• Published 13th Feb 2016
  • 559 Views, 1 Comments

MLP: Tough As...Snow - JusSonic

The Mane Six meets a new ally who is cool while dealing with some cooler but evil villains!

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Chapter 03: Hotter Under the Cool Collar!

Chapter 03: Hotter Under the Cool Collar!

The scene opens up to where we now see who is moving along to get off a train that park outside a frozen field area that was familiar, yet further away from the Crystal Empire. And who would come out, then the Mane Six, the baby Dragon duo, and Nyx. Also coming out to join them was Snowcrystal and Snow before they got off and the train’s doors shut afterwards. Once the train was seen leaving the area, it was only these guys that were gonna be journeying through this strangely blizzard forecast they are having.

“Does any pony find this trip almost familiar?” Rainbow Dash asked off in somehow feeling like they went through this snowy weather before.

“Ye mean like we’re in a deja vu of having done this before?” Applejack asked off in figuring what her friend was going on about.

“I believe the first time to the Crystal Empire, if my memory is not mistaken.” Rarity spoke off in recalling that event from ways back.

“Oh my, that was when we were chased by Sombra when he was evil!” Fluttershy gasped in recalling that day, the day the Crystal Empire return from being gone a 1000 years.

“Good thing he’s now reform and we won’t have to worry about that.” Pinkie Pie happily explained that Sombra is no longer the evil that he was back then.

“I’m surprise this is as far north as the trains can get to. But then again, the rest of the way is more hiking up near mountains.” Twilight responded off to mention this that they’ll have to climb snowy mountains since it’s hard for transportation to go that far up north.

“Sure wish daddy was here to see this.” Nyx stated in wishing her father could be here to see this view with them.

“Not to worry kiddo, your dad will join us. Wanna know why?” Snow smiled off to say in trying to cheer up the little one that felt a little down. Then he pounds his chest where the heart is located with this to say. “Cause you know in your heart, he’ll show up to not let anyone down.” Snow proudly spoke this off like any hero would say to bring up one’s spirit.

“Wow, those are some motivated words.” Phobos replied off to say in hearing such bravo words.

“Yeah, and they do help us think more positive.” Spike nods in thinking that what Snow said does help them a bit.

“Still, I hope my brother is okay with going the longer way.” Snowcrystal spoke in feeling that her brother is going the longer way, she hopes he’ll be okay.

“Well, this isn’t the easy shortcut either to the Ice Kingdom.” Snow shrug off to say that where they are going into the Frozen North, the shortest isn’t always easiest either. “But I know they’ll be meeting up with us soon. And we’ll arrive at the same location. Besides, Crash Fire & Ben have extra company to ensure that they’ll make it safely through and be stronger than before.” Snow explained that they’ll meet at the same location, and that those with Ben & Crash Fire, AKA Goldie’s group, are there to watch their backs.

“I really hope so.” Snowcrystal whispered to herself in giving herself some self-confidence here.

“Hey, what’s that up ahead?” Pinkie Pie points out in seeing something was coming towards them.

Then at the moment, something was seen approaching the gang from under the cover of the snowy blizzard. They look like black penguins with tan body front fur up to their faces, beaky-beaks, flappy wings, web feet unseen under their oval form bodies and with big round eyeballs.

“Oh my, it looks like….a couple of penguins.” Rarity responded in starting to smile at such cute little darlings.

“Woah now, I be careful, those aren’t your run of the mile kinda creatures. They serve the Ice Queen & King, as foot soldiers; hence they are called Troop Penguins.” Snow warn the others in being a bit more serious, as those penguins, are actually in service to the villains of the Frozen North territory.

“You gotta be kidding me, these guys?” Rainbow Dash raised an eyebrow in asking if that was a joke or something.

“Oh, but they look so sweet, like they wouldn’t hurt us.” Fluttershy spoke off in feeling like such cute little guys wouldn’t hurt anybody.

“Just how difficult can they be?” Applejack asked off the bigger question, like how exactly are penguins really dangerous?

Then without warning, the Troop Penguins took out strange magic ice scepter wands and were blasting them at the gang. This caused them to take evasive maneuvers to dodge while much of the frozen snow turn to ice. Some shots were more effective to cause something to turn into an icy puff-ball and implode which would scratch and injure anyone that was caught by that move.

“AAaahhhhh! What kinda inhuman logic is this? Cute little penguins attacking us in such dangerous measures, has the world gone mad?” Phobos screamed out in starting to panic in seeing they are pin down with cute, but evil penguins attacking them; NOW WHAT?

