• Published 11th Jun 2012
  • 4,577 Views, 183 Comments

Renaissance Pony - Dafaddah

In the late middle ages, Celestia foresees trouble for humanity and seeks help

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A Hearth's Warming Eve Carol

Renaissance Pony

Chapter 10: A Hearth’s Warming Eve Carol

by Dafaddah

Globe spanning editorial team: Microshazm and SecondLaw

Clover roamed the headquarters of the unicorn enclave looking for Princess Platinum. Everypony Clover ran into looked downcast and nopony spoke above a whisper. News of the Unicorn King's death must have been circulating via the grapevine, he thought. When he asked, nopony recalled seeing Princess Platinum since the visit earlier that day by the pegasi and earth pony delegations. After half an hour of fruitless searching he decided she must have teleported somewhere unobserved. He was hurrying back out the front door when he dug his hooves in and screeched to a stop. How could I have been so stupid? She must know already! That left only one likely place for the princess to be. Clover teleported.

Princess Platinum sat on her haunches, leaning against her father’s bed, his forehoof clutched in hers. Oh, papa, why now? She sighed and tried to be angry at him for leaving her at such an inopportune time, but... other thoughts and emotions claimed her attention every time she looked at his face. She looked at it again, so familiar, yet so different now. Then she understood. He wasn’t scowling. There was no scorn turning down the corners of his mouth and his brow was smooth and unlined. For the first time in years papa, the anger is gone. It’s been so long since you’ve known contentment. Was the burden so hard to bear? Did it have to be? Could I have done more?

He did look peaceful. She felt glad that maybe after these last bitter years, he might have known a bit of happiness before he died. She stroked his foreleg, an intimate tenderness he had not tolerated for years, even from his daughter. She recalled the days when she was just a filly, and he would levitate her in the air and spin her about as she pretended to be a pegasus acrobat. Then he would hold her close to him, and she would feel so safe, so happy, and fall asleep in his embrace. Those were the days before her mother had died, taken by an unknown disease that had consumed her seemingly in the blink of an eye, and the sparkle in her father’s eyes had disappeared as if it had been buried along with her mother.

There was a gentle tapping at the door.

“I wish to be alone with my father,” she said. “Please.”

There was a moment of silence, then she heard the door open and the soft clip-clop of somepony who approached slowly and sat down next to her. She could not even gather sufficient anger to object to the casual disregard of her request.

“I’m sorry I wasn’t there when you found out, Princess,” said Clover. Of course it was him. Who else would dare?

“Nopony should face the death of a parent alone. I can stay with you if you like, and I won’t tell anypony.” He paused. “But if you want me to leave, I’ll go.”

She sat frozen, unable to decide what she wanted. Why can’t I think?! she berated herself. Clover waited a moment and when she didn’t respond started to get up. In the moment he rose it was as if her hoof reacted on its own: it shot out to grab onto his foreleg, preventing his departure. She stared at it for a moment, wondering what wisdom had guided it when her mind was paralyzed so. In her heart though, she felt that no matter the provenance it was the right decision. This was indeed what she needed, even if her brain was too muddled to decide on its own.

“Please stay,” she whispered, barely loud enough to hear.

“Yes, Princess.” Clover settled down. Her hoof trembled, and she felt him put his other forehoof over hers. It was as if the simple act loosened all the knots she held inside. Finally, she felt safe again. Finally she could let go and just be Platinum again. Finally, the tears came.

“Wake up, Clover.”

He started as he realized he’d fallen asleep. He felt the by now very familiar heat of embarrassment again. “I’m sorry, Princess, I...”

“Hush,” she interrupted, “we have a meeting to attend tomorrow morning.”

The princess on the other hoof, looked almost serene. She had wept for what seemed like hours, and he had stayed by her side, until finally he had fallen asleep. She led him towards the door. What she had said finally penetrated the cobwebs of sleep still clouding his thoughts.

“Surely you don’t expect to go yourself, your highness! Your father just passed...”

