• Published 13th Feb 2016
  • 559 Views, 1 Comments

MLP: Tough As...Snow - JusSonic

The Mane Six meets a new ally who is cool while dealing with some cooler but evil villains!

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Chapter 01: Snow Encounter!

MLP: Tough As…Snow

Chapter 01: Snow Encounter!

The scene opens up to where the outskirts of Ponyville is seen as all things look well. For now, there doesn’t seem to be anything wrong or anything going on that seems to spell trouble at this moment. But there does appear to be one thing going on that has earn our attention at this time, and that is…some shadowy new-comer pony slowly walking on over to the front of the town’s entrance. We can’t see or make out who he is, but he seems to be pretty important.

“Man, I finally made it, hope I’m not too late to join the party before it’s begun.” The voice was of a stallion, sounding pretty go-to in the words of what’s to happen.

Then the guy is seen moving along to go further into Ponyville as if he has someplace to be. But just who is he…we’re soon to find out in a few moments into the story…


Within Pinkamena’s secret dungeon, we only see the pink pony reading a book while she was alone while her group went out somewhere. Most of them will be back in a teleport minute or two from doing some errands. But then, Pinkamena sense something that made her yelp off from the feeling.

“Woah, feels like a snowy battle is gonna come. One slightly bad, and the other really cool.” Pinkamena responded from stating what she feels is gonna come, and it’s related to ‘snow’ for unknown reasons. “I wonder…could it be…” She spoke to hold her chin, pondering if maybe, just maybe…this was a sign of who’s coming.

The scene goes dark here from the pink pony being lost in thought as it seems like something strange will happen very soon…


Meanwhile, we see the Mane Six, Ben, Nyx, Spike & Phobos watching two of their friends, Crash Fire & Snowcrystal, work on teaching some colts & fillies their special self-defense martial arts: Pony Fighting. Right now, the skill that is a mix of Kung Fu and martial arts are being taught to a few fillies and colts and the CMC are trying to learn a few things by watching the brother and sister do a performance act.

“Remember kids, it’s how you make a form that makes it capable of making your unseen moves.” Snowcrystal spoke in stating the first basic steps here.

“But the more you train and the more you develop them, the stronger they become. Got it.” Crash Fire explained the next step is to improve one’s self to make what they learn stronger.

“Yes….” The children responded in understanding that stuff, just before they started to practice what they learn so far.

“Looks like those two are doing pretty okay there.” Ben smiled off in seeing Crash Fire & Snowcrystal’s class course in Pony Fighting take a nice turn.

“Well after what we’ve all went through with enemy attacks, this might be some relief to help keep the young ones safe, even if it’s just a little.” Twilight spoke in feeling somewhat relieved in how this much can help the children be safer than be defenseless.

“Think we can pull off some of that Pony Fighting stuff too?” Phobos asked off towards Spike in wondering that thought on his mind.

“How can we, we’re Dragons, not ponies you know?” Spike asked off in seeing that’s a style for ponies, Dragons can’t learn pony style, its complex.

“Still, it’s nicer to have a peaceful display in how to fight than actually fighting.” Fluttershy spoke with a little smiley face in seeing this was a display that wouldn’t make things get so overwhelming that they had a crisis.

“Yeah, but it’s not as exciting if one doesn’t go all out.” Rainbow Dash rolled her eyes in thinking that a serious fight means going more at it than this practicing workout.

“Well at least this beats getting upset in who won or who hurt de other.” Applejack stated to her friend about another matter to see here.

“Quite so, and I rather not get dirty if I don’t have to.” Rarity smiled off to say what she finds better to not really make one’s self get messy if it’s not a real fight.

“But man, this looks like we’re gonna have a super-duper time, the sun is out, the skies are clear, there’s snow…” Pinkie Pie was stating off all this jolly things here until….she gave herself a second thought. “Wait, did I say snow?” She asked off in finding that weird since this was supposed to be a nice clear sunny day.

Just as the pink pony said, it was starting to snow without any warning as it started to pile around the ground and make things a bit chilly.

“Sis, is this you’re doing?” Crash Fire asked off in knowing his sister Snowcrystal can use ice type magic from her element, but this was a little much to do right now.

“No, I haven’t done anything.” Snowcrystal shook her head ‘no’ as this was not hers at all.

Then suddenly without warning, something was making some loud stomping noises that was alerting everyone in the area.