“Snap out of it! We gotta not lose it over some penguins here!” Spike was shaking Phobos to snap him out of panic mode.

“How’d you managed to get pass them, Mr. Snow?” Nyx asked off in thinking Snow may have a solution here.

“Well they aren’t the problem, it’s the hidden obstacle traps set out around here we need to be careful of.” Snow stated out another issue that they have to be on the lookout for beside penguins attacking them. “These guys are just to bait us, and one wrong move on the snow will set off a reaction, and believe me, you don’t wanna know what surprises they are.” He explained more of what to expect, this was a ploy to get them to attack.

“Hugh, well this isn’t looking too promising. Those things probably know where the traps are and are staying clear away from them.” Twilight sigh in feeling like this wasn’t gonna help them out.

“So is there a way to get over all of them?” Snowcrystal asked off if they had a way to get pass the traps and fight.

“Don’t worry, this’ll basically be training for many of you.” Snow explained off in mentioning this little fact to the gang. “On my mark, follow my lead, stay close and be precautions. Ready?” Snow was gonna help lead the attack and for where they all gotta keep their eyes peeled for what’s to come.

“Ready!” The gang responded in being ready to go on a hands notice.

“Alright, time for the heroes charge.” Snow smiled off to say this like a hero’s moment to shine.

Soon the scene enters were the gang are seen following behind Snow, others fly or levitate as they soon begin their attack on the penguin menace. As things go dark for now, we can be certain, this may turn into something of humorist later on in the gang’s quest.


At this very moment, the scene enters where we find Ben Mare, Crash Fire, along with Goldie’s group seen traveling through a cave entrance. Only this was no mere cave, this was the inner tunnel leading deep within….A VOLCANO! Luckily, Crash Fire perform a spell that gave every one of the living to be okay even while some would suffer under the hot temperature readouts of flames, lava, and so forth. As it has happened, Crash Fire asked Ben to travel with him on a different route to the Ice Kingdom within the Frozen North territory by going the long way…because it’s here that there is something that can make the stallion that has fire…stronger.

“Man Crash Fire, when you asked for my help to get stronger before fighting powerful foes of ice, I had some thought.” Ben spoke off to say these things in knowing that they have taken quite a long detour of their journey.

“So did I, but…I’m glad you agreed, what we’re seeking is not just related to me, but to your element as well.” Crash Fire responded to say in feeling surprise, and glad that Ben at least decide to help out with his own needs.

“Yeah, and maybe it can help us get stronger before our fight.” Ben nods off to say in looking on a positive view. “Say Crash Fire, alright if I ask you something?” Ben asked off this sudden question during their little time of travel.

“Sure Ben, what is it?” Crash Fire spoke off in ready to answer whatever question has for him.

“How did you ever become an Element User? I’ve been meaning to ask, but never got the chance.” Ben asked this off as a question that’s been on his mind lately.

“Well Ben, my element was in a spot that was very hard and dangerous to reach…inside a volcano.” Crash Fire spoke in stating how he first found his element…in the hottest of places.

“What?” Goldie’s group responded in almost being surprised to learn this info.

“Just which volcano was it hidden in?” Jack Zen asked off in being curious.

“Can’t quite remember, somewhere in Dragon territory maybe. I was just a curious colt after all.” Crash Fire responded off in having a hard time remembering what volcano he was in when he was young. “I was just an Earth pony when born, but I was curious about some weird events from a volcano nearby to check it out. Problem was, I reach a crack in the cave and fell deeper into the bowls of intensive heat.” He explained a part of his story in what he was doing and what happened to him somewhere along the lines.

“That kinda temperature isn’t good for your health.” Omega stated a fact that needed to be heard here.

“How’d you come out of it?” Goldie asked off a big question that was concerning them.

“Well, as it turn out, I was conscious and struggled to escape while feeling like my life was about to burn out. But that’s when I found it, in an altar room right in the center above the volcano was a lit flaming torch.” Crash Fire spoke forth in explaining the part of his story of where he went as everyone was focus on what happened next. “I went up to inspect it and the flames came alive to fuse with me, and forge over my forehead a horn you see and gave me my Cutie Mark.” He points to himself in stating that he became a unicorn by the Element of Fire, and gave him his cutie mark and the talent he was meant to do.

“Wow, that’s a hot tale if ever been told!” Pinkamena responded off in having heard the tale here. “So was it afterwards that you were un-effected by fire and heat temperatures that you got out and wanted to protect ponies by developing a new fighting style?” She explained the parts of the story that many could already figure out from what they know thus far of the aftermath.

