• Published 11th Jun 2012
  • 4,577 Views, 183 Comments

Renaissance Pony - Dafaddah

In the late middle ages, Celestia foresees trouble for humanity and seeks help

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Rhapsody in Blues

Renaissance Pony

Chapter 11: Rhapsody in Blues

by Dafaddah

Globe spanning editorial team: Microshazm and SecondLaw

"Great Harmony, I feel like a foal on her birthday! Who would have thought so many ponies would come to see the sun being raised?” said Hydrangea.

Her eldest brother Hyacinth raised an eyebrow. “Why are you so surprised, Angie? You did say yesterday that everypony was going to be here this morning, and it appears you were right!”

The enormous herd practically filled the entire open field at the foot of Mount Canterlot. The cold pre-dawn air and fading moonlight made silvery plumes of everypony’s breath, as Hydrangea and her three brothers squeezed their way through the dense crowd. The deeper into the herd she and her brothers ventured, the greater was the feeling of anticipation. She shivered as her emotions fed off and reflected those of her siblings and the excited ponies around them.

Hydrangea took a deep breath and smiled. “Don’t you think it actually feels like the first day of a new age?” she asked her brothers. In the week since Celestia, Luna and the leaders of the three tribes had announced their agreement altering the shape of Equestrian society, she and her friends had talked of almost nothing else. So many things would change in the wake of the new unified Equine Assembly and especially with the advent of the Amniomorphic spell. Hyacinth nodded, but didn’t say anything. Her brothers tended to be less passionate than she was about such things, for which, in the manner of all brothers, they chided her mercilessly. This time they all chose to keep their council, although she noticed surreptitious winks between them.

Scanning the crowd she focused on the other ponies. She noticed how everypony seemed to be stepping higher today. Even the air smelled different! The thaw in relations between the pony tribes had been accompanied by a welcome respite from the bitter cold of winter. And it all started officially with this morning's ceremony. Today was to be the first day the royal sisters would raise the sun and the moon. It was all so very exciting!

In the distance, they could just make out a large wooden dais that had been set up at the eastern edge of the field. “We might as well stop here,” she said, “I don’t think we’ll be able to get any closer.” She had goaded her brothers into coming. She wanted to be part of this event, and she knew that they would regret not having come. And so as usual, she had kept at them reciting every reason to go she could think of, until all three gave in and promised to come.

“Hoompf!” her middle brother Cornflower stamped a hoof. “You also said there’d be lots of fillies here for us to check out. We can’t do much filly gazing packed in wither to flank like this! And there isn’t light enough light yet to see anypony.”

“Eeyup!“ agreed Morning Glory, her youngest brother. He sighed and managed a cramped stretch in the tight space. “This is way too early for me. I for one will appreciate not having to cut my sleep short to raise the sun anymore!” he said.

Cornflower elbowed him in the ribs. “As if you ever get up early to raise the sun! Mother and father should have called you Lunchtime Glory. Or, come to think about it, Moon Glory might even be more appropriate.” The elder brothers laughed. Morning Glory’s only reply was to stick his tongue out at them.

Hydrangea rolled her eyes. "Do you three always have to behave like grade-school colts when we're all together?" she half whispered.

"Pipe down, you foals," said Hyacinth, who was also the tallest of the siblings. “It looks like something’s happening near the platform.”

“Finally!” said an impatient voice nearby. “Let’s see just how well Her Alicorn Majesty can manage by herself what it takes thousands of us to do.” The comment was greeted with a few skeptical snickers and even a laugh or two. Hydrangea's regard flitted left then right, then all around her. She noticed that they were surrounded exclusively by other unicorns, though she could see pegasi and earth ponies in the distance. Ponies still preferred the company of other ponies of the same tribe. Some things don’t change overnight, she thought.

Around them the crowd grew quiet and all eyes turned to the distant dais. Hydrangea spied the well-known but rarely seen profile of princess Celestia ascending the structure. She stopped and eyed the crowd a moment in silence, then to hisses of indrawn breath from many of the unicorns present, Celestia spread her wings wide. Behind her, the horizon began to glow.

Hydrangea felt the excitement in the huge crowd grow as beams of light focused on the princess, bathing her pure white coat and feathers in shades of amber and orange. As the light slowly intensified Celestia reared to her hind legs, wings fully outstretched, chin lifted to the sky as if in supplication.

