• Published 13th Feb 2016
  • 560 Views, 1 Comments

MLP: Tough As...Snow - JusSonic

The Mane Six meets a new ally who is cool while dealing with some cooler but evil villains!

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Chapter 02: Hero's Make A Tough Call

Chapter 02: Hero’s Make A Tough Call

The scene opens up to where we find within Pinkamena’s secret dungeon, as the girl looked to who was coming back; Goldie, Jack Zen, Omega, Sombra & Autumn Gem. They had some errands to run while Flutterbat was seen napping nearby and Havis was with his Light Elf brethren, those that were still in their suspended animation and any of those that are helping him out. But right now, the scene focuses on what’s going on with the pony group.

“Hey sis, we’re back.” Goldie spoke off to let his sister know of their return.

“Anything that we missed?” Jack Zen asked off if they missed anything while they finished an errand.

“Oh something happened, guess who’s in town? It’s Snow!” Pinkamena stated out to say in who was in town at this moment.

“I am unfamiliar of what is exciting of the arrival of the seasonal event.” Omega spoke puzzled in hearing this in confusing the name term for an actual season.

“No silly, I mean Snow Villiers is here. He just sent the Ice King packing back to the Frozen North.” Pinkamena explained forth in who she meant and what the stallion did when he was in the neighborhood that surprised a lot of the gang.

“Are you for real? The Ice King maybe foolish, but he’s somewhat powerful in the Frozen North when I was banished there?” Sombra asked off in near disbelief in hearing that Snow managed to easily beat the Ice King of the Frozen North.

“I think I recall him from the Crystal Empire, Snow is a very strong fighter, if he’s here, then the Mane Six won’t have anything to fear, right?” Autumn Gem stated in recalling the name Snow Villiers and feels that as a resident of the Crystal Empire, she feels that the guy is trustworthy.

“Right, but to be safe, we should probably go and help out. I have a feeling we’re gonna go on a quest journey.” Pinkamena spoke forth in stating that they may be needed to go off somewhere, not far, but on a quest.

“If that’s so, should we all go?” Jack Zen asked off if they are all needed on this job.

“Nope. Half will stay here to protect Ponyville so it’s not so vulnerable to any enemy attack.” Pinkamena shook her head off to explain that they aren’t going in full forces, just divide into teams. “Me, Goldie, Omega, and you Jack, we’ll go meet up with the others. Sombra will be in charge along with Autumn to keep an eye on any enemy activities, if there’s trouble, we’ll have the Light Elves don on white hood cloaks so no pony will see or know what they look like.” She explain the basic plan to which things can be played out thus far if worse comes to it.

“But what about Flutterbat? And Gold Wing & Golden Moon?” Sombra asked off those that were not spoken out of what they’ll be doing.

“The phoenix love birds can keep watch around here. As for Flutterbat, give her a message to follow us when it’s closer to being dark outside, and then she’ll come back to report our situation.” Pinkamena explained forth that answer of her own reasoning and of what will play out.

“Why not use a magic portal window to chat?” Autumn Gem asked a good question here, why not use magic to communicate.

“Gotta be careful, no telling if enemies could easily hack in. The problem is another source of evil, and if the Three Lords are involved, they could warn the new enemy.” Pinkamena explained the answer that if they did that, any enemies as powerful like the Three Lords could intercept, listen in or jam them.

“Makes sense, alright sis, lead the way.” Goldie shrug off to say in agreement while awaiting for them to head out.

“I am prepared for combat.” Omega declared forth in having himself ready to go out into battle.

Soon the decision was made and now many of those that had their assign task are gonna get ready for something big. For even the pink pony feels like something’s gonna happen, and its best they prepare for it.


Meanwhile, the scene opens up towards where inside the Rainbow Castle, we see everyone is within the meeting area. There, we find the Mane Six, Ben, Nyx and the baby Dragons around the center council table along with their guest, Crash Fire, Snowcrystal, and one bigger surprise, Snow. After the event with the Ice King, the gang could settle down to talk things over with a new friend at the table.

