• Published 16th Jan 2016
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The Day Equestria Changed for Me - Th3D4rk0n3

This is a story of a young mare who seems to think she was a pony of clouds dale and that is all. Little does she know of her extensive past and wondrous powers she has yet to remember. In time she may yet learn.

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Chapter 1: The Tragedy and Rewards of Life

Once upon a time…. No, that's not a way to start this. Lets restart…..Ahem….Long ago…. No. Not that either….Lets try this.

This is my story. I tell you it now as a reminder of magic's true power in Equestria. I don't think it is wise to let alicorns rule with such power or to let unicorns freely use magic. Not enough laws are in place for that yet. I feel so slighted and so wronged. With all that has happened, I should have… I'm getting ahead of myself. Let's try this one last time.

Back when the unicorns and alicorns freely used magic, Pegasus and Earth ponies seemed hesitant. They became too accustomed to just using it when they thought it would work. Magic creates a terrible source for spite as well, as I have found out. These days, the anger of a unicorn is feared just as much as the anger of an alicorn. It's not right for that to be this way. My time was spent in the clouds. Tending to the clouds delivery unto the desert so that they could receive rain for crops.

I decided to stop by canterlot one time and one time only, I told myself. I found myself perusing expensive shops and it all looks so nice. These were luxuries though, things I had no time or money for. The stand I was looking for was food. I found a small apple stand and paid the few bits I had left for now for the apples. I got a bag of them in my saddle bags and ate one right after the fact. It was good to eat a good quality apple. These would hold me till I reached the desert.

Then all of the sudden everyone bowed and stopped what they were doing. I thought nothing of it and kept walking. I've never been to Canterlot and I didn't know. Then I bumped into Princess Celestia and Princess Luna. I was immediately bowing almost terrified of what could be next in my life. They're going to toss me in a dungeon, take my bits or my apples or worse yet my life, I thought paranoid and terrified. My reactions were so frantic in my mind.

A hoof had touched my shoulder as a softer and wiser voice spoke to me, "Rise. You don't have to be afraid. It was an accident. You don't seem to be from around here."

I just stood with knees quivering, "I'm not, your grace. I'm from nowhere really."

I realized how stupid that was but it was too late when Princess Celestia spoke to me originally. Princess Luna spoke almost accusingly, "How can one be from nowhere and yet be here? Where is your home, or family?"

My eyes became shrouded in half glazed over depression, "I have no home or family, your graces. I need to get these clouds delivered though. I'm sorry for running into you."

Princess Celestia stopped me in a half-hearted attempt to make me feel better, putting a hoof on my shoulder, "You don't have to be sorry. You look tired, and need rest. Let us give you a place to stay the night at least."

Princess Luna chimed in on this as well, "Yes, please. It is my fault for making you sad. Let us repay it this way."

I looked at my saddle bags of apples and then my empty bit bag. My weary wings screaming to agree but my hard soul needing to move on. My body was tired and exhausted, each delivery draining more from me. How can I say yes…? My morals and code… It wouldn't allow such a thing. I stood adamant now, "I am grateful to the offer, my graces, but I must be going. Without this delivery, I won't be seeing anymore apples or food for a long time. Thank you though."

I flew off before they could answer and began eating my next apple. Once finished with it, I decided to start pushing the clouds toward the desert village once more. It took days but I managed with no stops. I rested there for a day in the clouds of rain I provided. I got my fill of sunflower sandwich that morning and took off. I think I might stop by Canterlot again to see about joining a weather team… I'm not making enough bits to live off of anymore. Darn my generous spirit.

Once near Canterlot, my weary wings gave out on my as my exhaustion had reached its peak. The desert heat and the blistering soreness and pain my poor wings felt finally got to me. My last bits of refusal to crash made me get right into the edge of Canterlot. I fell like a rock from a cliff at that point and fast. I don't remember crashing, just passing out in the fall. My world began to turn black as my last thought was, darn my weak spirit.


When I awoke, I was in a hospital. There were water bottles on a table beside me and apples by them. Why was I here…? I crashed didn't I? Or did I fall? Who caught me? All these questions haunted my mind until I finally found someone to answer them.

One of the Doctor ponies came in and spoke up with relief and reassurance, "Thank goodness you're awake. We were afraid you weren't going to wake up. What do you remember?"

My mind swam with memories as I held my head painfully, "Ow… I remember flying to Canterlot and my exhaustion taking over. When it did, I couldn't hold on anymore. I pushed myself to fly here and then fell. What exactly happened to me?"

The Doctor just smiled even more reassuringly now, "You were saved. I think you may want to talk to the one who saved you. Drink some of that water and if you're hungry order what you like. You need your strength back."