“... which is irrelevant to the situation, Clover.” Princess Platinum’s expression became businesslike as they exited her father’s bedchamber. “If we don’t show up who knows what the pegasi and earth ponies will concoct by themselves. No. We have to be there.” She favored Clover with a shy smile. “Thank you for sitting with me, Clover. It was very kind of you, especially as I haven’t always been so kind to you.”

Clover blushed again and scratched the back of his head. “Think nothing of it, highness.”

“Well then. It’s the middle of the night and we need some sleep, or in your case some more.” The princess grinned to ease the bite of the jest. “You can sleep in the room two doors down the hall to the right. Please join me for breakfast an hour after dawn in my quarters, and we’ll teleport to Canterlot from there. Sleep well, Clover.” She went in the opposite direction and disappeared through the door to her own rooms.

The three delegations, one from each tribe waited at the mouth of the caves. Clover followed Princess Platinum as she strode with dignity over to the small group of unicorns.

“What is this?” asked the princess angrily looking at each face in the group. “Why aren’t all the unicorns of our delegation present?”

One unicorn, a clan leader named Lord Beryl, spoke. “Greetings, you highness, and our sincerest condolences. We...”

Princess Platinum raised a hoof and interrupted him “We... mustn’t appear weak or disorganized at this sensitive stage of the negotiations. I forbid anypony from mentioning or discussing my father’s health until this conclave is adjourned. Have I made myself clear?” She glared at the assembled unicorns, who nodded or bowed to show their compliance. “Good! Now have somepony get the rest of our delegates here immediately.” She turned and began striding towards the caves, Clover in tow. He shivered in the bitterly cold wind that blew over them.

As they approached the mouth of the caves, the leaders and lieutenants of the pegasi and earth ponies joined them.

Commander Hurricane looked as stern and gaunt in his armor as Chancellor Puddinghead looked silly in his odd puffed-up garments. They were accompanied by Private Pansy and Smart Cookie. Princess Platinum hardly slowed her pace as they came closer.

She nodded her greeting. “Let’s get this started on time, shall we?” Without waiting for a reply she immediately strode into the caves, leaving Clover and the other two delegations hurrying to catch up. He looked sidelong at Pansy and Cookie. Both looked better today, and Pansy actually winked at him.

Once inside, the three leaders went to their respective places in the center of the main cave, where somepony had drawn lines on the floor dividing the area into three equally sized sections. Although he couldn't hear what they were saying, he could easily discern their expressions, and he didn't like what he saw. Clover sighed and went to sit next to Pansy near the divider between the unicorn and pegasus areas. They waved at Cookie a short distance away.

“Hello Pansy. So how are things with the pegasi?” said Clover.

“Much better since yesterday, and I hear we have you and Starswirl to thank,” said the mare with a shy smile.

Clover was surprised. “Oh, and why is that?”

Pansy’s eyes grew large. “You don’t know? Wow!”

“Don’t know what? What’s going on Pansy?”

Her smile grew mischievous, and gestured for him to lean in close. She raised a hoof next to his ear and whispered softly. “The three-houses are a brilliant idea! We pegasi and the earth ponies had to move some of our sick and elderly out of the caves to make room for the conclave, and because of you we had somewhere safe and warm to bring them. Some of them were even able to eat for the first time in days!"

Clover turned his head to better see Pansy's expression. The look on her face was nothing short of admiration. All of a sudden he noticed how close their muzzles were. He blushed and backed away slightly. He looked to the side and noticed Cookie smirking at them. The earth pony winked and waved for Clover to approach him.

When Clover arrived he also moved close to whisper in his ear. "Oy imagine she done tol’ you ‘bout the three-houses. We did the same with oir’ own old and feeble ‘uns. They was so ‘appy they sang songs t’gether, folks of all three troibes! Yer did good, you and Starswirl did!"

Embarrassed, Clover ventured a glance at the three tribal leaders. They were getting louder and gesticulating wildly at each other. He felt a lump of dread form in the pit of his stomach as he watched. He shivered. It suddenly felt even colder in the already frigid cave. With a series of mutual shouts, the three leaders broke formation, turned their backs on each other and retreated to their respective territories and delegations.