“Everypony, you know I’m from the Crystal Empire, right?” Snowcrystal spoke off in reminding the gang here of her history of where she once lived. “Well, Snow’s also one too, who moved there when the empire return after a 1000 years.” She stated this out so that everyone was well up-to-date here.

“So you came from all the way there?” Nyx asked out if that was the case of where Snow was from.

“That’s right, but you see…I wanted to train myself to become strong in order to protect my love ones.” Snow nods to reply while giving a case of what he done to not just stay in the Crystal Empire.

“How did you do that?” Spike asked off this next question that was on their mind.

“Yeah, seeing how super strong you are now.” Phobos stated in thinking in what they saw was true, the guy must’ve train CRAZY to be THAT strong.

“I went to train within the Frozen North, where it was said a related element of Ice was hidden and only a warrior courageous to face the snowy obstacle could get to it.” Snow explained himself of what he did, he challenge the obstacle to train himself to be strong, and that’s what he did.

“Goodness! Could that be where the Element of Snow was hidden?” Rarity gasped in hearing this and picturing where Snow got his name-sake element from.

“Right, you see, I face all sorts of crazy obstacles; the likes that make even grown stallions turn tail and give up. It was no piece of cake, I’ll tell you that much…it’s like they were there to sense a male’s presence.” Snow spoke off in giving a positive and friendly smile in describing how he survived such crazy obstacles of horrors, it’s amazing how anyone would have pass that.

“I have a funny feeling that we might know ‘who’ wanted to make stallions quiver.” Twilight remotely stated in what she and her family knew; Frozen Sage must have made certain her old element would not have been taken by a male species pony, which turns out it did.

“But here’s the thing, Snow proved himself worthy and found under an ice cavern, an altar chamber with the Element of Snow, which was form like a snowball.” Crash Fire explained the other part of the story that he and his sister have heard the tale.

“Right, before I touch it and knew what happen next, it flew off and hit me with magic to fuse with myself.” Snow nods off to say in how things happened and when his element got to him. “I was pretty much already a young stallion when I got the element, so I spent most of my days training to hone my skills.” He explained that now he’s more or less, a grown up with the skills to pay the bills.

“Question! Have many describe you as an irrepressible, fiery young stallion, and you dives headfirst into danger using nothing but your powerful physique?” Pinkie Pie raised her hoof up in asking a very random question from out of nowhere.

Everyone stared at the pink pony with a certain amount of weird reactions to what they just heard was spoken out. Only Snow, Snowcrystal and Crash Fire seem to almost show surprise, curious and intrigue expressions in what happened there.

“I must say, Pinkie Pie really got that on the first try.” Snowcrystal spoke off in seeing how Pinkie Pie got all that right.

“Ye mean dat’s de sorta pony Snow is?” Applejack asked off in hearing what Snow is basically like.

“Trust us, Snow is easily swayed by emotion and he’s prone to rash words & actions.” Crash Fire stated on how much Snow can act in such ways.

“Hey now…” Snow was about to say in feeling a bit offended until…

“But nonetheless, many are won over by his outgoing & optimistic nature.” Crash Fire stated the positive note from what Snow’s actions do to help folks in need. “Snow proves himself to be the best fighter in the whole Crystal Empire, even surprising many that he could go toe-to-hoof against giant monsters or powerful foes, and do it with style, it’s amazing that they say he’s just as strong as a few known strong fighters in Equestria.” Hearing this made many of the Mane Six bunch feel surprise, there are only so few really strong Equestrians, and Snow is another one like them.

“Sounds like an awesome hero to me.” Rainbow Dash smiled off in loving the idea of Snow here being on their team.

“So then….are you an Equestrian, like us?” Fluttershy asked the big question if Snow was Mystic or not, especially with the strength he can dish out.

“Yep, I’m just your basic average guy when it comes down to it.” Snow smiled off to heartily agree that he’s like everyone else on Equestria.

