> In The Closet > by Cyberfire1800 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Chapter 1 Weirdness > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The screams could be heard all around the dark damp hallway and Shimmer could hear them even with her flashlight lighting up the darkness. "What the hell was that?" said Shimmer as Shy cowardly hid behind her. "I don't know I'm too scared to find out," said Shy scared. All of a sudden their friends came out of the shadows with red eyes and Adagio leading them gave a evil smirk then laughed in Shimmer's and Fluttershy's face. "You evil bitch I'll kill you!" said Shimmer angrily. "Then try to stop me," said Adagio. Shimmer charged at her full speed but was stopped by Dash and Pinkie who held her then Shy, keeping them at bay even though they try to squirm away and run as fast as they can. "Don't worry you'll be with us very soon," said Adagio. 3 Months Before The school lunch cafeteria was bustling with people sitting down, having conversations but at a particular table sat the girls who were having a full scale war of words with one another but then quickly turned to worry. "I heard a rumor that Applejack went missing last night," started Dash. "Maybe she went to a happier place or she could have been snatched by a ghost!" said Pinkie who started imitating ghost noises. "Unlikely darling, I never saw a ghost snatch her. She's probably just late," said Rarity. The double doors flung open to reveal Applejack in her normal country girl attire but there was something off. "Hey y'all," said Applejack as she sat down to greet the others. "Um AJ you ok? You seem...off," said Shimmer who spotted a choker around Aj's neck with a red gem in the middle shining in the light. "Applejack your wearing something oddly familiar," said Shy. "Huh?" asked Applejack. "Yea very familiar," said Dash as she narrowed her eyes at her. AJ gave her a cute smile which Dash had to back away from. She hated cute things except for Fluttershy's animals but she never told anyone not even Shimmer, her pride wouldn't allow it. "Well whatever is going on here with you, we should probably get that pendant off," said Shimmer. Rarity tried to remove the choker off but with no luck, next was Pinkie who was struggling as well to get it off Applejack. "What the hay are you doing?" asked Applejack in confusion. "Trying to remove this thing," said Pinkie struggling to take it off but with no luck. The pendant glowed bright red and fired a shock wave security mechanism that sent Pinkie flying into a wall leaving a big hole, she stuck there for a few seconds before falling flat on her face out cold. The others looked and watched in horror and surprise at what just happened...Applejack left the lunch room in a hurry which made Sunset suspicious so she followed her secretly without her country friend knowing she was there. "Where are you off to?" whispered Sunset as she kept following her. Applejack went down in a basement under the school where Sunset spotted her old enemy Adagio Dazzle guiding the country girl down the basement stairs then closed the door and locked it shut. "Hmm..." said Sunset as she went back to the lunchroom to her friends. "Hey girls I saw one of our old enemies with Applejack," explained Sunset. The others thought for moment or two until Rarity spoke up. "Adagio?" asked Rarity hoping to be right. "Yes Adagio, you know the one who tried to take over the school," reiterated Sunset Shimmer. The girls looked at her with blank faces but then it hit them. Adagio Dazzle along with her other two friends almost tried to take over CHS but with the help of Princess Twilight Sparkle they're plan was thwarted, now the question was: What is she doing here? Revenge? Or something even more sinister "I mean yea she did cause the whole school to be mindless zombies but I don't think she would be here," said Dash sipping her drink. Although Dash could be a pain in the ass sometimes she had valid points a lot of things which frightened people because she never showed her smart side not even to Shimmer. "Dash that was actually...a very accurate point you made, wow did I just say that?" joked Rarity with a giggle. Dash blushed in the face in anger and looked at Rarity. "Look I'm just saying it kinda doesn't make sense for Adagio to be here when we all defeated them during the Battle Of The Bands a few months back, so how the hell is she here?!?" shouted Dash as the lunch room got quiet and everyone turned their attention to Rainbow Dash. "Dash your causing a scene...sit down," said Rarity as she sat Dash down. Sunset was not convinced...something was amiss and she planned to find out one way or another. > Chapter 2 Dark Horse > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Driving home from school wasn't the easiest thing in Sunset's life but there were so many questions still unanswered like: What was Adagio doing here? That thought would have to wait because Sunset arrived home and petted her dog Sunbeam. "Hey boy," said Sunset as she stroked the dog's hair then fed him. Sunset walked over to the answering machine to see that she had 1 message, the sound of her caller send a painful shock up her spine. "Oh dear Sunset your one and only