• Published 11th Jun 2012
  • 4,577 Views, 183 Comments

Renaissance Pony - Dafaddah

In the late middle ages, Celestia foresees trouble for humanity and seeks help

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Light and Shadow (part 2)

Renaissance Pony

Chapter 21: Light and Shadow (part 2)

by Dafaddah

Globe spanning editorial team: Microshazm and SecondLaw

Celestia sat at her desk, trying to read diplomatic reports, and failing miserably. Thoughts of Luna kept pushing all other concerns from her head. Thus it had been all day, starting in Canterlot when she had performed the sun raising ceremony. As she stood on the dais at dawn, it struck her that her sister had stood upon the very same stage just the previous evening. Hours later the emotion still lingered, lending a hollow feeling to every activity she undertook.

She had been reading the same petition for the third time in a row when Rising Dawn, the captain of the Royal Guard knocked and entered without awaiting her response. The act prepared her to receive bad news. A feeling of dread washed over her.

“Majesty!” said the stalwart pegasus, “We have reports that your sister has declared herself the sole sovereign of Equestria and that a division of the Thestral Guard have surrounded the Equine Assembly! A larger contingent has also been spotted on the way here, and she is leading the formation.” He swallowed. “Your Majesty, they outnumber us better than two to one. I recommend you be evacuated from the castle forthwith. The Royal Guard will engage the invaders here to provide time to get you to safety."

Celestia took a deep breath. She had thought the Alicorns’ strife ended with the defeat of Discord. She smiled. Luna had once confided in her that given the history of their race, she feared that she and Celestia were doomed to fight each other as well one day. Alas, dear sister, it would appear you were right, she thought, and almost let the bitterness of the moment show in her face. She remembered her mother's instructions on the true heart of Harmony. This will guide your path: that which you do, you do in service to Harmony and for all others, but never for yourself. You must be a beacon onto others, and provide love where there is hate, friendship where there is discord, and hope where all hope is lost.

Celestia looked up into the Captain’s face and found both courage and determination, but in his eyes and in the downwards cast of his lips she saw not hope but resignation.

This was the moment of truth. The moment when she became a pivot on which the future of Equestria depended. She could either think of herself, or risk all to stand and be the beacon in the night. All her uncertainties deserted her, and a feeling of peace seemed to settle like a mantle over her withers. She stood.

“I will not turn tail and desert my forces, Captain Dawn. Please advise your guards that I will be fighting with them. There is a strong likelihood I can minimize casualties by engaging my sister directly.” She picked four scrolls on her desk, and opening a small silver box blew powder onto them. They burned with a bright green flame and were gone.

“Assemble your troops, Captain and establish a perimeter around the castle. There will be a teleport interdict over the area in minutes and help is on the way. I will join you momentarily. Now go!” Her tone left no room for argument. Captain Dawn saluted, turned on his hooves and left. Just for a moment, on his scarred old muzzle she had seen the slightest of smiles.

Celestia’s horn glowed and she blinked in the bright lights as she materialized in the hospital wing of the castle. Clover and Platinum stood near a bed with a rather distraught looking bearded unicorn who was arguing with the nurse. His smile died on his lips as he caught sight of Celestia’s grim expression.

“I must be brief," said Celestia as she approached. "The castle is under attack by my sister and her Thestral Guard. Clover, I charge you with protecting Princess Platinum and the Maestro. Get them safely away from here.” As she fed power to her horn Starswirl opened his mouth to say something, but the view abruptly changed to that of the outer courtyard where her Guard were already assembled into ranks. She walked to the head of the formation.

“Soldiers of Equestria!” she shouted. “Today we meet a challenge such as we have never faced. For we will be fighting fellow ponies, our brothers, our sisters...” her words caught in her throat. “This is a most terrible thing I ask of you, but it is a necessary thing, not a choice to be made, but a duty to be borne. I ask this of you because this day will set the course for the next thousand years of Equestria’s history. It will determine not only the shape of our government, but the very character and soul of our nation, and the lives of us all and our families.” She paused to let her troops consider what she had just said.

“One last thing. We may be outnumbered in the air, but we have a strong position in this castle, magical resources on the ground, and even a few surprises of our own. Remember when you are out there that you are not alone. Even when things look their darkest, do not lose hope, and we shall prevail.”

The words had barely left her mouth when she felt a wash of thaumic energy pass through her. Good, the teleport shield is up. With a beat of alabaster wings, Celestia took to the sky.

“This way, Clover,” said Platinum, lighting the way down a steep spiral staircase that led deeper still into the bowels of Everfree Castle. Behind her, Clover half carried, half levitated Starswirl.

“I’m not an invalid, I’ll have you know!” groused the older mage. She smiled as he had voiced the complaint every few hundred paces. At first their progress had been awfully slow as he had insisted on walking on his own. He was barely able to go a few pony lengths before tripping on his own legs. It had taken them nearly a half hour to go down two levels. At that point she had simply picked Starswirl up and placed him on Clover’s back. Progress since had been much faster.

“The physician said that after your sojourn on that world you were dehydrated, malnourished and apparently under the influence of a mild intoxicant, Maestro. She’ll let you know when you can be trusted on your own hooves.”

“None of this is of my choosing. I had no idea what I could and could not eat in that place. At least I was able to find something I could stomach, even though it did make me a bit tipsy,” replied Starswirl. “And that’s why I fell down so often.”

Clover grunted beneath him. “It’s also why you have putrid wounds on both front knees. I suggest you stop fidgeting so much, or we may all get to enjoy falling down these steps.”

They reached the bottom of the stairwell. A tunnel stretched before them for quite a distance.

“How come you know about this secret passage, sweets?” asked Clover.

“My father took me through here when I was just a little filly. He had a meeting with the princesses that needed to be kept secret, so we entered and left the castle via this passage. My mother was still alive then. I remem...” She stopped abruptly after turning a bend in the corridor.

“Platinum? Is there something the matter?” asked Clover behind her.

There was indeed. In the distance, another pony shone a light. A tall dark pony with a horn and wings. She pulled back behind the bend in the passage. “It’s her! She’s in the passage. Turn back, Clover, and run!” She focused her magic a moment and a rock grew out of the earth, blocking the passage. She spun and quickly caught up with her husband.

Despite his burden, Clover galloped for all he was worth. He groaned when they reached the stairwell, and started climbing, complaining between breaths. “If I... ever find out... whose bright idea... it was to... put a... teleport... interdict... on the castle... I’ll...” Platinum saw Clover stumble at the head of the stairs as she felt a shudder run through the stone floor.