“Except that you completely knock a giant’s block off and sent him halfway across a continent.” Ben pointed out that Snow isn’t as normal as others that could do what this guy did.

“What can I say? When I got the element, I trained myself like crazy. They say the cold makes a stallion grow tougher if they can handle it.” Snow shrug off to express his answer in how when he was a chosen wielder, he was trying to make himself stronger and that’s what he got to be.

“Wait, then you never got sick doing that?” Spike asked off in thinking that training in the cold would lead to sickness.

“Dugh, he’s got an element that keeps him from being cold, silly!” Pinkie Pie rolled her eyes to state the easy fact that was missed here.

“You train yourself to be strong, but why?” Twilight stated in seeing that Snow wanted to always train himself, but whatever for; the reason was simple in truth.

“Same as yours, I had those I wanted to protect.” Snow responded to say that the reason he seeks to be stronger, is to protect those he cares for. “You see, there’s this mare named Serah, who’s waiting for me in the Crystal Empire, along with her sister Lightning. After what happened, they help Princess Cadance & Shining Armor defend the place from evil invaders.” He explained that he’s got those he cares for back in the Crystal Empire, and those two names are ponies that are helping others the Mane Six know.

“My cousin did sent a note stating she hired new help. Are they that skilled to handle the job?” Ben spoke in thinking to himself of hearing this to then wonder if Snow’s friends are strong ones.

“Heh, trust me, Lightning’s really tough, and you be surprise in how my fiancé works hard to help out Light, which is short address Lightning.” Snow smiled off to make a light joke of the matter while explaining the case.

“FIANCE?” The others responded in hearing what they heard, was Snow actually…engaged.

“Yep, Snow and Serah are bound to get married in the future.” Crash Fire nods his head with a smile in knowing Snow was engaged to Serah, his one true love.

“Oh, congrats on proposing.” Fluttershy smiled off happily in hearing such happy news.

“Bet ye make her pretty happy.” Applejack nods off in being good and honest on her response to Snow.

“Oh, I could almost imagine a Crystal Empire wedding.” Rarity smiled for joy in imaging such an event.

“YIPPIE! ANOTHER ROYAL WEDDING TO PLAN SOMEDAY!” Pinkie Pie shouted for happiness and joy that she could throw a party for another wedding.

“Well these’s still one thing we haven’t figured out, is why have you decided to come to our kingdom?” Twilight decided to break the happy moment to get back on track, and asked….why did Snow decided to visit their kingdom to begin with.

“Well, other than see the place, meet some new and old friends, truth be told….I’m here because a villain from the Frozen North is about to launch a move on Equestria.” Snow explained off the subject in a term that many could follow his dialogue.

“You mean that whimsy Ice King?” Rainbow stated off in recalling the foe from such a place.

“No sweat, you took care of him.” Phobos waved off in thinking the danger was already pass, however…

“Not quite, actually. You see, while he’s more of the least threat to view, it’s the other royalty of the frozen area; The Ice Queen.” Snow spoke off in stating the villain threat he’s referring to, is someone else that is not the Ice King in general, it’s his queen. “She’s as far more than the Ice King in the areas of cruel, evil, and aggressive. She can use much more violent & complex means to get her way, even by tormenting others to put them out of commission. Trust me, she’s more serious than the Ice King.” Snow explained the stuff about the Ice Queen, and she’s more bad news than the Ice King would ever be.

“Oh my, she sounds very scary!” Fluttershy yelps with feeling a bit fearful of hearing how horrible the Ice Queen sounds.

“Yeah, she might even make Frozen Sage seem more nicer now than when she was still being stubborn.” Nyx stated off in making a quote on a thought here.

“But then why did you come here?” Rarity asked off the bigger question of why Snow, a tough hero of the sorts came to their Rainbow Kingdom.