Then, even from this distance, Hydrangea saw the glint of a grin on the princess' muzzle. This isn’t supplication, she thought. Like most unicorns, Hydrangea had participated in the raising of the sun almost every day since her age of maturity. It had been a chore, a solemn duty, a collective obligation to which every unicorn contributed. But it had never been like this. Her heart beat faster and she felt a shiver rise from her lower body and follow her spine all the way to the back of her head. She focused all of her attention on the distant princess.

Celestia's outline seemed to catch fire. Waves of molten gold seemed to pulse from her form as she slowly rose into the sky. Feelings threatened to overwhelm Hydrangea: awe at the beauty of the moment, and also a deep reverence for the alicorn princess. This is joy, she thought in surprise and elation. This is... exaltation! And it isn’t even over yet! Just when she thought the experience could not become more intense, the sun rose fully above the horizon. Unbearably bright shafts of light exploded from the princess in a fiery corona as Celestia’s outline burned itself into Hydrangea’s eyes and in her mind. She fought to continue looking until finally, with a pang of loss, the sheer magnitude of the brightness forced her to look away.

When she looked back Celestia still hung in the air. Above her head in the pale blue sky the orb of the sun had returned to its normal intensity. Day washed over the land, and the sky was tinged the pale blue of a crisp, clear winter morning. The princess calmly levitated down to the dais in total silence. When back on all fours, she slowly bowed her head.

Many of the ponies around Hydrangea had tears in their eyes. With a sniffle she realized that she did as well. A sound rose from all sides, building from a slow rumble as pony voices and pony hooves began to demonstrate the herd’s approval and admiration. The sound grew until it was almost as deafening as the sunrise had been blinding. Hydrangea and her brothers cheered, and applauded, and hugged each other and many of the ponies around them.

On the dais, Celestia rose from her bow. Flashing a smile to the madly applauding crowd, she turned and was lost from view as she descended the stairs behind the platform. The cheering and applause only seemed to grow louder. It was several minutes before the noise finally began to abate and the herd to disperse.

The siblings gazed at each other. “That wasn’t anything like when I helped raised the sun,” offered Morning Glory.

“It wasn’t for me either, Mo,” said Hydrangea, wiping away her tears, “it wasn’t at all the same.”

A hubbub started and amplified as ponies all over began discussing what they had just witnessed. They gesticulated animatedly and pointed at the dais. Hydrangea’s eyes grew wide when she heard a voice in the crowd exclaim: “How shameful: turning a sacred unicorn ritual into a spectacle for common ponies! His lordship will be appalled.”

“Indeed!” replied another voice. “I wonder how large a bribe the pegasi required to clear the sky for this little show!”

Hydrangea was shocked. Her head whipped back and forth as she scanned the crowd in vain, trying to locate who had made the remarks. Her eldest brother noticed her sudden change in expression. “Angie, why the long face?” asked Hyacinth.

“Didn’t you hear what those ponies just said?” Hydrangea looked at her brothers.

“Hear what?” asked Mo and Cornflower in unison. Hyacinth looked equally perplexed and shook his head.

“Honestly, you three must have carrots stuck in your ears!” said Hydrangea. Her brothers looked at her expectantly, oblivious to the insult. She sighed and shrugged. “Oh, I overheard some ponies talking, and I’m just quite surprised at their attitude, I suppose.” She decided to change the subject. “So what are you layabouts going to do with the rest of the morn?”

“I’m off to attend a meeting with one of my three-housemates,” said Cornflower. “The pegasi are fixing to build a new cloud city. They’re looking for some unicorns with experience in architecture. I’ve done construction so thought I might fit in, and this Cloudsdale idea sounds like it might really fly!” He smiled broadly as his siblings winced.

Hyacinth spoke up next. “And I’m going to check out this new Ministry of Science Starswirl the Bearded and your little friend Clover the Clever are setting up.” He smirked at Hydrangea’s reaction to his innuendo. “I’m quite impressed with those two. Apparently they’re going to publish some huge compendium of magic!”

Morning Glory spoke last. “Well, I’ve been invited to an information session about a new school for gifted unicorns Princess Celestia is setting up,” Both of his brothers started laughing again. “What is it with you two? I am gifted! Just ask mother.” He shook his head and turned to Hydrangea, who had discreetly hidden her own chuckle behind a raised hoof. “What about you, sister dear? Any major plans for the day?”

“I think I’ll accompany Hy as I need to have a word with Clover. We’ll see you back at the three-house after lunch.” With a nod good-bye they moved off through the slowly dispersing crowds of mostly smiling ponies. The only unhappy faces around seemed to on some of the unicorns, she noted. Despite her earlier elation Hydrangea left the ceremony with a sour feeling in her stomach.