Clover went to see the princess. "Your majesty, that didn't seem go so well, did it?"

There was fire as well as pain in her eyes when she looked at him. "All they have are accusations and slander, and they refuse to recognize the central role of unicorns in Equestria. Without us to maintain the cycle of day and night how could they possibly grow crops or manage the weather? They blame us for our actions in response to their own intransigence. It's as if they can't see that they are the authors of their own troubles!"

Several of the unicorn delegates muttered their sympathies to the princess and remarked on how low the pegasi and earth ponies had fallen below the unicorn tribe. Clover said nothing. He had had enough of such talk, but decided to let the princess’ other advisors each speak their piece. After a few minutes more of such fruitless deliberation, the princess turned her gaze back to Clover. “So what do you propose we do, Clover?” Her eyes were slightly wide, and she had tilted her head slightly to one side. Silence fell as the other unicorns looked on, many with scowls on their muzzles.

“Your majesty...” Clover thought furiously. “Perhaps you should remind the others of the benefits of cooperation and working together to ensure that...” He swallowed seeing scowls grow into anger around him. “... we can survive this wretched winter, rather than endlessly deliberating the past and those issues that divide us?” Clover heard indrawn breaths from several unicorns around him.

Lord Beryl stepped forward. “How dare you suggest that!”

“Enough!” interrupted the princess. “I asked for Clover’s opinion, and he was brave enough to give it honestly.” She glanced towards the center of the cave. “Capitulation is not an option. I would not betray my father and all that he has striven to achieve.” She looked at the assembled unicorn delegation. “Does anypony wish to make a suggestion?” Many of the ponies looked down. Nopony spoke up. “Very well, then.” She slowly made her way back to the center of the cave. Her breath made plumes of condensation in the air as she went. The other two leaders advanced to the meeting point. Soon, the angry talk resumed.

Clover looked on in disgust. What an incredible lack of harmony! What a terrible example they present to other ponies. Then he had a sudden thought. He smiled slyly, went to Smart Cookie and began whispering in his ear. The other stallion nodded a few times, soon sharing Clover’s smile. They both nodded, and Clover went to see Pansy. Her smile was more sweet than sly, but she nodded enthusiastically at Clover’s whispered comments. He went back to the center of the unicorn section and sat, waiting for the leaders’ discussion to inevitably break down.

A bit over an hour later, there was a flash near the mouth of the cave, causing Clover to look up. There he spied Starswirl, wearing a new cloak. He went to greet his teacher.

“Hello Starswirl. I’m sorry about last night, I, uh, had an unplanned engagement.” Clover blushed a deep red as he realized the implications of his excuse. A huge grin split Starswirl’s face. He trotted up and embraced his student in a fierce hug.

“Clover, lad. I am so happy to see you! Let me look at you.” He released his perplexed student and made a big deal of examining Clover closely. “You haven’t changed a bit!” he announced with a happy glint in his eye. “Even that famous blush of yours!”

Clover couldn’t imagine why Starswirl was so happy to see him. He doubted he had changed much since yesterday. On the other hoof, Clover did find that something was different about Starswirl. He seemed... more at ease on his hooves? Older? Or just more weathered somehow, and happier. “Are you quite alright, Starswirl? It’s been less than a day since we parted, yet you seem older and younger at the same time.” He spared another glance at the cloak. “And the bells are a rather playful choice.”

Starswirl laughed heartily, the bells on his cloak chiming as he shook. “Yes, well to me it feels like it’s been years.” He looked to the three tribal leaders in the center of the cave. “So how goes the conclave?”

Clover’s ears drooped. “Those three have been frozen there, arguing for over an hour. I swear they must have hearts of ice to be so obstinate. However, Pansy, Cookie and I have an idea to warm them up that we’ll propose when they take a break.”

Starswirl looked at the young stallion shrewdly. “I would have expected nothing less from you lad. For my part, I must rush off. I have a village to move! However, I do have a request to make of you and your little cabal before I go.” There was a twinkle in his eye, as he moved in close and whispered in Clover’s ear. The young stallion listened attentively. Both student and teacher nodded agreement, then Starswirl turned and disappeared with a tinkling of bells.