“Wha-wha-wha-wha-what’s happening here?” Sweetie Belle yelped off in feeling that something was causing the shaking.

“De ground’s all shaky an’ stuff!” Apple Bloom stated from what they are feeling that was going on now.

“Is it an earthquake or something?” Scootaloo thought out what this was, if that was even the case.

“Fee-Fi-Fo-Fum!” Spoke a loud voice that sounded a bit arrogant and somewhat annoying.

“Hey, are we playing Jack & the Beanstalk tale here guys?” Pinkie Pie asked off in having heard that line from a famous fairy tale.

“Um…No, why do you ask?” Fluttershy shook her head in not thinking they were doing something like that.

“I think I can give you two words for that.” Rarity spoke off in looking at something, as if widening her eyes in having the answer they seek to know.

“And those are?” Rainbow Dash asked off remotely in what her friend was gonna say here.

“ICE GIAAAAAAANT!” Rarity screamed out loud in having to say what she saw was coming before them.

Just as Rarity spoke off, something was stomping across like it was daily walking, and it was snatching up ponies to stuff in a large brown bag sack. The creature looked like a mix between a humanoid giant, but seem to be mostly of icy blue structure. His appearance was like a blue icy skinned, elderly man with unusually pointed fingers, pointy toes, sharp teeth, and a long, goblin-like nose. He wears a dark blue tunic and has a large solid icy white beard that covers most of his body. He’s seen wearing a gold crown with red rubies on it, and appears to be bald with a tuft of white hair atop his head. He’s basically muscle while his dark suit covers him in a more ice giant barbarian mage type of wear, and his eyes are clear as white.

“Fee-Fi-Fo-FUM! I see ponies all around! Time to get snatching!” Spoke the weirdly bearded ice giant in looking at the ponies as he was grabbing and bagging anyone that he saw without a second thought.

“Great, just what we needed ta start out on, a large ice giant attacks our town.” Applejack rolled her eyes to remark what they got here is a classic typical giant’s raid.

“Mommy, is he related to Egola?” Nyx asked her mother in finding this ice giant seems like he may be related to another they know about; the Magical Ring Guardian, Egola.

“Doubtful! The guy we have barely talks!” Phobos rolled his eyes in stating that unlike the guy messing around, the ice giant they have doesn’t talk besides the moans and groans, and growls of a beast.

“Well whoever he is, we need to stop him.” Twilight sternly spoke in seeing they have to stop this new threat from messing around in their town.

“Crash Fire, Snowcrystal, care to help out?” Ben asked forth those nearby to give them a hand in this case.

“You know it Ben! I’m all FIRED Up!” Crash Fire spoke off in feeling raring to go out and fight the good fight.

“This’ll be a cool breeze to knock over.” Snowcrystal smiled off to state this while also joining in.

Soon those that were ready suddenly began their counterattack against this strange opponent. As this Ice Giant was about to capture the Cakes, a couple of cannon, blasters, magic spell shots made the giant withdrew his reach while the ponies and their babies got away. Soon the giant turns to see a couple of ponies, in battle position, wielding some sorta weapons and there were two baby Dragons along with a black filly that transformed into an adult mare.

“Heeeeeyyy! Shoo, you little pest! I’m collecting ingredients!” The bearded ice giant spoke off in seeing some pesky bunch trying to get in his way of snatching up ponies.

“Ingredients, you’re snatching Ponies!” Spike aided an eyebrow to state off what this guy was doing.

“Oh, you be wiser when you dare speak to the magician of the Frozen North, the Ice King!” The revealed giant spoke forth in stating who he is to all around him.

“Ice King?” Some of the gang responded a bit puzzled in hearing some giant made of ice call himself that, plus stating he's a king to boot.

“That’s right, I’m on a mission for my wicked little queeny, she wants an entire village of ponies within three moons. Never said why, but I never bothered to ask. So….” The Ice King had explained a bit of his reason before quickly starting to change the matter. “SHOO!” He spoke off to make this statement to wave his hand in wanting the gang to leave him. “Prrususfruvhmmm…” Then he shot off an icy breath of wind that was seen as him trying to blow the heroes away.

Those that handled that attack either dodge out of the way or used any magic or shield tactics to defend. Afterwards, much of the heroes were scattered about while this Ice King was still looking like he was unfazed.