Clover was stooped over and breathing heavily. As she lifted Starswirl off his back he caught her gaze. “Somepony needs to warn the Princess. You have to go. The Maestro and I will keep Princess Luna bottled in the stairwell.”

Platinum felt a cold stab of fear. “But Celestia said...” Clover placed a hoof gently over her lips.

“Warning the Princess that Luna is in the castle takes precedence over anything else, my love. You know that... and besides, you know the way back. I don’t.”

Platinum bit her lip in frustration. But Clover was right, only she knew the way back through the maze of passages. She kissed him on the lips. “I’ll be back for more, my love.” He nodded. Her heart aching, she took off at a gallop.

In the air above Everfree Castle, Harvey leaned out over the side of his triplane’s fuselage and looked down at the approaching Thestral formation. The angle was almost perfect! The Overcloud Express squadron should be nearly invisible to the Thestrals in the glare of the sun.

“Hey Speck!” he called, “Ready your munitions!” The unicorn, who was seated in front of him, loaded a belt of crossbow bolts into a strange contraption devised by the Maestro. Each bolt usually had a ball at the end that was meant to be enchanted by the unicorn who operated the device. Generally these were different forms of dissuasion spells, from lightning balls, to fireballs, to sleep spells. Today, the balls had been removed, revealing dull metal tips that no doubt would do a very great deal of damage to anything they hit. A hit to a pony would likely be fatal.

Speck looked a bit green around the gills. “I can’t believe it’s come to this!” the unicorn said, his voice barely audible above the wind.

"When the time comes, will you be able to use it?" asked Harvey.

Speck didn't speak, but he glanced at Harvey and nodded. The whites of his eyes were showing. Harvey sympathized. He wondered if he would have the guts to pull that device's trigger and watch ponies die. In back of Harvey, Plow, their earth pony engineer pedaled steadily, driving the rotor.

Harvey took another long look at the enemy below and counted. He did a double-take and counted again. That's only half as many as had been reported on the way! He began to scan the horizon. There was nothing to be seen around them other than the fifteen triplanes of the Express squadron. They've got to be here somewhere, he thought. Just when we were going to get the drop on them, too. He froze for a moment.

Harvey tapped Speck on the shoulder and shouted: "Signal dispersal! Now!"

Purple starbursts erupted all around their craft. The previously tight formation of triplanes blossomed like the starburst that signalled the manoeuvre as Harvey stared intently back towards their prior position. Seconds later a full two flights of Thestrals dove through their position like Hawks on a strike. One triplane exploded into a bunch of fragments that fell twirling down to the ground. Another triplane's wing was clipped, but it righted itself and continued to fly on course. He held a hoof over his beating heart. Had he not given the word his own squadron might have been decimated.

"Did you make out what were they carrying?" asked Plow, as the earth pony pedalled furiously.

"They were carrying something?" He looked over the side of his craft at the still plummeting Thestrals. They hadn't pulled out of their dives. He watched as they fell further until they were practically on the Castle, and then they fanned out in an unwitting imitation of his own squadron’s recent action. He was perplexed a moment, and then saw as multiple dust clouds erupted from the battlements of the castle. He watched in disbelief as a tower slowly crumbled and fell.

He looked up and saw more black spots in the sky above. "They were carrying explosive devices!" Shouted Harvey. "They're bombarding the castle from the air!" He tapped Speck again. “Signal the squadron to follow. We’re going to take the fight to them!” He turned to the earth pony seated behind him. “Plow! Give it all you’ve got!” He sat and focused on his pegasus magic and making the triplane as light as possible.

On the battlements of Everfree Castle Celestia looked on with dismay at the damage caused by the explosive devices. The powerful combination of missiles and spells had breached several walls and even brought down one tower. “Begin the rescue of any ponies caught in the collapsed parts of the Castle,” she instructed the chief of the Royal Corps of Mages, a wiry old unicorn.

“But majesty, that will mean reducing the power and size of our teleport interdict!” she said.

“Lives come first!” said Celestia. “Besides which, I have to prevent any further bombardment of the Castle. It might not survive another such strike.”

The old mare looked to the sky in dismay. She swallowed and then nodded. “Yes, your majesty.” She turned and Celestia heard her shouting instructions to her fellow mages.

With a mighty blast of wings, Celestia bolted into the sky. She headed straight at the approaching Thestrals, aiming for the Alicorn leading them.

Ponies are dying! How could Luna do this? she thought. She also thought of the castle. We grew up in this castle. How can she so callously destroy it? Celestia fought to calm herself.

As she approached, Celestia started to feel that something was amiss. She had an affinity to Luna that usually clued her into her sister’s proximity. Now, she felt nothing, yet she could clearly spot her sister in the Thestrals’ lead.

Finally, she was close enough for verbal communications. “Sister, what art thou...” The words died on her lips. Her eyes grew wide. With a pulse of magic Celestia ripped through the enchantment revealing the pegasus mare beneath. The mare grinned at her, as if this was one of the best jokes ever.

Celestia changed courses at the last second sending a blast of air that buffeted the Thestrals. Her own Royal Pegasus troops arrived in her wake, and a fierce battle erupted in the air. With a sour taste in her gullet, Celestia concluded that the air attack was nothing more than a distraction. She looked towards the castle and narrowed her eyes. As she circled back, ponies started dropping from the sky. She hoped they would be rescued by their brethren before they hit the ground, but she knew that many would pay the price for this mere distraction.

She was almost back to the ramparts from which she had departed, when she saw a blast of light and noticed Princess Platinum waving a hoof at her. She glided in for a landing next to the visibly distraught mare.

“Majesty! Princess Luna is in the escape passage under the castle. Clover and Starswirl are trying to keep her contained in the passage, but I don’t know how long they can last against your sister.”

Celestia had placed a detachment of Royal Guards at the exit of the passage. She prayed to Harmony that they still lived. “Hop on!” she called to the unicorn mare, who promptly jumped onto her back. Celestia took off in all haste.

Harvey hoped the other triplane crews had understood his shouted instructions. They were still in a climbing spiral when there was a signal to his right. Somepony had spotted movement from above. He glanced up and saw another flight of fast approaching Thestrals. He tapped Speck and pointed a hoof at the enemy. Speck flicked his ears and his withers tighten as he grabbed the hoofles of the mechanical crossbow. Harvey pointed the craft straight at the oncoming flight. A glance backwards showed his squadron forming up on his new heading, trailing behind his triplane to either side.