Half an hour later, the tribal leaders parted again. Princess Platinum’s body language alone was enough to convince Clover that they had not moved any further towards compromise. She addressed the unicorn delegation, rubbing her forelegs together to restore circulation. “The only thing that has changed is the temperature in here. Why is it so cold? I thought I had requested a group of mages to warm this place up.”

A slight unicorn spoke up. “We have been doing heat production spells at maximum capacity, your majesty! If we weren’t here it would be much colder in this cave.”

A look of alarm crossed Princess Platinum’s face. “If we can’t make these obstinate foals come to agreement we’ll all perish from the cold long before the spring thaw comes!”

Lord Beryl stepped forward. “Princess, there is always the plan I proposed to your father.” Clover already didn’t like this stallion. What he saw in Lord Beryl’s face was very unpleasant, the old unicorn had a predatory gleam in his eyes. He felt compelled to intervene before the princess was goaded into an unsavory course of action.

“Your majesty, I have a request.” All eyes turned to Clover.

“Yes, Clover, please proceed.” The princess’ glance had a great deal of weariness in it, but her ears rose to point towards him.

“I propose a visit to a camp outside by the three tribal leaders. There is something important we wish to show you there,” said Clover. “I have asked the other two tribes’ lieutenants to propose the same to their own leaders.”

Lord Beryl spoke up. “Majesty, I don’t see what possible good could come of such a visit. My own plan, however, could be implemented within a day.”

Clover turned to the unicorn lord, and was about to retort when he felt a hoof on his shoulder. It was the princess’. “If any alternative would still take a day then there is no harm in humouring our Clever Clover now, is there, especially if the other leaders agree?” She looked around the gathered unicorns. Nopony dared contradicted the princess. “Then we agree. Clover, please accompany me.”

As they made their way to the meeting point, the other two leaders and their assistants also advanced. All six stood together in the middle. Clover held a hoof before him. “Please place your hooves on mine, and I will teleport you all. It is only a very short distance away.” They did as he asked and...

… the six ponies stood in a field. Nearby was an area that held some twenty ponies. Many were old or injured, and rested on what looked to be a broad circle of grass. A few very young foals gamboled nearby while a pegasus was flying an orbit around them all. As the leaders approached their eyes grew wide at the sight of fresh grazing. They stepped into the circle and immediately heard voices raised in song.

“How can it be so warm here?” asked asked Princess Platinum.

“Why doesn’t the heat escape?” asked Commander Hurricane.

“How is there grass at this time of year?” asked Chancellor Puddinghead.

“It’s warm because I have a heat spell going,” said blue unicorn mare. It was Hydrangea. She waved at Clover.

“And because the heat is being kept in with a wind dome,” said the pink pegasus mare named Seraph, if Clover recalled correctly.

“And we can grow things because it’s hot enough in here to melt the snow,” said the fiery red earth pony called Peach Pitt. “Welcome to our three-house, the very first one built here in Canterlot,” he added with an air of pride.

Seraph pointed a hoof at the ponies laying on the grass. “These ponies are our guests, as they were rather suddenly required to relocate from the caves yesterday. Luckily, we have had many unicorns come to volunteer to help build three-houses, so we were able to accommodate them all. Since they have nothing, they repay our kindness by singing songs of harmony and fellowship. Now each three-house going has a few such guests, at least until you leaders get your hooves out of your...”

“Why thank you, Seraph,” Clover cut in hastily. “And Hydrangea and Peach Pitt too.”

“Do you have many of these three-houses?” asked Commander Hurricane.

“Yes, we had some twenty of them set up yesterday, and at last count another forty so far today,” Hydrangea answered.

“Are all of these three-houses set up in the pegasus enclave?” asked Commander Hurricane.

“No, sir. It’s pretty much half-and-half between pegasus and earth pony enclaves,” answered Peach Pitt.

“Why are there none in the unicorn enclave?” asked Princess Platinum angrily.