“How’s about you try handling something hotter like this? Flamethrower!” Crash Fire declared forth in preparing another move of his against this guy. “Prrussfruvhmmm….” Then he created a flamethrower that impacted against the Ice King’s front side, setting him on fire since ice is vulnerable to flame.

“Hot-hot-HOOOT!” The Ice King yelps from putting out the flames to sigh in relief that he done it. “Hey buddy, is that anyway to treat your elders?” He gaze at Crash Fire to snap at him for that sneaky stunt he pulled.

“Depends if you’re an elderly giant.” Crash Fire pointed out that they need an age to fit the bill if this guy is a senile or a young foolish beard guy.

“I’m a 1044 Years Old, how isn’t that….ELDERLY?” The Ice King issued off in stating how old the guy is, if that’s not old, what is?

“Then maybe you shouldn’t be doing this, it might be bad for your health.” Snowcrystal protest the issue of this action is not good for even an old ice giant.

“Thanks for the tip, but my health is as solid as ice. Shame I can’t say much about you all, so…ICE YAH LATER, GATOR!” The Ice King spoke off to make this remark with a sneaky grin. “Wrussvhmmm…” Then with a wave of his free hand, he was blasting out some cold frost that the others just barely dodge in time.

“Ugh, that pun was awful!” Phobos rolled his eyes in hearing such an awful pun be heard.

“Whaaaatt! That pun was perfectly suited.” The Ice King protest off in hearing someone say his puns were terrible.

“Dude, seriously, you been better off saying Freeze of Chill Out, those are cooler villain words.” Rainbow Dash spoke off to tell this dude something he should seriously work on.

“Really? Hugh, maybe I should write that down somewhere.” The Ice King thought for a moment that puzzled him; should he write down better villain quotes?

“Too bad you got us to deal with!” Spike stated off to the guy that he’s got other things to think about.

Then both Spike & Phobos took a breath before blowing out their hot flames against the guy’s big toes, making him yelp like crazy to put out his left footsie.

“Hey-hey, HEY! You two are starting to get under my foot here! In fact….try facing the wrath of icy bunions!” Ice King stated off in fury before he decided to get mean and lift up his left foot to show weirdly…ICE BUNIONS, which he’ll stomp on whoever is underneath.

“Waaahhhh!” The baby Dragons screamed out in terror, they do NOT wanna be under that! Which luckily for them, AJ lasso those two out before it was too late.

“Now on anyone’s watch!” Applejack stated to declare in not letting that happen to her pals.

“And ice bunions, what was he thinking?” Rarity asked off in shock that such a foe would use such a disgusting plan.

“I know, this guy seems more like a joker villain than a serious villain!” Pinkie Pie pointed out in how this Ice King was fighting them was like a joke.

“Oh dear, and he still has some ponies, what do we do Twilight?” Fluttershy spoke with concerns in what they should do, they have to free the ponies this Ice King captured.

“Cut his bag and free them anyway you can. Distract him!” Twilight issued this order off in what they can best do to stop this guy.

Now everyone was doing their own thing to attack from all directions which greatly distracted the Ice King, as he was swinging his bag and shot off some magic to hit his targets. All while he was too blind to see that Ben charged pass him with his Triforce Charge move that zip him with his sword that slice the bag and was on the other side while the Ice King was not the wiser to see what happened.

“Hah! You can attack all you want, nothing gets by me!” Ice King proudly declared that none of these heroes can get the drop or pass him so easily.

“Perhaps you should look behind you.” Ben’s voice spoke off in showing a cocky grin for some reason and was behind the Ice King.

“Hugh?” The Ice King turns around in seeing that Ben got pass him, how? “Heeeeeyy! You got pass me, and….why does my bag feel lighter all of a…HUUUUUGH!” As he asked that question, he saw the bag was cut open and many captured ponies were running away. “My bag of ponies, where they go? What’s this…a hole in my sack?” He asked off in looking at his bag, there was a hole, one he can poke a finger in to see it was loose.

“I cut into your plans there buddy.” Ben smiled off in stating this fact of what he’s done here to turn things around.

“Ohhhhh……you’ll pay for that, both for taking my prize and insulting me with cleverer puns than mine!” The Ice King grip his hands to complain in seeing and hearing what Ben did; now he’s mad.