friend, at least this time but don't worry you'll be one of us very soon...buh bye," Hearing that message and the voice change Sunset's color to pure white as snow. That means she was here all alongthought Sunset. Her dog Sunbeam barked at the front door as if they're was a intruder approaching the door. "Shh it's ok I got it boy," said Sunset as she opened the door to reveal Adagio. "Why hello there Sunset," started Adagio. "Adagio, of all the people I want to see your the last," exclaimed Sunset as she tried to punch her but Applejack stopped her fist in the blink of an eye. Sunset's eyes widen at the stopped attack and then AJ let go of her hand then stood beside Adagio without saying a word. "Now now let's not get physical Shimmer I came to talk," said Adagio with a wicked smile. "We have nothing to talk about!" shouted Sunset who slammed the door in their faces. Breathing heavily, Sunset had to do something to combat this the way only she could: contact Princess Twilight Sparkle. Sunbeam grabbed the book and Sunset grabbed it, petting her dog as she wrote her message. Dear Princess Twilight Sparkle, I might need your help again and this time it concerns the Dazzlings well one of them anyway please hurry Your Faithful Student, Sunset Shimmer The book closed quickly to tell her that the message was sent. It didn't take a while for Twilight to arrive through Sunset's mirror in the living room. The two best friends embraced each other then Sunset explained what was going on including the part where Applejack was side by side with Adagio. "I see...hm this will be tougher than I thought but it won't be impossible," said Twilight determined. Meanwhile Adagio threw Dash into a dining room wall hard making a huge hole in the wall and into her basement. "It's useless to try to fight Rainbow," said Adagio as she walked through the wreckage. "Yea right Dazzle I won't fall for your tricks," said Dash as she readied herself for another fight. Applejack grabbed Dash's arms pinning her then tied her up making Rainbow vulnerable. Adagio reached in her pocket and pulled out a rainbow colored pendant including her signature mark in the middle of it. "Now don't struggle Dash you'll feel so much better," said Adagio as she put the pendant around Dash's neck. At first Rainbow tried to resist but then after a whole hour her eyes flashed light green as to say the transformation was complete, Applejack untied Rainbow Dash and she bowed to her new master Adagio Dazzle. > Chapter 3 Engulfed > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "I'm sure Adagio found a way to somehow come back to this world," said Twilight as she took a sip of her tea. The thought was interrupted by a loud banging on the front door, Shimmer cautiously opened it to reveal Fluttershy with her shirt ripped up, shoes tarnished and her dress was ripped on one side where her three butterflies resided. "Fluttershy you look like hell come on in right now," said Shimmer as she dragged Shy inside then closed the door. "A-A-A-Adagio tried to...do something horrible to me but she has Dash in her clutches," said Shy still shaken up from her ordeal. Twilight tried to give her a hug but Shimmer stopped her and gave her the "Don't hug her yet" look which Twi understood why. Shy covered up the wounds she had all over including her bloody nose. "Don't worry Shy we'll get Adagio and this time we will end her," said Shimmer determined and with a smile. Meanwhile, Adagio had Dash dry her clothes while Applejack stood by her side, protecting Dazzle from potential threats. "Oh dear it seems that poor Fluttershy got away but no matter the next time she will be mine along with Sunset Shimmer," explained Adagio in between evil laughter. Applejack turned around and joined in then Dash did the same thing until Adagio stopped laughing and narrowed her eyes at them with fire replacing what eyes was present. "Oh sorry Dagi you were laughing at something that me and RD had to tag along," explained Applejack. Adagio laughed again and the two girls joined in. "Well Fluttershy if you need a place to stay this house is open for you that is unless your ready to go back home," offered Sunset with a bright smile. That phrase alone made her light pinked friend feel better despite her ordeal at the hands of Adagio. Twilight agreed to give Shy a change of clothes which boosted her confidence even more than before, but then a knock at the door echoed throughout the house. "I'll get it," said Sunset regretting what she said already. As the door opened something un coiled itself making Sunset feel uneasy and in some cases she was also feeling sick to her stomach. The person who revealed herself was a rainbow haired girl wearing her normal outfit but something didn't click and Sunset knew it. "Rainbow Dash what can I do for you?" asked Sunset keeping her guard up. "I'm here for Fluttershy, give her to me or I will have to use lethal force," commanded Dash in a tone that was unlike her. "Rainbow I can't let you have her," retorted Sunset. Dash tried to punch Sunset but fell short when she tripped the rainbow rockstar to the ground then held her down. "Twilight take Shy and RUN!" shouted Sunset who was still holding Dash down on the ground. Twilight