“Because,” replied Clover, “each three-house needs at least one pony from each tribe. Since your father ordered all non-unicorns to be kept out of the unicorn enclave whenever possible, it was impossible to build any three-houses there. Those unicorns who wanted to participate had to leave our enclave.”

“Why wasn’t I informed of this?” asked Chancellor Puddinghead.

“Because they was just set up fer the first time yesterday. We didn’t know if they would last the night. But, as yer can see, they managed jus’ fine.” Cookie winked at Clover.

“How come we didn’t know about this three-house idea before?” asked the princess.

“The three-house is a spell brought to Equestria by Starswirl the Bearded from the faraway land where he was born.” replied Clover. “He suggested it while he and I were touring this area yesterday, saying that in ancient times this is what ponies did to survive the dead of winter.”

“Hey Mister Clover!” said a very young voice quite loudly. A young earth pony pushed his way into the circle of adults, followed by two others, a pegasus and a unicorn. These last two swallowed, eyes as large as saucers as they felt the attention of these grownups focus on them. The earth pony colt, beamed up at them as if he was surrounded by family. “We have a song for everypony we’ve been practising! Can we sing it for you?”

Clover looked at the tribal leaders. As nopony made any objection, he shrugged and said “We’d like that very much, thank you!”

The three foals lined up and the earth pony tapped the ground with his hoof. On the third tap they began to sing, and the sweet bell-like tones of the foal choir embraced the gathered ponies in a moment of magic.

We three foals of Equestria are
Bearing gifts we traverse afar
Field and fountain, moor and mountain
Following yonder star

O Sun of wonder, Moon of night
Star with royal beauty bright
Homeward leading, still proceeding
Guide us to Harmony's Light

A three-house built on Canterlot's plain
A magical hearth provides warming flame
A roof and walls made of wind
A place to grow and live in

O Sun of wonder, Moon of night
Star with royal beauty bright
Homeward leading, still proceeding
Guide us to Harmony's Light

Only song to offer have I
In friendship voices are lifted high
Prayer and praising, ponies raising
Worship of Harmony nigh

O Sun of wonder, Moon of night
Star with royal beauty bright
Homeward leading, still proceeding
Guide us to Harmony's Light

Glorious now behold the sunrise
A new dawn opens for the three tribes
Pegasus, unicorn and earth pony
Equestria to heav'n replies

O Sun of wonder, Moon of night
Star with royal beauty bright
Homeward leading, still proceeding
Guide us to Harmony's Light

The last echoes of the sound faded, and still nopony broke the silence. Even the little earth pony’s smile wavered, unsure if their song met the approval of these important ponies.

Finally, it was Chancellor Puddinghead who spoke first. “That was very beautiful, my little ponies. What a pretty song, and you all sang it very well!” He started to applaud, and soon all the adults did the same. This time, even the little pegasus and unicorn foals broke into smiles.

“Thank you so much,” said Clover with a bow. The three foals bowed back, and in a scurry of titters and giggles galloped out to their mothers who were tending the injured. He turned to face the ponies from the three-house. “Thank you. This has been very helpful.”

Hydrangea winked in his direction. “Come back to visit anytime, Clover.”

He hoped this time his blush wasn’t visible through his fur. “And now, we have a second place to visit. Could you please again place your hooves on mine?”

“Now just a moment, Clover, I admit that this visit was good for our morale, but we agreed to one visit only!” objected Commander Hurricane.

“Please, Commander,” interjected Princess Platinum, “I also do not regret having seen this three-house.” She placed her hoof over Clover’s. “I recommend we comply.”

Hurricane looked at Chancellor Puddinghead, who shrugged and placed his hoof on those of the other ponies.

The pegasus leader raised his hoof, but didn’t touch it to the others’ just yet. “And where are you taking us this time?”

“To Everfree Castle, to visit Princess Celestia and Princess Luna,” said Clover.

Commander Hurricane placed his hoof on the five other ponies’ and...

... they were in Princess Celestia’s quarters. The regal sisters stood at a round table before them.