As the Doctor left, I just felt strangely happy and rejuvenated. I felt like I was given a second chance in this life. My stubborn spirit got me here and it's time to learn better of it. I put my faith in those around me once more as I picked up an apple and took a bite. It was good, more than that though, it was food. Something I seldom get. I drank some water and stared out at the sky. There was a rainbow out there, no doubt from Cloudsdale.
Maybe I can go there, I thought, for a job. They'd accept a willing Pegasus, maybe the guard or even the weather teams… Something is better than nothing. The Princesses were right, I should have stayed that night. I refused due to my stubborn morals and code but that's done. I will stay here a night if I can find a place to stay. Maybe someone will accept a good worker… Not in my condition right now though. I have to get better so I can try to care more about myself.

"Are you feeling alright?" A familiar soft voice said to me.

I just froze. I knew that voice and my brain just shut down. She can't have saved me, she's too busy as a princess… Isn't she? My voice was as shocked as it could be as I spoke as collected as I could, "Y-Yes. Do you know who saved me, your gr-"

Celestia merely chuckled, "You don't have to call me that. Call me Celestia. You know I think you need a new job. From the looks of it, this one isn't paying off."

My mind went numb, "I know. I can't find work though. I have no friends, family or home. I'm just wandering. What am I supposed to do?"

"Work on our weather teams, when you're better that is. We can find you a place to stay too. If that's okay with you that is," Celestia spoke candidly.

She had a good point, I wasn't getting paid enough to live anymore. I can't sustain myself or my life. My voice was shaky and yet fearful, "I can't… I have my code to follow. To forge my own path, I'm not supposed to accept help right…? I don't know anymore. I'm okay with clouds but I just love to fly."

I saw Celestia's face turn a moment into a thinking way. She was thinking of something and I was afraid and excited for it as I sipped my water. Her voice became a wave of confidence, "You're good at delivery though. I know a few ponies around here who could use that talent. So you're my royal delivery carrier if you're willing? You said you forge your own path but sometimes each of us need help with that path. So will you accept?"

My eyes stung as I think I was crying. Was it happiness? I've never heard anyone understand before, not like this. I knew what to say as I spoke more confident than before, "Then I better get better soon. I have a job to report for."

Celestia's fearful look turned to relief as she nodded in agreement, "Report to the castle when you are better. You may see Princess Luna today as well. Rest well."

I watched her go with a sad look. I knew I'd see her again but how long would it take to recover… Wait, I thought, Princess Luna coming here… Did she save me? My head spun again as I tried to stand to walk to the window. I fell immediately faint and unable to stand. Why couldn't I walk? Motion was sickening to me now but why…?

The nurse came in and immediately helped me back to the bed. My wings were bound to my sides, even just trying the flex them they wouldn't move. I looked at the nurse scared, "Why won't they move? My wings aren't moving."

She seemed dismayed, "Well in your fall, even if you were caught, the soreness and exhaustion pulled one of your nerves. You'll fly again, through therapy that is. You should sleep, it's been a long day for you."

I laid back on my stomach and yet all I could do was watch my wings. I pulled one of the nerves… It could be more than that. What if I can't fly again? Then I have no work. What if that motion sickness is permanent? All these thoughts scared me and made it hard to sleep.

Once asleep, I only watched my wings fly off without me. I tried to fly after them but they really were gone. I ran after them as fast as I could manage but it didn't work. I slid to a stop and sat down looking terrified into the darkened sky. I can't be without them, not ever. I felt sorrow wash over me. Someone finally depends on me to be there to help them and what makes me useful is gone… I could only cry where I sat. My tears faded in the ground as they fell.

A voice broke through my sorrow. A smoother and concerning sound, "Stop! This is a nightmare, please realize this. You still have a chance to help my sister and I. You need to heal."

I shook my head, "Therapy… Pulled a nerve. I know that one for sure, I've done it before. They told me if I did it again, I may never fly again. This is my end. Without them, I'm useless…"

"No you're not. You're so much more than that. Until you see the end, you won't try to hope for it. So here is the end, and your goal; get well and come to the castles. Work hard until that day comes. I promise you that you can do it," Luna stood in front of me now as she put a reassuring hoof on my shoulder.

My voice still quivered in lack of hope, "I only dream it's true. I'm only dreaming this is true. It'll take magic to heal what I've done."

Luna seemed to smile pushing my chin up with a hoof, "Then I know just the pony you need to see. Go to the zebra, Zecora. She can help with such matters. For now, rest in a better dream."