“Because…it’s to make up for something of where some of you went through a terrible dilemma with someone who held the same title as….Frozen Queen.” Snow stated off this matter as for those that knew what he’s talking about; as he looks off near the Sparkle Family.

“Wait, you mean Frozen Sage of the Mystic Councilmen?” Spike yelps off in hearing and recalling that title name from elsewhere.

“Are you saying the Ice Queen is as strong as her?” Nyx asked off in thinking that this Ice Queen is to be as strong as Frozen Sage.

“Oh she’s pretty strong, but she lost to Frozen Sage long ago.” Snow waved off carefree in stating that the Ice Queen lost to Frozen Sage long, long ago. “Now she’s been binding her time, making herself far stronger and far colder to be near that Mystic Councilmen’s strength. Course, I said near, but we can never be too careful.” Snow was explaining to state how after so much time had pass, the Ice Queen has been growing in power to be much stronger than before to compete against an old rival, no matter the task.

“Why are you telling us this?” Ben asked forth the bigger question of the day here.

“Because while I was away training, I heard what happened to the Crystal Empire from my fiancé Serah and her sister Lightning, how Frozen Sage would exile and execute all males if they don’t vacate the place when she took over.” Snow clasp his front hooves together in speaking this off with a sorrow looking face; after hearing what happened from Frozen Sage & the Crystal Empire. “You and two others stood up to fight for all males, that took guts, but your opponent was not an average one. Which is why I wanna say…sorry.” Snow was speaking towards Ben in having heard he, Shining Armor & Flash Sentry fought Frozen Sage, and it almost became a costly one, and he’s apologizing for it.

“You’re sorry? For what?” Ben repeated a bit puzzled, what was Snow trying to say to them?

“If I had known sooner of what things were turning into, I would have help you guys out, even made sure you wouldn’t be killed.” Snow spoke off to pound the table, but not so hard in anger, that he could have helped Ben & Twilight during that issue against Frozen Sage’s strong objection about males living in the Crystal Empire. “Course, fighting a mare might be against my policy, but I may have bend it a little for a cause.” The guy spoke off in knowing who he fight be not a guy after all, but he could put it aside if the cause was worth it. “But I’m glad to know in the end, you help set things right. Which is why I’m wanting to give those of you that couldn’t compete against Frozen Sage’s level can make up for it, by fighting one who is also a Frozen Queen with an icy heart that is all coldhearted.” Snow explained that since those that saved the Crystal Empire from the misguidance of Frozen Sage’s objective, though some could not defeat her, he wants to help make those here stronger by fighting against a foe that is almost like her…as both were called Frozen Queen.

This surprised many of the gang, Snow was thinking about how to make up for the fact that had he been nearby when the Crystal Empire was in trouble with its rulers being replace, he have help out. And right now, he wants to help make the gang here stronger so that the next time, they can handle themselves a bit better in the future when the going gets tough.

“Thanks for that thought Snow, you really have a good heart, you know.” Ben nods with a smile in thanking the guy, he really wanted to give them a hand even if it’s of a little late.

“No problem, gotta help a bud out when ya miss something exciting.” Snow nods off to say with his ever showing go-getter smile of being the hero type.

“But tell us, wha is de Ice Queen’s plan?” Applejack asked off this question that earn their attention here.

“Hugh, the only details I got are this much alone…” Snow shrug off to speak on what he’s got about the Ice Queen’s plans. “She wants to completely freeze over all of Equestria, and by turning ponies’ warm hearts to cold, they’ll increase her power to spread farther and affect others. She’ll do what nearly destroyed the Three Tribes.” He explained the down low of the details in question, and they aren’t very good either.

This caused everyone to gasp in terror and fright, they all know what nearly happened with the Three Tribes; their hearts were frozen as ice, their love turn cold and they became evil and uncaring. If the Ice Queen plans to turn all ponies in Equestria into cold heartless creatures, just to increase her power and so that she can rule a world where love, friendship and caring don’t exist.

“Tell us you have a plan to deal with this?” Spike asked off in hoping Snow knows how they can handle the serious situation they are having.