“Yes, I did some travels all over Equestria, dreaming to find a great place to live. Somewhere along the lines, I met up with Rainbow Dash, and we became good friends until we met again, and with my sister, and in finding our home in Ponyville.” Crash Fire nods to respond to much of those questions while filling up in how things turn out for many here.

“Man, that’s some story.” Ben smiles off to say in having heard it all right now. “Hey look, we’ve arrived.” The guy spoke off in his focus paying attention at what’s ahead.

Just as Ben said, they entered through a carved door to enter in what looks like an open battle platform in the center, surrounded by lava. And from the circle stage in the center, there appeared to be some holes in the ground, filled with lava. The group quickly ventures deeper until they are all right in the volcano stage, as they look around.

“It’s strange, this place almost feels….familiar.” Ben spoke off to himself in looking around his surroundings, like he senses he’s been here before or a place similar.

“Maybe from the ages with one of the past wielders of the Triforce….” Crash Fire stated from what he thinks was the logical answer to such a question here.

“I’m gonna make a guess and say its Link, the Hero of Time, right?” Jack Zen pointed out in what his best guess on the subject would be.

“Attention! I’m detecting some unusual magic flow embedded in the wall around the front center.” Omega issued from his scanning sensors going off at the moment.

As the others looked ahead, there were of strange bone structure embedded in the wall frame. As it was lit with flames as if never going out, many were thinking it was because of the place, but it felt like…there was magic coming from the object. Even Ben, Crash Fire, heck, even Pinkamena who wield elements sense something very strong, powerful that relates to an element that left traces on that fossilize Dragon beast, and it was…

“Volvagia…” Ben whispered his words from almost gasping at what he saw and…spoke the name.

“What was that Ben?” Goldie asked off in feeling like the guy said something important.

“Those look like the firry remains of Volvagia…he was a Dragon that serve Ganondorf that kept the Guardian Sage of Fire sealed. But Link defeated him, that’s what my Triforce of Wisdom is telling me this history.” Ben explained what he knows from the Triforce of Wisdom that clue him in on what it was they are seeing. “Well, it was before I lost it during the fiasco with Starlight Glimmer.”

“So that must be it, Snow told Crash Fire this could help him, and it might just.” Pinkamena smiled off to say in seeing what it was they were here to get now. “Ganondorf had the Triforce of Power, so if Volvagia had an important task, some portion of that power must still remain in his, well…remains of those flames.” She easily stated off in what it was that they are here to get for Crash Fire.

“Then it’s time to collect what we came for, lets…” Crash Fire was about to say they should go and get what they came for, but….it’s not as simple as one thinks.

But just then, something was burning from one of the holes of lava in the stage, and soon something was soaring out of it. During which something is heard in the background called ‘Volvagia/King Dodonga Boss Battle’ (Extended) from the Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time Soundtrack. This thing seem like a Dragon, but is seem like it was a serpentine creature, armored in red scales, boasts two forelimbs equipped with claws and his cranium is covered, presumably, by a helmet-like exoskeleton. A fiery mane streaming from his neck is capable of inflicting injuries when it whips his head at targets. And although he lacks wings, he is seen capable of flight. The one extra part was how it was more black and lit blue flames as if looking like it was a cross of being alive and undead. “KRRIIsssuuhhhaaah…..” It let off a screeching Dragon’s roar, as it soar upwards into the air before staring down at the target. “Kriiuussrraaaughhh!” It made another loud Dragon screech before diving down into the hole with lava, and then vanishing within it.

“No way…that’s the Subterranean Lava Dragon! I thought there weren’t any around!” Golden Heart spoke off shock, he thought all those Dragons have long since been extinct!

“Tell me this isn’t the Ghost of Volvagia we’re seeing?” Jack Zen asked off in feeling like they are gonna fight a ghost of an enemy.

“Maybe its anti-social, but whoever or whatever it is….if it’s a fight he wants!” Ben started out that they can worry what enemy is here another time, but if he’s wanting to fight them.

“Then a fight he’s gonna get!” Crash Fire nods off in agreement, they came too far to turn back now.

“Okay team, time to rumble in a volcano-like manner!” Pinkamena declared forth in bringing out her Blades of Pinkie Pie.

“All systems are a go!” Omega declared off in getting his weapon systems online.

Now everyone was gearing up with their swords and whatnot other objects as the battle starts now. Especially since the way back soon was magically seal off to prevent any escapes. The group spotted a fiery hole looking ready to pop, and that’s when the gang duck from when this Neo-Volvagia as the heroes dubbed it, popped out to whip its fiery mane at them while it let off a roar.

“Gaaugh….” Goldie & Jack Zen were knock back a bit from that attack while the others dodge or protected themselves.