Clover cleared his throat, a huge book floating in the air in front of him. He peeked over its edge at the hundred or so ponies gathered just outside the caves near mount Canterlot, swallowed, and began to read out loud.

“Principia de Magicis by Starswirl the Bearded.


“Magic is an expression of the will of intelligent beings over matter and energy. It is the instrument used to raise Harmony from Chaos. To understand magic is to understand the very nature of the world and its relationship to the beings that live within it.

“This volume seeks to do something that has never been attempted before in the history of Equestria: to provide a systematic examination of magic using the methods of art, natural philosophy and science as the tools with which to achieve true understanding. These three tools, the first triad of many that are manifest in the scientific study of magic, provide reliable signposts along the path to truth itself. They are named Observation, Theory and Experimentation.

“Observation is the origin of all knowledge. Therefore it is necessary to develop the senses and use them to perceive and record. Artists are trained to see and discover that which is important, and a true artist can often see that which others fail to see. Like an artist, a true scientist has an open mind and the courage to accept what is not expected, even when it challenges dearly held ideas and beliefs.

“It is also important to understand how everything connects to everything else. Discerning these relations will allow one to connect cause and effect and will enable one to build Theories to predict which action will lead to a desired result, or which actions to take in order to avoid undesired results. Some may ask of what importance is understanding the underlying Theory if one already knows the result of the practice. However, he who loves practice without Theory is like the sailor who boards ship without a rudder and compass and never knows where he may cast. He is doomed to wander endlessly, never finding his destination nor the way home. Theory is the map which those who explore science create for themselves and for those who will follow. Theory enables each scientist to build on the work of others, and makes it possible for every generation to move ever outwards the frontiers of knowledge.

“The last of this triad is the need for rigorous Experimentation, to test the accuracy of the Observation and the validity of the Theory. The greatest deception ponies suffer is from their own opinions. Experimentation is the light that banished the gloom of deception by subjecting all claims to the stark light of objectivity. Experimentation puts Theory to the test, exposes error and misconception, and makes manifest the truth. All sciences are vain and full of errors that are not born of Experience.

“By mastering these three tools shall ponies come to fully understand magic and use it as the key to unlocking the secrets of the cosmos as well as the foundation upon which to build the future of Equestria.

To those ponies who think this method maps out an excessively demanding and tedious path to knowledge, I have one last entreaty to make before they undertake reading the chapters that follow:

“The noblest pleasure of all is the joy of understanding.

“I dedicated this work to the ponies of Equestria, to their royal majesties Princess Luna and Princess Celestia, and to the joy of understanding.

“Starswirl the Bearded

“Addendum: This book would not have been possible without the significant contributions of the following three ponies I list here as full collaborators in its inception as well as in my own education in the science of magic: Oya Dawn, Aknu Star, and especially my student Clover the... Clever.”

As Clover finished reading the passage his face turned bright red. The ponies gathered for the meeting clopped hooves in appreciation. These included Hydrangea and one of her brothers who had joined the crowd shortly before he began reading, and Princess Platinum and Starswirl who stood immediately to his right.

Seeing his embarrassment, the older mage chuckled. He leaned over to Clover and putting a hoof to his ear whispered. “What is that strange expression Princess Celestia says in such moments? Oh, yes, I recall now... Gotcha!”

“Ahem,” said Clover out loud, waving for the crowd to stop applauding. “I am honoured to present our new Minister of Science Starbeard the Swirled... I mean Swirlstar the B...“ His voice rose to an almost unintelligible squeak.

“Thank you Clover,” said Starswirl addressing the massed ponies in turn. “As we said earlier, we have decided to erect near this spot a new Ministry of Science, with a royal charter to scientifically explore magic in all its forms, including that of the unicorns, but also that of earth ponies and pegasi. This means we will of course be looking to employ ponies of all three tribes in this most noble enterprise.

“The motto of our ministry will reflect our ambition: Licet cognoscat omnia. Translating into Equestrian this says: The knowledge of all things is possible. However, lest anypony think this ministry will do nothing more than seek the understanding of magic, I inform you that their royal majesties have impressed us with the urgency of doing. Knowing is not enough; we must apply. Being willing is not enough; we must do. And so this ministry will be also dedicated to the practical application of magic in improving the lives of all Equestrians, and in working with Princess Celestia’s School for Gifted Unicorns, teaching both the theory and practice of magic.

“Are there any questions?”

A unicorn raised a hoof. Starswirl pointed at him and nodded. “A lot of what you have in that book is family secrets,” said the unicorn. “How do we know anypony else can use the same spells?”

