• Published 7th Jun 2012
  • 3,978 Views, 139 Comments

Equestrian Life - StapleCactus

A man wakes up in Equestria with only his comforter and pillow. Is it a lucid dream or something mor

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Meeting with a princess

I woke up drowsy. My night was plagued by nightmares and worries. Sleeping in my clothes didn't help matters either. The only thing making me get up was the desire for answers. After stretching, I walked to the door and opened it a crack.

There were four guards looking back at me. With two across the hallway and one on either side of the door, I realized I really wouldn't get out on my own. Celestia was serious when she said ‘heavy guard!

"Did you need something, human?" the one on the left of the door said.

"Yeah, um... Could I get breakfast?" These guys are really creepy. Identical white coat and eyes. They aren't even blinking!

"The princess has ordered us not to give you hay or silverware." Huh, so she already knows I can't eat hay. No silverware makes sense. Hmm...

"Could I get a blueberry muffin and some milk? If it's not too much trouble, that is."

"Of course. You will meet with Her Royal Highness afterwards." This time the one on the right, across the hall, spoke. He nodded to the two at the door and walked off. I assumed he was going to the kitchens or to tell a steward.

"Right, uhh, I'm going back in now... Just, come in when you need to." I shut the door and leaned against the opposing wall. Jeez, I haven't felt such oppressing aura since my father.

A few moments later, a guard entered with a steward, a tray in his mouth. The server set the tray down on the dresser, nodded to me, and left. The guard watched as I ate and told me to follow him. We exited the room and the other three guards completed a circle around me. As we headed down the hallway, I saw the steward re-enter the room.

I've never been in a working castle before. The floor was made of shimmering tiles with bright white walls and ceiling. Whenever we would reach, what I assumed to be, a main hallway, there was a beautiful red carpet laid down. So, as long as I follow the carpeted halls, I can get around huh? Smart. Before I could contemplate more of the castle's design, I was brought to a grand oak door. The guard at the front opened the door and headed through while the two on my sides stood at the door and the rear guard followed me.

This room was much larger than the bedroom I stayed at. There was a medium built oak table that looked to seat about six. Banners of Celestia's sun and Luna's moon adorned the walls.

"Her Majesty will meet you here. Do not make any sudden moves when she arrives." Yeah, because that's exactly what I want to do. Maybe I'll run up to her and dance? Everyone is so stiff here.

I took a seat at the far end of the table so I could watch the guards and door. Be smart now, stand, bow, greet, wait to be told to sit. I repeated this over and over until Celestia entered. Just as before, I could not look her in the eyes. I quickly stood and bowed.

"Princess Celestia. Good morning to you. I hope you slept well?" Shit, I think I was supposed to let her speak first.

If I was going against protocol, neither the guards nor Celestia showed it. "A good morning to you as well, Dex. How I slept is of no concern. Let us begin."

So... what? Should I start spouting the first thing that comes to mind or are you going to give me something to work with? The silence started to stretch into uncomfortable levels. "Princess, if you could give me a topic first, I'd be able to help you."

"Of course. Let us start with you telling me who you are and what you plan on doing." Is it just me or is she distracted?

"Right. Yes. Well, my name is Dex and I'm a human from Earth. Of course, you already know this much, but I like to start at the beginning."

"Tell me everything you can. Don't leave anything out that you think might hurt you or help you. I may seem strict but I am very fair." Yes, because you told me this, I'll believe it right?

Hehe, rapidfire info time. "Twenty-four years old. Male. Unemployed, but jack of all trades. Lived on a farm before... this... happened. Two siblings, mother, and stepfather. Raised to respect everyone. No lying, stealing, or assaulting living and nonliving alike. That about sums me up."

Celestia seemed to be contemplating everything I've said and done. "That will do for who you are, but what are you going to do?"

I have no idea. "After last night? I've nearly given up ever getting home. I don't know what I'm going to do or how I'm going to do it. I was hoping you would have some ideas."

"While I cannot tell you what to do with your life, I can give you some time. Is there anything you wish to discuss before I make a decision?"

"If it isn't presumptuous of me, does your mirror work for others?" I had a bit of hope in my voice.

Celestia frowned at this. "You cannot use my mirror. I know what you wanted to use it for and it cannot be done." Her face changed into a comforting one. "I truly am sorry, Dex, but you have no way home and no way to contact your family at this time. Luna and myself are busy and can only offer a few minutes of our time to research an answer."

There goes that idea. "Sure, thanks Celestia. Is there anything else?"

"That will be all." She paused for a time. When she spoke, it felt like all of the authority of Equestria was used. "I have come to a decision." Well, if all I had to do was say who I was, she either knows what she's doing or an idiot. "You will be escorted by guards wherever you go. You will be expected to accept when they prevent you from entering certain areas. As of this moment, you have permission to walk the castle. Areas available are the guest room, kitchen, and portions of the gardens."

Fair...but what am I going to do? I still don't like not seeing my family though. "Thank you. If I come up with anything, how will I contact you?"

"The guards will decide what is best. I will give them instructions. If I find anything that could help you, I will send word." Her calm voice returned. "Be safe, Dex. I will see you around the castle, I'm sure." Before she could leave, I had an idea.

"Celestia, wait!" The guards stiffened at my outburst. She turned around to face me again.

"Yes, Dex?" My constant informal speech didn't change her outward appearance at all.

"I had an idea: could I be allowed access to the guard's training grounds?" At least then, I could get some frustration out.

She looked to the guards on either side of her, then to me. "I don't see why not. Do not disturb them unless they allow it. I will send word." This time, she made it out of the room and turned down the hall. Two guards followed after her.

"Thank you!" I hoped she heard me and then looked at the guards remaining. "So you two will be following me everywhere I go huh?" They didn't say a word.