“Take this for hurting us, you slippery lava eel!” Pinkamena roared off in fury as she was striking with her shots of her extended chain blades.

“Kriisshaaaahh…” But Neo-Volvagia just retaliated back to whip his fiery mane to attack, Omega protected his mistress from getting hit.

“Ben, didn’t you say you had a weapon that another hero along with Link used to hurt Volvagia?” Crash Fire spoke out in recalling Ben had something that defeated Volvagia from the times where Link fought such an enemy and even another hero before then.

“Yeah, I hear yah! Let’s try it!” Ben nods in agreement, as he switch form the Master Sword, to… “Megaton Hammer/Powwfruvhmm…” Ben shouted off in summoning his hammer, and swung it hard downwards on the target’s noggin.

“Kreesssisisaaaarrrughhh!” Neo-Volvagia let off a long screech of pain from when he felt that harm his helmet.

“Enemy has been temporally stun. Now is the time to attack when down.” Omega clarify the moment in seeing the evil dragon beast was stun.

“KRREEsisisrruaassshhh…” Neo-Volvagia let off another roaring screech before snapping out of his daze to sink back into the lava hole and out of sight.

“He’s gone back under, he could pop out anywhere.” Golden Heart inform the gang in seeing that the enemy has gone under and could launch a surprise attack.

Then the ground begins to rumble and then Neo-Volvagia shots out of the next lava hole to soar upwards into the air.

“He’s taking it up into the air!” Jack Zen shouted off in seeing what the evil dragon was doing now.

“Then we’ll have to take him down. Hero’s Bow!” Ben stated to summon up his bow that can attack an enemy from a long range.

“Omega Gatling Guns, online!” Omega declared forth in preparing his hoof-change into Gatling guns.

“No way I’m not missing this, Fire Gun!” Crash Fire declared while his front hooves that pointed at the opponent like guns as he had another technique to add to the fold.

Soon from Ben’s bow shots, Omega’s ammunition from his machine guns, and Crash Fire shooting off bullets made of fire from his pointed hoof points, all hit the Dragon. Neo-Volvagia let off a screech noise from being hit by the attacks as he soon was diving down to go back into the lava hole ground to attack from below again.

“He’s underground again, lets watch out guys!” Pinkamena issued a warning to her pals, the enemy could pop out of anywhere.

Soon another flaming hole was seen afar from the gang, but they kept a distance to avoid any surprise close encounters. Course that changed when that spot the enemy would have pop from changed to be near the spot they were in. “Krreiisssaarrughhh!” Then Neo-Volvagia pops out and lashed his fiery mane that knock out the group from behind when they weren’t looking.

“Attacking us in the back, does it have any honor?” Crash Fire remotely issued in seeing such an act, as a fighter of Pony Fighting, that move was unsportsmen-like.

Ben quickly changed weapons for the hammer and landed another blow of the evil Dragon that stun it once again. Giving everyone a chance to attack its head before it snap out of it and then sunk back into the ground and vanished from sight.

“For a foe that lives around here, he sure likes to play hide-in-go-seek.” Crash Fire stated to look around in trying to find where the enemy will come from next.

“Don’t look now, cause here he comes again!” Ben pointed out in starting to sense that he’s seeing where the enemy is coming from next.

From the rumbling, Neo-Volvagia appeared out of another hole to soar within the air once again, but even higher. And when the gang that were good at targeting with their range abilities, their enemy perform a different tactic, by knocking off parts of the ceiling to rain down large boulders.

“LOOKOUT!” Goldie yelled out a warning in seeing what was coming at them.

Jack Zen was using some protective shield around the group when any of the fallen boulders landed on them, canceling the damage, but weakening the spell. Everyone was running around trying to not get smashed by rocks while staring at Neo-Volvagia continuing his attack. They needed a way to attack or stop him from bringing down a mountain on them, but how?

“Leave my friends alone!” Spoke a female voice, as something was attacking the evil Dragon’s face, as it was…a familiar Vampire Pony ally of Goldie’s bunch.

“Flutterbat? Why is she here?” Ben spoke off in seeing this familiar ally, but why here?

“Silly, I asked for her to come up to us when she woke and it wasn’t sunny to help out and lucky thing too. Especially since being of the undead, they won’t be bothered by dying from the high temperature.” Pinkamena smiled off in seeing that when the sun wasn’t out, Flutterbat could come out and play, and just in time too.

Flutterbat’s attacks caused Neo-Volvagia to dive back down into the lava pond again to sink back down into the ground and out of sight. But then many of the holes were flaring up, almost making it impossible to tell where the evil Dragon was gonna pop out from.