“Welcome, my little ponies,” said Celestia. The six new arrivals bowed, as did the sisters in their turn. Celestia indicated the table, laid out with a tea service for eight. “Please sit.”

When all the ponies had joined them Celestia and Luna sat, followed by their guests.

“I will come directly to the point,” said Celestia. “The current social contract that binds the tribes of Equestria is failing. These tensions have been building for over a century. My sister and I have tried to minimize its effects, but our recent absence for some months let the situation speed forward unimpeded, perhaps beyond the point of no return.

“A major problem is the division between the three tribes of ponies. Their lives are separate, and so they are a nation in name only. In the three-house you have seen what can be done when unicorns, pegasi and earth ponies work together. What is needed is a way to bring the ponies of all tribes together so that they can live not only as as neighbors in harmony, but as one herd, one family.

“There are two main obstacles to this. The first is the separate nature of activities of pegasi, earth ponies and unicorns. This division was created to ensure harmony, but there is a flaw we had not foreseen. The first two tribes must interact almost daily, and many pegasi live in earth pony villages. But this is not so for the unicorns. They live apart from the other tribes, mostly because of the great deal of coordinated effort they must expend in raising the sun and moon.

“Unicorns can do so many useful things with their magic, but can only spare a little of it for activities other than raising the celestial orbs. If the unicorns were free of this task they could so much more and truly be part of the daily life of every village in Equestria. Also, they would not need to congregate in Everfree, or Canterlot for that matter.

“Therefore Luna and I propose that we take over the duties of raising the Sun and the Moon to free unicorns to do more magic for all ponies. Of course we will only do so will the full agreement of the leader of the unicorn tribe, Princess Platinum.”

“Princess Platinum?” said Commander Hurricane. “Does this mean her father is...”

Clover noticed that Princess Luna looked down at her hooves at the mention of the Unicorn King. He also caught Princess Celestia’s glance in Luna’s direction. She no doubt noticed it as well. The others around the table seemed oblivious to this exchange and looked to Princess Platinum.

She sighed. “Yes, my father passed away yesterday. I asked the unicorn tribal leadership not to make it public as we were just going into our conclave.”

“You have our heartfelt condolences,” said Commander Hurricane.

“It was very courageous of you to carry on despite your loss,” added Chancellor Puddinghead.

Princess Platinum seemed to shrink in on herself for a moment but then looked up. “Thank you both. Your words do mean a lot to me, and they are perhaps kinder than I deserve.”

Everypony was quiet a moment. “I understand what you are proposing, your majesty,” said Princess Platinum. “But such a momentous proposal demands careful consideration. I beg you to have some patience with me yet. And what is the second obstacle that divides the three tribes?”

Celestia placed her forehooves on the table. “Overcoming the second obstacle will forever alter the lives of everypony in Equestria. However, this we wish to show you rather than tell you.” Princess Luna did the same, one hoof on her sister’s, as Clover did in turn, placing his hoof on Princess Luna’s.

Commander Hurricane raised an eyebrow. “Well, we have been shown the past and the present. We need the future to complete the squadron.” He put his hoof on Clover’s. Soon the circle was complete. There was a flash and...

... a wash of warm wind hit Clover almost like a physical blow, as the delegation found itself in what looked like a grassy square surrounded by several dozen houses of varying sizes and shapes. In the distance he saw the towers of Everfree Castle. His attention returned to the cheery looking cottages. What a nice little town!

The first of the leaders to react was Commander Hurricane. “Where is this? It’s warm here, and it smells... different.”

“Welcome to Ponyville, a town for all ponies!” said a familiar voice.

Clover looked up and spotted his mentor, who approached surrounded by a troop of foals from all tribes. He bowed. “Starswirl the Bearded at your service. I am the mayor of this settlement, and we would be most honored if you could join us for a brief tour.” He paced towards one of the larger houses, the bells on his cloak tinkling in musical counterpoint to his gait. A pegasus stallion and earth pony mare waited on either side of the door. “This is Candy Apple and her husband Head Wind.”