The world turned to beautiful skies and falling stars. This is how to fly, I thought, with the best sky I've ever seen in my life. Thank you Luna, I thought, you know more about me then you know. I flew the rest of my dream peacefully watching the skies and my friends at the desert town. They'd understand if I stopped delivering if it meant a health hazard for me.


I jumped awake once more that day as it was the morning now. The light was just breaching the rim of the horizon as it raised into the sky. I loved the sight, beautiful as when the moon rises. My world was made even brighter when I found I could walk again. They said I'm cleared to leave after filling my saddle bags with food and water. I'm required to eat and drink each day, no short changing the Doctor had said.

My eagerness to find Zecora was almost to the brim. When I found a few ponies staying in Canterlot for some errands, I talked to them a bit. They heard of how I sought Zecora and told me where to find her. Eager to go I trotted off to the train station and looked at my bit bag, "In the least I can pay for the train there. I'll have to find some menial… Never mind I can't work while injured. I'll be fine."

I paid for the train to Ponyville. Wanting to be on my way quickly, I decided to ask for directions. The ponies here told me exactly what to look for as I have to go into the Evergreen Forest. Didn't bother me really as I had done worse trips. My time was precious though, as my eagerness to fly again kept winning out. So I kept going into the forest.

My mind plagued with questions and half answers. Why must I fly? Can't I do running deliveries? Why is the breeze down here not as satisfying? Will Princess Celestia think I skipped town…? Now Luna would tell her wouldn't she? My head hurt again as I stumbled into a tree.

My weak legs gave out on me as I fell again. I knew this was a bad idea to travel so soon. The world spun for me until a zebra walked out of the tree, "Are you okay?"

Her strange accent did little to help my swirling head, "Yeah… Are you… Zecora? I need help."

"That I can see, now come inside with me," Zecora helped me up and brought me in her hut. She sat me down with some tea in front of me.

I sipped the tea as my head began to stop spinning. My mind was at ease and yet torment. The sound of my voice echoed more than mere concern, "I don't know what happened. I just fell."

Zecora looked at me with judgemental expression, "Time to heal you need, or eager ends will injury seed."

I shook my head adamant, "There has to be something you can do. Anything. Please without my wings, I'm nothing."

"Untrue this may be, I understand your plea. You wish a way to be healed, to mend the broken fate you sealed. I can fix the wing that's true, but are you sure you know what you do?" Zecora spoke in such a way I'd never heard.

Trying to understand her, I flocked to each word she said. I knew what she was saying when I thought about it. I spoke with confidence, "Yes. I have someone depending on me. For the first time in my life I have someone who trusts me to do something. I can't let broken wings lie."

Zecora sighed with a smile, "Then help you I can, but you must learn to scan. To value the worth your wings may seem, the path I offer may your life redeem."

My spirits lifted as I put the empty cup of tea down. She did as she promised that next week through it all. The ways she showed me to fly and to stretch were ways I'd never heard of. It was amazing. My wings began to move again, slowly at first but I was flying by the end of the week. I flew to Zecora and hugged her, "Thank you so much. I promise should you need anything delivered, I'm your mare."

"Good luck to you, I hope good futures for you ensue," Zecora spoke to me in that accent.

I'd grown so used to her phrasings that she really was a good pony. She even gave me the recipe for the tea and a tonic that will help my wings stay healthy. I flew to Canterlot excited to be flying again. I had tea in a canteen and some water. I also had some herbs for the recipes. Even better, I had apples from the apple orchard nearby. It was a good day. So to Canterlot I flew, in a bit of a haste. I got there elated with joy. One of the guards greeted me and told me to go to the castle. I flew there and landed at the entrance.

Walking in, I saw the huge court as Celestia and Luna sat at the thrones. I bowed and stood smiling with joy.

"It is good to see you again, Dusk. You have truly shown that you are a determined flyer," Celestia spoke as it resounded in the room. Her voice was happy as well.

Luna spoke with joy in her voice, "It is good to see my advice heeded you well. You look much better and seem to be flying well too."

I smiled realizing she had been watching my dreams. I spoke with a tone of thanks, "I owe you both so much. You urged me to fly when I thought it impossible. Now I owe you more than you can ever know. Princess Luna I have to give you more thanks than I will ever owe another pony. You saved me from crashing. I owe you doubly so."

Celestia smiled, "Well you can repay that debt by being our delivery pegasus to those we need to reach. We have long hard trips but we'll make sure you can get there safely."

"As for me, you can simply dream better dreams," Luna spoke as she smiled with peaceful demeanor.

I bowed as they lifted a letter with magic and a package, "My first assignment I assume."