“He’s over there!” But Flutterbat managed to warn her friends when Neo-Volvagia pops behind them again and dodge a fiery mane whip again.

“Now we got….Graaaaughhh!” Omega was about to say from charging in, but then the evil Dragon open its mouth to breath out flames which blinded the bot.

“Omega! Hang on!” Pinkamena shouted off, just as the enemy sank back into the ground while Omega stood there, his body was smoking red.

“My systems are a bit overheated, attempting to cool down all processors.” Omega stated his condition at this moment here.

“Too bad we don’t have time to wait, here he comes again!” Jack Zen issued off from seeing another hole flare up, meaning the foe will pop out again.

Soon Neo-Volvagia soars up into the air, preparing for another avalanche of volcano rocks.

“Oh now you don’t! Heat Haze!” Crash Fire protest in seeing this, no way is the dragon gonna hit them with rocks again. “Prrusfruvhmmm…” Then he shoots a stream of fire from his center point of his hoof at the Dragon.

“GRUURRARRRUGHHH!” Neo-Volvagia lets off a roar from getting hit by the attack before diving back down and dives into the lava hole to hide underground again.

“He’s gonna pop out again, hope this one counts.” Ben stated off in seeing the enemy is up for another attack, better make this count.

Many rumbling quakes are happening, many flaring holes before one soon comes near the group. “Kreeissisfruauaaagh!” Then Neo-Volvagia attacks with a flaming mane, but Ben jumped up to dodge that, and land his Megaton Hammer on the Dragon’s noggin.

“Hit him with everything you got, no holds back!” Goldie shouted off to the group, they need to end this now, and quickly too.

Soon Goldie, Jack Zen, Omega and Pinkamena landed their attacks that hurt the beast before Ben & Crash Fire were preparing their next strongest moves here.

“Megaton Quaker!” Ben shouted off in giving this attack all he’s got with the Megaton Hammer involved.

“Fire Fist!” Crash Fire shouted off, as he turns his right hoof into flames before launching it as a column of fire at the target.

Soon Ben landed what caused a powerful seismic quake that unleashed a shockwave pulse burst attack while Crash Fire’s was incredibly powerful that it also helped Ben’s attack. “KREESUURRAARRRRUGHHHH!” That’s when Neo-Volvagia let off a loud crying screech wail as it held its head while in pain as a glowing crack was seen on its helmet. And slowly it began to sink into the fiery hole as if it’s in incredible pain. Also during the moment, the background theme was soon over with at this moment.

“Did that do it?” Jack Zen asked off in puzzlement if that finished off their foe.

“Alert, scans detect its moving.” Omega alerted to look at a destination of where their foe might still be active.

Soon another hole of fire was flaring up, looks like the group ain’t done with their fight yet. “Kreessrraaaughhhh!” But soon as Neo-Volvagia pops out, it’s seen soaring upwards in a spin formation while it still sounded…in pain. “KRRESSRRUUAARRRIGHHHH!” And it lets off another screeching cry of its roar, as it was soaring around as if something was wrong with it; which in term the gang saw….its lower body was disintegrating by combustion. “Kreiissssisiaarrughhh!” It continued to let off its dying wail roar until finally, it came to where it reach the head, and it all cease from there. The creature fell apart and scattered as dust in the wind, as this was proof that the gang…had won, especially when a theme was heard in sounding like they won the day.

“Wow, I say we won here. That, and the music theme was a giveaway.” Pinkamena smiled off to state this in seeing it’s their win; close moment too.

“Look, Volvagia’s remains on the wall!” Crash Fire spoke off in seeing something else that was an eye-catcher here.

During the moment, the remains burn completely in flames and soon was soaring off like a jet stream towards the gang. They were all about to brace for the impact, but Crash Fire steps in-between them and what was coming. When the remains of Volvigia came into contact, Crash Fire’s lit aura was also flaring up like living inferno. And what happened was that the two flames slowly merge to become one giant flame as Crash Fire felt like letting off a battle cry during the bravo moment. And Ben also felt something from his Triforce symbol, from the Courage part, he felt what was left of it with Volvigia was now fuse into the user of the Fire Element and has now evolve a bit to become stronger. Once the flashy show was over, Crash Fire lands on his knees, a bit tired out.

“Crash, hey bud, you okay?” Ben asked off to lean down to help bring the guy up; wondering if the fusion of two flames might have been a little much to take.