“Heh, since when do heroes ever need a plan?” Snow let off the statement with a smile, as if the quote was funny to him. “We’ll do what any hero would do, stop them and protect Equestria.” He issued the plain and simple objective, stop the bad guy and protect their world.

“Hugh, plain an’ simple, eh?” AJ replied off in hearing that plan, it’s crazy, but then again, sometimes crazy works in unexpected places.

“Then tell us, when should we leave?” Rarity asked off the next question that was on their minds.

“Pretty much, now seems as good as any. But take your time, we’re gonna travel over to a mountain after all.” Snow stated that they best make plans to leave as quickly as possible.

“Alright, let’s all get ourselves ready, hopefully we can be done with this before any other villains show up to cause trouble.” Ben nods in hearing this and see that they best be ready; and hope that they can stop this threat before any other villains show up.

Everyone was in an agreement, and soon left the council meeting area to begin their next trip; to the Frozen North. Hopefully they can help out in stopping whatever evil plans the Ice Queen is hatching even as we speak. With that, everything goes a bit dark at this time while we fad out….


At this time, we see Crash Fire & Snowcrystal are somewhere else in the castle, getting themselves ready. In less than 15 minutes, they will meet outside to join the gang in the quest to stop the evil plot of the Ice Queen. But as the siblings were getting ready, the sister saw her brother was in a seriously deep thought that he wasn’t moving fast enough, almost like he was distracted by a certain thought.

“Brother, you seem distress.” Snowcrystal spoke in seeing her brother seem a bit distracted by something.

“What, no, I’m not…I’m just…” Crash Fire yelped from hearing this and was going to make an excuse.

“You can tell me, we’re family after all.” Snowcrystal insisted that her brother tell her what’s on his mind.

“Hugh, it’s this battle against the original Frozen Queen. Who’s just as strong as Frozen Sage of the Mystics, but much worse off,” Crash Fire sighed before beginning to speak out his mind of who it is they’ll be facing; a terrible foe. “I heard when Ben’s family fought that Mystic Council pony, she froze even the hottest flames of a phoenix.” He stated for worry that the flames from a phoenix were put out, it just seem impossible.

“I know, and that she harm even Egola who shouldn’t have lost to the coldness. If that’s true, then even my own element might not work against her.” Snowcrystal spoke in concerns in feeling that the power of the Frozen Queen would beat even one who can’t be beat by the cold of ice seem impossible. “Can we even help out our friends when they need help most?” She question the subject if they’ll even be of any help to the gang on this quest.

“In truth, I really don’t know that answer.” Crash Fire responded in feeling that he wish he knew, but he doesn’t know.

“You don’t have to worry, even heroes make mistakes.” Snow’s voice is heard as he comes into the scene of what was troubling these ponies. “But also, heroes never die. Cause they know what they’re fighting for helps push them further.” He spoke his words to help encourage this bunch to not let their doubts get them down.

“Snow? You…you really think so?” Snowcrystal asked off surprise that the guy would tell them this.

“Course I’m right, when have I ever been wrong?” Snow responded off to state this fact, but….

“Do you want us to count the times you lead a group called NORA with your idiotic ideals and how much trouble you were?” Crash Fire pointed out something in making a sly comment just now.

“Hey, my ideals were not idiotic, and second of all, that anyway to say to the guy that’s gonna help you out.” Snow spoke off in his own defense here while stating that he’s here to help these two.

“Hugh?” Both twin siblings responded a bit surprise, Snow was gonna help them out; how?

“Listen, you both have strong Elemental Elements, but I can probably guess you haven’t unlock their fullest potential yet.” Snow explained that for those that have the elemental types, like Fire & Ice, there is more to them then these two ponies think. “So if you wanna get stronger, this quest is the ticket.” He explains that if they can do this, they’ll be able to help make Crash Fire & Snowcrystal be stronger than before.