He counted down as the distance between the two forces shrank. He raised a hoof over his head, and pulled it down with a shout: “Shoot!”

Speck shook as the device whirled and the crossbow bolts flew. In Harvey’s peripheral vision, the bolts from other craft were streaks of bright metallic grey. The bolts and Thestrals crossed paths. At first he wasn’t sure that their aim had been adequate. Then he saw several of the Thestrals pull out of their dives, some tumbling out of control. The Overcloud Express continued firing up until collision were immanent, and then peeled off into two formations, on to either side of their former target.

Harvey smiled in triumph. Only two of the Thestrals were still in a controlled dive. The rest had been thwarted. He saw a movement and witnessed Speck grabbing the side of the cockpit and vomiting over the side. Then he noticed the flecks of red that peppered the surface of the fuselage. He felt his own gorge rise, but by some miracle managed to keep his lunch down. He signaled for the squadron to maintain its altitude. Once they were in level flight, he gently placed a hoof on Speck’s back, and felt as much as heard the sobs issuing from the wiry unicorn.

Starswirl shuffled backwards as Clover pushed him further from the gaping hole that used to be the entrance to the stairwell. Clover's horn glowed as he tried to pull more of the surrounding masonry into its maw, but he succeeded only in loosening a few more bricks. The floor shook and a loud roar emerged from its depths, accompanied by an eruption of shattered brickwork that flew in every direction. Caught mid-spell, Clover had time only to raise a hoof above his head. Starswirl acted reflexively, projecting a force shield that extended a mere hoof's span above his student's outstretched limb.

The pain in the elder unicorn’s head and horn was excruciating. He breathed heavily as his horn glowed, providing the only light as dust filled the ancient chamber beneath the castle and only the tiny volume under the force bubble remained clear. "I can only hold this moments longer, lad," he gasped. "I am ashamed to be nothing more than a burden to you." He collapsed where he stood, his horn light faded and flickered out.

"Maestro!" called Clover as the billowing dust descended upon them. Starswirl felt a hoof on his withers. "We would both be dead if you hadn't shielded us," said Clover.

Starswirl knew that Clover's own magical reserves were waning. His were fully spent and he would likely not be able to work any magic for days perhaps weeks. He should have been in the hospital convalescing. He was amazed that he had been able to produce even that one abbreviated shield spell.

The dust got into their noses and mouths. He and Clover began sneezing. Finally the dust settled sufficiently for them to see the short distance to the stairwell. However, debris from the eruption blocked the view.

"Stay there, Maestro," called Clover. "I have to find a position where I can see if anypony comes out of that hole." He had barely taken three steps when a blast of energy struck him square in the chest from the depths of the stairwell. Starswirl watched in horror as the lad was bodily lifted into the air, striking the low ceiling above them. Clover fell to floor unconscious. A glow wreathed his body and Starswirl cringed in horror as his student was dragged towards the hole in the floor.

"Stop!" He called out in desperation. The glow dissolved, leaving Clover's supine form bleeding at the top of the steps that remained. Luna flew up to stand over her fallen foe.

"So, your most loyal student was able to find you despite how well I had hidden you." She laughed while scratching her neck with a silver tipped hoof. "What a waste of time and effort. Had he taken a day longer I would have gone to retrieve you myself." She stared down at Clover coldly.

"Please!" Starswirl begged, "help him."

Luna looked back at Starswirl. "We have unfinished business, thou and I, human. But first I have other concerns of mine own to attend to." She kicked Clover's body out of the way. "And this one is not worth a delay in my plans." She launched herself into the air, and flew off back towards the entrance to the castle.

Starswirl tried to rise. "Clover!" He called. He managed to rise to his forelegs. There was a buzzing in his ears, and then everything went dark.

Platinum screeched in alarm as she hung onto Celestia's neck for dear life. Normally Celestia wouldn't have subjected the poor mare to such breakneck indoor flying maneuvers, but these were unprecedented circumstances. She also couldn't tell Platinum the real reason for her haste: to prevent her sister from doing something irrevocable. That possibility drove a bitter feeling of dread down her limbs to the very tips of her hooves. Platinum screeched and covered her eyes as Celestia flew sideways through a tight doorway.

Another few tight turns and the corridor opened out into a wide low-ceilinged hall. At the further end of it two ponies lay motionless, surrounded by debris on the stone floor. Celestia swallowed. "We've arrived, Platinum," she said, and glided to a stop between the two bodies.

Platinum said not a word, but practically fell off of Celestia's back in her haste to reach her husband's side. There was blood everywhere. Clover had obviously been dragged after having sustained grievous injuries. Celestia hurried to Starswirl’s side, her heart pounding in her barrel. Seeing no signs of blood, she discovered that he was still breathing. She let out a breath she hadn't known she was holding, then in alarm turned back towards Platinum. The mare cradled her mate's bloody head in her forelegs, cooing as to a foal, her tears falling onto his face.

"Save..." a gravelly voice whispered. Celestia looked back down at Starswirl. "Save him!" he said, his voice only marginally less faint. Celestia leaped into the air and came down next to the unicorn pair, her horn glowing. Clover neither breathed nor did his heart beat, but his life energy had not yet dissipated.

"The spark of life is still within him!" said Celestia.

Platinum looked up to her, eyes brimming with tears and sudden, desperate hope. Celestia focused her attention back on Clover. She used the diagnostic process taught her by Oya Dawn, the mare who had under Starswirl’s tutelage revolutionized Equestrian medicine. The scan revealed that Clover had significant internal damage. Her dismay must have shown in her face as she saw Platinum’s own eyes grow bigger and the mare began to tremble. I cannot let her succumb to panic! thought Celestia. I need to focus her attention. She projected an expression of fierce determination.

“We can save him, my dear Platinum,” she said. “But I will need your help. Can you do these spells? Her horn glowed again as she projected the idea into Platinum’s mind. The unicorn mare nodded.

“Then do as I do,” said Celestia. “We must stop the bleeding inside.”

Celestia began to use tightly focused healing spells to close ruptured blood vessels. If they succeeded in reducing the internal bleeding sufficiently the stallion might survive long enough to get more competent medical attention. Eyes closed in concentration, she didn’t see Platinum’s horn light up, but she did encounter the mare’s magical ‘touch’ inside Clover’s ravaged body. Together they made short work of healing the major wounds. Another of Oya’s spells shocked Clover’s heart into beating and forced air into his lungs. Seconds later, Celestia smiled as she felt Clover’s heart beat of its own accord and his body’s struggles ease.