“Better than okay! Man, now that was a real boost burst of flames if I ever felt it.” Crash Fire spoke off in sounding very thrill and excited at the same time; he’s A-okay. “I feel a little bit stronger, but I think I feel…something else inside me, like another dormant power that I just briefly touch?” He spoke from feeling his flames of fire, they all feel stronger, but there was another source of power that was just ‘bursting’ inside, like an inner flame.

“Whatever it is, I’m sure you’ll figure it out, maybe during out final battle against the Ice Queen.” Pinkamena smiled in thinking this was a good sign, this means that Crash Fire will be stronger to handle against their next tough adversaries.

“First, we gotta find a way out of here.” Goldie stated to remind everyone that they are still in a volcano, with the only way out sealed off.

“Right, looks like going back the way we came is a no go.” Jack Zen nods to Goldie’s statement, how do they get out of this?

“I can help lead you out; us bats have sonic sonar abilities and I found lots of large tunnels we can take.” Flutterbat explained that she got here by using her bat’s sonar sense ability to help find the group; that should get them out here.

“Then lead the way. We need to meet up with Twilight & Snow as fast as possible.” Ben stated off that they need to get a move on, their friends are awaiting them.

“Right, Snowcrystal may still need help against foes as strong as the Ice Rulers.” Crash Fire nods to agreement, they need to get out of here and catch up to the others.

“Then I’ll make an entrance while Flutterbat guides us.” Omega declared in being the bot for the job to do the dirty work, literally.

Soon the gang nods while Omega brought out a ‘drill’ function to break through the walls. As Flutterbat used her sonar abilities when they reach an opening tunnel, they just followed the bat to lead them to where they would be able to get out on the other end.


Now at last, the gang come out of the mouth of the volcano, and into the light of bright daylight. Goldie’s group along with Ben & Crash Fire had finally gotten out of their fire and into…the cold degrees of what awaited them. Yes, they were now somewhere in being in the middle zone of the Frozen North. After Pinkamena gave Flutterbat the info to report back to Sombra of what they have done here, the Vampire Pony nods before leaving while wishing many here good luck…cause it looks like they’ll need another batch of it.

“Brrr….out of the frying pan and into the ice box!” Jack Zen shivered off from feeling the change in temperature get to him, they got out of the hot spot and into the cold front.

“This will be hard to get through, we’re still tired out from that battle we had.” Golden Heart stated out in after overcoming what they face, they are still not done yet.

“Cheer up guys, we’ll get pass this place. Thanks to Sombra’s info about the Frozen Norths terrain, we’ll make it through, though not much hard work in what we would have faced, so let’s get moving and defeat us this Ice Queen.” Pinkamena explained some things to her pals that since Sombra, who was banished here, knew the layout, told them of some secret safe routes to take and avoid any ambush spots.

“I agree entirely with the mistress.” Omega replied off in stating that he agrees to the pink pony.

“Yeah, even I wanna make sure I can beat one Frozen Queen type of foe and not be known I lost against another.” Ben nods to say this since having fought Frozen Sage, he at least wants to make up for not winning by taking down an opponent that is truly a villain and not some good person.

“You won’t be alone pal, we’re all going together. Cause we got a burning passion to light our way.” Crash Fire pats Ben on the back to speak these encouraging words to help get them started on the right path.

Everyone nods to being in agreement there as they now slowly begin to make their journey through the Frozen North. But as they were going, some Troop Penguins are seen observing the group before speaking their own language and then quickly vamoose on an ice sled. No doubt to inform the Ice King & Ice Queen of their find as a report, just as the scene goes dark at this moment….


Meanwhile, we see how things are coming along with the others handling the Troop Penguins. As Twilight, Nyx & Rarity used any form of magic to knock off any penguins with magic scepters, Rainbow Dash & Fluttershy used their skills in the air to soar pass the enemy to attack above in catching them by surprise. Pinkie Pie used her Disco Balls to make them penguins dance to the funky tune while AJ lasso them up and swung them off to knock more of them birds that were far away.

“Icy Ray!” Snowcrystal shouted off in preparing a move of hers that would come from….a glowing eye. “Thrusppvhmm…./Creak-creakfruvhmm…” Then she shoots off thin light emerald rays from her eye that impacted a few penguins’ small bodies…freezing them as they are hit.

“Blizzard!” Snow held out his right hoof that was preparing a spell. “Frrususossfruvhmm…” Soon a basic Ice-element spell is shot off like the name states, as it does minor Ice-Element damage.

“Dragon Breath!” Both Spike & Phobos used their flames to burn through the snowy fields, revealing cleverly hidden obstacle traps that were buried beneath. The baby Dragons set off the traps when no one were around to get caught or hurt in them.