Luna nodded in agreement with Celestia. Celestia looked at me, "This package is to go to the desert lands where a castle sits. There are towns between there and here to stop by to rest. Protect yourself and fly only at night."

My saddle bags filled out with the package and letter as they put a bag of bits on the other side. I felt the weight, as if it was nothing now. I was happier. With a swift bow, I turned to leave. I was a royal messenger. I can deal with this.

I took off immediately. My wings beating with elation. Time was relative now as I flew the lands I knew so well. The flight was nice and windy. A little too windy but I'll manage. My wings beat harder as a storm picked up. I flew high into the air above the clouds to get past it. I laid on a cloud for rest as I had gone many miles. Sipping my tea and eating an apple, I realized this was a good life. My purpose in life was revealed.

With a bound and a dive, I was going down through the cloud cover to the desert once more. I found myself getting hit by a balloon that was traveling the same path. I slowed down and flew beside it, "Hello… Are you okay? I may have knocked you off course. Sorry about that."

A ghost white pony stuck her head out dizzy, "Yes. I'm glad to know you're okay dear. Are you headed to the Saddle Arabia Castles?"

I nodded in agreement pushing the balloon back on course. Flying lower so I could see her, "Yeah. You seem to be as well. Sorry about hitting you but I have to go."

"Wait child. Take a rest," The strange unicorn said as I stayed my distance.

I shook my head adamant, "I'm sorry but this is important. I have to be off. You're on course, you're okay now."

The unicorn nodded, "Take this then, it's a pie I baked. Apple Frumpkin Pie. It's to say sorry for being in your way."

I thought about it, "Alright. Thank you so much. I hope I see you there." I flew off with the pie in the saddlebag. I heard her say goodbye but had to get going. I flew past three towns and stopped at the familiar fourth. It was where I delivered clouds to. They greeted me and gave me a place to rest the night. I saw the pie and and shared it with them. We all enjoyed it. I felt too sick afterward to stay up. I must have flown too far.

By morning I decided it time to go. I left the house they let me stay in as I got sideswiped by a cow. The town was full of them. I flew around helping gather them up till they all left. The few ponies that I remembered from last night were trampled. We helped them into the house as I grabbed my bag. I put some tonic on my wings and took off. I flew fine for a while but as I flew onward something happened.

I was losing control of my wings as they flew erratically now. I forced my wings to stop as I fell into a sand mound. My crash was cushioned by fluffy sand as I stood shaking off the remnants of the shifting ground. I couldn't control my wings… I just got back to flying and I am cursed once more. I stared at the sun and the started walking after readjusting my scarf cover.

After a day of walking, my hooves ached and hurt. I flapped my wings a few times as they didn't respond. I turned around to notice they were frozen to my side. I was terrified and scared. What am I to do or say that can fix this? Nothing I think is the right answer. So I walked on, pushing my aching hooves. I stopped at one point sipping my tea and munching a half sand covered apple. Things just began to worsen. I knew I was only a day away, if I could just get there.

So I pressed on that day and walked till my body ran ragged. I stood at the gates of the city barely standing. My poor hooves gave out under me as I fell. The little voice I held back that midday was all I had left, "Guards… Help…Please. Urgent from Equestria…" My vision blackened as I felt two ponies pick me up. I was being moved somewhere when I lost all pretense of consciousness.

My awakening was rude and loud as I heard ponies rush around me. I looked around me with blurred vision as the world was barred. When my vision returned, I saw I was in a cell. Why? I had done nothing wrong. I shrunk to the back of my cell as guards stood at the gates angry. They opened the gate and shackled my hooves. Walking me to another cell where what seemed to be a captain sat. I sat down still weary and weak but ready at a moment to move.

"You say you're from Equestria. I was informed by Celestia of her new messenger but you… You remind me of our black witch of the desert. She curses our people with her accursed foods," The Captain barked out.

My voice broke in cracks, "I know nothing of her… The pie she gave me. It stopped the wranglers from doing their jobs… Me from flying. You mean that unicorn in a balloon is a witch?"

The Captain seemed shocked I knew so little but shook his head negligently. He spoke more frighteningly now, "You seem to be without the knowledge of these matters. That ghost white unicorn has wrought our land full of problem and plague. The ponies forget their jobs and obviously she has shown her power to you."

"There's no way… She was kind and I-"my voice spoke trying to defend the nameless mare as the captain cut me off.

Each word I spoke irritated him, "Why do you bear the wings and eyes of her husband then? We thought his appearance was seen in you. Now Celestia can only do so much to save you but how do you know the witch?"

I shrunk back weak as my seat shifted sideways. My balance had left me and a headache ensued. The little will to speak I had was let out, "If you have a pony of similar look, can I see him? I can confirm the questions you have by that. I can promise I want to do no such aid to that witch. She caused my friends great harm."