took Fluttershy into the night where lights are not as bright as they were; all of a sudden Rarity, Applejack and Adagio walked towards the two girls then surrounded them. Twilight used her magic to make Shy disappear to a safe place while she dealt with these three. She was outnumbered but that wasn't about to stop her. Adagio and her crew attacked her but Twi used quick attacks to at least give herself some breathing room but was quickly in trouble when Rarity put her in a sleeper hold, wrapping her legs around Twi's waist causing circulation and escape impossible. Twilight was fading fast so she tried to grab something but Adagio put her boot on Twi's hand preventing her from getting anything that would aid her in this predicament. Her vision became blurry as Rarity increased the pressure of the hold until Twilight became unconscious which is what Adagio wanted considering that Twilight has magic beyond control. "Alright Rarity you can let go of her now she won't move," said Adagio. Rarity let her go of her grip then Adagio put the pendant around Twilight's neck which woke her up but under Adagio's spell, she got on one knee as a way to bow to her new master, now that put a smile on Adagio that might need to be surgically removed. > Chapter 4 Under The Surface > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fluttershy ended up underground in a safe area where she saw weapons, maps, kitanas dipped in acid and poison, even some other weird contraptions laid present. Shy tried to call Sunset for help but couldn't get a signal where she was, without warning approaching footsteps echoed through the hallway and getting closer with each step. Shy had no time to think so the smart thing was that she hid in a locker hoping whoever or whatever came would go away. The person looked around and sniffed the air for the perfume lavender embrace, just like that Sunset opened a locker door where her friend Fluttershy was present and cowering in fear as she was curled up in a ball shivering slightly. "Fluttershy there you are I've been looking all over for you I traced your cellphone down here and then I smelled your perfume," explained Sunset. "Oh thank goodness it's you Sunset," exclaimed Shy who gave her friend a big hug. Their reunion was cut short as Twilight chased after them and was fast approaching but Shimmer fired a few warning shots at her former friend which was enough time for the trio to escape. Opening the hatch, they ended up at Canterlot High School in the closet or basement. Sunset helped Fluttershy out and decided to try to load up before Adagio finds out what's going on. "Shimmer what's going on? Twilight used a spell to send me here then nothing else," asked Fluttershy who grabbed a baseball bat. "I don't know yet just be ready for anything ok?" asked Shimmer. Fluttershy nodded and also gulped in fear at the same time, fearing what happened to Twilight Sparkle as she did sacrifice herself in order to save her. It tore her mind apart and made her feel sorry that she could've stayed behind to let Adagio corrupt Shy's mind but Twilight was willing to let herself fall under Adagio's spell. Her and Sunset walked through the dark damp hallways of CHS until they heard a blood curdling scream coming from somewhere down the hall. "What was that?" asked Fluttershy as she cowered behind Sunset Shimmer. "I have no idea but let's keep going ok? Stay close to me," reassured Shimmer as she turned her flashlight on. Sunset walked further taking careful steps not alarming anyone who might be still be inside. Footsteps actually steps of high heeled boots echoed through the hallways causing Fluttershy to shake in her boots but Sunset stood her ground as the steps got louder and louder then stopped. "Oh Sunset you are not going to make this easy are you? You have done everything to protect the ones you hold dear yet you failed," said Adagio as she steeped out of the shadows. Sunset kept her guard up ready for whoever was about to attack her and Fluttershy. "Sunset go ahead and try to hit me I dare you," said Adagio baiting Shimmer to hit her. Like a moth to a flame, Sunset tried to charge at her but Rarity and Twilight held her back while Pinkie Pie put Fluttershy in a choke hold, almost snapping her neck but Adagio motioned Pinkie to lower the pressure and she did. "Let me go! You guys are my friends!" shouted Sunset. "Oh Sunset dear they can't hear you over my spell singing to them keeping them under my control," explained Adagio. "You asshole!" yelled Sunset. Adagio slapped Sunset so hard that she hit the wall hard head first and as Sunset got up from the slap she cocked her gun and fired it at her attacker. The bullet hit a place where Adagio had the most control: her pendant. The glass shattered into nothing more than pieces that scattered across the floor. Green mist came out and went into the air vents, without the mist everyone reverted back to normal. "What on earth just happened? Also my head hurts," asked Rainbow Dash holding her head in pain. While everyone was distracted with trying to figure out what happened, this was Adagio's chance to escape quickly in the midst in the confusion. "It's a long story that I will tell you guys over some tea," said Sunset.