Finally, the Troop Penguins were beginning to panic in seeing their fight wasn’t gonna be with them being victorious, so they all decided to retreat now.

“That’s right, you BETTER run!” Rainbow Dash shouted off to the cowering Troop Penguins that were running away from their might.

“Oh don’t be so hard on them Rainbow, they’re just sweet little penguins.” Fluttershy spoke in feeling that though those animals were their enemies, they were just sweet and cute little penguins.

“Right, sweet and dangerous little varmints if ye ask me.” Applejack rolled her eyes in remarking what kinda enemies they just fought off.

“Too bad they have to work for such meany people.” Pinkie Pie stated off in knowing that they fought those that serve such evil villains.

“Yes, maybe if they weren’t around, these dears might just live normally.” Rarity stated in thinking that maybe once the Ice Queen & King are vanquished, things can be normal for the animals of the Frozen North.

“Snow, how much farther till we reach our destination?” Twilight asked off in knowing that Snow knew this area more than any of them, surely he knows.

“Since we’ve been charging in and fighting our way across, I say….just over that hill.” Snow pointed out in how they’ve handle things thus far, he points in the last area they can go before they reach the target.

At long last, the gang finally managed to breach through much of the enemy’s defenses and obstacles to soon arrive at….their destined spot. They watch from over a hill in spotting a castle made of ice as it was station on a mountain, almost like Canterlot, but much more different. For even from the beauty that is seen here, there was pretty much nothing but cold frost and no warmth to be found anywhere at all. There was no questions about it, this was the enemy’s fort that the heroes came to stop whatever plot there is to freeze their kind warmth to be as bitter cold as ice.

“Somehow, seeing that place, makes me feel as if it’s colder inside than it is outside.” Adult Nyx spoke from getting some shivers from the Ice Kingdom’s view.

“Is that…where the Ice Queen and the Ice King live?” Spike asked off in thinking that’s where the enemies live.

“Typical. Ice Giants living in an Ice Kingdom made of ice.” Phobos rolled his eyes to remark in seeing where their enemies have to live in such an obvious place.

“This is no laughing matter.” Snowcrystal explained the case in knowing the time for jokes is a little pass off here. “I don’t see the others yet.” She stated from looking around, they are on a hill, but no sign of those that were to meet up with them.

“Hmmm, maybe we clear through our course a bit too easy.” Snow pondered off in thinking how they arrived far quicker than Ben’s party. “But I think they’re on their way.” He issued that he had a feeling their pals would be here momentarily soon.

“How can you tell?” Pinkie Pie asked off the question on her mind.

“That mountain over yonder…it’s letting off smoke….meaning the volcano was briefly active from some….unforeseen event.” Snow points behind the group as they see smoke from a far distant mountain that let off the sign of being a volcano.

“And Ben, Crash Fire and the others came from there?” Rarity asked off in having a feeling that’s where their other team party was.

“What in blazes were they facin’ there?” Applejack asked the next question in what sorta fight Ben’s group faced.

“Sounded like a Dragon, but since we were busy fighting, we never pay that much mind.” Rainbow Dash stated from what they last heard in that distance, but they had their hooves full facing Troop Penguins.

“It sounded like a Dragon’s last cry. What could it mean?” Fluttershy stated in knowing the dying sound a Dragon makes, what did Ben’s team face anyway?

“Maybe father and the others fought off an enemy there and won.” Adult Nyx stated in her best guess in what took place back there.

“Let’s hope so. Maybe we should wait for them to arrive.” Twilight stated in what she believes and thinks they should do here.

“Might be smart princess, but you should see that over at the castle grounds.” Snow points just over a few adds away where…the gang are seeing many large numbers of ponies, but many of their colorfulness are more lighter than usual and their actions…colder. “The Ice Queen already has a few ponies who’s hearts are frozen as ice, not feeling any emotion and working like slaves.” Snow explained the case with a dead serious expression in seeing what the poor and unfortunate souls are doing without a care or feeling that were shut off from sensing anything at all.

“Wow, that’s cold! Like, really cold even!” Phobos stated in feeling sad from seeing that action as a bit much for any villain to do.

“And the more of them there are, the stronger her power gets?” Spike asked worried in recalling that the Ice Queen gets stronger, the more hearts become as cold as ice.

“Snow, what should we do?” Snowcrystal asked in hoping Snow had another plan here.

“What heroes do best, bring a little hope to the hopeless. Ben & Crash Fire’s group will join us shortly, but for now….time we cause a little mishap.” Snow explained himself to the group in knowing their Calvary will come, but for now, they gotta make a stand to fight for the ponies rights that were stolen from them.