She opened her eyes to see Platinum’s horn still glowing, eyes closed as she continued to minister healing spells to her husband. “Thank you Celestia.” Even though her tears still fell on her lips was a smile. “He will live, and I can continue on my own,” she said in a breathless voice. A look of rage momentarily marred her usually graceful features. “But you must now deal with the mare who did this to my love, before she hurts anypony else.”

Celestia took a step back and closed her eyes. She’s right, she thought. Her own tears began to fall. She backed away, and with a last glance reassured herself that Starswirl was not in any imminent danger. She took off in the direction from which they had arrived, passing a hoof over her muzzle to rub the sorrow from her eyes.

Harvey shuddered as another of the squadron’s airplanes was struck by the Thestral attackers. Its tail damaged, it began a slow spiral down to earth. The pegasus was breathing hard from his exertions, as were his crew. After seeing the effectiveness of the Overcloud Express’ mechanical bolt gun they had changed tactics and had begun selecting individual triplanes to attack with three or four Thestrals at a time, overwhelming the unicorn defenders plane by plane. It was devastatingly effective. Only seven of the Express’ aircraft remained intact. There were still perhaps two dozen Thestrals. He glanced up, just in time to see all of them pull their wings in and starting to dive.

“Line up!” he called to the other triplanes. “We need a curtain of bolts across their path!”

His squadron mates did their best to comply, but he knew there’d be large gaps in their coverage. He counted the seconds as he watched the distance from the Thestrals narrow. He squinted. Something was off. He didn’t know what exactly until, more by instinct than any conscious design, he pitched his triplane precariously to the left. A dark shape shot through the air almost close enough to his triplane’s fuselage for his to touch. Screams rang out, letting him know several other planes had not been so lucky. A glance upwards showed the wave of Thestrals was almost upon them.

“Fire!” Harvey yelled, and felt his craft shudder as Speck engaged the mechanical crossbow. The black wave shot past. A moment later he called “cease fire!” and looked down. His heart sank. He counted over a dozen Thestrals still in a controlled dive towards the castle far below. Looking back up he saw that only two other triplanes remained intact. Speck turned and glanced at him for a moment. Brief as the contact was it was enough to see the despair in the unicorn’s eyes. He suspected Speck had read the same in his own expression. They had failed.

Harvey felt a cold fury course through his veins. They could no longer save the castle itself, but they might just save the lives of a few of the ponies defending it. Harvey gritted his teeth, and signaled for a dive to the remaining two other triplanes. As they dropped towards the castle, he checked over Speck’s shoulder. They weren’t out of crossbow bolts yet. Not by a long shot.

The floor shuddered as Luna exited the secret passage behind “her” throne. She heard the sounds of walls crumbling and buildings collapsing.

Eyes narrowed, Luna viewed the empty hall. Being in this familiar place after months of absence left a bitter taste in her mouth. Why wasn’t Celestia here? Why hadn’t she protected the castle?

You see! said the voice. Celestia is incapable even of defending this castle, your home since you were foals! How worthless! She is nothing but a pathetic excuse for a ruler.

Luna had expected to find Celestia to be in the throne room with the elite unicorns of her Royal guard, leading the defence of the castle. Absently, she scratched the side of her barrel as she stamped a hoof in frustration.

She flees your wrath! said the voice. And cold-heartedly sends her minions to die in her stead.

Luna paused a moment. In her mind’s eye was the image of Clover crashing into the wall.

Like a coward she runs away to save her own precious hide! accused the voice.

The voice was right, again. Celestia’s defences where pathetic. Either she was truly incompetent, or she severely underestimated the power and intelligence of her own sister. She felt a sneer on her lips. Her anger seethed further still, her veins pulsing with liquid fire. Rage consumed her, and she snarled in frustration that the object of her wrath had failed to be where she was supposed to be.

Luna was having a hard time thinking. Her thoughts seemed to run so slowly. It was such an effort to think and her coat itched furiously. There was a sound from the front entrance of the throne room. She walked out from behind her throne to see Celestia approaching. There was anger in her sister’s eyes.

She hates us! said the voice. The simpering, venal tyrant thinks she has everypony fooled. But not us. Luna’s anger was stoked hotter still. Its heat filled her mind, and the edges of her vision began to grow dark. She has corrupted them all, but we won’t let her take what is ours! said the voice.

“Not... another step!” said Luna as she glared down Celestia and moved to the front of the dais. She never listens. Never!

All of the pain in her soul, the betrayals, the disappointments and the loneliness, all of it fueled her rage as she stared down its source: her sister. “Did you really expect me to sit idly by while they all basked in your precious light?” Luna felt something break inside of her. She paid it little heed. She refused to allow herself to be distracted by minor issues, so great was her wrath.

Words left her mouth, as if of their own volition. “There can only be one princess in Equestria! And that princess... will be me!” She felt her forehooves crash to the floor, smashing speaker’s lectern before the thrones into sawdust and broken lumber. She was blinded for a moment.

What? she thought. What did I just say? Icy panic spread through her limbs. She tried to bolt, but her legs refused to cooperate. She heard cracking noises and then the wall behind the thrones fell in with a crash. Against her will, Luna’s forelegs rose as she felt her body do the motions to raise the moon. The orb cleared the horizon until its path eclipsed the sun and darkness spread like a mantle over the land.

In the shadow of the moon, the itch in her pelt grew until it became a searing pain. Luna screamed as a black miasma coursed from her body until it fully enveloped her. Everything went dark for a moment.

When her eyes opened, echoes of raucous laughter reverberated from the hall around her. Celestia still stood defiant before her. Luna watched in horror as beams of thaumic energy projected from her own horn, laying waste the throne room. As Luna felt her body move forward, Celestia momentarily took to air to avoid the blasts and falling debris.

Once she was back on solid ground, Celestia spoke with fierce determination: “Luna, I will not fight you! You must lower the moon! It is your duty!”

Yes, I must! Luna tried to say, but her voice remained mute. She didn’t want to fight Celestia anymore. Her horror only increased when she heard a harsh and cruel voice say: “Luna? I am... Nightmare Moon! I have but one royal duty now: to destroy you!”

Stop! she cried in her thoughts, only to see more blasts issue from her horn in her sister’s direction.

Why should I stop? said the voice. I am Nightmare Moon, and now you are nothing more than a voice in my head! Ha ha ha ha hah!

Luna tried moving her limbs to trip herself up or interfere with the spells coursing through her horn. She even tried to displace the moon. Nothing happened. She was powerless in her own body. She heaved a mental sigh of relief as Celestia escaped the confines of the hall via a rent in the roof.