A series of younger ponies began to emerge from within the house. The first was an earth pony stallion. “This is their son, Head Pond, a miller, and his sisters Honey Apple, and Wind Chime, and their brothers Overcast and Blizzard.” A pretty earth pony mare followed Head Pond, then another mare, a pegasus, and finally two more pegasi stallions who were obviously twins. The whole family stood together in front of the house.

“That ponies from the same tribes can live together isn’t news, Princess Celestia,” said Chancellor Puddinghead. “Although perhaps adoption laws here are less stringent that those in earth pony towns.”

“My dear chancellor, nopony here is adopted. These fine young ponies are the true offspring of this most excellent couple,” replied Starswirl. He clopped his hooves. A few more adult ponies emerged, each finding one of the older couple’s sons and daughters. Among them were also a several unicorns. Once the younger adults had paired off a veritable torrent of foals galloped out of the house, each one joining one of the pairs. Some families included ponies of all three tribes.

By this time the three tribal leaders were whispering amongst themselves. Starswirl gestured with a hoof to two other similar groups gathered in front of two of the other larger houses.

“How is this possible?” asked Princess Platinum. “Mixed tribe couples are rarely able to conceive, and if they do the offspring are invariably infertile. Are you saying that now ponies of any tribe can interbreed?”

Starswirl approached. “Yes. That is exactly what this village was created to demonstrate.”

“But how is this possible?” asked Commander Hurricane.

Starswirl replied. “It’s made possible by the Amniomorphic spell. It enables unicorns, pegasi and earth ponies to combine their lineages, while preserving the individual heredity of each. The spell also keeps the numbers of each tribe in balance, to ensure the population never runs short of any kind of pony.”

Celestia continued. “This village is the answer to the second cause of division between the three tribes. The family is the fundamental unit of our society. Perhaps the best way to get ponies to see all others as brothers and sisters is to make it the literal truth. With the Amniomorphic spell, ponykind can truly become one nation.

"For the last forty years, these ponies have been testing the Amniomorphic spell. Three generations have been born and lived in it influence, far from Equestria. We find the results conclusive. Look upon these families." Celestia gestured to the assembled villagers. "These are good ponies, with happy foals. And they have built a strong community that has managed to live and prosper far from Equestria and all other ponies. This morning, we moved the village and its residents here within sight of the Everfree, to rejoin Equestria and to be an example to all ponies of that which is possible." Celestia paused, letting the implications of her pronouncements sink in.

The first tribal leader to speak up was Princess Platinum. "Your majesty, this is a beautiful vision, but what you suggest is the very extinction of the tribes!" She could not look Celestia in the face as she spoke. Commander Hurricane nodded, and Chancellor Puddinghead as well.

“Sometimes my little ponies, the only way to grow is to shed a piece of who we are.” Celestia shared a smile with Starswirl. “But fear not, there will still be a place for the tribes in the organization of their livelihood, professions and government. Tribe will still be part of their identity, but like the color of their coats it will no longer a barrier between them.

“In the matter of government, I propose the establishment of an Equine Assembly, composed of the leadership of the three tribes and the representatives of their constituents. If you three agree to our proposals, this along with the dispensation of the Amniomorphic spell to all ponies who desire it, and the transference of the management of the celestial orbs to Luna and myself, will be the foundation of a new Equestria.

“I do not ask your answer immediately for this might be the most important decision any of you will ever take. The very future of Equestria is at stake. Consider, however, the opportunity that this crisis has provided to seek a better way of life for all ponies.”

As she spoke, she and Luna clasped hooves, then Starswirl and Clover, and then all the members of the delegation. There was a flash...

... and they were back in the cave at Canterlot, minus the royal sisters and Starswirl. The delegation split into three parties. With many uncertain glances exchanged between them, each pair went towards the center of their own tribal space.

Princess Platinum gathered the unicorn delegation. As she always did with her father, she gave a concise account of the three visits made by the group of tribal leaders. As she expected, the first unicorn to give his opinion was Lord Beryl.