The Captain himself helped me up and then to walk. I was led to a cell where I saw an old pony. He looked just like me and my mind kept screaming impossibilities. The old Pegasus stallion looked up at me weakly, "You… I sent you away to be safe from her… Go back, get away…" The old pony fell weak as I stood on my own now. I stumbled into the cell abit but managed.

My voice was clouded and confused, "Who are you? Why do you look like me or have similar cutie marks…?"

"Go away. She's coming now… Get back to Equestria. Before her madness turns you into the mess I am today," this old pony said darkly as he slipped to sleep.

I walked out of the cell, sitting down, to absorb it all. My mind aflutter with questions and concerns, fears and doubts. What can I do now? It was all so twisted. I turned to the Captain, "What did the Princess send me here for?"

The Captain locked the cell behind me, "I believe her letter stated to me that you might be able to solve our witch problem. The package was for our dignitaries. She is right though, that witch wants you so help us stop her. She is crushing our lands."

"I will. Once I am ready to fly again, I will find her balloon. Just let me rest awhile longer. Only a day to half at best. Where are my saddle bags?" I questioned with a half smirk. My teachings can save my flight and exhaustion yet.

The Captain showed me to a more comfortable cell with my bags. I went in after the shackles were removed to dig through them. I made the herbal tea Zecora said could rejuvenate the most exhausted pony and the tonic that could help my wings move again. Thank you Zecora, I thought, you're saving my life today. With my tea and tonic, I was ready. I put the tonic on my wings in a double dose with a half a pitcher of tea. I was now finally ready to face this witch. She knew me and I will have the truth.

That pony in the cell acted like a father and that is possible. I was found by Cloudsdale to be raised there. It made sense now. I flew from my cell, saddle bags full, to the outside. A few guards accompanied me as I searched and found the balloon high above my friend's village. I sped up as I grabbed the rope of her balloon. Flying full force, I pulled the balloon along toward a secluded mountain. The guards helped me pull it as we landed on the top of a plateau. The balloon was held down and the trap set.

The white witch landed from a steep jump in front of us. She spoke with a twisted compassion, "My dear daughter, it truly was you. I'm glad your home. Please come with me, forsake these men and help me. I need to show them their fates."

"No! Your antics hurt my friends. Almost killed me. I can't have you out here like this. No wonder he sent me away," I yelled at her with a flash of anger. I knew I was right. My hunch correct.

With a small hoof shake and some magic my wings stopped responding again. The cackle of the witch haunted me, "I have control of your talent. If I want you to have access to it, you will, if not… Then bad for you. This is the worth in what I teach."

My anger flared, "You hurt them, but no longer. I have control of my wings and I've given a copy of a tonic to solve your control. You will not control my friends anymore."

She shook with anger and threw me to the sky as high as I could go. I watched the guards shackle and bind her magic. My wings weren't responding as I only flew higher. I saw my body fall from me as if I was watching my own demise. What had I done to cause this? I defended them. Now look at me, falling to death.

I saw my body crash land into the ground unmoving. My spirited form followed after floating by the crumpled form. I just shed tears as I watched my wings finally unfold. The only time I needed to be saved or found… Now my body is lost and broken. No one knows where it is. That day I fell and into that fall, I saw the worth of my talent. My spirit bound back into my body with shattered hope.

A few of the ponies from the town I used to deliver to found me and decided to help me. They brought me back to health all those months later. I walked after 3 months, only a few steps at first. Then I could run in 6 months with glee and joy. They taught me to rope cows and herd them out of town for that time. In a year, I could fly only a little. They told me I almost shattered the entire wing. When all was done, I flew again. Full speed and slow speed, I flew with joy. My friends cheered me on and it all paid off.

I took a train to Canterlot and gladly relaxed. All this time, I saw my cutie mark as being a defender but I'm more than that. I'm a protector of my friends and myelf. If I don't take care of myself then they get worried. It takes both to make it all work out. My friends, my wings. My determination and drive, my sword. The white circle that brings the two together, the friends that hold me whole with myself and my true values.

This is why I never trusted magic since. It shattered me for a year and a half. Now I'm okay and kicking. I will never let another unicorn or alicorn use their magic on me. I am free to do as I was told. Trust myself and my friends and all will go well. Magic is simply not for me or my kind. I'm simply glad I realized it before I got to Equestria. I had a lot to tell Princess Luna and Princess Celestia.

Author's Note:

This is a series that I will be continuing. I just wanted you guys to see this first before I put out the new story that is the sequel to this. Enjoy!