Now the Ice King was looking furious as he forgot the others to focus his attention straight on Ben’s spot. The guy was just swinging a few punches without paying attention, as Ben was dodging them effortlessly well, and making it harder for the giant. And the guy was firing much ice type magic which was freezing things and almost got a few heroes, almost. Ben decided to switch from sword tactic, to a tactic he likes to call…HAMMER TIME!

“Bashfruvhmm….” Then Ben bashed his Megaton Hammer against the giant’s shin area, and boy did that crack the ice around there.

“Owww….ow-ow-ow-ow-ow……” The Ice King yelped to hold up his right ankle from where that hammer hit him. “Hey, don’t you know it’s against law to hit below the belt?” He asked off in protesting that Ben broke a fighting rule.

“But that was only the ankle.” Pinkie Pie pointed out in seeing that, there was no way that was against the rules.

“I don’t care, I call it unfair! That should mean he’s disqualify from his actions!” The Ice King was making his excuses here and putting the blame on Ben.

“You’re a giant and you were trying to hurt us. Since when would you care about fighting fair?” Ben raised an eyebrow in making this claim statement over the situation.

“Since I fight for my sake!” The Ice King stated out this rather weak excuse of his after finally calming down a bit. But just then, from the distance, the giant mage king made of ice spotted something at the edge of town. “Hugh….oh-ho, what have we here, another pony?” He smiled off in seeing that maybe something seems to turn his luck around.

Just then, the Ice King turn his direction towards away from those he was facing to run near some pony that wasn’t paying attention to all the things happening around.

“Sir! Watch out, that villain is coming for you!” Adult Nyx shouted out to warn the pony of what’s coming.

“Hmmm?” The stranger looked up to seeing a giant shadow was upon him, but….

“I GOT’CHA!” The Ice King yelled out in reaching forth to grab this unguarded target.

“Powwfruvhmmm….” Then as the giant’s claw hand made contact, it crashed into the ground to grasp its target into a building.

“Heheh….hugh? Wait…what’s going on here? I can’t pull back!” The Ice King laughs at first in thinking he’s won, but….something was wrong that he couldn’t pull his hand back. “Grrrrrr….what’s the deal here, it’s not like this is the first time I bash a house and got stuck and pulled out quickly, so why….?” He was seen struggling to pull his arm back, this was not making any sense. “Wait, why does my hand feel like something’s got it?” The Ice King asked off this bizarre question with a puzzled face, it feels like he’s not stuck, something has him; but what?

Many of the heroes were arriving to see the Ice King having trouble and while that was on the mind, most were concern for who the foe was attacking and if he was alright.

“Man, my first trip into town and some guy tries to grab me. Taking the phase of greeting a bit far, don’t you think?” A voice spoke off with a mix of naivety & optimism, like this thing that happened was not what he was expecting.

Then something was seen while the debris of dust clouds were clearing, and suddenly, a catchy tune called ‘’Snow’s Theme’ from Final Fantasy XIII OST is heard in the background.

“Oh, sounds like a Hero’s theme!” Pinkie Pie spoke off to break the fourth wall in hearing the music.

“Uh, I make a comment about that Pinkie, but in this case…not so much.” Rainbow Dash rolled her eyes to say this before shrugging off the feeling from seeing something go on.

“Look, whose dat? De fella dat looks okay?” Applejack asked off in spotting the guy that looks a-okay.

“I can’t tell much from here.” Fluttershy shook her head in being unable to determine what she sees.

“The dust is too spread out.” Rarity stated that even with the dust from the damage clearing, they can only see so much.

“Can some pony make out who’s over there?” Twilight asked off if anyone was able to see who it was that seems to be alright.

Soon as the dust was clearing, an image of who was speaking to the Ice King was soon revealed, and did the timely appearance count for something here. A Unicorn stallion with light dark gray fur color coat, has blonde color mane & tail which one is darker than the other, and his eyes are blue color. His attire has a darker color scheme. He has a shorter dark blonde beard and slightly longer mane & tail. He wears a dark red shirt under a dark gray trench coat with frayed hems. His mane is swept back and exposes his ears, both the mane & tail are of a more wild look from blown winds. He even wears dark black hoof shoes with a metal-steel equipped to them for heavy kicking and punching effect work. He appears very much physically well built, like he’s got plenty of guts & looks to have train hard within tough terrain areas, and has the appearance of a strong fighter that can battle with the best with his bear hooves. And on his flank was a symbol of a white snow flank in a blue center symbol mark, as it was his Cutie Mark and telling of his talents. The guy looked like he was giving off the relentless optimist & self-proclaimed ‘hero’ who wishes to protect & help anyone in need, especially from where he stood.