“And where do you think you're going?” said Nightmare Moon’s voice. Luna felt her body take to the air in pursuit. Once above Luna saw the devastation the castle had suffered. Most of it was now rubble... just as she had planned.

The realization sank in. I did this, she thought. Why?

Because I told you so, said the voice in her head, and because you listened. Ha ha ha ha hah!

Beams from her horn laid further waste to castle, narrowly missing Celestia several times.

No! Please no! Luna wanted to shout. Instead more beams shot from her horn. One struck Celestia full in the barrel. Luna screamed in silent despair as her sister plummeted to the throne room floor below.

Celestia awoke with a start. She gasped as she recalled being struck down by her own sister. Struggling to rise, she heard a triumphant laugh from somewhere above her. In the unnatural gloom, she recognised the floor of Everfree Castle’s throne room. Memory of the last few minutes returned, and with it both anger and hurt. She also remembered her shock at seeing what her sister had done to Clover, and her realization of the peril Nightmare Moon represented to Equestria.

That’s when she had first devised her plan, a plan that had been thwarted by finding Luna already in the throne room. However, her sister’s transformation and subsequent flying pursuit of her presented an opportunity to still avoid a fight to the death, one in which she knew she lacked the cold-bloodedness needed to kill. So Celestia had leapt to the ceiling, drawing her sister’s fire to blast a gaping hole in the roof. She then drew Nightmare Moon out of the throne room and into the night sky, leading her into a chase that ended just exactly where she needed to be.

Celestia looked up towards the gaping hole in the ceiling. "Oh, dear sister. I am sorry, but you have given me no choice but to use these." She focused her magic on a section of the floor and with a mechanical clang the storage vault of the Elements of Harmony rose into view.

The Elements are still there! she exclaimed in thought. The sight should have cheered her. Instead all she felt was a numbing dread. It took her a moment to realize what it was. Is this how loneliness feels? she asked herself. Oh Luna! Tonight we are both become oath breakers, and our sentence awaits us.

She flew to the top of the structure and gathered the Elements of Harmony to her. The large coloured jewels began to orbit around her, spinning faster and faster until she was encircled by a rainbow. Celestia flew up to end her sister's rebellion, and along with it her own happiness.

Once above the ruined castle, she floated in wait for her sister’s attack. Her subterfuge had worked. Luna had thought her incapacitated and left her alone long enough for Celestia to secure the Elements of Harmony. She saw the rage in... Nightmare Moon’s eyes, and focused on creating a spherical force shield, just as the Maestro had taught her, keeping the element of magic between her horn and her foe.

Nightmare Moon released a massive blast, by far greater than anything she had unleashed previously. This casting was meant to utterly destroy. Eyes open, Celestia unleashed the power of the Elements in her own rainbow coloured beam.

The two beams met. After what seemed like an eternity but must have been seconds at most, the coloured beam traversed the distance between them and engulfed Nightmare Moon. “Noooooo!” she shouted, as Celestia activated the last part of the spell, and exiled her sister to the moon for a thousand years.

Celestia watched as the rainbow beam shot towards the moon. Upon reaching it the beam caused massive disruption to its surface. A rainbow tinged echo of thaumic energy radiated out from the impact’s epicentre.

A scream rent the night that was heard in all of Equestria. It took a moment for Celestia to recognised it. It was her own voice. For a second time in minutes, Celestia felt her world go black. She plummeted to the ground far below.

Harvey’s triplane was the last one remaining in the air when he saw the annular rainbow flash through the sky like a ripple on pond. Then he heard a scream of pain and despair such as he had never thought could exist. He felt tears on his face as it ended, and looked toward its source, seeing a white speck high in the sky. He turned his craft towards it and noticed that it was dropping and picking up speed. He did the only thing he could think of: he leaped from his triplane into the sky and flew as fast as his wings could take him towards the plummeting body.

He didn’t dare to look behind him. He expected Plow to pilot the plane in his absence, although without the pegasus aboard the craft was too heavy to do naught else but return to earth.

Harvey adjusted his course along a parabola in order to get to the falling pony in time. From this distance it looked to be a white pegasus tumbling from the sky. He called on every drop of speed in his wings pushing further and faster than he had ever flown. Finally the form started getting bigger, and bigger, and just as he reached for the enormous pony he caught a glimpse of a horn and a crown. Harvey wrapped his forelegs around Princess Celestia’s ample barrel, locking his forelegs below hers. He heaved upwards with everything he had. The ground was approaching far too fast. He closed his eyes as the pain in his wings tore a scream from his throat, expecting the jarring impact that would bring him and the mare to their final resting places.

Suddenly the pain eased. When he opened his eyes he saw a glow around them as they gently dropped to the ground. He heard the sound of a triplane’s wheels striking ground nearby followed by loud crunch. Turning around he saw his craft as it careened through the courtyard of the castle and embedded itself into the base of a stone wall. He swallowed, but then smiled as two ponies pulled themselves from the wreckage and waved in his direction.

Harvey turned back to the mare. His eyes grew as big as saucers as he confirmed that he hadn't been mistaken, he'd just rescued Princess Celestia, whose eyes were just now slowly opening. Harvey blushed as he realized that he was essentially lying on the ground partially on top of his sovereign with both forelegs still around her barrel.

“Er, your majesty,” he got up and sketched a quick bow, “are you uninjured?” Instead of looking at him the princess stared at the ground. Worried that she might have been hurt after all, he crouched closer to be able to look her in the eyes. “Your majesty?”

The princess’s forehooves wrapped around him liked those of a drowning mare, and she sunk her muzzle into his mane. He felt a damp spot on his neck, and shudders where their bodies touched. Harvest Wind placed a hoof over Princess Celestia’s back, and stroked her ethereal mane as she wept in his embrace.

Princess Platinum shut the doors to Princess Celestia’s rooms behind her. The white alicorn was her guest at House Unicorn, as the severely damaged Everfree Castle was deemed unsafe for habitation. A member of the Royal Guard stood at attention on each side of the door. She turned and faced Captain Dawn and a young pegasus stallion who seemed somewhat in awe of the Guard Captain.

“Her majesty is resting,” said Platinum. “Captain, if she or your guard ponies need anything, please let me or my staff know.”

Captain Dawn bowed to Princess Platinum. “We thank you, your highness.” He nodded to the Guard Ponies, who saluted and resumed their positions. She strode quickly down the hall to the next door, the captain and Harvey in tow. The door opened into a large room in which two unicorn stallions rested on hospital beds. Platinum went directly to the younger one and nuzzled him on the cheek. He opened a single eye.