The others were all absorbing much of those words, what Snow says is not off, they can’t just standby and wait for help to arrive, they have to do something then do nothing. All their faces went from puzzled and confusion, to determination, everyone’s mindsets were focus on one thing that’s left for them to go…and Twilight was the one to speak it out.

“Alright, let’s do this!” Twilight nods to agreement as they know they can’t let this action go on.

Soon the gang were all in agreement, no way are they gonna watch more ponies lose their warm kindness to become cold hearted & empty shells of their former selves. And soon they begin to slide down the hill and are preparing to barge through to reach the ice fort castle’s gate, and put an end to this cold nightmare.


At last, we see how things are progressing within the Ice Kingdom were the two villains in question are plotting their next action. Well okay, more likely it was the female doing that while the male was more in turn being a doofus. Then just then, one Troop Penguin comes in to waddle up near them to speak as the Ice King leans down to listen in. And then his eyes went wide in surprise in what he was told now that was probably bad news by the expression he was easily making.

“Oh boy, ugh, Ice Queen, honey, we got a situation!” The Ice King yelps from having a feeling that the news he’s gonna tell, ain’t a happy one.

“What is it now?” Ice Queen asked off annoyed by such a trifle issue.

“Gunter here was just explaining to me, that one batch of those heroes has made it pass our cleverly clever traps.” The Ice King points at the penguin in question in stating about the Mane Six’s group and their progress. “And get this, he just got word that Goonter, Gunther & Goonther have spotted other heroes with Ben & some folks he's leading are coming pass the long way near a volcano. If you can believe that!” He stated off that they are also gonna have another band of heroes arriving soon.

“Another group of heroes is on the way.” The Ice Queen spoke off in hearing this much info to ponder it all. “They must be planning to join up near our doorstep?” She spoke in realizing that the heroes have gone in separate directions, to meet up and plan to join up for a full force attack.

“Oh, then maybe we should prepare a welcome party for them, it’s been centuries since we had guests.” The Ice King clapped his hands in thinking that this might be a moment to enjoy company that was visiting them.

The Ice Queen was going to make a remark of that, but her annoyance soon vanish to be replace by…a sneaky agenda.

“Yes, we should make preparations indeed.” Ice Queen spoke with a sly smile in having an idea in how they’ll handle this.

“Wait a second. You like my idea? Usually you never like my ideas.” The Ice King spoke off a bit stump that this caught him by surprise; he usually doesn’t get the queen to think he’s got good ideas.

“You have your moments to think up something useful, once in a while.” The Ice Queen waved off the little manner of speaking of when something smart even comes from the foolish Ice King.

“Ohhhhhh, that’s wonderful! Then I got another one, we…” The Ice King smiled for joy and was about to make another statement, but…

“Please, don’t push your luck and make me take back the compliment.” The Ice Queen spoke with a cold hearted tone that hush up the guy from spoiling this moment.

“Oh, ugh…sorry.” The Ice King yelped a bit from that tone to go quiet now.

“If these heroes wish to challenge us, to stop the coming of the grand plan of freezing Equestria, then they don’t know what they are truly facing.” The Ice Queen spoke in sounding so sure that there will not be any problems of some raid-tag of heroes to come and get in their way. “For I’ve planned this for too long, no one, not even the Mystics can stop it.” She declared that absolutely nothing will stop what shall happen very soon.

“Right sugar, let alone some Equestria ponies! Right, Right?” Ice King spoke off to say with a goofy smile in agreeing to that very well.

“Then it’s time they receive…a COLD Greeting.” The Ice Queen spoke forth this with a cold smirk from her appearance that sends shivers down anyone’s spine.

Then everything begins to blur out with the Ice Queen’s eyes as they seem like they are staring into our hearts. Whatever evil plan is being cooked up, this enemy is not about to fall, and then even the eyes vanish into the background. As for what happens next, remains to be seen another time…

Author's Note:

Troop Penguins are just a name term for the penguins from Adventure Time Series that work for the Ice King.

The Volvagia battle is similar from Zelda: Ocarina of Time.

With this, we're now about to go into the 4th chapter, where those that are near and those coming up, get ready to face the Ice Queen. She'll prove that she's earn the Frozen Queen name and prove to be as tough as Frozen Sage, not good for the heroes. But in the coldest of darkness, a blistering light shines with a radiate warmth to melt away such harsh coldness. As the gang will prepare to counterattack before their enemy retreats...and begins a plot that is so terrifying, time will need to be on everyone's side here. So hope you look forward to it, we're about halfway into this, so 3 more chapters outta do it. Stay tune, and enjoy what's here, and...be cool....