“That’s a good question. There’s no doubt some ponies are better than others at certain types of magic. There are also some ponies that can handle very complicated spells while others cannot. Some ponies can exert more powerful magic than others, while others still can do exceedingly fine work. For each tribe we expect there will be a common set of magical capabilities shared by everypony, and a lot of abilities that only few can do. By sharing this information, every pony will have a chance to try their hooves at a much wider range of magical activities and discover their own special talent. More crucially for the future of Equestria, ponies can again learn to work in concert as did our ancestors, and combine spells in ingenious ways as is demonstrated by the three-house spell. ”

Another hoof shot up in the crowd. “What are you going to do when you’ve learned all the spells in the world? Take a vacation?” Some laughter followed the question.

“To be honest, I believe that there is no end to knowledge... but I will let you know if I think we’re getting close!” replied Starswirl with a wink, “And for those who join this ministry in the attempt, I promise a most invigorating voyage, as learning never exhausts the mind.” Many ponies chuckled and applauded the comment.

“No further questions? Good! Then I declare this meeting adjourned. I ask that all who wish to seek employment at the ministry give your names with my faithful student Clover. Don’t worry, he only forgets mine.” The ponies laughed and applauded once more, and then began to disperse.

A familiar blue unicorn mare and her brother approached and bowed. Oh, good. Ponies I know personally were in attendance. Clover swallowed his pride, and introduced them. “Your highness, my friend Hydrangea Blue and her brother Hyacinth,” he said.

“Honoured,” said the princess, nodding her head. She glanced at Hydrangea, and then looked Clover in the eyes.

“And I believe you’ve met my teacher Starswirl the Bearded, our new Minister of Science” Clover enunciated carefully.

“Well done lad!” said Starswirl, applauding.

Starswirl and Hyacinth shared a chuckle. Neither Princess Platinum nor Hydrangea reacted to the jest. Why are they looking at each other so intently? thought Clover. “So, Hydrangea, what brings you and your brother to the meeting?” he asked. Both of the mares inched slightly closer to him.

“Oh, we have an interest in working for the ministry,” said Hydrangea.

“Yes, and my sister said she wished to speak with you Clover,” added Hyacinth. Hydrangea winced and Princess Platinum’s eyes widened slightly.

“Perhaps Minister Starswirl and I should excuse ourselves,” suggested the princess.

“NO! Uh, no, that’s not necessary,” said Hydrangea, looking embarrassed. “In fact, it may be good that you hear this as well, Princess.”

Platinum nodded, and they waited while the young mare composed herself.

“This morning we went to see the sun raising ceremony,” began Hydrangea uncertainly. “My brothers and I stood in a large group of unicorns... and just before it started some ponies made some rather disparaging remarks about Princess Celestia.” She glanced at her brother a moment. “Then immediately afterwards, I heard more such comments, and then somepony said ‘his lordship will not be pleased’.”

“Did you have any idea which lord they were discussing?” asked the Princess.

“Unfortunately not, your highness,” said Hydrangea. “I only heard snippets of the discussion. It was a very dense crowd, and voices were coming from every direction. I’m sorry, but that’s everything.” She looked down at her hooves. “Why would anypony say such things? Didn’t they see what we saw? Could they be so blind?” When she looked up again her distress was evident.

“My dear child,” said Starswirl, “it has been my sad experience that there are three classes of ponies: those who see, those who see when they are shown, and those who will not see.” He sighed. “Thank you for telling us, but do not be distressed. It is only natural that some resist when faced with so great a change. We must give them time.”

“But Hydrangea,” added Princess Platinum, “if you or your brothers hear any more such talk, and especially if includes the name of the lord in question, then please do come to me with the news immediately.”

“Yes, your highness.” Hydrangea and Hyacinth bowed.

“Now I must take my leave,” said the princess. “I have a meeting of the Unicorn Estates General to prepare. I bid you all a good day.” She bowed and with a final glance at Clover teleported away.

“We need to go as well,” said Hydrangea. “But, I will be joining you gentlecolts tomorrow for the tour of Ponyville. Good day Clover and Minister Starswirl.” She and her brother nodded and left at a trot.

Starswirl indicated the ponies waiting politely a short distance away. “Perhaps we should go collect the names of those interested before they wander off.” Clover nodded and levitated a notebook, bottle of ink and quill from his saddlebag. Together they went to greet the hopeful future employees of the Ministry of Science.

Half an hour later the last of the recruits had asked their questions and Clover had written their names into his notebook. He again took up the heavy volume from which he had read the introduction. “Maestro, I still find it hard to believe that this book is already complete. To me it is only days since I gave you my collected notes on unicorn magic. I feel as if I’ve contributed very little to it,” said Clover, looking somewhat bemused.

