into an explosive force that created much smoke clouds that surprised everyone. “GWUUAAAAAUGH…Guuaaugh!” The Ice King was shot off to land near the Ice Queen, looking completely beaten up and almost unrecognizable.

“Sorry, we were just finishing up our little game and I told these guys to go on ahead of me.” Snow responded from when he came out of the dust cloud, looking pretty much okay.

“Snow!” Everyone responded in seeing the guy was in the room too after he was taken elsewhere, and really sent the enemy packing…again.

“Ugh, sorry my icy muffin, the guy cheated…he sent a blizzard that frozen and cover my mirrors and well….I rather not finish saying.” Ice King spoke his pathetic excuse of the situation of his defeat.

“A little Blizzaga that targets a wide area, it’s the strongest ice-elemental attack of the Blizzard & Bizzara techniques, should have thought ahead, king.” Snow explained with a sly grin in having outwitted the foolish Ice King that for a pony that can make it snow, you best be ready for a cold front. “Looks like the late heroes are here to help put an end to things, and it looks like you all managed to give her royal highness a hard time.” Snow complimented the gang in seeing that their foe is about to be defeated, another push or so will do it.

The Ice Queen glared around in seeing that now a lot of the heroes have come together. Those that were injured, she could finish, but now that she was weaken by the new arrivals, and with Snow in company along with Ben Mare, their strength ‘might’ win. The evil queen needs to come up with a solution to this dilemma or she’ll lose what she has been striving to achieve here.

“Grrr…we must retreat to the top of the castle to rethink our strategy. Come on!” The Ice Queen spoke off in stating that they need to get away from here.

“Oh-ow….wait for me! WAIT UUUUP!” The Ice King yelps to pick himself up while cringing from the back pains he’s feeling.

“Targets will not escape!” Omega declared off to take aim with his Gatling guns pointed out now.

“Hrrrrugh….Frozen Shard Force BARRAGE!” The Ice Queen growls in seeing the heroes wanted to get her before she can escape, but she swung her scepter to make it glow an incredible blinding light at the targets. “Powwwfrusuuvhmm……” Then suddenly by an explosive work, instead of one large ice shard, was a barrage of powerfully strong ice shards.

“Woah, this could do us in, but good thing I’m here! Snow Dome!” Snow spoke off in seeing that move was a more deadlier form and decided to act fast in protection defense.

Soon afterwards, Snow perform a move that surprised everyone, he created a dome that acted like a shield to block physical and magical attacks. As the layers Snow made for this, the stronger the defense it was, making it harder for opponents to break in, which proved useful to stop a powerful attack the Ice Queen used that never reach the gang. After the attacker’s attack was ceasing, Snow used his ability to remove the snow layers. And once the dome was brought down and during the background theme ending, the gang saw that both Ice Rulers have escaped.

“Darn! They got away!” Rainbow Dash cursed in seeing their foes have given them the slip.

“But they might still be here.” Applejack stated this off to her pal that the enemy isn’t actually gone.

“Yes, they did say to go upwards than downwards.” Rarity stated in agreement, they know where the Ice Queen is heading.

“That means the top, I KNEW IT! Bad guys Loooove being at the top where the final battle is set to play out.” Pinkie Pie spoke off in stating that she knew very well that the villains are going to wait for them at the top before they settle things.

“Oh my, what do you think will happen when we get there?” Fluttershy asked off in wondering with worry of the situation.

“Probably something bad, but I’ve gotten stronger where we fought and obtain something for me.” Crash Fire stated that if the enemy was waiting them, then it’s a good thing he has what has made him stronger.

“It’s strange, but I also feel like something has made a tickle and I feel a new inner strength.” Snowcrystal spoke to her brother in also feeling like something knew has also brought out some hidden strength inside.

“That’s good, maybe that can help us defeat the Ice Queen & Ice King.” Pinkamena smiled to her companions in seeing they may yet have the chance to seize victory.

“Then let’s cast a few healing spells to recover much of our strength.” Jack Zen insisted in what they should do here before going any further.