“Hey, Platypuss,” Clover greeted her, his voice barely above a whisper. She noticed Harvey blushing in response. Clover must have noticed as well. The corners of his mouth turned upwards. “Who’s the easily embarrassed colt?”

On the next bed over Starswirl raised his head to get a better look at the visitors. He nodded to Platinum and the captain. “That fine young fellow is Harvest Wind, the best pilot in the Overcloud Express.”

The young pegasus’ blush visibly ramped up a notch.

Captain Dawn glanced at the smaller pegasus. “I’ll have you know, Mage Clover, that not only was this fine young stallion key in fighting off the invaders, but that he personally saved the life of Princess Celestia.”

By this point Harvest Wind was almost glowing bright red. Clover chuckled weekly. “I remember him now. My, the colt is a blushing phenomenon. Platy, please remind me to send him my king of blushing crown.” He glanced back fondly as his wife. “Of course this means that you’re married to a commoner again. Are you disappointed, sweetie?”

Platinum felt like dawn had come after a very long night. With tears in her eyes she put both forelegs around her husbands head. “Ever have you been my Prince, and ever shall you be, love.”

From the next bed Starswirl harrumphed. “I would ask you two to find a room, but then this is your house in which I am a guest. Instead I shall ask the good captain for a report.”

Platinum smiled in gratitude towards Starswirl and nodded to the captain.

The stallion approached Starswirl’s bed, his expression serious. “We have managed to defeat the Lunar rebellion, in large part thanks to the assistance of the Overcloud Express squadron, although I have to report casualties of over fifty percent, including twelve deaths.” The captain paused as Starswirl absorbed the news, blanching visibly.

The old mage’s voice cracked as he replied. “I feared as much. In the end, I suspect that teams of pegasi are simply too nimble and dangerous for my flying devices to withstand. I may have needlessly put lives at risk.” He stared down at the covers of his bed. “What do you have to say about it, Harvey? You were there in the thick of it.”

The younger pegasus looked thoughtful for a moment. “It didn’t take them long to figure out how to attack us effectively. Three or four pegasi would attack, some of them keeping the unicorn occupied while the others inflicted whatever damage they could to the craft.”

“Nevertheless,” Harvey and Starswirl glanced towards the captain,”without them the Royal Guard itself would have been overwhelmed.” He looked solemnly at Starswirl. “Again, we express our thanks.”

Starswirl could manage only a nod in response.

“In the end, Princess Celestia defeated Nightmare Moon by banishing her to the moon. Incidentally, Mage Starswirl, please do not refer to the invader as Princess Luna within earshot of Her Majesty. She is devastated by the loss of her sister, and it may be quite a while before she can speak plainly of it.”

“She wept, Starswirl,” whispered Harvey. “The princess wept in my embrace and I could do nothing to help her.”

“Harvest Wind,” said Starswirl gravely, “I tell you this not as the leader of the Overcloud Express, nor as a minister of the crown, but as the friend of a princess whom I’ve known and loved for many, many years. I am eternally grateful that you saved her life, and more thankful still that in her moment of need she was not alone. Well done, lad!”

Harvey’s blush this time was muted. “I wish I could have done more. And besides, if Speck and Plow hadn’t followed me in and magically helped cushion our fall there’s a good chance the princess and I would have ended up as part of the landscape.”

A voice interrupted from the door. “But then, as we say in the Express, any landing you can trot away from...”

“... is a good landing!” finished Harvey while grinning at the new arrivals, a young pegasi couple. The blue coated stallion leaned on the pale brown mare as his left foreleg was tightly bound in bandages. Together they hobbled over to stand next to Starswirl’s bed. Harvey introduced them as his friends Sky Blue and Summer Breeze. They bowed to Princess Platinum, nodded to Captain Dawn and then saluted Starswirl.

“There’s no need for that any longer,” said the elder mage. “I am disbanding the Express.”

By the look on the pegasi’s muzzles, Platinum was not the only one shocked by the pronouncement.

“Don’t give me those long faces!” growled Starswirl. “The triplanes were an attempt to repeat the success of the the three-houses in the air. As a fighting instrument they are woefully vulnerable, and the air-screws fared only slightly better. I must admit it: this experiment in the military use of aircraft was a failure." Starswirl's eyebrows rose. "Although Captain, there are certain members of the Express I could recommend as recruits for the Royal Guards, as they have demonstrated both aptitude and courage in combat.”

“He’s talking about you, Harvey!” said Sky Blue with a grin, bringing a rosy blush back to his friend’s face.

“The Guard will be pleased and honoured to take all willing members of the Express, including the princess catcher here.” He elbowed Harvey in the ribs as the stallion blush brightly again, to everypony’s amusement except his own.

Summer breeze spoke up for the first time since their arrival. “Captain, I’m afraid Sky and me are going to respectfully decline your offer.”

The Guardspony raise an eyebrow. “Might I inquire as to why?”

“Certainly,” replied Summer. “We’re getting married and we’re going to help run my father’s weather factory in Cloudsdale. It’s an expanding business and as it turns out my brother doesn’t have much of head for managing other ponies, so my father has asked Sky and me to step in.”

Platinum watched as the young couple were congratulated by all ponies present. The announcement had lifted the mood of the gathering back into more of a celebratory one. When she went to give Summer her own congratulations the young mare took her aside.

“Your highness, how is your husband?” she asked with a glance towards his supine form on the bed. The concern on Summer's face warmed Platinum's heart so she surprised her with a quick hug.

“Better than I could have hoped for, I thank you for asking. We expect a full recovery. I assume you were part of the group that searched for Starswirl all those months.”

Summer smiled, obviously please that Platinum had remembered her. “Yes indeed, highness. It’s a relief to know that he’ll be back on his hooves. My betrothed and I have both developed both respect and no little affection for Clover. We would be honoured if you could be our guests at the wedding.”

“We’ll be there,” said a low voice from the bed next to them. At the mares’ surprised looks he raised an eyebrow of his own. “Hey, I’m magically drained and am one long bruise from poll to hoof, but there’s absolutely nothing wrong with my ears.”

“Mine neither,” said Starswirl from his own bed. “I expect my own wedding invitation to be forthcoming.”

“That was supposed to be my job,” said Sky. “Consider yourself invited, Maestro.” He made a flourish with his bandaged foreleg, then turned to Harvey. “You’re the best colt, by the way, and since Flash is the bridesfilly, that means you two are officially on date!”