“You mean it?” Snowcrystal asked off in almost believing this to be true.

“But how?” Crash Fire asked off in how this could be possible.

“First off, Snowcrystal, since you and I share a familiar element relationship, I’ll help you unlock a strength you never knew existed.” Snow spoke in saying he’ll help Snowcrystal unlock more of her abilities, since Snow & Ice are one in the same as close as their relationship gets.

“Really? Oh, but what about my brother?” Snowcrystal responded to say while wondering about her brother.

“Well, there is a way for him to, but…it’ll involve him being a part of a separate party.” Snow stated off to mention this other fact that was brought into question.

“Separate party, but why, and with whom?” Crash Fire responded off to ask these questions in not following any of them.

“With one guy from the Mane Six bunch, and also…you’ll have them as a backup unit.” Snow stated off that Crash Fire will get one guy from the Mane Six and he nudge his head in a direction of what ‘unit’ the fire using pony would get.

Soon entering the area was none other than Golden Heart’s group: Goldie, Jack Zen, Pinkamena and Omega. They were there and were raring to go when given the word.

“They came and are willing to help on the journey to stop the Ice Queen’s scheme.” Snow explained off in having explain the details of their mission to Goldie’s bunch here. “Lucky thing is, your path may take you a long route, but you’ll still meet up with us along the road.” He explained this to Crash Fire that though they go separate paths, they’ll meet up soon in the same place.

“Really?” The twins responded in hoping that much could be true.

“Right, Crash Fire, I found out some things about your element, so listen closely, cause you’ll be inviting Ben to help you out. He’s connected in where you’ll be fighting.” Snow stated in what he’s gonna tell this guy here, cause it’s super important, and Ben will be the key for helping Crash Fire out.

“I…of course.” Crash Fire spoke off in being so surprised, but nods in being okay with it.

“Then let’s all do our best to help the other out, kay?” Snowcrystal smiled off to say this in feeling they best get their adventure going.

“Right.” Goldie & Jack Zen responded off in agreement there.

“Okey-dokey!” Pinkamena happily replied off to say here.

“Roger!” Omega spoke off with that simple sentence in knowing the operation.

With that settled, Snow begins to fill in the info to the group here in what they’ll do as two separate groups and meet up to fight against the Ice Queen. But one thing’s sure, Snow’s got a crazy and daring plan to help them out, and boy, will it surprise us all. Things begin to darken and the scene goes black at the time…


Soon within the Frozen North, something of a white, blue and icy structure of what was a large castle fortress estate. And there embedded in the mountain was the fort surrounded by much frozen land mass and icy lakes, frosty trees and such. But our focus was on s certain shooting object that soon crashes through the balcony structure to skid across the icy floor to leave cracks; it was the Ice King. Apparently, he just landed where he wanted to get to while feeling utterly sore from when Snow punched him halfway across a continent, and boy did that attack HURT!

“Ah…..not only do I ache something fierce, but my new icy floor is a mess!” The Ice King groans to complain to sit up in seeing what a mess he’s in. “This can’t get any….” As he was gonna say ‘this can’t get any worse’, but was cut off…

“What…are you doing?” Spoke a very cold female voice at this moment.

That’s when the Ice King yelps to stand up before looking to find someone as giant as him was nearby and approaching him. While she almost looks like the Ice King, the difference are major as she is the female of the Ice Giant species. With her light blue icy skin, long white solid ice hair and long lightning-shaped eyebrows. Her hair, while also long like the Ice King’s beard, is wavy with curls instead of shaggy. From her eyes, they were as clear white with a hint of white-blue that’s almost unseen. She wears a golden tiara with red gems and a neck band bejeweled with a single blue gem in the center. She also wears a blue long sleeved gown, the bottom is made of icicle diamond shape, wears a white fluffy winter cape, and light & dark blue shoes. Her figure seems slim and her appearance is more beauty than any could know, and while from looks say she’s pretty, her personality and attitude are as cold…as ice. She even wields what is noted to be in the form of an ice scepter with a trident shape top made of ice crystal gem shape, as it glowed with powerful ice magic. From her entrance alone, make no mistake, this here…was the Ice Queen, the known Frozen Queen of the Frozen North!