“Smart thinking Jack, we don’t wanna enter this with a half-filled glass.” Golden Heart nods in seeing that was the smart choice, they need every strength they got if this next fight…is gonna be even harder and more difficult for them.

“Then let’s help save Equestria from losing their warm hearted souls.” Adult Nyx spoke forth in being serious of what their big task is for the moment.

“Right, Nyx! Ben, everyone, you all ready?” Twilight nods in agreement, as she asked around for those that are raring for this moment.

“Don’t worry Twilight, I’ll be there every step of the way.” Ben responded with a smile to insure to his love…that he’s here and will help fight together to take down the Ice Queen.

“Right, with this much of us, we can do this!” Spike smiled off to say that from all their forces here, they stand a chance.

“Right, let’s take us down an evil Queen of Frozen!” Phobos nods off with an eager attitude in feeling they can win this.

“Now that’s the kinda hero attitude that gets us going. So if we’re all in agreement, time to show off our stuff…and shine like never before.” Snow smiled off eagerly at the young ponies’ enthusiasm that with an attitude like that, they’ll get far and bring forth a power to shine brightly.

Now everyone slowly, but surely gets some healing treatment, especially from Fluttershy’s Rosin’ Crystal Petals that speed up the pace. In ten minutes, everyone was all healed up, refresh, and rejuvenated that it’s time they head on after the evil Ice Queen, and her goofy king too. As the scene goes dark, everyone is now getting ready to heat things up in this evil Ice Kingdom of evil….


The scene opens to where we see the Ice King helping the wounded Ice Queen into a unusual tower chamber within their palace. They managed to escape the heroes, but it won’t be long before they arrive to stop their evil plans from freezing all of Equestria. They need to come up with a solution or lose it all here and now it seems.

“This isn’t good, the heroes have join together and outnumber us.” Ice King spoke in fear of realizing that this was not good for their side.

“I can see that you, fool…ugh.” Ice Queen snapped off to say while yelping from leaning on her scepter, but held her gut in pain from that battle she was in. “I can’t fail now, I’m so much more closer than ever before. I need to…call in some aid.” She stated to leave the Ice King to approach some room they have enter in.

“Oh good idea, maybe a few Troop Penguins, or maybe those emotionless froze heart ponies we got.” Ice King smiled off in thinking that what they need is extra help by their own capable fighters. “Wait, I know! I’ll create a magic portal to another world to get our own different selves from an alternate universe to help us out. How’s that sound?” He was stating a goofy idea of getting other versions of the two to help out, but….

“No! I’ve made my choice, I’ll going to request aid of the most powerful villain of them all.” Ice Queen snapped off to the foolish Ice King, as she came near a demonically evil gargoyle mirror style in white & icy lining & clear blue eyes on the creature.

“Oh, well who is it?” Ice King spoke off stump to hear this, as he became a bit curious now. “The only big names of villainy would be the Three Lords. Like the Superior guy or Dark Curse or…..uh oh! You don’t me….” As he was thinking up who was the most evil of them all, that’s when even it dawn to a goof like him…only one and truly ONE creature in Equestria history is the worse of the worse kinds of evil; and it surprised him with fright.

“Hear me ice mirror upon the wall, channel my evil desire to he who is all powerful and godly! I request an audience with the Overlord King of Tartarus….Grimmore!” The Ice Queen held out her arms in chanting to her mirror, requesting the service of the Demon God himself, Grimmore, to aid her dying need.

Then without warning, the mirror’s image started to show a blazing inferno flame that seem to scare the Ice King a bit. But soon what came was a familiar Dark Elf upon his throne as he rested his head on his right hand, his eyes were soon focus on who wish to speak…to Grimmore; the most powerful villain in Equestria & the number one threat of the Three Lords; the War God was now looking at those that have called to him.

“Waaaaughh…de-ooh, hi there….you’re Demon Godly-ness. You look terrifying well today, been working out?” The Ice King yelped in fear and terror and sheepishly spoke to compliment the evil Dark Elf of unbelievable godlike powers.