Harvey was practically beet red by this point.

“You’re right, my love,” said Platinum. “I’ll go get the blushing crown immediately. He indeed deserves it.”

They were still laughing when she waved and left her husband and Starswirl safe in the company of their friends. There was a lot to do in moving the royal residence to Canterlot.

Starswirl held Princess Celestia's hoof in his while they shared a bench in the garden of Everfree Castle. The princess had been given to bouts of deep melancholy in the week since her battle with her sister, so her friends had decided to discretely ensure one of them was always at hoof should she be in need of comfort. The captain of the Royal Guard and Celestia’s personal secretary were both part of this conspiracy, so the princess rarely went unattended.

He suspected today would be a particularly difficult day. It was to be their last before moving the Royal Seat in permanence to Canterlot. Everfree Castle itself was now little more than ruins. Only the statuary in the garden remained to be moved to a storage facility while Canterlot Castle was being built. For some reason that she would not disclose, Celestia had insisted they keep the old graceless art pieces rather than letting him sculpt new ones for her. The one of the patchwork dragon was particularly ugly, a sentiment he expressed to Celestia whenever they saw it together. Today though, she was again looking rather fragile, so Starswirl held her hoof and tempered his words.

"Why do you want us to leave this place, majesty? I'm certain we could rebuild it even better than it was," he asked.

The Princess glanced around, her eyes pools of sorrow.

"This castle is where my mother brought me into the world. This is where Luna and I played and did all the things that sisters do, growing up together." She passed a hoof over her eyes.

"No, Starswirl, I could not bear to see it further dismantled. It will never be the same as it was, and of those parts that remain, every old brick and stone, would constantly remind me of what I have lost."

He had thought as much. He himself knew well what it was like to pick up and leave everything behind. He had done so himself so many times in his life that he had lost track of the number. Nevertheless, the thought gave him a clue as to how he could cheer up the mare that had given him a new life in this magical realm.

“Perhaps it is simply a time for new beginnings,” he said, and gently kissed Celestia’s fetlock. “I know of what I speak. Once upon a time I was an old man. Then a wise and beautiful princess asked me to leave my old life behind, and I have regretted accepting neither her counsel nor her offer.”

Her answering smile was a balm to his own soul. “As I have never regretted bringing such a wise and gallant stallion into my realm.”

They gazed in silence at the trees of the soon to be abandoned garden. Celestia’s response reminded him of something he wished to bring up with the princess.

“I have put much thought to the assignment you gave me, Princess,” he said.

Celestia sighed. “I presume you are referring to the rescue of the humans from the coming merging of our worlds?”

“Yes indeed. Majesty, I have a very important question to ask. But first, I wish to let you know that your sister said many things to me about the nature of the Alicorns. She called you predators. Was she telling the truth?”

Her expression grew troubled, but after a moment’s consideration, she nodded hesitantly and began to speak.

“The term predator is perhaps extreme... but not entirely incorrect.” She scanned the area with her eyes, and then with eyes closed and horn aglow. Satisfied that nopony was in eavesdropping range, she resumed a more relaxed demeanor.

“Starswirl, amongst the Alicorn race there are some who can literally feast on the emotions of others. Any strong emotion will do. With such ponies the joy, love, pain and hate of others is the sustenance they crave, and so they become masters of deception and of sowing the seeds of discord. Some however were also truly superlative artists. As usual, such a gift is a double-edged sword.

“For this reason our race is one that fosters many conflicts, and this was particularly true of those of us who established this world.” Celestia was silent for a minute, her gaze distant. She turned to look Starswirl in the eyes. “I told you of my parents’ devotion to Harmony. Before her passing I made a vow to my mother, Starswirl, that I would change things. And I did. When we had defeated all the other Alicorns...” Celestia looked down.

“Luna and I...” She sniffed and tears glinted on her elegant muzzle.

“... we produced the first generation of new ponies. We split the Alicorn race into four tribes and the results are the ponies of Equestria.”

“Four, Princess?” Starswirl raised an eyebrow. “I know of only three.”

“The fourth live hidden amongst the others, changing shape as need be to feed on emotions and then return to their hives.”

Starswirl stared at Celestia in disbelief. “But, why keep them at all, princess?”

The white Alicorn sniffed again. “In all societies, Maestro, there have to be those with the passion to foster change and sufficient ferocity to defend it when needed. Our plan was to count on the natures of these changelings to help defend Equestria. We never imagined the difficulties we would have in keeping the tribes united as one nation, and that is only the first of our... of my mistakes.”

Starswirl was deep in thought, absorbing this information. A thought struck him. “And is this why you invited those other races in, the dogs and the dragons and such?”

“Yes, I sought resilience through diversity.” she replied simply. “Yet in all of these cases, instead of standing united, the other races and ponies mistrusted each other, and chose to live apart. In each case Luna was livid. She called me a foal to even hope for any other outcome, to believe that Harmony was possible.”

Starswirl looked into Celestia’s face, seeing her in a very different light than he had for all these years. She had always seemed so happy, so full of joy and optimism. It hurt to see the tortured, lonely soul before him. Still, he could not help but feel anger at her admissions. He let go of her hoof.

“And what role has humanity to play in this grand plan?” he asked, trying to keep the anger from his voice. “Are we merely another scheme to provide a buffer between your precious ponies and a dangerous universe?”

Celestia covered her face in her hooves. “No Starswirl! I swear it, that has never been my intention!”

“Then what is your intention?” Starswirl stood up from the bench and faced her directly. “You have asked me to help save my race, Princess, and save it I would. But I will not betray it!” He trembled as he stood waiting for an answer.

Celestia lowered her forehooves from her face. She looked... vulnerable. There were tear tracks down the side of her muzzle. Her eyes spoke volumes. They spoke of misery, loneliness and a broken heart. But there was also something else. A solid core of determination. Most importantly of all for him, there was no subterfuge. He tempered his ire, and awaited her reply.

“My intention is to save them, Maestro. Because that is what I promised to do, and because it is the right thing to do. It was the same with the gryphons, dragons, diamond dogs and the others. All these races faced their extinction and I do not regret my actions in saving them.” She paused and something else appeared in her expression. Doubt.

“But with the humans, it is so much more difficult to keep my resolve.” Despite the words she had a smile on her lips.