“Nonsense, boy,” said Starswirl. “Your notes on spells were the genesis of the book, without them it would not have come into existence. And do keep in mind that from my point of view I’ve had almost thirty years to analyse, practise and refine the spells you provided. You should see what the unicorns of the colony have been able to achieve with this knowledge.”

Clover sighed. “Actually, that might be causing a problem.” His teacher’s eyebrows raised in surprise. “There are more than a few unicorns who resent the sharing of spells, as was demonstrated earlier. And I’ve heard that some have come away from a visit to Ponyville feeling shocked that magic is treated so casually there.” He glanced about. There was nopony within earshot. “There has been much criticism of the new situation in whispered conversations amongst the unicorns. There is even a faction attempting to gather all these malcontents into a common cause. I’m afraid Princess Platinum will face some trouble ahead from those ponies. Perhaps we all will.”

“Have you made this known to Princess Celestia and Princess Luna?” asked Starswirl.

“My work with Princess Platinum and towards setting up the Ministry of Science has consumed the entirety of the past several days,” replied Clover. “And it’s almost time for the Unicorn Estates General meeting. Did you plan on attending?”

“Indeed. I am to be officially invested as Minister of Science. I will be there.”

“Well then, perhaps we had better get going, Maestro.” He offered a hoof to Starswirl and teleported them both.

Clover and Starswirl arrived at the House of Unicorns, as the new permanent tribal headquarters in Canterlot were to be called. The meeting was being held in the House’s large Assembly Hall. As Minister designate, Starswirl took a seat just below the dais of the currently empty throne. As his assistant, Clover sat immediately behind him. They had just taken their places when the Sergeant-at-Arms began ringing a large hoof bell, inviting all the members to be seated. The benches were already full, an unusual turnout as the House members tended to be generally much absorbed in their own affairs.

The Chamberlain ascended the dais and pounded his staff upon it resoundingly three times. "Lords and Ladies of the Unicorn Tribe, our leader Princess Platinum has called a meeting of the Unicorn Estates General in response to recent events and to confirm the appointment of Starswirl the Bearded to lead the newly created Ministry of Science. All rise!" A buzz grew as ponies stood and began to discuss the Chamberlain's announcement.

A fanfare played and Princess Platinum entered the hall preceded by a guard bearing the tribal standard: a white unicorn head on a royal purple field of stars. To polite applause she made her way at a stately pace to the throne, first through the outer ranks of common unicorns, grouped into the professional guilds and merchant associations. The closer third were the benches of the Unicorn nobility and clan heads. The princess climbed the stairs, turned, bowed and then sat down. The applause faded and the assembly sat down.

“Lords, ladies and commoners,” she intoned. “We declare this meeting of the Unicorn Estates General open.” She paused and looked over the assembly. “The events of the last months have sorely tested all Equestrians, not least the members of this tribe. These have not been easy times, but the Hearth’s Warming agreement between all three tribes again brings harmony to Equestria. It has created a new social contract between ponies whose most profound impact will be upon we, the unicorn folk.” Some angry grumbling could be heard in the hall. Princess Platinum paused and narrowed her eyes at the unusual display of discontent.

“There are always those who will be unhappy with any change. However it became evident to us that the prideful and selfish course on which all three tribes were engaged would only lead to our collective ruin. The solution devised by the leaders of all three tribes and the royal princesses Celestia and Luna, creates new opportunities for us all, but especially the unicorn tribe. Relieved of the collective burden of raising the celestial orbs, we may now apply our unicorn skills, steadfast determination and native wit to a vast expansion of the commerce and exploitation of magic in all of its forms.” She paused as loud applause broke out, but she did not fail to notice that most of it came from the outer ranks of benches, and that it was far more muted amongst the nobility.

“As a first step in realizing this glorious future, all tribes have agreed to the creation of a new ministry to which all Equestrians shall be subject and welcome, but that will be led by a pony selected by this august assembly. It is the Ministry of Science, and we nominate Starswirl the Bearded to the post of Minister of Science.”

The hall erupted into a clamour as ponies both cheered and jeered the announcement. The Chamberlain pounded his staff sonorously until the hubbub died down. Baron Lamplight, head of a powerful mining clan rose for attention. The Chamberlain pointed his staff at him. A glow of bright light illuminated him, indication that he had been given permission to speak.

“The crown states that the candidate must be chosen from the ranks of the unicorn tribe.” He produced a greasy smile. “However, it is our understanding that Starswirl the Bearded is of foreign birth, is not listed in the tribal registry, and so we dispute that he is eligible for this appointment.”