“Your majesty, this is the most pernicious set of lies imaginable! Ponies of the three tribes cannot live together, it is unnatural. Why, to even propose that unicorn mares interbreed with these lowlifes is a betrayal of unicorn society and everything for which your father fought. And to suggest we give up the stewardship of the sun and moon is to rip out the very soul of what it is to be a unicorn. They are stronger and faster than we are. Denying our enemies the sun and the moon is the only real defense we have!” He raised a hoof to make another point but was interrupted by a shout.


To Platinum’s surprise, the outburst had come from Clover, the quiet, if unruly scholar. The realization came upon her that the only pony in the entire unicorn delegation she considered a friend was the irate green unicorn.

“Did I hear you call the other two tribes of Equestria enemies of the unicorn tribe?” He approached the rather larger Lord Beryl and faced him, fur standing on end, nostrils flaring. “Did I hear you say that all ponies living together is unnatural? That the only power in the hooves of the unicorns is the threat of starvation FOR US ALL?”

Clover’s teeth were bared, his ears were flat against the back side of his neck, and the whites of his eyes were visible from across the cave. The hubbub in all three delegations died down and everypony looked to see what was obviously shaping up to be a stallion fight.

“The sun and the moon are not our defense, Lord Beryl! They are the chains that bind us down and prevent us from growing beyond what we are! We unicorns can do more than lift orbs into the sky. We can make the world better for all Equestrians. We can have a life of harmony and be ponies among ponies, and loved for what we are. What do you have to offer instead? A world where ponies live in fear and hate of each other! That isn’t Equestria, it’s Tartarus!”

Lord Beryl’s demeanor had changed as Clover spoke, progressively reacting to the younger stallion’s challenge and assuming an aggressive posture of his own. His eyes grew wide as he prepared to charge. Princess Platinum feared that the inevitable was about to happen.

In two steps Lord Beryl covered the distance between him and Clover. He reared back on his hind legs, preparing to strike the youngster down. Platinum’s horn glowed and suddenly Lord Beryl was flying in the air, legs flailing.

“Let me down, you idiotic mare!” shouted the enraged stallion, suspended above the cringing unicorn delegation.

There was complete silence in the cave, other than the ragged breathing of the enraged Lord Beryl. Platinum noticed that despite his earlier brave display, Clover now had his face to the floor with his forelegs held up to protect his head. As the expected crushing blow didn’t come, he peeked out from under one foreleg, and noticed his aggressor's futile aerial struggles.

“Rise, Clover, and attend to me,” said Princess Platinum. She set Lord Beryl down. “You. Go home. Now.” The dark fury in her eyes brooked no argument. A moment later, Lord Beryl slumped in submission. She turned tail to the Lord and trotted back regally to the central area. The other two tribal leaders came to join her. She looked at them each in turn. At first she had some difficulty in discerning Commander Hurricane’s expression. Was that a smile on the old warrior’s muzzle? Deciding it was, she favored him with one of her own. Chancellor Puddinghead was as always an easier read. He just clopped hooves and even whistled his appreciation. She took a deep breath.

“Shall we contact the Royal Princesses and tell them we have decided to accept their proposals? With a proviso that we all must agree to the nature, roles, and responsibilities of this Equine Assembly?”

Both other leaders nodded their assent. “Shall we then prepare a joint statement to their majesties?”

Again the other two nodded, then all three leaders turned their heads to their delegations.

“Clover!”, “Private Pansy!”, “Smart Cookie!” The names resounded as the leaders called in their assistants to help in preparing the document.

“Oh, and one more thing...” said Princess Platinum looking down. “Can somepony please erase these idiotic lines from the cave floor?”

There was a commotion and a mixed group of ponies entered the cave. They lined up in rows. One of the ponies, a unicorn filly, caught Clover’s eye and winked at him. It was Hydrangea. I guess that explains why they’re here, he thought with a grin. Another pony stood before them and took out a baton. In a moment song echoed through the caves.

The fire of friendship lives in our hearts

As long as it burns we cannot drift apart

Though quarrels arise, their numbers are few

Laughter and singing will see us through (will see us through)

We are a circle of pony friends

A circle of friends we'll be to the very end...