“I have loved human-kind for so long, Maestro. Of all the thousands of worlds I have visited, yours has ever been my favourite! The ideas, the beauty, the ambition, the philosophy, the love, the music and the stories of your world have all enthralled me since I discovered it and foresaw the coming convergence of our worlds. And then by bitter experience, I learned that the magic of Equestria is a deadly poison to humankind.” She covered her eyes with a hoof. Her smile became a grimace.

“The only way for them to live in our world is a bodily transformation, such as I have done to you, Maestro. But I am faced with a quandary: am I truly saving humanity if in doing so humans are changed at such a fundamental level? Or does my solution end humanity as surely as if I do nothing and let them all die when our worlds merge?”

Starswirl stared severely down at Celestia. He raised a single eyebrow and waited. She was confused a moment, but then suddenly realized to whom she had asked her question. Her sweet laughter rang like silver bells, even though her eyes remained tinged with sadness.

“Perhaps I was being insensitive in putting my question thus,” she quipped.

“Perhaps,” he replied and sat back down on the bench. “But it is a good question, though a ponified human such as I might be less than impartial upon the matter.” He decided to take a gamble. “I could however relate the comments made by another on just this topic.”

Both of Celestia’s ears turned eagerly in his direction. He took a deep breath.

“Its source is none other than your sister, Princess Luna, from the night of my kidnapping several months ago.” Celestia’s ears fell at the mention of her sister’s name. However they did not fall all the way to the back of her head, so he decided to carry on.

“She said that she feared humanity, because we were not only predators but just as dangerous as the Alicorns themselves. She also said that she thought our nature would not change with ponification. That a predatory species such as ours would remain so even after the transformation.”

Celestia chewed her lip in thought. “Did she reveal her reasoning in reaching this conclusion?” she asked.

Starswirl grinned. “I had the same question, and was quite surprised when she held me up as an example!” He leaned in closer to the princess as if sharing particularly juicy gossip. “She said that since my arrival I had sought to colonize aggressively, had undermined the established class structure, and that I had made war upon my enemies with fiendish weapons conceived of my depraved but brilliant mind.” He tilted his head to one side. “She said that my actions revealed my true nature: that I was still a predator and human being, despite my equine countenance.” He lifted a single hoof in a classic pose of a destrier ready for battle.

Celestia’s grin had become practically jolly. “Thou art a formidable stallion to behold, Starswirl. The bells on your cloak are particularly frightening, I must say.”

They shared a laugh together and suddenly the day seemed much brighter. He sobered up quickly as he considered what he would say next.

“As we have now determined that a four-hoofed human remains a human and no less potent than the two legged variety, there are some things which I think your majesty needs to consider in attempting our rescue from destruction. In my months of isolation on that lonely world I conceived of a way to minimize the danger of the convergence to humanity, and to ensure that this world can accept all humans without being completely overwhelmed and subsumed by my canny and crafty brethren.”

Celestia’s eyebrows shot up. “It would bring great relief to my heart, should what you propose be feasible.”

Starswirl warmed to the topic. “We were fortunate that the world upon which Luna hid me was going through such a convergence, although at a very slow rate. This afforded me an unequaled opportunity to observe the phenomenon and conduct experiments upon it.

“The first problem is the poisonous effect of magic on humans. It is the nature of magic to be unbound and somewhat random in its effect. Should a zone of convergence erupt within a city, thousands, if not tens of thousands, might be caught within it before they could flee. I have determined that we can limit such eruptions within a spherical field.”

Celestia’s eyes grew wide. “Does this mean that if we can capture the zone of convergence then we could keep its effects limited to a small area?”

Starswirl’s smile faltered. “Unfortunately not, Princess. Each episode of convergence causes an enlargement of the spherical area affected. One can restrain the growth of the sphere temporarily, but at the cost of accelerated growth later on. However, because we can limit the emergence to specific areas, this spherical barrier of containment gives us a fighting chance to move the population away from the convergence zone before the barrier grows and the area is subsumed into Equestria.”

“I see.” Celestia was clearly disappointed.

“However, I have another concern,” said Starswirl. “I know what I or most humans would think faced with such a situation, a foreign land that constantly grows to overtake mine own." He took a deep breath. "I would consider it... an invasion.”

Celestia did not seem surprised at his admission. “And so Maestro, what will the humans do when faced with this perceived invasion?”

Starswirl pressed his lips together and nodded. “They will fight it, your majesty.”

“That does not surprise me,” said Celestia. She flicked her ears. “Alicorns would do much the same.”

"What form would this resistance take, Starswirl?"

He hesitated a moment. "We would bombard the sphere with every missile, arrow, spear and cannon ball, poisons, explosive devices and whatever other weapon we devise or have in our possession. There is only one way to protect Equestria from being ravaged and ruining the future of both our races: that is to prevent these weapons from crossing the barrier.

“So I conceived of an idea for a second layer to the barrier shield, one that would instantly teleport outside of itself all unrecognized matter. As to living things, only the ones that are not sickened by magic and are already present in Equestria could enter.”

Celestia raised an eyebrow. “Why inhibit living things unaffected by magic?”

“Again, this is from something your sister mentioned: that many undesirable forms of life entered Equestria this way and now plague its inhabitants. It is my hope that this provision resolves that problem. It's also simpler for if the barrier reacts to those things with which it is unfamiliar.”

Celestia nodded. “This type of magic will require an enormous amount of energy, Maestro. Especially in its growth phase.”

He smiled. “The growth of the convergence zone will actually feed the growth of the spell itself once cast. As an added benefit, it will likely slow down the barrier's growth marginally at the same time.”

Celestia’s countenance remained grim. “How much time after the start of convergence will we have before the world is consumed?”

“I am not yet sure. Perhaps as many as ten years, perhaps as few as one. I lack the information needed to make such projections.”

“And as to the ponification spell?” asked the princess.

“That is more problematical,” said Starswirl. "I am sure the Amniomorphic spell is the key, but it was designed to function at conception for a reason: the quantity of energy required to modify an entire living body is some ten orders of magnitudes of greater than modifying just a few embryonic cells.”

Celestia looked paler of a sudden. Then she smiled weakly. “Perhaps you’ve left us some few mysteries to solve yet, Maestro.” The princess rose from the bench and Starswirl followed suit. “But this is far more than I thought could be accomplished in so short a time. You have my congratulations, and my thanks Maestro.”

He bowed.

“Then let us get ourselves hence to Canterlot,” said Celestia in a cheery voice.

Starswirl was glad to see Celestia’s customary good humour restored. He offered her a hoof, upon which she placed hers, and with a wink teleported them to their new home.

Author's Note:

This is the penultimate chapter of Renaissance Pony. One more to go!