He sat back down to loud applause from many in the nobility. The princess rose.

“Should the Baron be so kind, I would ask him to read the registry“ The Unicorn Tribal Registry appeared before the baron. “Please do read the entry fifth from the last in the registry.” She sat back down.

The baron scowled and took out a pair of spectacles from a vest pocket, which he placed on his muzzle. Scanning down the page he paused and then read. “Starswirl, called the Bearded, sired by Rock to his dam Purity, in the village of Vinci, near the city of Florence in the foreign land of Italy. Both sire and dam were foreign born and unregistered.” He took off his spectacles, shoving them into the vest pocket from which they had emerged. “Your highness, this is preposterous! We have no idea who this Starswirl really is!” There was loud agreement from several assembly members nearby.

The princess rose again. “Baron Lamplight, the pony in question is seated but a few pony lengths away from you. Even without your spectacles, can you deny that he is indeed a unicorn? This registry is for all unicorns, and as you have most amply demonstrated, Starswirl is indeed listed within it. We thank you for your diligence.” She smiled and sat back onto the throne.

Another lord stood up. The light of recognition encircled Lord Beryl. “I wish to call a point of order. It is the tradition of the unicorn tribe that a colt or filly is recognized as having attained the age of majority in their eighteenth year. I will remind this assembly that our Princess Platinum is still several months shy of her majority. In fact she has not been crowned. It is unicorn law and tradition for this assembly to appoint a regent until such a time as the crown prince or princess’ coronation. I move that this assembly appoint a regent for the crown and I offer my own candidacy to bear this heavy but necessary burden.” He sat back down to both applause from many of his peers as well as catcalls and derision from the outer circles of the hall.

The Chamberlain thumped his staff repeatedly until finally the noise abated. Clover stood and was recognized by the Chamberlain. “As the Baron is aware, the Princess was named regent in his name by her own father as his illness progressed, which office she has competently executed for over a year. Until the new monarch is crowned that order still stands.” He sat down to wild applause from the back benches.

Lord Beryl rose again. “However, I should like to inform Clover the Clever that the King has passed and that his decree is subject to heir or the regent appointed by this body until such a time as the heir is crowned.”

Princess Platinum rose to murmurs from all sides. “Clover is well aware of my father’s passing, Lord Beryl, as he is the only pony who offered to stay with me as I mourned at his deathbed.” The hall became deathly quiet. “However, Lord Beryl is quite correct. I have not yet reached the age of maturity, and so a regent should be appointed as per the traditions and laws of the unicorn tribe.” She smiled in an almost predatory fashion. “However, the law does not require that the regent have reached the age of maturity to be appointed, as I can attest my father so ordered when his illness became debilitating. Consequently, I offer my own candidacy for the title of regent, effective until such a time as I have reached the required age to ascend the throne.”

An angry buzz mixed with cheers greeted the princess’ pronouncement. She remained standing. “The rules of this assembly require that each motion presented be put to a vote in the order they are presented. The first such motion today is mine, and so I amend it as is my privilege. In order to expedite today’s proceedings, I move to include both the appointment of Starswirl as Minister of Science, and myself as regent pending my coronation.” She sat down.

Clover shot upwards before anypony else would have a chance. “I second the motion to amend Princess Platinum’s original motion. Lord Chamberlain, will you please initiate the vote?” He sat down. Looking up he locked gazes with Princess Platinum, raising a single eyebrow. He sincerely hoped the princess' political instincts had served her well in making such a daring move. She smiled reassuringly and gave him the barest hint of a wink.

Using telekinesis, the Chamberlain he raised a large black and white ball into the air above his head. "In response to the motion proposed by Princess Platinum, I release the ballot. Unicorns, vote now!"

The ball rose and trembled as opposing wills tried to push the ball towards the basket that indicated 'Yea' at one end of the hall, or towards the other basket labelled 'Neigh' at the other end. As this was a close vote the ball seemed to vibrate first going slightly towards 'Yea' and then towards 'Neigh' and then back again. Finally, the momentum of the vote began to favour ‘Yea’ and the ball travelled tentatively, and then with greater speed to land definitively in that basket.

The Chamberlain struck the dais with his staff three times. “The vote is ‘Yea’. The appointments of Starswirl the Bearded as Minister of Science, and Princess Platinum as regent of the unicorn tribe are confirmed.” The middle and back benches of the assembly rose to their hooves and burst into cheers and celebration.