“Hmmm….” Grimmore’s eyes stare off around the room, which made the Ice King yelp to cower behind his queen. “I sense tension within your kingdom, some familiar heroes are nearby.” Grimmore spoke with a solid expression of not showing any emotion of what was occurring as it seems the Mane Six and their group are at the Ice Ruler’s palace.

“Yes, oh great one….I beseech thee, help me turn this world into a frozen realm and I shall serve you and let you rule as you please.” Ice Queen bows with some grace in requesting Grimmore to help her turn the tide into her favor while offering rule of the world…to the Demon God.

“Um, but if he rules, then what spots do we call shots in owning? Gwuooogh?” Ice King asked off a good question before he got jab by the queen to shut up; if Grimmore rules, then what else will they have?

“I need to call upon every Wendigo and perform a spell to effect this entire planet into a cold winter without any warmth of love and friendship. With it, I can even help in your freedom, Lord Grimmore.” Ice Queen spoke of needing the power to freeze everything, and with that, she offers to set free the most dangerous creature onto the world.

Grimmore studied the situation to know very well of what was going on, and within his evil mind, saw an interest of what would happen. Soon he created something with a mix of a Copy Crystal that contain a portion of Ben Mare’s Triforce with a red shard. The two flash for a brief moment before what appeared was some red ice shard admitting a tremendous amount of power that was felt by the Ice Queen & Ice King even by the portal mirror. Then appearing out of the mirror by swirling inferno was the red shard that the queen grasp and felt a tremendous force behind it, just as the mirror return to showing Grimmore once more.

“Take this, a fusion of a small amount of the Triforce has created this new object; the Wendigo Ice Shard, shall serve in granting you the power to do what you wish.” Grimmore explained briefly of what force that red shard the Ice Queen held can do; grant her the power to do what she has dreamed about; that is, freeze everything and make all be emotionless.

“Ooooohhhh, so it’s guarantee to help us win?” Ice King smiled for joy in thinking this one trinket was their meal ticket to winning.

“Humph, I said it shall serve in completing your wish, what you do is up to you.” Grimmore made a light chuckle to the subject, as he never said any of that; only that the item will do whatever their wish would be. “Do try to entertain me, for I shall observe your progress.” He opened his eyes to stare by a godly’s view into the small creatures before him, stating he’ll see how things go in progress.

Then without warning, Grimmore vanished from sight while the mirror return to being normal. The Ice Rulers were now left alone in the room while the Ice Queen clutch the object that shall help her freeze all of Equestria.

“Now with this….all heroes and even the Mystics shall be truly unable to stop me!” Ice Queen spoke with pride and satisfaction, for now she’ll at last defeat all and gain what she has wanted.

“You sure, not that I’m questing Grimmore or something stupid, even I’m not that dumb.” Ice King asked off with his silly questions if this object can truly give them a victory.

“Then come, it is time to put an end to this battle and rule over a new ice planet!” Ice Queen spoke forth in announcing that they must move forth, the time to bring everything together, is long last at hand.

Then the two rulers of ice were moving to go up another batch of stairs. Soon with the great power that they now have in their grasp, they’ll bring forth the Ice Age to new heights unlike anything ever seen in the history of Equestria. The destiny of fate is ticking, and unless good can melt away the icy coldness, no heart can get warm from, then it may already be too late. As everything begins to darken here, as the final battle of the adventure is at last….coming soon…

Author's Note:

And now with this up, 2 more works to go, up next is the finale. The heroes get ready to face the Ice Queen's ultimate power when she'll gather the Wendigos, create a comet that will shortly impact the planet to turn it into a frozen wasteland & all feelings of love & friendship, emotions will be cold as the heart is. The gang are gonna have to try to bring out some of their best stuff, and it maybe not only Snow that helps out, but new awakenings from Crash Fire & Snowcrystal to help save the day. So stay tune now... citing fun later on with this story.