“No way….is that…Snow?” Snowcrystal gasped forth in recognizing the guy that was in front of them.

“Snow?” The Mane Six responded puzzled to here Snowcrystal speak like she knows the guy.

“Who’s that?” The baby Dragons asked off in not knowing the name.

“The Fierce Blizzard Fighter, that’s who he is…and just look at that!” Crash Fire pointed to say this off while having everyone pay EXTRA attention…at another find.

And that was from when the dust cleared, Snow was seen having his left front hoof had hold off the giant Ice King’s wrist to keep him from pulling back.

“He actually stopped that giant with a single hoof.” Ben spoke off in being very surprise in seeing this kinda feat be performed.

“No way, last time, Tough Apple had to use both hooves against an ice giant when he was seriously mad.” Adult Nyx spoke off in recalling when Egola was working for the evil Demon Lords, Tough used the strength of his anger to beat the ice giant guardian and turn him into a good creature.

“Doesn’t look mad to me.” Spike stated in seeing Snow wasn’t even mad at all.

“Right, he looks cool as a cucumber.” Phobos nods in seeing that Snow looks pretty much okay, nothing seem to faze the guy.

“Ruuuaarrugh…Wraarrughhh! HEY, BUDDY!” The Ice King struggles to pull back his arm before snapping off loudly at the guy.

“Hugh?” The revealed Snow character responded to look up at who was speaking to him.

“Unhand me or you shall suffer the wrath of the Ice King of the Frozen North!” The Ice King spoke in giving his daring and scary threat of what shall happen here.

“Really, oh I’m sorry, my bad.” Snow spoke off to say in seeing that this was his mistake on his part. “But before I do that, tell me something, what were you doing here?” He asked this question from out of the blue.

“Oh. I was just collecting some ponies to take back and….dugh-HEEEEY! Wait-a-minute, why should I tell you? You’re coming with me!” The Ice King had stupidly fell into that conversation to blurt out his plans before he caught himself and was gonna grab Snow… “Diegh-Chrriiieeehhh….Just As Soon As I…GET MY HAND BACK!” But that required the use of his hand that was being kept by Snow’s grasp, not even a giant’s strength was winning here.

“Well if you’re in that much a hurry to get home, let me make it easier for you.” Snow spoke off in feeling like maybe he can help get this guy to where he needs to go.

“Hugh?” The Ice King responded puzzled in hearing this, just what was this pony trying to say here anyway?

Then Snow did something that completely shocked everyone in the area, even the Ice King. For Snow was holding the ice giant’s wrist and was spinning around and around, and looked to be lifting the giant creature to be in a spiraling twister image. Everyone was almost staring in shocking disbelief, but that was nothing when they saw Snow let go of his holding on the Ice King giant.

“WAAAAAUUUAAAAAAAGHHHHHH….” The Ice King made a loud scream from being thrown ‘skyward-hoo’ up into the air almost reaching a 100 feet in mere seconds flat while completely overwhelm in what’s happening and without reacting to how to handle it.

“Have a taste of what a 'Hero' can do, your majesty.” Snow spoke off to say this, and in another SHOCKING feat, he did a jump that zipped him faster than Rainbow Dash ever could do while he let off a snowy blur. “One-Inch Snow Punch!” Then as Snow was near his target, the right hoof of his was glowing in a cold aura feeling that made many below sense it, he was generating tremendous amounts of magic for an impact at close range.

“Frusvhmmm…Powfruvuvhmmm….” Then Snow delivered the goods; that one impact caused great damage to almost shatter the Ice King’s defense of hard ice like it was raptly turning to ice to crack under pressure.

“KURPOWFRRUUSSVHHMMM…../WAAAAAAUUOOOHHH-Aaaaaaaaahhhhh…..” Soon the Ice King was shoot off like a SUPER explosive comet, heading straight pass Canterlot to zip soon over the skies and then vanish beyond the skies while he let off a loud screaming wail. There was a bright star mark in the sky in showing that someone had now zipped across to be out of sight.

Then Snow lands on the ground, unfazed by his 100 feet landing drop and looked completely unhurt or bothered. As the theme was coming to a close, Snow turn around to stare at the many wide-eye, gaping faces that everyone was giving him in just bare-witnessing the feat that almost seem too much, and we mean TOO MUCH to think it was possible!