“Oh, Icy-Poo. Heh-heh, funny story…I was out capturing ponies, and then got sucked punched from Ponyville to here.” The Ice King chuckled nervously in seeing his queen was near, and was giving an excuse, but…

“You failed.” The Ice Queen dryly spoke in seeing what has happened to the Ice King.

“Well that seems harsh, more like…I was caught off guard, what with those Elements of Harmony, their friends, then some tough guy named Snow, and…” The Ice King shrug off to say his case was not easy, he was fighting some hero forces and when he mentioned the last one to enter the fold…

“Snow! He was there?” The Ice Queen responded off with wide shock eyes in hearing the name.

“Why yes, he was! Why are you so concern?” The Ice King responded with a smile, but was puzzled in confusion here.

“Ugh, one of our spies has inform me that he’s onto our plans to freeze Equestria.” The Ice Queen moans to slap her forehead to tell the Ice King that Snow had learn of their scheme and has no doubt alerted the heroes of their upcoming demise.

“Oh my, that does indeed sound bad! What should we do? Shall I lead another attack?” The Ice King spoke off in pondering what to do, lead another attack on them & capture more ponies.

“No! You’ve already mess up this assignment.” The Ice Queen remotely stated this with a cold tone.

“Ah, but I was just getting started!” The Ice King pouts to whine in seeing what has happened here; he’s been relieved of duty.

“It won’t matter, for we’ve already secretly collected a few random ponies and have turn them from warm loving to icy cold hearted.” The Ice Queen spoke off with an icy cold smile in stating this fact that despite the Ice King failing in his task, she’s secretively done better to collect some ponies to turn…cold.

“Oh, that means we still have a shot!” The Ice King spoke with cheer of the news, before something came to mind. “But, won’t those heroes try to stop us?” He asked off in knowing that heroes always try to stop the bad guys.

“Let them try, they must first make it pass our treacherous fields when they reach the Frozen North.” The Ice Queen remotely spoke in a cold and unwavered manner of not worrying in the slightest. “And once they tire out, I’ll make them my obedient coldhearted soldiers!” She will tire the heroes and then take advantage of them to be a part of her army; her cold & unfeeling army.

“Oh, that is so evil, I’m loving it!” The Ice King spoke in getting the excited chills from thinking about this.

Soon the Ice Queen went into am icy cold hearted maniacal laughter that echo around. And then the Ice King also went along for the evil laughter moment. Course the queen was done with hers while she just glare off at the idiot king that was just making weird & goofy laughing noises that just make him look stupid. That’s when the queen broke the ice to snap the king out of his happy hour.

“Don’t just stand there, clean up this mess!” The Ice Queen snapped off in wanting the Ice King to fix the damage done to their castle’s icy floors.

“Yes, dear.” The Ice King responded with a weak tone in giving into that demand quite easily.

As the scene goes dark, the Ice King is seen with a dusk pan and brush to begin his fixing of the icy floors. Boy, they say being king is tough, but this seems even tougher. And with that, we see the cold evil behind the icy roots, how will the heroes handle against such forces…well, that’s remain to be seen for another time….

Author's Note:

The Ice Queen is base around the villain from Adventure Time & from an animated film work: The Snow Queen & The Snow Queen’s Revenge.

Well there we go, another fine work is here. And now for the next chapter, the heroes go two separate paths and will meet at the Ice Palace within the Frozen North. But first, the Mane Six party will be delay with some obstacles involving some....penguin guards. And during another moment, Crash Fire is about to need Ben's help against a foe from the days of the Triforce period with the Hero of Time, and hope for the user of the Fire Element get stronger. What sorta amazing surprises lie in wait for the heroes, gonna have to stay tune to find out. Until then, enjoy....