Barons Beryl and Lamplight looked at each other, barely hiding their contempt as ‘Regent Platinum’ rose. “With humility, we thank this assembly for showing us the same confidence our father did upon his incapacitation, and we accept the appointment to the post of regent of the unicorn tribe. As our first action in our renewed capacity, we congratulate Minister Starswirl on his appointment.” She joined into the prolonged applause that followed. After almost a minute the sound died down. She gestured to the Chamberlain with a smile. “We hereby declare this assembly of the unicorn Estates General closed.” She descended from the dais and followed the standard bearer out of the room.

Several hours later Baron Beryl called a meeting to order. Baron Lamplight and some twenty other major unicorn lords had joined them. He addressed them in the drawing room of his mansion in Everfree. “My friends. We have seen today the ultimate betrayal of the vision of our late king. As trusted associates of his, the burden of realizing that vision now falls onto our withers. How sad and unfortunate is this corruption of our poor innocent Princess Platinum by that vile sorcerer, the so called Starswirl the Bearded and his equally repugnant toady, Clover. Together they have not only blinded the princess, but they have cheapened and made a travesty of the very institution of magic itself!" The stallions present clopped hooves and harrumphed in agreement.

Lord Beryl scanned the eager faces before him. "Of course the greatest insult perpetrated by that sorcerer is that abomination the Amniomorphic spell! Only a mind truly depraved would propose to sully the flower of unicorn marehood and forever taint the pure blood of the unicorn race. No, my brothers! We must return Equestria to its rightful course, with the unicorn nobly holding natural dominion over our lesser brethren, so sorely in need of our inspired guidance.” The applause this time was loud and sustained.

“And so it is with a heavy heart, but a fierce determination, that I propose we execute the plan I originally proposed to our departed king, and open the portal to Tartarus. We can then corral the monsters that emerge and herd them into attacking our enemies. After a few days of terror, they will beg for our magical protection, and will no doubt be most agreeable to our terms.”

A hoof was raised in the audience. Beryl nodded to Baron Lamplight. “This sounds like a most excellent plan, Baron. But I have a question. What is to be the first target of this monster cohort?”

Baron Beryl put a hoof to his temple as if in deep thought. “That is an excellent question. And I do have a first target that is most appropriate to propose. There is, a mere hour’s walk from this very spot, a village that is the most heinous symbol of the dilution of tribal blood. Of course I mean none other than that crime against nature, the town of Ponyville.” His eyes narrowed in grim determination. “It is our intent to crush that hated hamlet beneath the claws and paws of our monster army, eliminate its inhabitants, and burn the remains until it is fittingly erased from our fair land.”

The cheers grew deafening. From one corner of the room, perhaps close to where stood Baron Lamplight, a chant started. “King Beryl! King Beryl! King Beryl!” Soon the whole room was chanting the slogan. Baron Beryl smiled modestly. If the burden was offered to him he would of course not shirk his duty. It was only fitting. Perhaps to legitimize things he would take Princess Platinum’s hoof in marriage. She would no doubt see reason when his campaign brought the other pony tribes properly under unicorn rule.

“We’re a lot closer to the action this time, Angie,” said Morning Glory with a smile. The dais was still in place from the sun raising ceremony. He reared up onto his hind legs a moment and scanned the surroundings a moment before falling back to all fours. “I figure less than half as many ponies have come for the sunset ceremony as for the sunrise.” He snorted and rolled his eyes. “Morning ponies!” he exclaimed.

“We can’t all be nighthawks like you, Mo.” Hydrangea smiled at her younger brother. In the fading light his blue coat was nearly invisible, his eyes and smile seemed to float suspended in the air. “I guess it’s already been a long a day for many ponies, especially the ones with little foals, she said. “But I would have thought Hyacinth and Cornflower had a bit more stamina and come with us.”

“Those two were embarrassed to come here without a marefriend.” He shrugged. “They think most of the fillies will show up already accompanied.” He grinned and cocked his head to one side. "That is where they are wrong, and why I like going out at night!”

Hydrangea took a more careful look at the ponies surrounding them. There were a few families, quite a number of obvious couples, but also many groups of fillies and colts. “So why did you insist I come along then? Aren’t you afraid those nice fillies will think we’re a couple?”

His snort was louder this time. “Hah! One look at us and they know we’re siblings. And a colt in the company of a female relative gets approached more often than a solitary stag!” He looked on in amusement as her eyes grew wide and her mouth gaped open. He reached over with a hoof and lifted her chin. “If you leave your mouth open like that you’ll frighten off both our prospects!” His grin turned wicked. “Or have you eyes only for a certain little green mage?”
It took a moment longer for Hydrangea to recover from her surprise. “It seems my little brother has grown rather sophisticated. I’m shocked.” Then she smiled. “And paradoxically pleased.” There was motion near the dais. “Oh, look. It begins!”