“Yo, how’s it going? Um, you folks okay?” Snow waved off towards those that he left pretty much stun speechless by his heroic action.

“That….was….AWESOME!” Rainbow Dash shouted out with wide sparkling eyes in being intrigued by that incredible feat.

“Holy Cupcakes! Did you see that, he was like….’Oh, you messing with me?’ & then BLAM-O! Right across the skies with ONE Punch!” Pinkie Pie skipped around to look at her pals in performing the act they saw, it was so amazing, Snow’s fight was so cool and that punch sent the tough giant soaring like he was nothing.

“Heck, I don't think we never, EVER seen any pony as tough ta handle a giant like dat!” Applejack smiled off in never in their lives seen something that was THAT excessive of taking out a villain in one, two, three.

“You were simply marvelous darling, simply marvelous!” Rarity clapped her hooves in giving Snow praise on his work.

“Why thank you all, glad to be of help.” Snow smiled off to say this in being flattered by the comments.

“Oh, please…we should be thanking you.” Fluttershy smiled in saying they wanna thank this pony for the save.

“Okay, who is this guy and how awesome is he?” Phobos asked off this question while coming to like Snow, A LOT, if he was THAT awesome just now.

“Yeah, they said you’re called Snow, right? Hugh, speaking of which….” Spike stated what he heard Crash Fire & Snowcrystal say, but then he notice, the snow was ceasing to fall and melt away.

“The snow…it’s stopping. Is it cause the mean Ice King’s gone?” Nyx spoke off after changing back to her filly form when the battle was over, the snow was vanishing now.

“Well yes, and no…I’ve help speed up that process. Being that ‘snow’ is my element after all.” Snow stated off to state this fact with a go-getter attitude in being the friendly type near this bunch.

“Wait. Your element? Snowcrystal, Crash Fire, who is he….is he…” Ben was surprised to hear this, and look to those here in thinking…if Snow was actually what he thinks…

“Yep, you are very much correct Ben, he’s like us, you, my sister and I, and even the Mane Six of what they represent.” Crash Fire nods his head in stating this to Ben that what he’s thinking was correct.

“He’s the worthy wielder…to the Element of Snow. Thus, allow me to introduce to you…Snow Villiers.” Snowcrystal spoke in stating this with an honorable face that she introduce Snow, the Element of Snow User.

“Hey there, Snowcrystal, how are you and your brother doing.” Snow waved off from noticing some old friends he’s seeing near the others.

“I don’t believe it. The Element of Snow & its wielder…are here in the flesh.” Twilight spoke off in being very surprise to take all of this in so suddenly. “Um, sir….I wish to….thank you, for the save of us and our citizens.” She got herself together when Snow approached her and her family while giving some words of thanks.

“Well you look like you had it under control, but ‘block-o’ there just choose a bad time to change his opponent. You would have won, hooves down.” Snow stated off that beating the Ice King was no sweat, the Mane Six could have done well without his help. “So, care to chat more here or in your home?” He asked off in wondering if they talk here or someplace else.

“Oh, um…of course! Right this way.” Twilight yelped to almost blush to turn to prepare the group to head to the castle.

“Cool, can you invite them too?” Snow nods with an okay smile and points in wanting Crash Fire & Snowcrystal to come along.

“Certainly. Let’s all go.” Twilight nods her head in agreement as she likes everyone to come along.

Soon everyone was moving out to head towards Rainbow Castle where the Sparkle Family reside in and where the Council of Friendship have their meetings. Looks like things with Snow here may turn into a very exciting little step for the gang, they saw it; he’s strong. What surprises could come next with Snow around, that remains to be seen…shortly soon…

Author's Note:

The Ice King is an OC version of the guy from Adventure Time series.

OH YEAH! First chapter and it's already looking so good! Now the gang have met with Snow, next chapter will be about Snow's old history and then chats of what's been happening in the present time with the young heroes. Certain events can play out, depending on what lies ahead. And perhaps a little adventure awaits the many, but where will it all go to...? That's a surprise for now, but be assure, it's in a cold place, where certain evil lies in wait. I'll say this, it sure AIN'T the Ice King, but perhaps...the Miss. Oh, sounds interesting, I'll tell more of what's going on the next time, so until then...lets enjoy what is present for our enjoy, as the fun continues in the next chapter...