• Published 7th Jan 2016
  • 298 Views, 0 Comments

In The Closet - Cyberfire1800

Shimmer suspects something is up and brings Shy along for the ride

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Chapter 1 Weirdness

The screams could be heard all around the dark damp hallway and Shimmer could hear them even with her flashlight lighting up the darkness.

"What the hell was that?" said Shimmer as Shy cowardly hid behind her.

"I don't know I'm too scared to find out," said Shy scared.

All of a sudden their friends came out of the shadows with red eyes and Adagio leading them gave a evil smirk then laughed in Shimmer's and Fluttershy's face.

"You evil bitch I'll kill you!" said Shimmer angrily.

"Then try to stop me," said Adagio.

Shimmer charged at her full speed but was stopped by Dash and Pinkie who held her then Shy, keeping them at bay even though they try to squirm away and run as fast as they can.

"Don't worry you'll be with us very soon," said Adagio.

3 Months Before

The school lunch cafeteria was bustling with people sitting down, having conversations but at a particular table sat the girls who were having a full scale war of words with one another but then quickly turned to worry.

"I heard a rumor that Applejack went missing last night," started Dash.

"Maybe she went to a happier place or she could have been snatched by a ghost!" said Pinkie who started imitating ghost noises.

"Unlikely darling, I never saw a ghost snatch her. She's probably just late," said Rarity.

The double doors flung open to reveal Applejack in her normal country girl attire but there was something off.

"Hey y'all," said Applejack as she sat down to greet the others.

"Um AJ you ok? You seem...off," said Shimmer who spotted a choker around Aj's neck with a red gem in the middle shining in the light.

"Applejack your wearing something oddly familiar," said Shy.

"Huh?" asked Applejack.

"Yea very familiar," said Dash as she narrowed her eyes at her.

AJ gave her a cute smile which Dash had to back away from. She hated cute things except for Fluttershy's animals but she never told anyone not even Shimmer, her pride wouldn't allow it.

"Well whatever is going on here with you, we should probably get that pendant off," said Shimmer.

Rarity tried to remove the choker off but with no luck, next was Pinkie who was struggling as well to get it off Applejack.

"What the hay are you doing?" asked Applejack in confusion.

"Trying to remove this thing," said Pinkie struggling to take it off but with no luck.

The pendant glowed bright red and fired a shock wave security mechanism that sent Pinkie flying into a wall leaving a big hole, she stuck there for a few seconds before falling flat on her face out cold.

The others looked and watched in horror and surprise at what just happened...Applejack left the lunch room in a hurry which made Sunset suspicious so she followed her secretly without her country friend knowing she was there.

"Where are you off to?" whispered Sunset as she kept following her.

Applejack went down in a basement under the school where Sunset spotted her old enemy Adagio Dazzle guiding the country girl down the basement stairs then closed the door and locked it shut.

"Hmm..." said Sunset as she went back to the lunchroom to her friends.

"Hey girls I saw one of our old enemies with Applejack," explained Sunset.

The others thought for moment or two until Rarity spoke up.

"Adagio?" asked Rarity hoping to be right.

"Yes Adagio, you know the one who tried to take over the school," reiterated Sunset Shimmer.

The girls looked at her with blank faces but then it hit them. Adagio Dazzle along with her other two friends almost tried to take over CHS but with the help of Princess Twilight Sparkle they're plan was thwarted, now the question was: What is she doing here? Revenge? Or something even more sinister

"I mean yea she did cause the whole school to be mindless zombies but I don't think she would be here," said Dash sipping her drink.

Although Dash could be a pain in the ass sometimes she had valid points a lot of things which frightened people because she never showed her smart side not even to Shimmer.

"Dash that was actually...a very accurate point you made, wow did I just say that?" joked Rarity with a giggle.

Dash blushed in the face in anger and looked at Rarity.

"Look I'm just saying it kinda doesn't make sense for Adagio to be here when we all defeated them during the Battle Of The Bands a few months back, so how the hell is she here?!?" shouted Dash as the lunch room got quiet and everyone turned their attention to Rainbow Dash.

"Dash your causing a scene...sit down," said Rarity as she sat Dash down.

Sunset was not convinced...something was amiss and she planned to find out one way or another.