They looked on as Princess Luna climbed the steps that led up to its platform. Once there she gazed out over the large crowd of ponies just as the setting sun slipped below the horizon and the last crimson rays of light faded to purple.

Luna closed her eyes as the crowd grew totally silent. Unlike her sister, Luna remained on the platform, but she did rise to balance on her hind legs, wings half open to assist. Her eyes were closed, her form almost invisible in the fading light. Only the crescent moon sigil and the silver horseshoes of her regalia showed that she was still there.

The princess raised one silver tipped hoof on high and started a slow circular motion. A sparse sprinkling of stars began to appear, twinkling into existence as her movement swept the sky. Waves of oohs and ahhs broke the silence, the sound adding an eerie accompaniment to the stellar dance above. As the sky slowly darkened, Luna raised her other forehoof, moving both like a conductor before an orchestra. Entire groups of stars appeared, and gradually the familiar patterns of the constellations took shape.

Hydrangea put a hoof on her brother’s withers. She wanted to tell Mo how much more beautiful this was than the usual night sky, how much richer and more alive it seemed. But even the smallest whisper might have shattered the almost palpable feeling of awe that resonated through the herd. He spared her a quick glance. A flash of teeth in the dark, and he resumed looking at the sky.

Luna had brought both forehooves together before her chest, her head pointed down as if in meditation. Then she pushed up her chin slowly with her hooves. As her muzzle became level with the crowd, the edge of the moon broke above the horizon. Beams of silver light traced her outline. Slowly her hooves rose ever higher, her wings spreading outwards, as the moon slowly rose, its colour a deep orange. Now many ponies did whisper as they remarked on the unusual sight and the silvered silhouette of the princess just below it.

Luna’s hooves rose above her head just as the bottom edge of the moon cleared the horizon. Its colour paled almost imperceptibly as it rose, until finally, framed one either side by the quicksilver edges of the princess’ wings, it assumed its usual cool yellow countenance. Luna’s wings and hooves slowly folded back into her compact form. There was a moment of silence, and then applause began, grew and gathered momentum.

Hydrangea felt herself clapping along. It wasn’t the wild outburst she remembered from the sunrise celebration. The ponies clapped slowly, touched by fragile awe at Luna’s artful way of raising the moon. It was so very different from the cold practicality of how the unicorns did so, until this first night of the new regime.

Luna had not yet moved. To gasps of the ponies nearest the dais, and even a few exclamations of fear, she launched herself into the night air above the herd, wings beating hard as she fought to gain altitude. Soon she was high and to the north of the field. Hydrangea heard expressions of surprise and anger around her, as the princess did several pirouettes in the sky, becoming a fast moving silver dot, like some wayward shooting star. And then she slowed and spread her wings wide. She glided in a broad arc from east to west, leaving a glittering trail behind her in the firmament. “The northern lights!” whispered Hydrangea to her brother. “She made the aurora appear! It’s so beautiful Mo. I’ve never seen it like this.”

Her brother could only stare at the sky. “Woah...” was his whispered comment.

The lights started moving, colours shifting as if they were curtains of glass billowing in an astral wind. Their dance seemed to fill the heavens as they roiled from east to west, advanced south and faded back into the distant north. The princess slowly glided back to earth, landing on the dais without a sound. She stared out over the crowd of ponies, her expression unreadable. But all the ponies were watching the sky. Finally, a cheer rang out from next to the dais as somepony noticed Luna had returned. It spread and gained in volume until the whole valley resonated with approval. Luna bowed and left the stage as the cheering went on.

“Wow, sis. That truly was an experience!” enthused Morning Glory. He began to move back in the direction of their three-house.

“Wait Mo, it’s not over,” said Hydrangea, as the aurora continued its silent ballet above them.

“The lights will go on all night, Angie. And I’ve got some parties to attend.”

“Hah! I should have known nothing would keep you away from the fillies.”

Morning Glory bowed. “Well, since you know me so well, then maybe I’ll walk you home before I go off into the night.”

“How truly mature of you!” she retorted. “And might this have something to do with what you said about colts with female relatives being more approachable?”

“The thought never crossed my mind,” said Morning Glory with a laugh.

Together they walked home, enjoying the aurora and each other’s company. What a wonderful day it’s been, thought Hydrangea. I can hardly wait for tomorrow!